![Vol. 1 Gozitan Recipes](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
riċetti minn vol. 1 għawdex gozitan recipes ™ Dak li dari kien magħruf bħala l-kċina fqira, illum huwa meqjus ™ bħala ikel sustanzjuż u ġenwin ta’ bosta riċetti Maltin u Għawdxin merħba What used to be know as ‘Cucina povera’, poor man’s dinner, is today the basis of a healthy Mediterranean diet. welcome WEIGHTS & MEASURES L-għan ta’ dan il-ktieb tar-riċetti huwa li jagħti The aim of this recipe book is to revive the spinta lil tradizzjonijiet u drawwiet tal-kċina traditions and customs of Maltese, homemade WEIGHT VOLUME MEASUREMENT tradizzjonali Maltija. cuisine. At Magro Brothers, we strongly believe in the 10g ¼oz 1.25ml ¼ teaspoon 5mm ¼ inch Għand Magro Brothers, aħna nemmnu bis- folklore of our gastronomic inheritance. For 15g ½oz 2.5ml ½ teaspoon 1cm ½ inch sħiħ fil-folklor u l-wirt gastronomiku tagħna. years we have strived to build up a basket of Għal ħafna snin stinkajna biex nibnu sensiela 25g 1 oz 5ml 1 teaspoon 2cm ¾ inch products that not only make us proud but also ta` prodotti li jagħmluna kburin għax joffru ensure quality and diversification. 50g 1¾oz 15ml 1 tablespoon 2.5cm 1 inch kwalità għolja u togħmiet bnini u differenti. Our products, such as THREE HILLS BRAND 75g 2¾oz 150ml ¼ pint 5cm 2 inches Eżempji bħall-kunserva THREE HILLS, prodotti Kunserva and fresh Deli products, MAYOR friski tad-delì THREE HILLS, it-tadam tal-MAYOR 100g 3½oz 300ml ½ pint 10cm 4 inches Tomato Pulp and Juice, and ĦANINI’S range u l-irkotta u l-ġibniet tal-ĦANINI, huma kollha 150g 5½oz 600ml 1 pint 15cm 6 inches of Ġibniet (we named them just the way we xhieda tal-wirt kulinari ta` gżiritna. 200g 7oz 1ltr 1¾ pints 20cm 8 inches Gozitan pronounce the word!) are reminiscent 225g 8oz 1.2ltr 2 pints 25cm 10 inches Ir-riċetti li jinsabu f’dan il-ktieb jinkludu wkoll of our island’s culinary heritage. informazzjoni dwar il-valuri ta’ nutrizzjoni, pass The recipes enclosed in this book also include ieħor fl-impenn tagħna li noħolqu prodotti nutritional information values, another step OVEN TEMPERATURES li huma tajbin għas-saħħa u sustanzjuzi. towards our commitment to creating products L-informazzjoni mogħtija hija applikabbli għall- that are healthy and nutritious. The information CELSIUS FAHRENHEIT GAS DESCRIPTION ingredjenti u użin mogħti fir-riċetti – bidla fl- given is applicable to the ingredients and 110ºC 225ºF ¼ Cool ingredjenti bla dubju ġġib tibdil fit-tabella tas- weights given in the recipes - a change in the 140ºC 275ºF 1 Very Low sustanzi f’kull porzjon. ingredients will obviously change the nutrition table per serving. 150ºC 300ºF 2 Very Low Nittamaw illi tieħu gost tuża dan il-ktieb u 170ºC 325ºF 3 Low We hope that you will enjoy using this book taqsam it-togħma bnina ta’ dawn ir-riċetti mal- and share the great taste of these recipes with 180ºC 350ºF 4 Moderate għeżież tiegħek. your loved ones. 190ºC 375ºF 5 Moderate/Hot 200ºC 400ºF 6 Hot 220ºC 425ºF 7 Hot 230ºC 455ºF 8 Very Hot ® for fan assisted ovens reduce temperatures by 20ºC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. Text and design copyright: © Magro Brothers (Foods) Limited, Xewkija - Gozo Malta - 2011 - www.magro.com.mt Maltese Specialities Dan il-platt tipikament sajfi jagħmel parti kbira mid-dieta Mediterranja - frisk, bnin u ġenwin! antipast għawdxi This typical summer platter gives evidence to our fresh, healthy and nutritious Mediterranean diet! gozitan antipasto platter Għal 6 Persuni Serves 6 Ingredjenti Dan il-platt jinżel Ingredients għasel ma’ biċċa ħobż tewma ħadra friska mqatta’ tal-Malti bil-Kunserva fresh garlic, finely chopped Crunchy Maltese 3 tadamiet friski mqattgħin tat-Three Hills bread with Three Hills 3 fresh tomatoes, sliced Kunserva served with 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 2 tablespoons olive oil this dish just makes 2 x 220g Three Hills Deli’ Fażola bit-Tewm your mouth water! 2 x 220g Three Hills Deli’ 1 x 225g Three Hills Deli’ Bigilla Butter Beans with Fresh Garlic 8 Three Hills Deli’ Żebbuġ Mimli 1 x 225g Three Hills Deli’ Broad Bean & 4 Three Hills Deli’ Tadam Imqadded bil- Parsley Dip Ħabaq 8 Three Hills Deli’ Stuffed Olives with Tuna 2 mgħaref kappar and Anchovies 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Friski 4 Three Hills Deli’ Sun-dried Tomatoes with 4 Ħanini Ġibniet tal-Bżar Basil 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin 2 tablespoons capers borża gallett 2 Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets 4 kisriet ħobż tal-Malti (70g il-waħda) 4 Ħanini Mature Peppered Cheeselets tursina friska mqatta’ fina 2 Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets 3 mgħaref Three Hills Kunserva għal mal- packet of galletti - water biscuits ħobż 4 slices hard crust Maltese bread (70g each slice) ftit bżar fresh parsley, finely chopped 3 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva to spread Metodu on the bread Fi skutella, qatta’ t-tewma ħadra friska, fresh ground pepper flimkien mat-tadam u ħallat maż-żejt taż- Method żebbuġa. Qatta’ kollox u servi fuq platt. Żejjen bit-tursina friska. Itfa’ ftit bżar u servi. In a bowl, place the chopped garlic with the Dan il-platt idealment jiġi servut qabel l-ikla fresh tomatoes and olive oil and mix well. prinċipali jew għal xi festin. Prepare all the ingredients and present on a platter. Garnish with parsley. Season to taste. This plate is normally served before the main meal or as a party platter. Calories 741kcal Carbohydrate 68.3g Nutritional Sugars 11.2g Information per Serving Fat 39.5g Din is-soppa tradizzjonalment tissajjar fiż-żmien ir-randan, meta l-ful ikun fl-istaġun. Il-ġbejniet huma popolari ħafna fil-kċina għawdxija. Traditionally this wholesome soup is cooked during lent when kusksu bil-ful broad beans are in season. The fresh cheeselets are commonly used in Gozitan cooking. bean & pasta soup Għal 4 Persuni Għall-platt Ingredjenti aktar bnin ipprova l-Kunserva tat-Three Serves 4 Hills mingħajr Melħ mgħarfa żejt Miżjud jew b’anqas Ingredients 2 basliet imqattgħin zokkor. 1 tablespoon cooking oil 2 sinniet tewm imqattgħin f’biċċiet żgħar 2 onions, chopped 2 mgħaref Three Hills Kunserva 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 3 litri ilma 2 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva 4 patatiet imqaxxrin u maqsumin f’erbgħa 3 litres water 300g ful aħdar 4 potatoes, peeled and quartered 2 karrotti mqattgħin biċċiet 300g broad beans ftit bżar u melħ 2 carrots, chopped 4 Ħanini Ġibniet Friski salt and pepper 200g kusksu 4 Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets Metodu 200g kusksu (small pasta balls) Saħħan iz-żejt ġo borma u qalli l-basla u Method t-tewma sakemm jiħmaru ftit. Żid il-kunserva In a pot, gently heat tat-Three Hills u l-ilma. Ħalli jagħli u itfa’ For a healthier the oil and fry the option, substitute l-patata, l-ful u l-karrotti, kif ukoll ftit melħ u the traditional Three onions and garlic bżar. Kompli sajjar fuq nar moderat għal 30 Hills Kunserva with the until golden. Add the No Salt Added or Less minuta. Itfa’ l-Ġibniet Friski tal-Ħanini u ftit Sugar Added varieties Three Hills Kunserva wara itfa’ l-kusku ġol-borma, ħawwad sew u and the water. Once the water boils, add għatti. Sajjar għal 10 minuti u servi sħun. the potatoes, carrots and the broad beans. Season to taste. Cook on moderate heat for around 30 minutes. Add Ħanini’s Fresh Cheeselets followed by the kusksu pasta. Stir well and continue simmering for a further 10 minutes or until the pasta has cooked. Serve warm. Calories 746kcal Carbohydrate 117.5g Nutritional Sugars 14.3g Information per Serving Fat 12.5g Il-kawlata tinżel għasel, ma’ kisra ħobż tqarmeċ fil-ġranet kesħin tax-xitwa. L-Għawdxin normalment iservu s-soppa għaliha u wara jservu l-laħam bħala t-tieni platt. kawlata This soup is delicious, served with crunchy oven-baked bread during the cold winter months. Gozitans normally serve the soup on its own and the meat served separately as a main course. pork & vegetable soup Għal 6 Persuni Ingredjenti 150g għads Serves 6 4 litri ilma Ingredients mgħarfa żejt 150g lentils This recipe is also 2 mgħaref Three Hills Kunserva delicious as a 300g pastard imqatta’ 4 litres water vegetarian dish if you eliminate the pork 300g kaboċċi mqattgħin tablespoon cooking oil from the ingredients. 200g qara ħamra mqatta’ 2 tbs Three Hills Kunserva basla mqatta’ Jekk trid tagħmel 300g cauliflower, chopped dan il-platt 300g white cabbage, chopped 200g ġidra żgħira mqatta’ veġetarjan, elimina 2 karrotti mqattgħin l-majjal mir-riċetta. 200g pumpkin, chopped 400g qara bagħlija mqatta’ 1 onion, chopped 400g qatgħat majjal tal-koxxa 200g turnip, peeled and chopped 4 Ħanini Ġibniet Friski 2 carrots, chopped ftit bżar u melħ 400g marrow, chopped 30g Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkuka 400g sliced pork shank 4 Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets Metodu salt and pepper 30g Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets, grated Xarrab l-għads mill-ġurnata ta’ qabel fi ftit ilma fietel. L-għada, imla borma b’ 4 litri ilma Method u magħha żid l-għads imħallat li tkun xarrabt. Itfa’ l-imgħarfa żejt u l-Kunserva tat-Three Soak the lentils overnight in luke warm Hills. Ħalli fuq nar għoli għal madwar nofs water. Fill a deep pot with the water, add siegħa. Wara, itfa l-ħaxix imqatta’ u l-majjal. the soaked lentils, the cooking oil and Three Ħalli fuq nar għoli sakemm tagħli u wara ħalli Hills Kunserva. Bring to the boil. Add all the l-ħaxix itektek fuq nar baxx għal madwar vegetables and pork and simmer for around siegħa. Żid il-Ġibniet Friski tal-Ħanini u ħalli an hour.
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