lished by the Ufcrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association j гаІИН V Vol. LXi mNo. 13 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1993 50 cents Khasbulatov arrives in Kyyiv; Ukraine reacts to crisis in Russia by Marta Kolomayets "Events currently taking place in the visit's motives are questioned Kyyiv Press Bureau Russian Federation generate serious by Marta Kolomayets Other deputies who support demo­ uneasiness among the leadership of Kyyiv Press Bureau cratic reforms agreed that Mr. Khasbu- KYYIV — Despite destabilizing Ukraine. Analyzing this new turn in the latov's trip was politically propelled as events in Moscow over the weekend of poUtical battle taking place in Russia, KYYIV — The Friday, March 19, he monitored Ukraine's reaction to March 20-21, all remained quiet in U- we conclude that the conflicts between visit of Russian Parliament Chairman recent events in Moscow and weighed kraine, as the majority of democratical­ the various state powers should not halt Ruslan Khasbulatov to Kyyiv provoked the support he has among the deputies ly oriented parties and coalitions voiced the course of democratic reforms and the interests of numerous Ukrainian in the Ukrainian Parliament. their support for Russian President should not result in dramatic consequen­ Boris Yeltsin. parliamentarians who speculated as to Even Oleksander Moroz, the leader ces," the press release said. why this controversial figure had ar­ of the SociaUst Party of Ukraine, was In an official statement issued by his Mr. Kravchuk called for economic rived in Ukraine for an official visit just wary in offering his wholehearted cooperation between Ukraine and days after the conclusion of a volatile office on Sunday afternoon, March 21, support to Mr. Khasbulatov. "I think President Leonid Kravchuk expressed Russia and said that his nation of 52 eighth session of the Congress of that each sphere, each direction of work People's Deputies in Russia, "decisive support for the reformist million would actively support demo­ should be examined separately. Yes, in course taken by the leadership of Although Mr. Khasbulatov main­ cratic processes in Russia and promote my opinion, there are some supporters, Russia," one day after Mr. Yeltsin as­ friendly, good-neighborly relations tained he had scheduled his visit to (Continued on page 18) sumed emergency powers in Russia. Ukraine long ago to develop closer ties (Continued on page 15) with the second most important mem­ ber of the Commonwealth of Indepen­ dent States and was traveling in the Ukrainian team debuts at Toronto track and ПеІЛ^^^^^^ capacity of chairman of the Inter-Par­ liamentary Assembly, few democratic Kravets sets record deputies were willing to accept his words at face value. in triple jump "The organizer of the constitutional coup in Russia arrived in Kyyiv to by Nestor Gula motivate the reactionary communist Special to The Ukrainian Weekly spirit in Ukraine," said Vyacheslav Chornovil, the leader of Rukh. TORONTO ~ For the first time in history, Ukrainian track and field athletes competed under their own flag Zlenko decries and as an independent team in an inter­ national event. This happened at the fourth International Amateur Athletic US. focus on Federation (lAAF) World Indoor Championships in Athletics held in Ukraine's nukes Toronto on March 12-14. The event was held in Toronto's Skydome. by Marta Kolomayets The Ukrainian team comprised 13 Kyyiv Press Bureau athletes — eight women and five men, as well as a trainer and the head of Track KYYIV — Asserting that nuclear and Field Federation of Ukraine. The policy should not be the "epicenter of team won a total of five medals: one Ukrainian-U. S. relations," Ukraine's gold and four bronze. As well, Ukraine Foreign Minister Anatoliy Zlenko on had two athletes place fourth, one March 23 embarked on his first official placing fifth and two more placing sixth. visit to meet with representatives of the In final standings the Ukrainian team Clinton administration. finished in the top 10 — not too shabby, On the eve of what Mr. Zlenko called especially for a country that is virtually a "historic first," he cautioned U.S. broke and where are the average salary journalists in Kyyiv that the future of is somewhere between $10 and $20 a Ukraine's nuclear status would be month. decided only by the Supreme Council, The first Ukrainian medal came on which will examine START I, the the first day, Friday, March 12. Inessa Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Kravets, who hails from Dnipropetrov- the Lisbon Protocol sometime in the ske and trains in Kyyiv, won the bronze future. He did, however, add that the for her performance in the long jump. topic of security guarantees for Ukraine She was paired in this event with would be discussed during meetings in another Ukrainian, Larysa Berezhnaya, Washington. who is from Kyyiv but now trains in Mr. Zlenko, who flew to Washington Sweden. Both qualified for the final and via New York, where he met with Ms. Kravets won the bronze, with a jump United Nation's Secretary General of 6.77 meters, while Ms. Berezhnaya Boutros-Boutros Ghali to discuss the ended up in fifth place with a jump of strife in the former republic of Yugosla­ 6.74 meters. Ms. Kravets was robbed of via. Afterwards on March 24-26, Mini­ the silver by the German jumper Susan ster Zlenko planned to meet with U.S. Tiedke, who as the last jumper leapt Secretary of State Warren Christopher, seven centimeters more than Ms. Defense Secretary Les Aspin, as well as Kravets. Inessa Kravets of Ukraine receives the gold medal for her world-record setting performance in the triple jump. On the left is the silver medalist, Yolanda Chen of (Cofitlmied on page 15) (Continued on page 10) Russia, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1993 No. 13 Catholics seek Church's rehabilitation Newsbriefs LVIV — Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Ivan Lubachivsky, head of the UGCC, faithful called for the official rehabili­ has discussed rehabilitating the newly on Ukraine tation of their Church during a March 7 legalized Church with Ukrainian Presi­ memorial service commemorating the dent Leonid Kravchuk on several occa­ 47th anniversary of the 1946 pseudo- sions. synod that liquidated it. Some 20,000 • KYYIV — Ukrainian TV carried a Gen. Aleksandr Lebed, commander of a At the May 1992 synod of UGCC report on March 22 stating that most Russian army formation in the region. faithful, representatives of the Lviv bishops, a document appealing for Oblast Council and people's deputies political parties and organizations in They described the area as "Russia's key rehabilitation was drafted and sent to Ukraine support Russian President to the Balkans" and as a strategic gathered at the Lviv Opera House plaza President Kravchuk. to participate in the moleben and Boris Yeltsin in his struggle with the crossroads affecting Ukraine, Romania meeting, reported the Church's press During the September 1992 ceremo­ parliamentary opposition. The item and the Black Sea. (RFE/RL Daily bureau. nies commemorating the return of suggested that the clash is seen as one Report) Patriarch Josyf Slipyj's remains to Lviv, between supporters of democracy and Rehabilitation of the Ukrainian • LONDON — The March 17 issue of Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC) by the President Kravchuk publiclv acknowl­ those who seek a reversion to a Com­ edged that rehabilitation of the Church munist totalitarian regime. However, The Daily Telegraph of London quoted Ukrainian government has been a a Ukrainian government official who priority of its 5 million members since and return of its property was an issue. the Socialist Party of Ukraine (the To date, however, nothing has been former Communists) have claimed that said that large amounts of humanita­ the Church emerged from the under­ rian aid from abroad have been ground and was legalized in 1989. resolved. Mr. Yeltsin's stalled economic reform The March 7 memorial service, or­ program is to blame for the conflict. siphoned off by phony charities. Of The 1946 pseudo-synod, orchestrated 11,500 tons of aid registered by Ukrai­ by the Soviet government, effectively ganized by the Audrey Sheptytsky (RFE/RL Daily Report) Society and the Ukrainian Greek-Cath­ nian customs in 1992, only one-third nullified the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic reached the Red Cross and state bodies. Church, banishing its clergy and seizing olic Church World Congress of Chris­ • CHISINAU — According to Mol- tians, with the blessing of the Lviv dovan press reports of March 20, The official went on to say that the its property. Churches were closed, torn government intends to set up a compu­ down or transferred to the Russian Archeparchy, featured a moleben con- Ukrainian Prime Minister Leonid celebrated by Archbishop Volodymyr Kuchma met with his Moldovan terized data bank linking customs with Orthodox Church. Today UGCC faith­ central and regional authorities to track ful, who are predominantly from west­ Sterniuk, Bishops Julian Voronovsky counterpart, Andrei Sangheli, and Mol­ and Filemon Kurchaba, and over 200 dovan President Mircea Snegur in a the distribution of future aid. The ern Ukraine, are free to practice their official also indicated that legislation religion but do not have access to priests. two-day visit here. Accompanied by a large delegation of government officials, providing for the monitoring of cha­ churches. Rehabilitation would allow The following addressed the meeting rities and the "militarization" of the for the return of all UGCC property that followed: Ivan Неї, vice-chairman Mr. Kuchma finalized bilateral agree­ ments on cooperation in transport, customs service is being drafted. (RFE/ seized by the Soviet regime in 1946. of the Lviv Oblast Council; Mykhailo RL Daily Report) The issue of legalizing and rehabili­ Kosiv, people's deputy and chairman of energy, telecommunications, finance, tating the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic the UGCC World Congress of Chris­ culture and education.
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