*• .V. A: 3 rTfy!'?f 'iW ft'-’' &&m h ^ iftglftsiDum An Independent Newspaper ©evoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity 116TH YEAR-No. 36 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1965 PRICE-FIVE CENTS Westerlea Apartments GOP Meeting Require Outside Mirror Pool Plan Withdrawn Fooling With An application to build a private To Disclose On New Passenger Cars swimming pool at the Westerlea Knife Costs Apartments off South Main street Motor Vehicle Director June Stre- on the driver's side. However, if has been temporarily withdrawn, Bank Project lecki today reminded purchasers of the driver's view in the rear mirror Joseph Hoch, chairman of the Man His Life new passnger vehicles of the re­ is obstructed or obscured by con­ Borough Zoning Board of Ad­ quirement that all vehicles manufac­ struction design or by load, the ve­ justment, announced over the Director Coates Will tured and sold after January 1 be hicle must be equipped with an ex­ weekend. Find Migrant Laborer equipped with a rear view mirror terior mirror on the side of the ve­ Detail First Public and an exterior mirror on the driv­ hicle opposite the driver’s side. An attorney for the apartment toead in 2d Incident er’s side. owner told the board he would Airing of Project Miss Strelecki pointed out that submit an altered plan later. His On Cranbury Farm This new law also specifies that what the law simply says is if you original annlication was met with every commercial vehicle registered cannot observe the traffic pattern objections from neighbors at a The proposed face-lifting of the in this state, other than a trailer or through your rear view mirror, you session of the board last month. Adam Miles, 40, of 5 Pennington must have an exterior mirrior on the avenue, Trenton, formerly of here, eastern side of Main street between semi-trailer, be equipped with an in­ The apartments are located at the Baptist Church and the Old terior mirror and an exterior mirror right and left side of the vehicle. was charged with murder when ar­ Westerlea avenue and Grape Run raigned before Megistrate Samuel Hights Hotel will be the topic of a road. meeting of the Hightstown Republi­ Capped Bard in local court Monday. He is can Club at the Old Hights Hotel M iss |Schwartz in Mercer County Jail awaiting ac­ Friday at 8:30 p.m. tion of the Grand Jury. Captain W. Cecil Daley of the lo­ Plans for the renovation and re­ Census Lists cal police department said Miles was modeling will be revealed at the ses­ Becomes Bride charged with the murder of Jerry sion by the First National Bank. Horton, 551 Perry street, Trenton. The bank purchased the Fausak and County’s ’63 Miles is a cook at the Key and Seal Theoharis tract last year. Club in Princeton. Of Podsiadlo EWT REPUBLICAN OFFICERS. The Ea*t Windsor Town&hip Repub­ Held in $1,000 bail as a material Retail Trade lican Club ha* elected Alvin Stout, unsuccessful candidate for the township witness is Robert I. Jackson, 27, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schwartz committee last November, its president. Other officials are: left to right, 216 Coolidge avenue, Trenton, also formerly of here. of 9 Maple Stream road announce Mercer County's 2,805 retail es­ Mrs. Helen Jemison, secretary; Stout; Mrs. Florence Croshww, vice pres­ According to Daley, Miles alleged­ the marriage of their daughter Do­ tablishments had $439.4 million in ident; Mrs. Velma Wooldridge, treasurer. The club Has scheduled a St. ly stabbed Horton with a parting lores Ann Schwartz to Joseph An­ sales in 1963, an increase of 22 per Patrick’s Day buffet-dance at the Holiday Inn, Cranbury, March 20 at knife after the two were “fooling thony Podsiadlo, son of Mr. and cent from 1958, the U. S. Bureau of 7 p.m. around” in a car on Mercer street Mrs. Joseph Podsiadlo of Cranbury. the Census has just reported after about 4:25 p.m. Saturday afternoon. tabulating data gathered from all Jackson was also in the car. Jack- The couple exchanged vows at firms in the 1963 census of business. Golden Rule Group son drove Horton to doctors’ offices St. Anthony’s, Church Saturday at The last previous business census here and in Cranbury Township and 10 a.m. The Rev. William F. Haugh- conducted by the Census Bureau, an Accepts A. S. Cole Four Sunday was advised to take the man to ney officiated. A reception followed agency of the U. S. Department of Princeton Hospital where he died at the White Gate Caterers, Tren­ Commerce, was in 1958. William C. Hoffman of A. S. Cole at 5 p.m. ton. Retail trade in the county meant Funeral Home, Cranbury, has been Mission Study Daley stated that the two men The bride, given in marriage by were wrestling over the knife when her father, wore a floor length gown jobs (exclusive of proprietors) for notified that his firm has been ac­ 14,829 men and women and a yearly cepted for the third consecutive Miles said he accidentally stabbed of silk organza fashioned with a Horton in the heart. fitted bodie, appliqued with lace and payroll of $50.8 million. year as a member of The Order of By Methodists In volume of business the county’s the Golden Rule. Assisting Captain Daley in the in­ sequins, scoop neckline, long taper­ Mi** Mary Earl vestigation were Detective-Investi­ ed sleeves and a full bouffant skirt food stores had sales of $89.5 mil­ Miss Mary Earl, daughter of Mr. lion, an increase of 3 per cent from The order is the world’s largest The First Methodist Church an­ gator John Bartzak of the local state that swept back to a full chapel and Mrs. George E. Earl of Dayton controlled-membership organization nounces a churchwide school of police barracks and William Tucker train. A chantilly rose eficrusted 1958. In other retail business—the road, Cranbury, was one of the 47 county’s eating and drinking places for funeral directors, having repre­ missions will be held the four Sun­ of the prosecutor’s office in Trenton. with crystals was held in place with student nurses honored at the recent had sales of $38.7 mfiiion and gaso­ sentation on five of the six conti­ days in March, starting this Sunday In Cranbury a migrant worker a four tier bouffant veil of imported Mercer Hospital, Trenton, capping nents. and ending March 28. Each session was found murdered Monday morn­ illusion. line service stations had sales of ceremony held in Trinity Cathedral. $26.7 million. Auto dealers and re­ will begin with a covered dish sup­ ing. The laborer, William C. Thom­ Henry G. F. Coates The maid of honor was Miss Car­ She is a 1964. graduate of Hights­ per at 5:30 p.m. with classes for age as, 49, was found at 2:30 a.m. in a ol Schwartz, sister of the bride. lated retail trade establishments had Henry G. P. Coates, local attorney town High School and was the re­ sales of $71.9 million; general mer­ groups starting at 7 p.m. building where he was living on the Serving as her bridesmaids were the cipient of the Hightstown Wom­ Dinner Honors Frank Danser farm, Davison road, and director of the bank, will detail Misses Antoinette Siconolfi and chandise group stores had sales of Mrs. Howard Scarborough will the first public presentation of the an's Club nursing scholarship. $59.1 million; lumber, building ma­ use "Death of A Myth” and "My Cranbury. State police, said he had Marie Vacca. a wound of the forehead caused by project. These plans, a club spokes­ William Dey, the bridegroom’s terials, hardware and farm equip- House Is Your House” for the man said, constitute the most sweep­ raen dealers had of $21,8 mil­ School Project adults. The Senior High will be led a blow. Another migrant worker, brother-in-law, was best man. Ush­ Lawrence Burnam, 36, was arrested. ing changes in the town’s business ers were Ronald Podsiadlo and lion. 11 in their studies of “Where the Clock section appearance in this century. Trenton Girl For the state as a whole, the Cen­ Walks” by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arraigned before Magistrate Wil­ Leonard Moore, cousins of the The Hightstown Area Human Re­ liam Bunting in Cranbury, Burnam Norman Walters, club president, bridegroom. sus Bureau reported 62,630 retail es­ lations Council marked Brotherhood Hand. Mrs. Carol Nelson will teach states the public is invited. tablishments with i»alef of $9,059.9 the Junior High using “Moncho and is being held in Middlesex County Mrs. Podsiadlo is an alumna of Week Thursday at a dinner in the Jail. The GOP group will also conduct Cathedral High School and was em­ Weds Hausser million, up 25 .byterian Church. The the Dukes.” its annual meeting and election of ployed by the East Windsor Board ' ‘ >ti in lion-*,- of those ■The Junior-Department will., be officers. Tri-Star Chapter of Education. Her husband is a Miss Laura E. Costello, daughter J-ettes .zations, businesses and indi­ led by Mrs. Faye Earnhardt and Bucknell Alumni Club graduate of Hightstown High School of Mr. anti Mrs. Nicholas J. Costello viduals whose contributions of talent, will study from “Tres Casa, Tres To Install Officers and is presently associated with his of Trenton, became the bride Satur­ equipment and money arc making Familias." Miss Irene Duryee will To Fete President j father in farming.
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