Canada on Guard: Assessing the Immigration Security Threat of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba – 2

Canada on Guard: Assessing the Immigration Security Threat of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba – 2

CANADA ON GUARD: Assessing the Immigration Security Threat of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba Victoria L. Henderson, Joseph M. Humire and Fernando D. Menéndez This policy report delves into an emerging threat to North American KEY POINTS: immigration security building on a ! Iran is collaborating with theme discussed on Parliament Hill in Venezuela and Cuba to exploit Ottawa on October 2012 and at the the seams in the Canadian immigration system. Albany Club, Toronto on November 2013 as part of the Center for a Secure ! From 2009 to 2011, Latin America was the largest prior Free Society’s (SFS) annual Future of embarkation region for North America Forum. improperly documented Iranians migrating to Canada who seek The SFS report highlights attempts to refugee status. violate Canada’s immigration system, ! Venezuelan authorities examines Venezuela’s role as a provided at least 173 passports, visas and other documentation “bridge” for Iranian covert access to to Islamist extremists seeking Canada, reviews the use of cultural to slip unnoticed into North exchange and other soft power America. strategies to win support for state ! Soft power solidarity networks sponsors of terrorism, and presents in Canada serve as a “Trojan preliminary policy recommendations for Horse” for Iran and ALBA to establish cover for spies, strengthening Canada’s immigration saboteurs and other nefarious and national security system. actors. This report, in its entirety, can be found at !"#$%&'()% SFS POLICY REPORT No. 1 – JUNE 2014 +,#&(+)$ +"$ +,&3#$ #&)-&'+32&$ 1(+3"1(0$ )&'/#3+4=$ C,3)$ 3)$ Introduction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