Map of Somalia1 Evaluation Team Name Position / Thematic Areas Moses Lusih Team Leader/ Population Dynamics Kalid Mohamed Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Ibrahim Mohamed Adolescents and Youth Jane Kiragu Gender Equality and Women‟s Empowerment 1 The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on the maps on this site do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations Population Fund. Somalia Country Programme Evaluation – 2018 - 2020 Acknowledgement The Evaluation Team wishes to thank UNFPA for the opportunity to successfully undertake the Somalia third Country Programme Evaluation. We are particularly grateful to the UNFPA Somalia staff members who, despite other pressing commitments in their responsibilities, were so responsive and gave us all the support that we needed to accomplish our work. We appreciate the CO leadership, led by the Country Representative, Anders Thomsen and his deputy, Walter Mendonca-Filho for their support and contribution to the successful implementation of the CPE. We particularly recognize the invaluable support of the M & E Specialist, Dr. Haider Rasheed and Ms. Stephanie Mugure for successful field coordination and facilitation of our virtual interview sessions, respectively; as well as the ASRO M&E Adviser, Dr. Olugbemiga Adelakin for the invaluable support and guidance during the CPE. We appreciate the participation of members of the Evaluation Reference Group, especially those who took time to provide comments towards improving the quality of the CPE design and report. We would also like to acknowledge the contributions made by the UNFPA CO staff and stakeholders, without whom the CPE would not have been successful. The information provided, despite other commitments, was very useful in enriching this report and providing feedback to the CO. The Evaluation Team hopes that the findings and recommendations presented in this report will positively contribute to building a sound foundation for the development of 4th UNFPA Somalia country programme, national development plans and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) in Somalia. ii | Page Somalia Country Programme Evaluation – 2018 - 2020 Table of Contents Map of Somalia i Acknowledgement ii List of Tables v List of Figures. v ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS vi Somalia: Key Facts ix CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose and Objectives of the CPE 1 1.2 Scope of the Evaluation 1 1.3 Methodology and Process 2 Evaluation Criteria and Evaluation Questions 2 Evaluation Approach 4 Methods for Data Collection 6 Data Validation, Analysis and Report Writing 7 1.3.2 Selection of the Sample of Stakeholders 8 1.3.3 Evaluation Process 9 CHAPTER 2: COUNTRY CONTEXT 10 2.1 Development Challenges 10 2.1.1 Sexual and reproductive health 12 2.1.2 Adolescents and Youth 13 2.1.3 Gender Equality and women’s empowerment 14 2.1.4 Population dynamics 15 2.2 The Role of External Assistance 16 CHAPTER 3: UNITED NATIONS / UNFPA RESPONSE AND PROGRAMME STRATEGIES 19 3.1 United Nations/ UNFPA Strategic Response 19 3.2 UNFPA Response through the Country Programme 19 3.2.1 Brief Description of UNFPA Previous Cycle Strategy, Goals and Achievements 19 3.2.2 Current UNFPA Country Programme 21 3.2.3 The Country Programme Financial Structure of the Programme 23 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS: ANSWERS TO THE EVALUATION QUESTIONS 27 4.1 Introduction 27 4.2 Relevance 27 iii | Page Somalia Country Programme Evaluation – 2018 - 2020 4.3 Effectiveness 37 4.3.1 Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 37 4.3.2 Adolescent and Youth 45 4.3.3 Gender Equality and Women Empowerment 49 4.3.4 Population Dynamics 56 5.3.5 UNFPA’s Contribution to the Somalia Humanitarian Response 63 4.3.6 Gender and Human rights-based approaches integration into the 3rd Country Programme 65 4.4 Efficiency 67 4.5 Sustainability 77 4.6 Coordination 84 4.7 Coverage 87 4.8 Connectedness 89 4.9 Lessons learnt 91 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS 92 5.1 Introduction 92 5.2 Strategic Level 92 5.3 Programmatic Level 97 CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATIONS 104 6.1 Introduction 104 6.2 Strategic Level 104 6.3 Programmatic Level 107 ANNEXES 112 iv | Page Somalia Country Programme Evaluation – 2018 - 2020 List of Tables Table 2.1 ODA for Somalia in the CPD Period (2018 -2020) ..................................................................... 17 Table 3.1 2nd Country Programme Areas, Outcome and Outputs ............................................................. 20 Table 3.2 3rd Country Programme Outcome, Output and Interventions .................................................... 22 Table 3.3 Proposed Amount allocated for the Somalia CP ........................................................................ 23 Table 3. 4 CP Budget Utilization rate .......................................................................................................... 24 Table 4.1 M&E Framework for the Sexual and Reproductive Health component of the 3rd CP ................ 38 Table 4.2 M&E Framework for the Adolescent and Youth component of the 3rd CP ................................ 45 Table 4.3 M&E Framework for the Gender Equality and Women‟s Empowerment component of the 3rd CP ............................................................................................................................................................... 50 Table 4.4 Results Framework for the Population Dynamics component of the 3rd CP ............................. 58 Table 4.5 CP M&E activities and frequency of implementation .................................................................. 74 List of Figures. Figure 1.1 Reconstructed Theory of Change (ToC) ..................................................................................... 5 Figure 2.1 ODA Trends in Somalia from 2009 to 2019 ............................................................................... 18 Figure 3.1 Country Programme Resource Distribution by Year of Implementation .................................... 24 Figure 3.2 Evolution of the CP Budget and Expenditure 2018 to June 2020 (US$) ................................... 25 Figure 3.3 Somalia 3rd CP Yearly Budget and Expenditure by Source of fund ......................................... 25 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.4 Budget and expenditure by Programmatic area. ...................................................... 26 Figure 4.1 Strategic direction of UNFPA ..................................................................................................... 28 v | Page Somalia Country Programme Evaluation – 2018 - 2020 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AADPD Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development AIDS Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome ANPPCAN African Network for the Prevention and Protection Against Child Abuse and Neglect ART Antiretroviral Therapy AWP Annual Work Plan BEmONC Basic Emergency obstetric and newborn care CCCM Camp Coordination and Camp management CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women CEmONC Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care services CERF Central Emergency Fund CMR Clinical Management of Rape CO Country Office CP Country Programme CPD Country Programme Document CPE Country Programme Evaluation CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate CSO Central Statistics Office DAC Development Assistance Committee DaO Delivering as One DFID Department for International Development (UK) EM Evaluation Manager EPHS Essential Package of Health Services ERG Evaluation Reference Group FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FGD Focus Group Discussion FGM Female Genital Mutilation FGM/C Female Genital Mutilation/Circumcision FGS Federal Government of Somalia GAM Global Acute Malnutrition GBV IMS Gender-Based Violence Information Management Systems GBV Gender-based Violence GDP Gross Domestic Product GEWE Gender Equality and Women Empowerment GPS Global Positioning system HACT Harmonised Approach to Cash Transfers HCT Humanitarian Country Team HIV Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus HR Human Rights HRP Humanitarian Response Plan HSSP Health Sector Strategic Plan ICPD International Conference on Population and Development IDMC Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre IDPs Internally Displaced Persons IEC Information, Education and Communication ILO International Labour Organisation IMF International Monetary Fund IPs Implementing Partners vi | Page Somalia Country Programme Evaluation – 2018 - 2020 JUNTA Joint United Nations Team on AIDS KII Key Informant Interview LDC Least Developed Country LMIS Logistics Management Information System M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio (Rate) MNCH Maternal New born and Child health MoH Ministry of Health MoNP&ND Ministry of National Planning and National Development MoPIC Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation - Puntland MOPIED Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development MPTF Multi Partner Trust Fund NBS National Bureau of Statistics NDP National Development Plan NGO Non-Governmental Organization NRC Norwegian Refugee Council ODA Official Development Assistance OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD/DAC Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development PBF Peace Building Fund PD Population Dynamics PMT Programme Management Team PMTCT Prevention of Mother to child transmission PoA Plan of Action PPE Personal Protection Equipment PwC PriceWaterhouseCoopers RBM Results Based management RHWG Reproductive Health Working Group RMNCH Reproductive maternal newborn and child health
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