©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd 626 Index A Anamur 388-90 tours 367-8 Columns of the Abana 501 Anatolia 287-322, 409-50, travel to/from 374 Evangelists 227 accommodation 590-2, see 517-54 travel within 375-6 Didyma 252-7, 263, 262 also individual locations accommodation 287, walking tours 372, 372 Elaiussa-Sebaste 393 409, 517 booking 111 Anzac Cove 157, 162 Ephesus 12, 24, central 409-50, 226-32, 233-4, 263, boutique hotels 28 410 Anzac Day 160 climate 287, 409, 517 573, 224, 13 costs 21, 111 Arasta Bazaar 133, 133 eastern 517-54, Eskişehir 305 discounts 264 518-19 archaeological sites & ruins Euromos 255 language 617-18 food 287, 409, 517 27, 262-3 Gate of Hadrian 230 activities 26-7, 37-41, see highlights 288, 306-7, Acropolis (Gordion) 423 410, 518 Göreme Open-Air also individual activities Adamkayalar 395 travel seasons 287, Museum 454-5 Adamkayalar 395 Afrodisias 307, 313-15, 409, 517 Great Theatre (Miletus) Adana 400-3, 401 314, 306 western 287-322, 227, 263 Aegean coast 221-86 288 Afyon 305-8 Anazarbus 404 Gymnasium of Vedius 226 accommodation 175, 221 Agora (İzmir) 201-2 Anemurium Ancient City Harbour Baths 227 food 175, 221 Alacahöyük 432 388-9, 397, 397 Harbour Street 227 highlights 176, 204-5, 222 Alexandria Troas 182 Angora wool 422 Hattuşa 428-31 history 223 Amisos Antik Kenti 504 Ani 14, 529, 543-6, 544, 15, Herakleia 254 north 175-220, 176 Ancient Patara 346-7 528-9 Hercules Gate 231 south 221-86, 222 Andriake 362 Ankara 411-22, 412, 415, Hierapolis 310-11, 310 travel seasons 175, 221 Anemurium Ancient City 419, 420 Hydreion 231 Afrodisias 307, 313-15, 388-9, 397, 397 accommodation 416-17 Iasos 255 314, 306 Ani 14, 529, 543-6, 544, drinking 419 Kaleiçi 366 Ağrı Dağı 549-50 15, 528-9 entertainment 420 Kanlıdivane 395 air travel 604-5, 608 Antandros 183-4 festivals & events 416 Karakuş Tümülüsü 551-2 airlines 605 Antiphellos Ruins 355 food 417-19 Karatepe 397, airports 21, 604 Arsameia 552 396 medical services 420 Kaunos 325 Akkum 220 Arykanda 364 money 420 Kayaköy (Levissi) Aksaray 492-3 Asclepion 231 nightlife 419 Abandoned Village 339 Akyaka 285-6 Asklepion 192-3, 204 shopping 420 Kekova 361 Ala Dağlar National Park Aspendos 376 sights 411-16 Knidos 263, 282, 488-9 Assos 180-1 262-3 tourist information 420 Kurşunlu Külliyesi Alacahöyük 432 Baths of Scholasticia 231 travel to/from 420-1 Complex 303 Alaçatı 217-19 Baths of Varius 232 travel within 421-2 Labranda 255 Alahan Monastery 394, 396 Batık Şehir 361 Antakya 405-8, 407 Laertes 388 Alanya 384-8, 386, 4 Beçin Castle 255 Antalya 365-76, , Laodicea 307, 315, 306 alcohol 23, 43 367 368 Behramkale 180-1 accommodation 369-70 Latrines 231 Alexander the Great 560-1 Bergama Acropolis 192 activities 366-7 Letoön 345 Alibey Island 189-90, 204 Büyük Mabet 429 drinking 373-4 Library of Celsus 227 Altıparmak 533-4 Castle (Eğirdir) 316 entertainment 374 Marble Street 227 Amasra 499-500 Çatalhöyük 450 food 370-3 Midas Tumulus 422-3 Amasya 433-7, 434 Çavuşin Old Village Ruins nightlife 373-4 466 Miletus 251-2, 263, 252 shopping 374 Church of St Mary Monastery Valley 491 Map Pages 000 sights 366-7 (Ephesus) 226 Myra 361-2 Photo Pages 000 tourist information 374 627 Nemrut Dağı 18, 552, Assos 180-3 Bergama 190-6, 205, 191, tourist information 268 18, 528 Atatürk 413, 567-8, 571 194, 204 travel to/within 268 Odeon 232 ATMs 595 accommodation 194 Bodrum Castle 259-60 Olympos 363 Avanos 468-71 activities 192-4 Bodrum Peninsula 256-75, Perge 376-7, 376 Aya Sofya 12, 66-70, 67, 12 drinking 194-5 257 Phaselis 371 closing days 70 food 194-5 Boğazkale 427, 428, 429 Pınara 344 Aya Sofya Tombs 70 history 190 bombings 411 INDEX Pollio Fountain 231 Ayancık 501 shopping 195 books 556, 577-8 Priene 249-51, 263, 250 Ayder 530-2 sights 192-4 architecture 576 Prytaneum 231 Aydıncık 173 tourist information 195 history 558, 562, 565, A-C travel to/from 195 566, 567, 568, 570, 572 Red Hall 193-4 Aydınlık Köyü 248 Roman ruins (Ankara) Ayvacık 183 travel within 195-6 border crossings 605-7 416 Ayvalı 482-3 Bergama Acropolis 192 Azerbaijan 548 Bulgaria 151-2 Roman theatre (Fethiye) Ayvalık 184-9, 186 Beyoğlu 93-9 333 Azerbaijani border Bezirgan 354 Georgia 516, 538 Roman theatre (Hierapo- crossings 548 bicycle travel 608 Greece 151-2 lis) 310, 306-7 Biga Peninsula 182 Iran 548-9 Ruins of Sardis 213 Bitez 268-9 Bosphorus 10, 587, 10 B Sagalassos 307, 320-2, Black Sea Coast 497-516, Bosphorus Ferry Tour Babakale 182 307 498 100-5 balloon flights 38, 469 Sarayiçi 149 accommodation 497 boutique hotels 28 bargaining 23, 595 Sarı Kale 429 climate 497 boyoz 208 Barhal (Altıparmak) 533-4 Side 379-80 food 497, 514 Bozburun 284-5 Basilica Cistern 70-4 Sobesos 484 highlights 498 Bozburun Peninsula 19, Bay of Edremit 183-4 St Paul’s Well 399 travel seasons 497 279-85 bazaars 17, 25, 133, 132-3 Syedra 388 blue cruises 16, 352-3, 337, Bozcaada 177-80, 178, 204 Arasta Bazaar 126, Temple of Apollo 252-3, 352-3 Bozcaada Wine Festival 179 133, 133 262 Blue Mosque 75-6 Bulgarian border crossings Balık Pazar 130 Temple of Artemis 235 boat travel 138, 607-8, 151-2 Temple of Athena 180-1 Demirciler Arastası 424 608-9, see also boat Bursa 291-302, 294-5, Temple of Athena Polias Emir Han 293 trips 298 251, 262 Grand Bazaar 17, 85, 133, blue cruises 16, 337, accommodation 297-9 Temple of Trajan 192 132-3 352-3, 352-3 activities 296-7 Temple of Tyche 380 Kadıköy Produce Market to/from Turkey 607-8 drinking 299-300 Temples of Apollo & 99-100 boat trips 41 entertainment 300 Athena 379 Kapalı Çarşı 293 Antalya 367-8 festivals & events 297 Teos 220 Kemeraltı Market 199 blue cruises 16, 337, food 299-300 Termessos 377-8, 377 Koza Han 293 352-3, 352-3 shopping 300 Terraced Houses 230 Pınar Pazarı 316 Bosphorus Ferry Tour sights 292-6 Tlos 343 Spice Bazaar 89, 133, 100-5 tourist information 300 132 Troy 170 Golden Horn Ferry Tour travel to/from 300 beaches 14, 25 105-6 Uzuncaburç 393, 397 travel within 301-2 Anamur 389 Kalkan 348 Xanthos 345 bus travel 606, 607, Yazılıkaya 431 Büyük Çakıl Plajı 355 Kuşadası 243 609-10, 612 Yenıce Kale 429 Çaka 507 Long Bosphorus Tour business hours 21, 596 105 Zelve Open-Air Museum Çalış Beach 333 Butterfly Valley 341-2 Marmaris 277 467 Dilek Peninsula 248 Büyükada 142-3 Ölüdeniz 340 architecture 27, 573-6 İztuzu Beach 325 Byzantine period 574 books 576 Konyaaltı Plajı 367 Sagalassos 320 Byzantine period 574 Lara Plajı 367 Side 380 Ottoman period 574-6 Liman Ağzı 355 Turquoise Coast 337, 353 C Caesar, Julius 561 Seljuk period 574 Marmaris 277 Bodrum 257-68, 258 Çakraz 500 Ardanuç 536-7 Ölüdeniz Beach 340 accommodation 261-5 Çamlıhemşin 527 area codes 21 Olympos Beach 363 activities 261 Çanakkale 164-9, 166 Armenian people 404, 569 Patara Beach 347 drinking 267-8 Çandarlı 196 art galleries, see museums Sagalassos 320 entertainment 267-8 & galleries Sandy Beach 380 food 265-7 canoeing 40 arts 577-80 Behramkale 180-3 shopping 268 canyoning 40 Arykanda 364 belly dancing 580 sights 259-61 Cape Helles British Memorial 159, 163 628 Cappadocia 10, 451-96, Çatalzeytin 501 Kızıl Kilise 492 discount cards 24, 135, 452, 11 cathedrals, see churches & Orthodox Church 137, 466 accommodation 451, 461 cathedrals (Antakya) 406 diving & snorkelling 40, balloon flights 469 Caves of Heaven & Hell Öşkvank Kilesesi 537-8 277, 326, 355 climate 451 395, 397 Pancarlı Kilise 474 Divriği 438 food 451 Çavuşin 466-7 Patriarchal Church of St Doğanyurt 501 INDEX highlights 452 cell phones 20, 599 George 93 Doğubayazıt 546-9, 547 tours 453 cemeteries & memorials Roman Catholic Church Dolmabahçe Palace 98 163 406 travel seasons 451 dolmuşes 612 57 Alay & Kesikdere Soğanlı 483 C-E car travel 607, 610-11 Dörtkilise 529, 533 Cemeteries 158 St Helen’s Church 449 driving licences 610 drinks 26, 43, 153, 179 Anzac Cove 157, 162 St Paul’s Catholic hire 610-11 driving, see car travel Baby 700 Cemetery 158 Church 400-1 insurance 611 Lone Pine 157, 162 Surup Krikor Lusavoriç road rules 611 Kilise 495 Çeşme 214-17, 215 E caravanserai earthquakes 588 Ceylan, Nuri Bilge 580 Yenikapı Greek Church Ağzıkara Hanı 493 367 Eceabat 161-4 changing money 21 Cinci Hanı 424 Cide 501 economy 556-7 children, travel with 49-51 Sarıhan 471 Cilicia kingdom 404 Edirne 145-52, Chimaera 364 146 Taş Han 439 cinema 556, 579-80 accommodation 150 churches & cathedrals Carian Trail 255 cities 28 drinking 151 Ayastafanos Church 316 Carpet Museum 70 Çıralı 362, 363-5 food 150-1 Ayios Haralambos carpets 577 Church 214 climate 20, 29-32 nightlife 151 Çarşı 423-4 Ayios Kostantinos-Eleni clothing 22 shopping 151 castles & fortresses 439 Kilise 481 Constantine, Emperor 60 sights 146-9 Alanya Castle 384 Ayios Vasilios Kilise Constantinople 60-1, 118 tourist information 151 Amasra Castle 499 481-2 consulates 593 travel to/from 151 Ayasuluk Fortress 235 Barhal Church 533 Çorum 432-3 Edremit 183-4 Beşkapılar 197 Basilica of St John 234-5 costs 21 Eğirdir 315-20, 318 Bodrum Castle 259-60 Çavuşin Kilisesi 466 courses electricity 593 Bozcaada Castle 177 Cemil Church 484 cooking 109 embassies 593 Bursa Citadel 293 Church and Monastery language 594 emergencies 21 Çandarlı Castle 196 of St George 143 credit cards 595 language 620 Corycus Castle 393 Church of St Demetrius culture 581 environment 585-8 242 Crusader Fortress 333 Cunda 189-90, 204 environmental issues Church of St Gregory Dış Kale 197 currency 20, 595-6 586-8 (Tigran Honents) Harşena Kale 434-5 customs regulations 592 Ephesus 12, 24, 223-33, 543, 528 İç Kale 545 cycling 608 233-4, 263, 573, 224, Church of St Jean 472, Kadifekale 203 13, 263 486-7 Kalesi (Erzurum) 520 history 224 Church of St John the Kars Castle
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