1 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Supplementary Fig. S1. LD mice used in this study accumulate polyglucosan inclusions (Lafora bodies) in the brain. Samples from the hippocampus of five months old control, Epm2a-/- (lacking laforin) and Epm2b-/- mice (lacking malin) were stained with periodic acid Schiff reagent (PAS staining), which colors polysaccharide granules in red. Bar: 50 m. Supplementary Fig. S2. Principal component analysis (PCA) representing the first two components with the biggest level of phenotypic variability. Samples 1_S1 to 4_S4 corresponded to control, 5_S5, 6_S6 and 8_S8 to Epm2a-/- and 9_S9 to 12_S12 to Epm2b- /- samples, of animals of 16 months of age respectively. Supplementary Table S1. Primers used in this work to validate the expression of the corresponding genes by RT-qPCR. Supplementary Table S2: Genes downregulated more than 0.5 fold in Epm2a-/- and Epm2b-/- mice of 16 months of age. The gene name, false discovery rate (FDR), fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. Genes are arranged according to FC. Supplementary Table S3: Genes upregulated more than 1.5 fold in Epm2a-/- mice of 16 months of age. The gene name, false discovery rate (FDR), fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. Genes are arranged according to FC. Supplementary Table S4: Genes upregulated more than 1.5 fold in Epm2b-/- mice of 16 months of age. The gene name, false discovery rate (FDR), fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. Genes are arranged according to FC. 2 Supplementary Table S5: Genes upregulated in both Epm2a-/- and Epm2b-/- mice of 16 months of age. The gene name, false discovery rate (FDR), fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. Genes are arranged according to FC. Supplementary Table S6: Genes upregulated more than 2.0 fold only in Epm2a-/- or only in Epm2b-/- mice of 16 months of age. The gene name, false discovery rate (FDR), fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. Genes are arranged according to FC. Supplementary Table S7: Common genes upregulated in both Epm2a-/- and Epm2b-/- mice of 16 months of age classified by putative physiological function. The gene name, fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. In each group genes are arranged by FC. Supplementary Table S8: Genes upregulated more than 1.2 fold (in grey) or downregulated less than 0.8 fold in Epm2a-/- or in Epm2b-/- mice of 3 months of age. The gene name, false discovery rate (FDR), fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. Genes are arranged according to FC. 3 4 5 Supplementary Table S1. Primers used in this work to validate the expression of the corresponding genes by RT-qPCR. Gene Forward primer 5’-3’ Reserve primer 5’-3’ Lcn2 CAGAAGGCAGCTTTACGATG CCTGGAGCTTGGAACAAATG Mmp3 TTGTCCCGTTTCCATCTCTC AGAGCTGCACATTGGTGATG Cxcl10 CCGTCATTTTCTGCCTCATC CTCGCAGGGATGATTTCAAG C3 TCCTGAACTGGTCAACATGG AAACTGGGCAGCACGTATTC Ccl2 AGGTGTCCCAAAGAAGCTGTAG TCTGGACCCATTCCTTCTTG Ccl5 AGCAAGTGCTCCAATCTTGC CTTGAACCCACTTCTTCTCTGG Ccl12 ACCATCAGTCCTCAGGTATTGG TTCCGGACGTGAATCTTCTG H2-M2 TAAAGGATCCCACTCCTTGC TCAAACCTCGGATTCTCAGC Wisp2 ATACAGGTGCCAGGAAGGTG ACAAGGGCAGAAAGTTGGTG Actb ACTGAGCTGCGTTTTACACC AGCCATGCCAATGTTGTCTC 6 Supplementary Table S2: Genes downregulated more than 0.5 fold in Epm2a-/- and Epm2b-/- mice of 16 months of age. The gene name, false discovery rate (FDR), fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. Genes are arranged according to FC. A) Epm2a-/- Gene FDR FC Description [MGI Id] Gm48677 0.0259 0.49 predicted gene. 48677 [Id:6098297] AU022754 0.0207 0.49 expressed sequence AU022754 [Id:2146143] Gm16386 0.0164 0.49 predicted gene 16386 [Id:3646848] D930015M05Rik 0.0281 0.49 RIKEN cDNA D930015M05 gene [Id:3612068] Krt20 0.0006 0.48 keratin 20 [Id:1914059] Zfp951 9.55E-05 0.48 zinc finger protein 951 [Id:2441896] aryl-hydrocarbon receptor repressor Ahrr 0.0272 0.47 [Id:1333776] Arhgap28 0.0151 0.47 Rho GTPase activating protein 28 [Id:2147003] Gm45533 0.0335 0.47 predicted gene 45533 [Id:5791369] A830036E02Rik 6.47E-12 0.47 RIKEN cDNA A830036E02 gene [Id:3686876] Gm28307 0.0222 0.47 predicted gene 28307 [Id:5579013] 5930430L01Rik 0.0007 0.46 RIKEN cDNA 5930430L01 gene [Id:2443110] Gm5066 0.0053 0.46 predicted gene 5066 [Id:3645897] cytochrome P450. family 2. subfamily e. Cyp2e1 0.0165 0.46 polypeptide 1 [Id:88607] Car3 0.0118 0.46 carbonic anhydrase 3 [Id:88270] Gm9752 0.0130 0.45 predicted gene 9752 [Id:3641896] Zfp474 0.0175 0.45 zinc finger protein 474 [Id:1914008] 2010001K21Rik 0.0399 0.44 RIKEN cDNA 2010001K21 gene [Id:1917079] Gm38101 0.0012 0.44 predicted gene. 38101 [Id:5611329] B230303O12Rik 0.0020 0.43 RIKEN cDNA B230303O12 gene [Id:2442644] Sostdc1 0.0024 0.43 sclerostin domain containing 1 [Id:1913292] family with sequence similarity 166. member B Fam166b 0.0210 0.42 [Id:2445194] Gm45104 0.0392 0.42 predicted gene 45104 [Id:5753680] Gm28455 0.0070 0.38 predicted gene 28455 [Id:5579161] 3110070M22Rik 0.0024 0.28 RIKEN cDNA 3110070M22 gene [Id:1914554] Gm15834 0.0001 0.26 predicted gene 15834 [Id:3802168] Gm28438 8.27E-10 0.24 predicted gene 28438 [Id:5579144] epilepsy. progressive myoclonic epilepsy. type 2 Epm2a 1.75E-08 0.04 gene alpha [Id:1341085] 7 B) Epm2b-/- Gene FDR FC Description [MGI Id] Gm11249 0.0234 0.49 predicted gene 11249 [Id:3650834] Gm44249 0.0276 0.49 predicted gene. 44249 [Id:5690641] maestro heat-like repeat family member 5 Mroh5 0.0049 0.48 [Id:2685474] Gm26981 0.0095 0.48 predicted gene. 26981 [Id:5504096] ribosomal protein L17. pseudogene 10 Rpl17-ps10 0.0005 0.48 [Id:3642871] Rnf138rt1 0.0274 0.48 ring finger protein 138. retrogene 1 [Id:1921514] Gm16618 0.0154 0.48 predicted gene. 16618 [Id:4439542] Gm15834 0.0040 0.48 predicted gene 15834 [Id:3802168] Aldoa-ps4 0.0073 0.46 aldolase A. pseudogene 4 [Id:3643617] Gm9570 0.0022 0.46 predicted gene 9570 [Id:3779980] solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter Slc6a5 3.48E-05 0.44 transporter. glycine). member 5 [Id:105090] S100 calcium binding protein A9 (calgranulin B) S100a9 0.0294 0.42 [Id:1338947] G530011O06Rik 0.0154 0.39 RIKEN cDNA G530011O06 gene [Id:3603513] Gm5083 3.28E-05 0.39 predicted gene 5083 [Id:3779454] Gm5822 0.0052 0.38 predicted gene 5822 [Id:3648836] Hoxb5 0.0275 0.28 homeobox B5 [Id:96186] Hoxa5 0.0343 0.21 homeobox A5 [Id:96177] A330076C08Rik 7.84E-09 0.16 RIKEN cDNA A330076C08 gene [Id:2443693] Nhlrc1 4.49E-21 0.00 NHL repeat containing 1 [Id:2145264] 8 Supplementary Table S3: Genes upregulated more than 1.5 fold in Epm2a-/- mice of 16 months of age. The gene name, false discovery rate (FDR), fold change (FC), description and MGI Id (mouse genome informatics) are indicated. Genes are arranged according to FC. Gene FDR FC Description [MGI Id] Chil3 0.0080 201.73 chitinase-like 3 [Id:1330860] Lcn2 1.57E-08 138.06 lipocalin 2 [Id:96757] Retnla 0.0498 50.80 resistin like alpha [Id:1888504] Mmp3 4.46E-07 44.19 matrix metallopeptidase 3 [Id:97010] H2-M2 6.16E-06 42.23 histocompatibility 2. M region locus 2 [Id:95914] Mmp12 0.0062 36.94 matrix metallopeptidase 12 [Id:97005] Ccl8 0.0023 26.36 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 8 [Id:101878] ATPase. H+ transporting. lysosomal V0 subunit D2 Atp6v0d2 0.0068 22.77 [Id:1924415] Cxcl10 1.65E-12 21.84 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 [Id:1352450] Arg1 0.0489 15.92 arginase. liver [Id:88070] C3 1.74E-05 15.51 complement component 3 [Id:88227] Ccl2 9.12E-08 13.40 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 [Id:98259] Ccl5 7.37E-12 13.10 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 [Id:98262] Steap4 5.84E-16 12.91 STEAP family member 4 [Id:1923560] Hcar2 9.3E-07 12.91 hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2 [Id:1933383] Tgm1 1.32E-10 12.80 transglutaminase 1. K polypeptide [Id:98730] Cxcl5 0.0001 12.73 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 5 [Id:1096868] Gm47283 3.49E-06 12.14 predicted gene. 47283 [Id:6096131] Wisp2 4.03E-06 11.47 WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 2 [Id:1328326] serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor. clade A. member Serpina3i 0.0005 11.30 3I [Id:2182841] T cell-interacting. activating receptor on myeloid cells 1 Tarm1 0.0084 10.82 [Id:2442280] Il1rl1 0.0047 9.42 interleukin 1 receptor-like 1 [Id:98427] Timp1 6.48E-12 9.19 tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 [Id:98752] Fcgr4 2.38E-06 9.15 Fc receptor. IgG. low affinity IV [Id:2179523] CD74 antigen (invariant polypeptide of major histocompatibility complex. class II antigen-associated) Cd74 0.0138 7.96 [Id:96534] Clec7a 0.0020 7.87 C-type lectin domain family 7. member a [Id:1861431] Ccl12 3.82E-09 6.99 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 12 [Id:108224] Cst7 0.0064 6.50 cystatin F (leukocystatin) [Id:1298217] Itgax 0.0046 6.47 integrin alpha X [Id:96609] Ccl11 0.0274 6.47 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 11 [Id:103576] AI838599 1.55E-05 6.40 expressed sequence AI838599 [Id:3510989] Acp5 0.0002 6.17 acid phosphatase 5. tartrate resistant [Id:87883] H2-Ab1 0.0136 6.03 histocompatibility 2. class II antigen A. beta 1 [Id:103070] H2-Aa 0.0136 5.81 histocompatibility 2. class II antigen A. alpha [Id:95895] 9 AA465934 1.64E-13 5.65 expressed sequence AA465934 [Id:2671018] Lyz2 0.0004 5.47 lysozyme 2 [Id:96897] Ly9 1.35E-06 5.44 lymphocyte antigen 9 [Id:96885] Zbp1 1.03E-05 5.14 Z-DNA binding protein 1 [Id:1927449] leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor.
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