Relevé êpidém. hebd. / 1965, 40, 365-380 N° 30 Wkly Epidem. Rec. / ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENÈVE GENEVA RELEVE EPIDEMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notifications et informations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the du Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatives à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases Service de la Quarantaine internationale International Quarantine Service Adresse télégraphique: EPIDNATIONS, GENÈVE Telegraphic Address: EPIDNATIONS, GENÈVE 30 JUILLET 1965 40e ANNÉE — 40th YEAR 30 JULY 1965 MALADIES QUARAiNTENAIRES — Q UARANTINABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés au 29 juillet 1965 — Mected areas as oh 29 July 1965 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of quarantinable de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 372). diseases was reported (see page 372), a = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 à la ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été notifiée Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a) : under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each disease; * = territoires nouvellement infectés. * = newly infected areas. PESTE — PLAGUE ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR BIRMANIE — BURMA Santal Parganas, District ■ 3.VUI.63 Manta ( P ) ...................... B 6.III Rangoon (PA )............... À 24 VTT Saran, D istrict............... ■ 15.Vin.64 Shahabad, District . ■ 7.IX.63 11-29.VH Manabi, Province Gujarat, State Portoviejo, Canton INDE — INDIA Ahmedabad, District . n 30.1 Picoaza, P a r r . ............... ■ Afrique — Africa B 27.11 Ahmedabad (A) .... 6.11 Amreli, District .... n 10, VII Portoviejo, Parr................ a 1.XU.62 Calcutta (PA) (excl. A) . ■17.HI.56 Baroda, District .... ■17.IV Cochin (P )....................... 8.V Sucre, Canton Bhavnagar, District . ■ 19. VI Madras (PA )................... ■ CONGO, RÉP. DÉM. DU Broach, District............... 29.V Charapoto, Parr............... a 1.XN.62 * Meenambakkam (Madras K air a. D istrict............... ■ 22.V San Vicente, Parr. ■ l.x n .62 CONGO, DEM. REP. OF A irport)....................... 24. VII Mehsana, District . e 22.V Panchmahals, District . ■ 30.1 Andhra Pradesh, State Orientale, Province Asie — Asia Rajkot, District .... ■19. VI Kibali-liuri, District Adilabad, District . ■18.VII.64 Surat, District ..... n 3.IV ■ Djugu, Terr....................... B 2.VII INDE — INDIA Anantapur, District . 4.vn.64 Chittoor, District .... a 29.11.64 Kerala, State Andhra Pradesh, State Cuddappah, District . a io.vm.63 Alleppey, District. ■ 4.II Chittoor, District .... a 10. VII Guntur, District .... e 31.XH.59 Cannanore, District . a 22.V Hyderabad, District . n 7.11.63 Eraakulam, District. B 3. VIT Amérique — America VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU Karimnagar, District . ■ 13.11.64 Kottayam, District . n n .n VIET-NAM, REP. OF Khammam, District . ■ 9,1 Kozhikode, District . n 21.VI Krishna, District .... ■ 25.VN.64 Quilon, District .... ■15.11 D a la tI A ) ....................... A 24.VII Kumool, District .... ■ 23.1 Trichur (Cochin), District n 14. VI BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Saigon (excl. PA) .... A 17.VII Mahbubnagar, District . ■ 17.VU.64 Trivandrum, District . ■ l.V Khanh-Hoâ, Province Medak, District .... a 28.m.64 Chuquisaca, Dep. Nalgonda, District . a 20.11 Madhya Pradesh, State * Ninhhoa, District. A 24.VII Nellore, District .... ■ 13,11.64 Bilaspur» District .... ■27.V.64 Tominft, Province . B 31.111 ■ 5.XH.63 Lam-Dong, Province Nizamabad, District . Srikakulam, District . n 12.xn.64 Madras, State Baoloc, District .... A 17.VN ■ Visakhapatnam, District . 5.V.63 * Chingleput, District . B 3. VII BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Quang-Ngai, Province West Godavari, District . Coimbatore, District . n 5.501.64 ■ * Sontinh, District .... A 24.VII Assam, State Madurai, District .... 12.XII.64 Bahia, State North Arcot, District . n 25.X.62 Tuyen-Duc, Province n Riachao do Jacuipe, Dep. B 31.m Darrang, District .... 26. VI Ramanathapuram, District n 2.IX.64 Dongduong, District . B 3.VII Goalpara, District. ■ 3.vn Salem, D istrict............... n 12.XN.64 ■ Ceara, State Kamrup, District .... 26.VI Tanjore, District .... ■ 9.1 * Sibsagar, District . ■25. VI TiruchirapaUi, District . ■ 12.Xn.64 Pedra Branca, Dep. B 31.111 Tirunelveli, District . ■ â.m CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Bihar, State Pernambuco, State 11-29. VII Bhagalpur, District . n 3.VÜI.63 Maharashtra, State Sao Caetano, Dep. * . B 3i.m Champaran, District. n 22.V Ahmednagar, District . ■ 8.1 Asie — Asia Darbhanga, District . ■ 8.IV.64 Buldhana, District . n 14.m.64 Rio Grande do Norte, State Muzaffarpur, District . ■ 9.V.61 East Khandesh, District . ■ 13.VU.63 Passagem, Dep. .... B 3!.Ill AFGHANISTAN Patna, District............... ■ 20.V.63 Kolaba, District .... ■14. VU San Antonio, Dep. B 31.H1 - Mazar-i-Sharif, Province . ■ 22.VII Pumca, District .... n 23.XI.63 Kolhapur, District . ■ 6.m — 366 — Nasik, D istrict............... a 12.XN.64 FIÈVRE JAUNE — YELLOW FEVER Tarma, Province GUINÉE — GUINEA Poona, District............... a 30.VI.64 Chanchamayo, District . A 10.V ■ 29. V Dabola, Région .... B 12.VI Satara North, District . 2.V-29.VU La Merced, District . B l.V - Satara South, District a 20.VN San Ramon, District . B 26.IV Sholapur, District . a 19.VI Ycotmal, District .... a 25.V.64 Afrique — Africa Pasco, Dep. KENYA Oxapampa, Province Mysore, State Central Region Villa Rica, District . A 10.V Bangalore, District . a 6.1 ANGOLA....................... a 27.V.59 Kiambu, County .... A 17.VH « Belgaum, District .... n 27 .VII Thika, C o u n ty ............... A 10.'VU Bellary, District .... a 6.IU Bijapur, District .... n 24. IV Eastern Region Chikmagalur, District . a 24.1V CONGO, RÉP. DÉM. DU Dharwar, District . a 4. VIL 64 CONGO, DEM. REP. OF Embu, County .................... A 10,VU VARIOLE — SMALLPOX Machakos, County . A 17.VD Kolar, District............... B 12. VI Territoire situé au nord du Mandya, District .... a 10.IV 10° S. — Territory North Mysore, District »... a 1JV North-Eastern Region B 19.VI Raichur, District .... ■ 13,111 of 10° S............................. a 11.XU.56 27.VI-29.VU Shimoga, District .... n 24.1V Nyanza, Region South Kanara, District . a 19. VII Central Nyanza, County . B 26.VI GHANA ....................... a 1.X.56 Afrique — Africa Tumkur, District .... a 3.VU Rift Valley, Region Orissa, State GUINÉE PORTUGAISE Kajiado, County . , . , A 3.VH Balasore, District .... a l.x n .61 AFRIQUE DU SUD Nandi, C ounty................ B 26.VI Cuttack, District .... a 8.11.58 PORTUGUESE GUINEA SOUTH AFRICA Ganjam, District ..... a 30.VI1.62 Catio, Cone. & Deleg. S. B 31.Xn.64 Western Region Puri, District................... ■ U.I1I.64 Natal, Province Sundergarh, District . « 29.U.64 Farim, Cone. & Deleg. S. B 31.XU.64 Bungoma, County. B 26.VI Gabu, Cone...................... B 31.XH.64 Ingwavuma, District . B 7.V Kakamega, County . B 26.VI Punjab, State Transvaal, Province Gurgaon, District . ■ 12. VII n 24.VII NIGÉR1A — NIGERIA a 1.X.56 Barberton, District . B 7.VI * Kamal, District .... LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . ■ 15.DI.il * Rohtak, District .... ■ 18. VII Johannesburg, District . B 26.IV Letaba, District .... B 3.V Rajasthan, State SIERRA LEONE . a 1.X.56 Nelspruit, District . B 7.VI * Alwar, District .... ■ 20. VII Pilgrim’s Rest, District . B 7.VI MALAWI Kotah, District............... ■ 3.VII Warmbaths, District . B 4.VI SOUDAN — SUDAN Zoutpansberg, District . B 4.VI Central Province . Uttar Pradesh, State . A 17.VII Territoire situé au sud du Northern Province . A 3.W Allahabad, District . a 22:VI 12° N. — Territory South Southern Province . A 24.VÜ * Etah, D is tr ic t............... ■ 24.VU of 12° N ............................ a 17.XN.56 CONGO (Brazzaville) ♦ Etawah, District .... ■ 26. VII Lucknow, District . a 27.X1.63 Brazzaville (PA) .... B 4.IV Mathura, District. a 12. VI Pointe-Noire (PA). a 26.XI.62 MALI Pratabgarh, District. a 3.VN Amérique — America Bamako, Région Rampur, District ...» ■ 8.V Bouenza-Louesse, Préf. Bamako, Cercle .... B 24.V West Bengal, State S ib iti.................. B 24.1 Dioila, C e rc le ............... B 3.V BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Burdwan, District . ■ 6.II.58 Lèfini, Préf. Cooch Behar, District . a 6.V Gao, Région Hooghly, District .... a 3.III.63 La Paz, Dep. D jam bala....................... B 29.XI.64 Ansongo, Cercle .... B 20.VI Howrah, District .... a 9.111.62 * Caupolican, Province . A 27.V Diré, C e rcle................... B 6.VI Malda, District............... a 2.XI.63 Likouala, Préf . ■ 16.X.62 Goundam, Cercle .... B 6.VI Midnapur, District . a io.vm.63 Santa Cruz, Dep. Kidai, Cercle ............... B 20.VI Murshidabad, District. a 24.lll.63 * Andres Ibanez, Prov. A 25.VI Mossaka, Préf Tombouctou, Cercle . B 6.VI Nadia, District............... ■ 13.V1I Loukolela, S. Préf. B 21.III 24-Parganas, District . a 25.11.63 Mossaka, S. Préf. a 13.VU.62 Mopti, Région Purulia, District .... ■ 19.VII BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Bandiagara, Cercle . B 24.V Niari, Préf Bankass, Cercle .... B 13.YI B 4.XH.64 PAKISTAN Belem ( P A ) ................... Kibangou, S, Préf. a 5.X.62 Djenné, C ercle............... B 13.VI Koro, Cercle................... B 6.VI Karachi (PA) (excl. A) . B 10. VII Goias, State Niari-Bouenza, Préf Mopti, Cercle ..... B 6.VI East Pakistan Anapolis, Dep.................. B U M adingou........ B 7.II Niafunké, Cercle .... B 20.VI Ceres, Dep........................ B 24.III Tenenkou, Cercle .... B 13.VI Khulna, Division N'Kénl, Préf Bakarganj (Barisal), D.
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