Allwrite: A World Class Word Processo A CWC/I PUBLICATION Utili-Keys Unlock the Power Of Your TRS-80 Input Screens The Easy Way 14 New Commands For Cassette Basic Garbage Collection: Causes and Cures Editext: A Hybrid Line/Screen Editor Streamlined Editing In Model 4 Basi MAD: A Model 4 Address Mapper Knock The Socks Off Your Beef up Your Add a Low-Cost ^^ Color Computer with Personal Printer Radio Shack Accessories High-performance Using somebody else's home com- printing from your 1 puter can be a pretty frustrating Color Computer is fast thing. Tiny memories, second-rate and easy with the graphics and limited accessories DMP-110 dot-matrix take all the fun out of programming printer (#26-1271, p*^ and video games. That's why seri- $399.00) from Radio ous computer hobbyists enjoy Shack. The DMP-110 Radio Shack's Color Computer so gives you proportionally spaced or correspondence-quality ' much. No other color computer ex- characters for letters and reports at a swift 25 characters pands to do so many things. per second— about 200 words per minute! The DMP-110 Get Room to Grow With Disk Storage prints mono-spaced characters in standard, elite or con- densed fonts at 50 characters per second: fast enough to Add a single Radio Shack disk drive to your Color Com- print homework or reports in just minutes. The DMP-110 l»i'l • also offers all the print capabilities you need: italic charac- 5 1 /4" diskette. That s 156K of disk storage for $50 less ters, super and subscripts, underlining and microfonts. than last year! After you have your first drive (#26-3029), You can print originals or originals and a carbon copy on you can add up to three more for $279.95 each, for an 4" to 10" fanfold paper or on single sheets. incredible 624K of disk storage. Installation of your first drive is a snap. Just plug the Color Disk Drive controller w Program Pak into the Color Computer cartridge port and you're ready for high-speed file creation, storage and retrieval. Each disk drive comes with Radio Shack performance and reliability built in, so your Color Com- puter will always stay ahead of the times and up with your needs. Neighbor's Kiddie Computer Access Computer Networks With a Mddem When you add the Radio Shack Direct-Connect Modem I to your Color Computer, you've given it the ability to communi- MBl \§L cate with other comput- 1 ers and with a variety of J information retrieval services by phone. The Modem I (#26-1175, $99.95) plugs directly into a modular telephone outlet and into your Color Computer. It translates electronic impulses that make up computer information into tones that can be sent over telephone lines. It also translates in- coming tones into information your Color Computer can store and display. It's an important tool for Color Computer users who want to access computer bulletin boards, keep track of the stock market at home or use your school's mainframe computer. Choose Radio Shack for Computer Support The Color Computer and its peripherals are only part of the reason Radio Shack is the choice for serious computer users. Radio Shack offers unmatched support for the u^ ^c<^ ^fiw9 Color Computer owner, with exciting accessories like an software options, too. Choose from more than 20 com- easy-to-use Color Mouse for video games and color graph- puter programs for educational or household applications. ics. Video game players have two types of joysticks to More than 30 popular video games are also available for choose from, and three memory upgrade kits are available the Color Computer. to increase the internal memory of your Color Computer. Visit Your Nearby Radio Shack Today Software Selection Available Start color computing today with a visit to your nearby Disk software for the Color Computer includes SCRIPSIT*. Radio Shack Computer Center, participating store or an easy-to-use word processing program that offers op- dealer. No other computer offers the power and capability tional upper/lower case display and background printing; of Radio Shack's Color Computer for the price. And no Cash Budget Management, to keep an accurate record of other manufacturer offers Radio Shack's nationwide ser- cash and bank accounts; Spectaculator" , for financial vice and support. So only a Radio Shack Color Computer and accessories will do! The Technology Store A DIVISION OF TANDY CORPORATION FREE! All-New 1985 Computer Catalog. Mail To: Radio Shack. Dept. 85-A-246 300 One Tandy Center, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 STATE TELEPHONE Prices apply at Radio Shack Computer Centers and at participating stores and .!»- ll.T-. T/Maker Integrated Software Simple, Powerful Well Liked. InfoWorld The NffunurerfcH lot !Mlf rofomputrr l \ti • "...if you regularly prepare documents "T/Maker is a superb product! I have yet to combining text, see anything that comes close to its level of charts, and lists, "The program is a system integration, overall ease of use pleasure to ... if you belong to use... and general sophistication." an organization [it] is well imple- -Tim Doneliuk. 7/11/83 mented, well docu- that uses several different kinds ot mented, and is quick microcomputers ... if you want to in operation. It de- Performance reduce the training burden and serves an AA rating." Documentation improve the capability of sharing -F.M. Remley, 7/83 Ease of Use files... T/Maker can become the Error Handling key program in your software library." - Frank J. DerHet, Jr, 4/84 'CMir«tt >cm ».!*)> INIERFACEAGE Magaz,. POPULAR- "After using T/Maker for some time, COMPUTING my reaction is that this program "T/Maker is an excellent choice. Unlike the other accomplishes its job simply and (integrated) programs, it is available for the vast without effort." number of 8-bit computers running the CP/M -Michael Heck, 3/84 operating system as well as for the more powerful 16-bit computers." -Michael J. Miller, 12/83 Everything In ONE Program. Available for Kaypro JRS-80 Model II, 4/4P, 12, 16 (requires CP/M) ^266 Also available for IBM PC, TANDY 2000, Tl PRO, DEC Rainbow, requires 128K. I Integrated Software Suggested Retail: $450 f Word Processing Ask your local Radio Shack Center for more Spread Sheet Analysis information or call: Relational Data Base Mangement T/Maker Company Spelling Checker 2115 Landings Drive Bar Chart Graphics Mountain View, CA 94043 415 962-0195 Plus On Line Help t 1984, T/Moker Company InloWorld. reprinted Peelings II quote from "T/Moker III". V4N7, C 1984, Peelings II, Inc.. reprinted by permission, all rights reserved InfoWarld quote from "T/Maker III, A General Purpose CP/M Program", C 1984 by permKsron. all rights reserved. PC Magailne quote Irom Prepare la meet Your T/Moker", V3N7, C IV84. PC Communications. Corp., reprinted by permission, all rights reserved, ftipular Computing quote from Interface quote from III, Integration at Price C 1984. Interlace "T/Moker Oners a Different Approach , 12/83, C Byte Publications. Inc , reprinted by permission, oil rights reserved Age T/Maker a Modest V9N3, Age Magazine, Inc., reprinted by permission, all rights reserved Repnnts available on request. ' SHOULD YOU CALL THE DOCTOR? Consult the HOME HEALTH GUIDE for CHILDREN and Your Home Computer. With the HOME HEALTH GUIDE for CHILDREN you have Instantaneous access to vital Information about 1 55 lealth problems - typical for infants, children and adolescents. It tells you when to call the doctor and gives you: • description and definition of symptoms and causes • recommended home care • recommended actions to be taken • recommended preventative measures It includes everything from diaper rash to dandruff, from mumps to the common cold, from splinters to selecting shoes. Here's the table of contents INTRODUCTION TO THE HEALTH GUIDE SKIN LUNGS GLOSSARY OF SIMILAR TERMS BRAIN ABDOMEN MOST COMMON PROBLEMS EYES BLADDER EMERGENCIES EARS GENITALS NOSE BONES AND JO(NTS PREPARATION FOR CALLING YOUR CHILD'S PHYSICIAN MOUTH AND THROAT The three disk package was written by Barton D. Schmitt, M.D., a well known Pediatrician and member of the faculty at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. It Is published by Clinical Reference Systems, Inc., a leader in the field of medical electronic publishing. The HOME HEALTH GUIDE for CHILDREN is both a reference tool for you as well as an educational library for your entire family. The software is easy to use - all instructions are built-in. The suggested retail price, for all 3 disks of information, is only $69.95- To order: Ask for the HOME HEALTH GUIDE for CHILDREN from your local store. Or send in the coupon below CRS, PO. Box 20308. Denver. CO 80220. USA. For the fastest service, call toll free 1-800-821-2794. In Colorado call 399-7089. HOME HEALTH GUIDE is available for. TRS 80 Model III and 4. Name . 50'", IBM PC ; AT&T 6300 ."Zenith 1 Compaq Corona f" f Address I 1 . and Apple lie City State ; ; | t Computer Brandy Model Check enclosed for $_ We welcome your charge order. Please fill in all the infor ZTTT . Subtotal Mastercard Visa My card expires I Colo residents add molyr. My card number is 3'/2% sales tax I I I I I I /_/_/_/_/ J_l_l_l_l _jZ5 Postage/handling Total CLINICAL REFERENCE SYSTEMS INC ^100 I EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Eric Maloney MANAGING EDITOR (EDITORIAL) Peter E. McKle MANAGING EDITOR (PRODUCTION) Deborah M. Sargent REVIEW EDITOR Ryan Davis-Wright COPY EDITORS Robert Mitchell (New Products) Penelope Hamblln ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Geary TECHNICAL EDITORS Bradford N. Dixon Best CP/M Mare-Anne Jarvela Keith Johnson (Load 80) Beverly Woodbury EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATION Carole Macloci EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Justlna Alsfeld ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hardin Brothers David Engelhard! John B.
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