S5990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 29, 2013 million jobs right there. The United MORNING BUSINESS in body. Those who knew Bud after the States just dug its way out of the great The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under war could see how tough he was, but, recession. We have seen 40 straight the previous order, the Senate will be my God, to have known him in prison— months of job growth, with private sec- in a period of morning business until confronting our enemies day in and day tor employers adding more than 7.2 4:15 p.m., with Senators permitted to out, never, ever yielding. He defied million jobs. But we cannot afford to speak for up to 10 minutes each. men who had the power of life and reject almost 1 million new jobs. Con- Mr. REID. I suggest the absence of a death over us. To witness him sing the gress must reverse the sequester and quorum. national anthem in response to having stop manufacturing crises. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The a rifle pointed at his face—well, that If Republicans force us to the brink clerk will call the roll. was something to behold. Unforget- of another shutdown for ideological The legislative clerk proceeded to table. No one had more guts than Bud reasons, the economy will suffer. I sug- call the roll. or greater determination to do his duty gest to any of my Republican col- Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I ask and then some, to keep faith with his leagues who have this idea, give a call unanimous consent the order for the country and his comrades whatever the to Newt Gingrich. He will return your quorum call be rescinded. cost. Bud was my commanding officer phone calls. Ask him how it worked. It The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without but more, he was my inspiration, as he was disastrous for Newt Gingrich, the objection, it is so ordered. The Senator was for all the men who were privileged Republicans, and the country. It didn’t from Arizona is recognized. to serve under him. work then and it will not work now. If Nothing offers more compelling testi- Republicans threaten catastrophic de- f mony to Bud’s guts and determination fault on the Nation’s bills, the econ- REMEMBERING COLONEL GEORGE and his patriotism than the account of omy will suffer, and that is an under- E. ‘‘BUD’’ DAY his escape from captivity. In the entire statement. war he was the only American who If Republicans refuse to work with Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, Sunday managed to escape from North Viet- Democrats to negotiate a reasonable brought the sad news that my dear nam. budget to reverse these deep cuts, the friend Col. George E. ‘‘Bud’’ Day passed In 1967 then-major Bud Day com- economy will suffer. It is time to re- away. He was 88 years old. To say he manded a squadron of F–100s that move the stumbling blocks that are lived a full life would be quite an un- served as forward air controllers over preventing the American economy derstatement. His was filled with so North Vietnam and Laos. They were from recovering and expanding. many extraordinary experiences, ad- called the Mistys, named for Bud’s fa- It has been 129 days since the Senate ventures, challenges, accomplishments, vorite song. Theirs was probably the passed its reasonable, progrowth budg- and with such love, compassion, and most dangerous combat duty in the Air et. courage that it could have supplied Force, and they suffered high casual- Remember, the Republicans said: We enough experiences, excitement, and ties. want regular order. We want a budget. satisfaction for 10 lifetimes. On August 26 Bud Day was one of We passed the budget. Now they will Bud knew defeats and triumphs on a those casualties. Bud was shot down by not follow regular order. They will not scale few will ever know. He lived in a surface-to-air missile 20 miles inside let us even go to conference. We have moments filled with every conceivable of North Vietnam. He hit the fuselage asked consent to go to conference with emotion. He knew terror and suffering. of his F–100 when he ejected, breaking the House 17 different times. As long as He knew joy and deliverance. He knew his arm, damaging his eye, and injur- Senate Republicans refuse to allow solidarity, self-respect, and dignity. ing his back. Bud was immediately Knowing him as well as I did, I am Budget Committee chairwoman PATTY captured by North Vietnamese militia. certain he faced his end satisfied that MURRAY to negotiate a budget com- He was interrogated by his captors in promise with her House Republican he had made the most of his time on an underground prison camp. When he counterparts, the economy is at risk. It Earth. He will have faced it with cour- refused to answer their questions, they is time to set aside partisan differences age as he faced all adversity. He will staged a mock execution. Then they and work to find common ground. have faced it with gratitude for the hung him by his feet for hours and beat Passing the Senate Transportation love and companionship for his beloved him. Believing he was too badly injured appropriations bill that is on the floor wife and best friend Dorie, his sons to escape, they tied him up loosely and now would be a good step toward re- Steve and George, and his twin girls, left him guarded by two green teenage storing regular order. This measure, Sandra and Sonya. He will have faced soldiers. They misjudged him. On his the Transportation bill, would create it with humility for having had the fifth day of captivity he untied his jobs rebuilding America’s deficient in- honor to serve his country with dis- ropes and escaped. frastructure and renew the Nation’s tinction in three wars: World War II, Bud stayed on the run for about 2 commitment to make affordable hous- the Korean war, and the Vietnam war. weeks. He wasn’t certain how long he ing available to low-income families. I had the honor of being Bud’s friend was free. He lost track of time. He I commend the appropriations com- for almost five decades of his 88 years. made it across the DMZ and into South We met in 1967 when the Vietnamese mittee, led by BARBARA MIKULSKI. The Vietnam. A bomb, however, had fallen subcommittee, whose work is now be- left me to die in the prison cell Bud near him his second night on the run, shared with Maj. Norris Overly. Bud fore the Senate, is led by PATTY MUR- striking him with shrapnel, concussing and Norris wouldn’t let me die. They RAY. They have done wonderful work. I him and rupturing his eardrums. Limp- believe some of my Republican col- bathed me, fed me, nursed me, encour- ing, bleeding, starving, and in great leagues are as eager to return to reg- aged me, and ordered me back to life. pain, Bud kept heading south across ular order, passing an appropriations Norris did much of the work, but Bud rivers, through dense jungles, over bill, as I am. I do believe that. They did all he could considering he too had hills, crawling sometimes on his hands have to break away from the pack. I recently been near death—shot, and knees, evading enemy patrols and hope these reasonable Republicans will bombed, beaten savagely by his cap- surviving on berries, frogs, and rain- continue to work with us to advance tors, and his arm broken in three water. this important bipartisan measure. places. He was a hard man to kill, and On the last night of Bud’s escape he he expected the same from his subordi- arrived within 2 kilometers of a for- f nates. They saved my life—a big debt ward marine. Sensibly judging it more to repay, obviously. But more than dangerous to approach the guarded RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME that, Bud showed me how to save my base at night than to wait until morn- Mr. REID. Will the Chair announce self-respect and my honor, and that is ing when the marine guards could see the business of the day. a debt I can never repay. he was an American, Bud slept one The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MUR- Bud was a fierce—and I mean really more night in the jungle. PHY). Under the previous order, the fierce—resister. He could not be broken Early the next morning he encoun- leadership time is reserved. in spirit no matter how broken he was tered a Viet Cong patrol. He was shot VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:31 Jul 30, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29JY6.009 S29JYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 29, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5991 trying to hobble to the base, recap- Florida, living in the Fort Walton terest in serving in the Marines well tured, and returned to the camp he had Beach area. Sadly, he passed away, but known. He shared his love for his coun- escaped, where he was tortured some at the very extended life’s age of 88. try and the corps during a trip back to more. I want to—in addition to Senator his alma mater last fall. A few days later Bud’s captors took MCCAIN’s comments—take a moment His love of country was coupled with him to the prison we called the Planta- to honor and remember this American love for his family.
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