Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80965-8 — The Power and the People Charles Tripp Index More Information Index Abbas, Ferhat, 23 Al Khalifa, Salman bin Hamad, crown Abbas, Mahmoud, president of the prince of Bahrain, 112–14 Palestinian National Authority, Aleppo 124 citadel, 19 Abbasgholizadeh, Mahboubeh, 209 killing of Alawi officer cadets (1979), 54 Abd al-Jalil, Mustafa, leader of the Alexandria National Transitional Council protest demonstrations (1977), 134, (Libya), 65, 67 149, 154 Abd al-Qadir, Amir, 24 protest demonstrations (2011), 71, 92, Abdel-Fattah, Israa, 98 94–5, 97, 99, 104 Abdi, Abed, 279–80 Alexandroni Brigade, 230. See also Abdoun, Hamid, 284. See also Algeria: Tantura killings (1948) Aouchem art movement Algeria Abdul-Aziz, Mustafa, 162 Algerian League of Human Rights, 246 Abdullah I, king of Jordan, 28 Algiers riots (1988), 134 Abdullah II, king of Jordan, 213 Aouchem art movement, 244, 284–6 Abeling, Johannes Armée de Libération Nationale (ALN), ‘Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip’ (2005), 302 22, 238, 241 Abu `Aisha, Dareen, 207 Armée Islamique du Salut (AIS), 249 Abu Iyad (Salah Khalaf), 29 Berber Spring (1980), 237–40, 245–6, al-Adly, Habib, 96 251 Adnan, Etel Black Spring (2001), 247 ‘Blessed Day’ (1990), 290 Constitution (1963), 241 Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, president of European settlers, 22–4 Iran, 82–6, 179, 193, 197, 199, Front de Libération Nationale (FLN), 301 16, 22–4, 30, 33, 136, 221, 237–47, Ait Ahmed, Hocine, 241–2, 245. See also 249, 251, 254–5, 285–6 Algeria: Front des Forces Socialistes party congress (1983), 246 (FFS) Front des Forces Socialistes (FFS), Ait Manguellet, Lounis, 244 241–2, 245, 248 al-Akhal, Tamam, 281 Front Islamique du Salut (FIS), 241 Akmoun, Mustafa, 285. See also Algeria: Groupe Islamique Armé (GIA), 249 Aouchem art movement hogra (contempt), 15, 248, 322, 343 Al Khalifa dynasty (Bahrain), 107, 110, Issad Commission (2001), 248 112, 114, 132 Le Pouvoir, 136, 242, 247, 249, 252, Al Khalifa, Hamad bin Isa, king of 255, 322, 343 Bahrain, 107–8, 111, 115 Medéa trial (1985), 246 Al Khalifa, Khalifa bin Salman, prime National Union of the Plastic Arts minister of Bahrain, 110 (UNAP), 244, 285 375 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80965-8 — The Power and the People Charles Tripp Index More Information 376 Index Algeria (cont.) al- Asad, Hafiz, president of Syria, 1, 53–5 Organisation de l’Armée Secrète (OAS), al-Asad, Maher, 56 24 al-Asad, Rifaat, 54 parliamentary elections (1991), 136 Ashrawi, Hanan, 206 Philippeville massacre (1955), 23 Ashtiani, Sakineh Mohammadi, 209 protest demonstrations (1980s), 241 Aswan protest demonstrations (2001–2), 247–8 protest demonstrations (2011), 99 Rassemblement Nationale al-Aswany, Alaa, 93 Démocratique (RND), 249, 251 Asyut Sétif revolt (1945), 22 protest demonstrations (2011), 99 War of independence, 21–5 Ataturk, Mustafa Kamal, president of Zaatcha, destruction of (1849), 22 Turkey, 21 Algiers, battle of (1956–7), 24 al-Attar, Muhammad, 160 Ali, Ahmed Abdulla, 304 Aurès, 250 Allenby, General Sir Edmund, 25 Association Aurès El-Kahina, Alooshe, Noy, 311 250. See also Kahina Dihya Tadmut Altindere, Halil Aweis, Abd al-Karim, 34 ‘Dances with Taboos’ (1997), 287–8 ‘ ’ When Ideas Become Crime (2010), 288 Badil Centre for Palestinian Residency and Amara, Fadela, 192 Refugee Rights – Amazigh/Berber, xviii, 242 52, 254, 285 Al-Awda Award competition, 268 Aarouche movement, 248 Baghdad Académie Berbère/Agraw Imazighen Green Zone, 20, 43 (Paris), 244 International Poster Exhibition (1979), Ateliers Berbères de Production et 267 Diffusion (ABPD), 245 sarifa shanty-town, 140 ’ Bulletin d études berbères (publication). Bahrain ’ See also under Groupe d Etudes Bahrain Independent Commission of Berbères (GEB) Inquiry (2011), 115–16 Chair of Berber Studies, University of Barhama, protests (2011), 111 Algiers, 243 Daih, protests (2011), 111 ’ Groupe d Etudes Berbères (GEB), 244 GCC force intervention (2011), 114–15 Imazighen (publication), 244 Haq Movement, 109, 113 Imazighen/Berbers, 9, 242, 246, 248 Malkiyya, protests (2007), 108 Mouvement Culturel Berbère/Amazigh National Action Charter (2001), 108 (MCB/A), 245 Nuwaidrat, protests (2011), 111 ’ Mouvement de l Autonomie Kabyle parliamentary elections (2010), (MAK), 248 109–10 Rassemblement pour la Culture et la Pearl Roundabout, 5, 111–15, 330 Démocratie (RCD), 248, 252 Penal Code (1976), 109 Shawia language, 250 police brutality, 108 Tamazight, 237, 239, 243, 245, 247, Salmaniyya Hospital, 112 252 Sanabis, protests (2011), 111 Tissuraf (publication). See also under Shi`i community, 5, 9, 107 ’ Groupe d Etudes Berbères (GEB) Sitra, protests (2009), 109 Ammar, Ali, 130 Special Security Force violence, 109 Amri, Nelly Salameh, 290 State Security Measures Law (1974), Amrouche, Taos, 244 109 – Arab League, 57 8, 66 steadfastness triangle, 111 Arab-Israel War tajnis (naturalization), xviii, 110, 114, June 1967, 28 329 Arafat, Yasser, chairman of the PLO, Al-Wifaq party, 109–11, 113–14 – – – 31 2, 35 6, 204 5, 211 bai’ salam, 171 Ardalan, Parvin, 199 Bakkour, Adnan, 310 Arif, Abd al-Salam, president of Iraq, 164 Bakr, Ahmad, 33 Arkoun, Mohammed, 249 Balfour Declaration (1917), 25 al-As`ad, Colonel Riyadh, 58 Banias, 4 – al-Asad, Bashar, president of Syria, 1 2, Banksy, 279 12, 55, 57, 132, 310 al-Baqri, Muhammad, 145 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80965-8 — The Power and the People Charles Tripp Index More Information Index 377 Barak, Ehud, prime minister of Israel, 33, protest demonstrations (2011), 92, 94 229, 234 Qasr al-Nil Bridge, battle for (2011), 95 Barzani, Masoud, leader of KDP, 61 Tahrir Square, 5, 9, 71–5, 92–3, 95–9, Basma bint Talal, princess of Jordan, 212 101–4, 111, 113, 149, 160–1, 261, Bassiouni, Cherif, 115 326 Bazargan, Mehdi, prime minister of Iran, Tahrir Square – Battle of the Camel 194 (February 2011), 98 Begin, Menachem, prime minister of Israel, Centre for Islamic Economics (Pakistan), 27 172 Behrouzi, Maryam, 193, 196 Chaker, Salam, 237, 245 Beilin, Yossi, 235 civil rights movement Beirut Northern Ireland, 313 Beirut Arab University, 267 USA, 313 Mina al-Husn, 126 crony capitalism, 137, 162 Place des Martyres protests (2005), 74, – 127 9, 131, 326 Dair al-Zor Riyadh el Solh Square, 128 uprising in (2011), 56 Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine, president of Damanhour – Tunisia, 16, 72, 90 2, 95, 132, 135 protest demonstrations (2011), 97 Ben Bella, Ahmed, president of Algeria, Damietta – 239, 241 2 protest demonstrations (2011), 94 Ben Gurion, David, prime minister of Dar`a, 1–3, 5, 55–6 – Israel, 219, 228 9, 231 ‘Dignity Square’ (midan al-karama), 2 Benaissa, Slimane, 250. See also Aurès graffiti, 1 Ben-Ami, Shlomo, 235 protestors’ demands, 3 Benghazi public protests, 1 Katiba barracks, siege of (2011), 63 al- Umari mosque, 2 – uprising in (2011), 62 4 de Gaulle, General Charles, president of Benhadj, Ali, 241. See also Algeria: Front France, 24 Islamique du Salut (FIS) Defence Brigades (Syria), 54 Benjedid, Shadhli, president of Algeria, Deir Yassin killings (1948), 229 246 Democratic Front for the Liberation of Berger, John, 282 Palestine (DFLP), 201–2, 266 Bilal, Wafaa Derna ‘ ’ Domestic Tension (Shoot an Iraqi) uprising in (2011), 63 – (2007), 296 7 Dien Bien Phu, siege of (1954), 24 Installations (1999), 296 dimuqratiyyat al-khubz [the democracy of ‘ ’ Virtual Jihadi (2008), 305 bread], 147 Bin Laden, Usama, 49 Drori, Gideon, 232 Black Hand, the, 26. See also al-Qassam, Dubai Islamic Bank, 170 Shaikh Izz al-Din Black September, battle in Jordan (1970), 30 Ebtekar, Massoumeh, 197 Black September, Palestinian group, 30 Ech Channa, Aicha, 191 Bou Ziyan, 22 Egypt Bouazizi, Mohamed, 90, 118, 135 April 6 Movement, 7, 93, 98, 159 Boullata, Kamal, 282 armed forces (2011), 9, 95, 98, 99, – – Boumedienne, Houari, president of 100 2, 103 5 Algeria, 239, 242 baltagiyya (thugs), 103 Bouteflika, Abdelaziz, president of Algeria, Burning of Cairo (1952), 90 247–8, 250 Central Security Forces (CSF), 155 Budrus (film) (2009), 330 Egyptian Federation of Independent – Butros Ghali, Yusuf, 158 Trade Unions (EFITU), 161 2 Egyptian Trade Union Federation (ETUF), 93, 148, 153–5, 157–8, Cairo 161 citadel, 19 Egyptian Workers Federation (1957), Mugamma` building in Tahrir Square, 148 73, 92 Engineers’ Syndicate, 152–3 protest demonstrations (1977), 134 Ezzay? (song) (2011), 319 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80965-8 — The Power and the People Charles Tripp Index More Information 378 Index Egypt (cont.) al-Ubaidi, Shaikh Dhafer (2004), 44 Free Officers, 147 Fanon, Frantz, 23, 29 fulul (remnants of the old regime), 306 Farokhzad, Forough, 299 general strike (2011), 161 Fatah (Palestine National Liberation General Union of Agricultural and Movement), 29, 30, 34–5, 207, Manual Workers (1964), 148 266, 276 Ghad party, 93 Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, 34–5, 207 Greek and Jewish families in the Fayyad, Salam, prime minister of the economy, 142 Palestinian National Authority, Kafr al-Dawwar protests (1952), 145, 124 147 female ijtihad, 217 Kafr al-Dawwar protests (1984), 155 Iran, 193, 196–7, 198 Kifaya movement, 7, 93 Morocco, 188 Land Centre for Human Rights, 165 Palestine, 203, 205–6 land protests (2005–10), 164–5 fidayin (Palestinian guerrillas), 29, 30 Law 35 (1976), 158 fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), 169, 181, 216 Law 96 (1992), 165 Flapan, Simha, 227 Law 100 (1993), 152 Foucault, Michel, 11 Law 203 (1991), 156
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