INDEX Acarigua, 26, 39, 40, 41, 50 Acurigua, 33 Agua Blanca, 44 Agua

INDEX Acarigua, 26, 39, 40, 41, 50 Acurigua, 33 Agua Blanca, 44 Agua

INDEX Acarigua, 26, 39, 40, 41, 50 basalt and basic igneous rocks (see also Acurigua, 33 "greenstones," peridotite, etc.), 6,13, Agua Blanca, 44 15, 36, 37, 50, 51, 59, 63-68, 69, 93 Agua Caliente anticline, 25, 27 Barth, T. F. W„ 76, 101 Agua Clara, 33 Bay of Whales (Antarctic), 84 Agua Linda, 32 Beata ridge and trend, 83 Agua Salada Group, 77 Bergantín formation, 43, 74 Agua Santa, 10 Blanquilla (Isl.), 67, 83 Aguerrevere, S. E., 3, 40, 41, 45, 50, 53, Bobare, 37 66, 100 Boca Suata, 52 Algodones, 37 Boca Tocuyo, 35 Altagracia de Orituco, 54, 90, 92 Boca Unare, 57 ammonites, 42, 52-53, 63, 70, 79 Bochalema, 28 amphibolites, 66, 67, 68 Boconó, 16 Andean geosyncline, 49 Bolivar coast and trend, 10, 11, 83 Andes (Venezuelan), 6, 9, 13-32, 39, 89, Bonaire (Isl.), 66, 69-71 93, 98 Bonazzi, Augusto, 4 Andes, structural plan, 19-22 Borracha (Isl.), 39, 55, 61, 73, 75 andesites, 69, 93 Bowler, F. W„ 103 Anegada Passage, 83 breccia, gigantic, 57 Angel Fall, 100 Brineman, J. H., 103 Antillean revolution, 82 Brownson trough, 75 Antilles, Greater, 83 Bucaramanga, 16 Antilles, Lesser, 84 Buena Vista (Falcón), 63 Antímano, 51 Bucher, W. H„ 20, 21, 24, 29, 84, 101 antithetic faults, 88-90 Buchivacoa, 34, 35 Aptian, 42 Apure basin, 93-95 Cabimas, 10 Aramina formation, 59 Cabo Blanco, 61 Araya Peninsula, 73, 75, 77, 78, 82 Cabo Blanco formation, 48, 61 Aroa, 33, 39, 40 Cabo Codera, 49 Aroa Mtns., 55 Cabo La Vela (Goaj.), 65 Aruba (Isl.), 66, 67, 71, 83 Cabure, 32, 36 Augengneiss, 40, 46, 50 Cagua, 45 Azulita, 16 Caigua, 61 Camatagua, 60 Bailey, E. B., 58, 101 Camoruco, 40 Balk, Robert, 76, 101 Campo Carabobo, 44 Baragua, 32, 36, 37 Cantaura, 90 Barbados (Isl.), 75 Caparo, 19 Barcelona (Anzoát.), 39, 58, 61, 73, 91, Capaya, 41 92 Caraballeda, 49 Barco Concession, 5 Caracas, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48-51, 63 Barinas, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24 Caracas Series, 48, 50, 54 Barinas, basin and furrow, 23, 24, 26, 29 Carache, 16 Barinitas, 15 Carapita formation, 58, 82 Barquisimeto, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41, 49, 55, Carenero, 59 68 Cariaco (Gulf), 67, 76, 77 Barranca basin, 35 Caribbean basin, 6, 62, 82-84 Barranquin formation, 61, 67, 68, 74-79, Caribbean Mountains, see Western, East- 85 ern Caribbean Mtns. Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 108 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE OF VENEZUELA Caribbean Series, 39, 40-49 Cordillera de la Costa (West Caribbean Carora, 34, 36, 37, 42, 46, 55, 68 Mtns.), 32, 39, 40, 46, 48-50, 55, 60, Carpintero Hills, 64 62, 74, 82 Carrizal (Lara), 56 Cordillera Oriental, 5, 20, 25, 29 Carrizal formation, 94 Córdoba, 25-27 Carúpano, 75-78, 80 Coro, 36 Catia, 48, 51 Corrigan, F. P., 4 Caucagua (Miranda), 44, 49, 73 Cortese, E., 78, 101 Caudri, C. M. B., 54, 101 crinoid-bearing limestones, see Permo- Caujarao reef limestone, 34 Carboniferous cayos, 33 Cúa, 40, 44 Central Range (Trinidad), 81, 86 Cubagua (Isl.), 71 Cerro Auyan-tepui, 100 Cuesta Torres, 37 Cerro Azul, 15 Cumaca formation, 58 Cerro Bolívar, 98 Cumaná, 76, 77 Cerro Campana, 33 Cumarebo anticline, 35 Cerro Caracaricoro, 99 Cunningham-Craig, 79 Cerro El Corazón, 81 Curaçao (Isl.), 66, 69, 70, 71, 83 Cerro La Luz, 63 Curamichate, 35 Cerro Las Iglesias, 14 Cerro Maraure, 36 Dallmus, K. F„ 3, 58, 59, 99, 101 Cerro Mataire, 36 Davey, John, 3, 99, 101, 103 Cerro Misión, 34 Delgado, C„ 101 Cerro Misión shale, 32 Devonian slates and phyllites, 13 Cerro Monte Cristo, 99 diabase, 65-67, 69, 70 Cerro Pelado formation, 32, 37 diapir structures, 87 Cerro Roraima, 100 diorite, 50, 67-69 Cerro Santa Ana, 36, 63 Duaca, 40 Cerro Teta, 65, 70 Durante, F„ 4 Cerro Tiramuto, 37 Durigua, 37 Cerro Turumiquire, 74 Dusenbury, A. N., 41, 68, 101 Chachopo, 15 Dutch Islands, 65-67, 69 Charallave, 44, 45 Dutchess Co. (N. Y.), 76, 77 Charallave conglomerate, 45, 46, 50, 52, 54, 60 Earthquakes, 18, 60 chert, 27, 42, 44, 52, 58, 65, 66, 69, 70, Eastern Caribbean Mtns., 39, 73-85 78, 93, 97 Eastern Venezuelan Basin, 85-95 Chichiriviche (Falcón), 33, 34, 62 eclogites, 51 Chimaná formation, 43, 77, 78 Egido, 16 Chimaná Grande (Isl.), 43, 77, 85 El Baúl, 16, 37, 91 Chimaná Islands, 61 El swell, 93-95 Chorrero-Topeya, 37 El Cantil formation, 43, 61, 77, 78 Churuguará, 32, 33, 35 El Cardón, 63 Ciudad Bolivia, 13, 15, 26 El Carito, 61 Cizancourt, H. de, 63, 101 El Chaparro, 91 Cloos, Ernst, 90, 101 El Cobre, 13, 15, 16 Cloos, Hans, 88, 101 El Encantado, 43 Cogollo 1.8., 8, 17, 41-45, 51, 54, 57, 79 El Fausto formation, 9 Colón, 19, 25-27 El Latón, 44 Colón shale, 8, 27, 37, 42, 44, 79, 81 El Mene (Falcón), 35 Concepción oil field, 7 El Mercado, 93 Cordero (Táchira), 16, 19, 26, 27 El Milagro formation, 5, 7, 9, 11 Cordillera de la Costa (East Caribbean El Palito, 41 Mtns.), 75, 78, 80 El Pao (Mine, Bolívar), 4, 97, 98 Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 INDEX 109 El Peru, 4 granite porphyry, 6, 18, 19, 93, 94 granodiorite, 70 El Pilar (Anzoát.), 59 Gran Roque (Isl.), 67 El Pilar (Sucre), 75-78 Gran Sabana, 100 El Pilón, 95 graptolite-bearing slates, 13, 14 El Tigre (Zulia), 7 greenstone, 13, 15, 50, 51, 52, 80 El Vigía, 23 Guanape conglomerate, 58 en echelon folds, 5, 10, 11, 82, 83 Guara-Leona fault, 90 en echelon faults (fractures), 25, 27-29, Guarumen s.s. group, 57, 58 69, 71, 90 Guatire, 60 Engleman, Rolf, 13, 102 Erin Point (Trin.), 87 Guayana shield, 82, 88, 95, 96-100 Estanques, 17 Gulf of Barcelona, 59, 61 exotic blocks, 52, 55, 57, 58, 69, 88 Gulf of Cariaco, 67, 76, 77 Gulf of Paria, 73 Falcón, 9, 23, 31-37, 56, 60, 77, 83 Gulf of Venezuela, 9 Falcon Furrow, 20, 31, 35, 56, 63 fault pattern, 10, 20-23, 25-29, 83-90 Halse, G. W„ 31, 34-36, 101 faults, antithetic, 88 Hassler, R. H., 4 faults, en echelon, see en echelon faults Hato Viejo formation, 94 faults, normal 20, 27, 48, 51, 53, 83, 88-90 Hedberg, F., 101 faults, recent, 18 Hedberg, Hollis, D., 3, 39, 40, 42, 55, 58, faults, strike slip, 76 74-77, 79-82, 85, 88, 90, 94, 101, 102 faults, tear, 28, 85, 86 Heim, Albert, 58, 59, 102 faults, thrust, 27, 48, 60, 61, 75, 86, 87, Hess, H. H„ 3, 51, 63, 67-69, 74, 83, 102 91 Hispaniola, 83 Ferguson, H. G„ 33, 103 Hitchcock, C. B„ 102 Figarelli, A. de, 4 Hollis Reservoir, 79 fold pattern, 10-11, 34-36 Hollister, J. S., 1 form lines, 9, 24, 31, 85, 95 Hubman, C. W., 103 fracture pattern (see also fault pattern), Huespen, 67 21-23 Hummelinck, B. W., 66, 71, 102 Freeman, C. A., 101 Hutchinson, A. G., 79, 102 Freites formation, 88 Fundación, 19, 26 Icotea formation, 9 Funkhouser, H. J., 88, 90, 102 Iglesias series, 14 furrow, defined, 20 Imataca range and series, 97-99 imbricated structure, 60, 75, 86 gabbro, 37, 67, 100 Inciarte uplift, 6, 78, 94 Galera series, 58 intrusives, see basic igneous rocks, gran- galeras, 23, 57, 58 ite, etc. Garaúnos, 76 iron formation, 97, 98 gasoclastic sediments, 87 isograds, 76 Gerth, H., 79, 102 itabirites, 97, 98 Gillard, E. T„ 100, 102 Girón formation, 8, 65, 70 Jamaica (Isl.), 83 glaucophane rocks, 51 Johns Valley shale (Okla.), 52 Globigerina shale, 32 Johnson, Nevin, 4 Goajira peninsula, 8, 63-66, 68, 70 Jurassic, Upper, 49 Gonzales de Juana, CI. 3, 51, 69, 71, 79, 102 Karsten, Hermann, 54, 102 graben, 20, 60 Kay, M. Kamen, 3, 57, 58, 102 granite, 6, 14-20, 37, 40, 50, 51, 64, 65, 93, Kehrer, Louis, 1, 3, 13, 15, 27, 40-42, 48, 94, 97, 98 55, 58, 63, 102 granite bodies (representation), 50 Knip formation, 66 Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 110 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE OF VENEZUELA Knoxville series (Calif.), 49 Maracay, 40, 41, 50 Kugler, H. G„ 3, 31-33, 35, 36, 68, 75, Margarita (Isl.), 63, 67-70 79-81, 86-88, 103 Maturln, 86 Kündig, E., 1, 6, 15, 18, 19, 25, 103 Maxwell, J; C., 3, 68, 69, 102, 103 Media oil field, 32 La Brea, 86 Mencher, E., 3, 48, 52, 103 La Cabrera, 41 Mendoza, 13 laccolithic intrusions, 100 Mene Grande anticline, 10, 11 La Culata, 14 Mene Grande formation, 11 La Florida (Suburb of Caracas), 48, 51 Merecure formation, 74, 81, 82 La Grita, 13 Merey fault, 90 La Guaira, 48 Mérida, 6, 14-18, 20 Laguna de Tacarigua, 50 Mesa de los Indios, 16 Lagunillas formation, 7 Mesa formation, 59, 82, 90 La Lira, 43 metamorphic rocks, Andes, 40, 46 La Luna formation, 8, 17, 37, 42, 44, 45, metamorphic rocks, El Baül Swell, 93-94 51, 54, 57 metamorphic rocks, East Caribbean Lamare, P., 44, 103 Mtns., 75-80 La Paz (Zulia), 7 metamorphic rocks, West Caribbean La Puerta, 51, 52, 54 Mtns., 39-50, 57, 62 La Puerta formation, 11, 34 metamorphic rocks, Guayana Shield, 97- La Quinta formation, 6-8, 13, 15, 16, 19, 100 26, 40, 63, 65, 67, 70, 94, 99 metavolcanic rocks, 63-68 La Sabana, 49 Michay, 23, 24 Las Brisas formation, 41-45, 48, 50 Michelena, 15, 16, 27 Las Mercedes formation, 43-45 Midden Curaçao formation, 70, 71 Las Orchilas (Isl.), 67, 83 migmatites, 40 Las Piedras formation, 88 Mina (Nev.), 33 Leuzinger, P., 3 Miranda, 50 Liddle, R.

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