MONTHLY NCR - REGIONAL CONSOLIDATED PRICE MONITORING REPORT (RCPMR) REGION: National Capital Region NAME OF MARKETS: 1. Trabajo 5. Mega-Q 9. Kamuning 13. Mandaluyong 17. Maypajo Caloocan 2. Quinta 6. Farmers 10. Galas 14. Marikina 18. Ugong Valenzuela 3. Commonwealth 7. Balintawak 11. Navotas 3, 4 & 5 15. Guadalupe 4. Tandang Sora 8. Muñoz 12. Malabon Central 16. Pasig DATE COVERED: July 5-30, 2021 Weekly Prevailing Price (Php/kg) TOP FISHERY COMMODITIES WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 NCR (July 5-9, 2021) (July 12-16, 2021) (July 19-23 , 2021) (July 26-30, 2021) Prevailing Price Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) High Low Scientific Name English Name Local Name (Php/kg) 1. Chanos chanos Milkfish Bangus Small (6 pcs and above) 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Medium (3-5 pcs) 140 160 160 160 160 160 140 Large (1-2 pcs) 200 180 180 180 & 200 180 200 180 2. Oreochromis niloticus Tilapia Tilapia Small (6 pcs and above) 100 - 100 100 & 110 100 110 100 Medium (3-5 pcs) 100 120 120 120 120 120 100 Large (1-2 pcs) 120 100 & 120 120 120 120 120 100 3. Penaeus vannamei Whiteleg shrimp Hipon Small (61 pcs and above) 300-380 300 400 300 300 400 300 Medium (31 pcs to 60pcs) 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Large (30 pcs and below) 480 480 440 480 480 480 440 Penaeus monodon Blacktiger shrimp Sugpo Small (26 pcs and above) 550 & 600 500-580 480 500 & 550 500 & 550 600 480 Medium (16-25 pcs) 650 600 & 650 650 650 650 650 600 Large to Jumbo (15 pcs and 700 600 700 750 & 800 700 800 600 below) 4. Gracilaria sp. Seaweeds Guso 200 200 200 160 & 200 200 200 160 Caulerpa lentillifera Seaweeds Lato 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Kappaphycus alvarezii Seaweeds Tambalang 80-160 - - - 80-160 160 80 5. Crassostrea iredalie Oyster Talaba 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6. Perna viridis Green Mussel Tahong 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7. Scylla serrata Mudcrab Alimango Male 300 650 600 & 650 550 650 650 300 Female 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 Page 1 of 5 Weekly Prevailing Price (Php/kg) TOP FISHERY COMMODITIES WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 NCR (July 5-9, 2021) (July 12-16, 2021) (July 19-23 , 2021) (July 26-30, 2021) Prevailing Price Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) High Low Scientific Name English Name Local Name (Php/kg) 8. Portunus pelagicus Blue swimming Crab Alimasag Small/Medium (7 pcs and 240 250-450 350 & 400 450 450 450 240 above) Large (1-6 pcs) 480 450 400 450 & 500 450 500 400 9. Thunnus albacares Yellow fin Tuna Tambakol Whole 280 280 250 & 280 280 280 280 250 Sliced 280 & 360 360 350 400 360 400 280 Head 120-250 200 200 120 & 180 120 & 200 250 120 Katsuwonus pelamis Skipjack Tuna Gulyasan Whole 160 100-180 160 220 160 220 100 Sliced 260 260 260 & 280 120 & 200 260 280 120 Auxis thazard Frigate Tuna Tulingan 160-240 240 160 160-280 160 280 160 Auxis rochei Bullet Tuna Tulingan 180 200 200 200 & 300 200 300 180 10. Sardinella fimbriata Fringescale Sardinella Tunsoy 80-150 120 80-150 100 & 150 150 150 80 Sardinella lemuru Bali Sardinella Tamban 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Sardinella gibosa Goldstripe Sardinella Tamban 40 40-140 60-100 160 40 160 40 11. Rastrilleger kanagurta Indian Mackerel Alumahan 280 200 260-320 300 200-320 320 200 Scomberomorus Narrow-barred Spanish Tangigue 380 & 400 380-600 380-600 550 380 600 380 commerson Mackerel 12. Decapterus macrosoma Shortfin scad Galunggong Small (21 pcs and above) 100-200 120 200 140 200 200 100 Medium (11-20 pcs) 160 & 200 200 240 240 200 & 240 240 160 Large (7-10 pcs) 200 200 200 & 240 280 200 280 200 13. Loligo sp. Squid Pusit Lumot 340 360 & 400 380 & 400 400 400 400 340 Bisaya/Kalawang/ Lapis 380 200-380 300 320-400 380 400 200 14. Lutjanus sp. Snapper Maya-maya 400 300-400 350 380 & 400 400 400 300 15. Epinephelus sp. Grouper Lapu-lapu 320 300 300-450 400 300 450 300 Epinephelus sp. Grouper (Red) Lapu-lapu pula 400 320 300-480 300 300 480 300 OTHER FISHERY COMMODITIES Acanthurus sp. Surgeon fish Labahita 250 250 90-380 350 250 380 90 Acetes sp. Krill Alamang 60 40 & 60 60 60 60 60 40 Ambiygaster sirm Spotted sardinella Turay 90 80-90 - - 90 90 80 Atule mate Yellowtail scad Salay batang 240 & 320 100-300 280 & 320 300-330 300 & 320 330 100 Caesio sp. Fusilier Dalagang bukid Page 2 of 5 Weekly Prevailing Price (Php/kg) TOP FISHERY COMMODITIES WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 NCR (July 5-9, 2021) (July 12-16, 2021) (July 19-23 , 2021) (July 26-30, 2021) Prevailing Price Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) High Low Scientific Name English Name Local Name (Php/kg) Bilog 280 280 280 260 280 280 260 Lapad 300 360 300 300 & 360 300 360 300 Caranx sp. Trevally Talakitok 350 & 400 400 400 400 400 400 350 Clarias batrachus Catfish Hito 150 & 180 140-180 - 130 & 180 180 180 130 Coryphaena sp. Dolphin fish Dorado 260 180 - - 180 & 260 260 180 Cypselorus sp. Flying fish Bolador - - - - - - - Decapterus kurroides Redtail scad Burot 120 120-160 200 180 120 200 120 Decapterus macarellus Mackerel scad Balsa 180 140 200 240 140-240 240 140 Decapterus russelli Indian scad Galunggong Babae - 120-180 160 180 180 180 120 Decapterus macrosoma Shortfin scad Imported Galunggong Lalaki - - 150-200 180 & 240 150-240 240 150 Dendrophysa russelii Croaker Alakaak - - - 260 & 300 260 & 300 300 260 Elagatis sp. Rainbow runner Salmon - - - - - - - Gerres oyena Silver-biddy Malakapas 200-250 250 & 280 200-250 200-250 250 280 200 Johnius amblycephalus Croaker Abu/Alakaak - - - - - - - Leiognathus sp. Ponyfish/Slipmouth Sap-sap 300 450 300 400 300 450 300 Lethrinus sp. Emperor fish Bitilya 350 120-350 120-140 350 & 400 350 400 120 Mene maculata Moonfish Chabeta/Hiwas 240 - 240 & 280 200 240 280 200 Metapenaeus ensis Greasy - back shrimp Suwahe 450-500 450 & 500 500 450-500 500 500 450 Nemipterus sp. Threadfin Bream Bisugo 280 200-400 300-380 300 300 400 200 Parupeneus sp. Goatfish Saramulyete 140 - - 250 140 & 250 250 140 Priacanthus sp. Bigeye Kuwaw/Dilat - - 300 300-360 300 360 300 Rastrelliger sp. Mackerel Hasa-hasa 260 & 280 160-350 260 320 260 350 160 Salmo salar Salmon Salmon head 140 140 & 150 150-280 140 & 150 140 & 150 280 140 belly 140-340 150-350 300 & 350 300-340 300-350 350 140 meat/ sliced 300-700 - 620-700 - 700 700 300 Sardinella tawilis Freshwater tawilis Tawilis/ Salinyasi 120-160 70-140 120 & 160 - 120 & 160 160 70 Scatophagus argus Spotted scat Kitang - - - 320 & 350 320 & 350 350 320 Scarus sp. Parrotfish Loro/Mol-mol 80 100 100 & 110 120 100 120 80 Selar crumenophthalmus Big-eye scad Matambaka 160 200 200 & 260 260 200 & 260 260 160 Selaroides leptolepis Yellowstripe scad Salay ginto 220 & 240 200-260 300 & 320 300 300 320 200 Siganus sp. Rabbitfish Samaral/Danggit 100-450 300-380 - 320-450 450 450 100 Sillago sihama Whiting Asohos 240-280 - - - 240-280 280 240 Sphyraena sp. Barracuda Torsilyo 200 160 200-320 300 200 320 160 Sparidae sp. Sea beam Bakoko 300-380 - - - 300-380 380 300 Stolephorus sp. Anchovy Dilis - 120 & 200 200 90-120 120 & 200 200 90 Teuthida sp. Squid Pusit 450-550 450 & 500 450-480 450 & 550 450 550 450 Thenus orientalis Slipper lobster Tatampal pula 200 & 220 200 & 220 200 200 & 220 200 220 200 Tatampal puti 250 - 260 - 250 & 260 260 250 Trachinotus sp. Pomfret Pampano white 300 300 & 320 300 & 320 300-350 300 350 300 black 350 & 380 280-450 320-380 - 380 450 280 Trichiurius lepturus Beltfish/Largehead Hairtail Espada 320-360 360 250-320 340 320 & 360 360 250 Tylosorus sp. Needlefish Batalyos/Batalay 200 180 180-260 200 & 260 180-260 260 180 Venerupis sp. Clam Halaan 100 - 100 - 100 100 100 Varuna litterata Shore crab Talangka - - - - - - - Page 3 of 5 Weekly Prevailing Price (Php/kg) TOP FISHERY COMMODITIES WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 NCR (July 5-9, 2021) (July 12-16, 2021) (July 19-23 , 2021) (July 26-30, 2021) Prevailing Price Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) Prevailing Price (Php/kg) High Low Scientific Name English Name Local Name (Php/kg) The following observations were gathered from market vendors and administrators for the month of July: 1. Sufficient volumes of fresh marine commodities, particularly Local-fresh Galunggong (mixed sizes) were noted in the monitored retail markets for the 1st and 2nd week of the month. However, limited supplies were observed for the 3rd and 4th week as fishing and trading operations were hampered by the rainy weather condition brought by Typhoon "Fabian" and Southwest monsoon or "Habagat ". 2. Relative to the limited volume of supply for local-fresh variant, Imported-frozen Galunggong were abundant in the monitored markets for the last part of the month. Vendors opted to sell imported-frozen galunggong as a substitute commodity for its local variant. 3. Limited and unstable supplies for medium-sized alumahan were noted at the monitored retail markets this month.
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