see Helen S. Dyer, Pandita Ramabai (London: Pickering & Inglis [ca. for the geographic area that includes Dohnavur, at which time, 1924], pp. 101-2; S. M. Adhav, PanditaRamabai (Madras: CLS, 1979), Amma severed her remaining Anglican connections. This might pp. 216ff. One is left with the impression that Ramabai's revival have been just as well, all things considered. On some of the aroused more attention than that at Dohnavur. complexities of Stephen Neill's character, see Eleanor M. Jackson, 18. Houghton, Amy Carmichael, p. 195. "The Continuing Legacy of Stephen Neill," in International Bulletin 19. Elisabeth Elliot, A Chance toDie: TheLifeandLegacy ofAmyCarmichael of Missionary Research 19, no. 2 (April 1995): 77-80. (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1987), p. 268. Elliot deals with 20. Houghton, Amy Carmichael, p. 259. the Neill episodein somedetail (pp. 267-70), in contrastto Houghton, 21. Ibid., p. 299. who merely hints at it, mentioning no names. In 1939 Stephen Neill 22. Amy Carmichael, Candles in the Dark(London: SPCK, 1981), p. 113. became Anglican bishop of Tinnevelly, with pastoral responsibility Selected Bibliography Books by Amy Carmichael 1895 From Sunrise Land. London: Morgan & Scott. Elliot, Elisabeth. A Chance to Die: The Lifeand Legacy of Amy Carmichael. 1903 Things As They Are: Mission Work in Southern India. London: Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1987. Morgan & Scott. Houghton, Frank. Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur: The Story of a Loverand 1906 Overweightsof Joy. London: Morgan & Scott. Her Beloved. London: SPCK, 1953. 1909 Lotus Buds. London: Morgan & Scott. Scoglund, Elizabeth R. Amma: The Life and Words of Amy Carmichael. 1932 GoldCord: The Story of a Fellowship. London: SPCK. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1994. 1981 Candles in the Dark: Lettersto Her Friends. London: SPCK. 1987 if and His Thoughts Said . His Father Said . (in one volume). Houghton's book was written by one who had known Amma and London: SPCK. was commissioned by the Dohnavur Fellowship. It has of necessity been the basic source for all later writers, myselfincluded. In Elisabeth Elliot's Books About Amy Carmichael case, one feels that a more generous acknowledgment would not have Dick, Lois Hoadley. AmyCarmichael: LettheLittleChildren Come. Chicago: been out of place. Moody Press, 1984. The Legacy of Horace Newton Allen WiJo Kang he legacy of missionaries includes much diversity in and went to Nanjing, where they had beenassigned to work. But T theology, vocational concepts, and personal characteris­ they were quite unhappyin Nanjing. Allen complained, "Having tics. Among those who dedicated their lives to spreading the cured [a case of opium poisoning] by the hypodermic use of Gospel of Christin another culture were some who changed their atropine, my life was made miserable by constant calls to other vocation from evangelistic mission to diplomatic, political, or such cases. These calls invariably came at night, one after the economic ventures. Horace Newton Allen, the first Protestant other, so that sleep was quite out of the question ."2 resident missionary to Korea, was such a person, for he changed When his medical friends in China advised him to go to from an evangelistic medical vocation to a diplomatic vocation. Korea, Allen consulted with his mission board in New York: "I He came to Korea in 1884, and three years later the king of Korea submitted the matter to the authorities in New York and was­ appointed him secretary of the Korean legation in the United instructed by themby cable, to go to Korea in their interest."3 He States. Afterward he became the American minister and the arrived in Korea on September IS, 1884, and soon after his family consul general in Seoul. joined him in Seoul. Allen was born in 1858 and grew up in Delaware, Ohio, Korea was then suffering much from political factionalism where his parents had moved from New England. Nurtured at and power struggles. The missionaries were warned in anarticle home in a puritan way of life, he went to Ohio Wesleyan College, in Foreign Missionary that"nothing could be more uncalled for, or where he received a bachelor of science degree in 1881. Then he more injurious to our real missionary work, than for us to seem went to Miami Medical College in Oxford, Ohio. Soon after to take any part in the political factions of Korea. "4 At first, Allen graduationfrom the medical school, he married Frances Messen­ heeded this advice. In 1885 he wrote to the Presbyterian Mission ger, "a girl of a definitely religious turn of mind."! In that same House in New York, "I have been honored by a committee year he was appointed as a medical missionary to China by the waiting upon me to ask me to present an address of welcome to Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the the returning British Consul, General Aston, but have thought it U.S.A. best to stay out of politics, and have, therefore, respectfully Allen and his bride arrived in Shanghai on October II, 1883, declined."5 How was it, then, that Allen eventually became involved in political life as an active diplomat for both Korea and the United Wi [oKang, bornin Korea, cameto the United Statesin 1954. He received his States instead of continuing his missionary vocation? Two theological education from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and his Ph.D. importantfactors were Allen's personalityconflicts withGeneral degreefrom theUniversityofChicago. HeisWilhelmLoehe Professor ofMission Foote, the American minister in Seoul, and his ideological con­ at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque,Iowa. flicts withfellow missionaries,especiallyHoraceG. Underwood, July 1996 125 the first ordained clergy missionary in Korea, who arrived in on having rooms low enough so they might dispense with the use 1885. of elevators. Itwas amusing to see them go clattering up the stairs Allen's difficulties with Foote started soon after the coup of in their sandals, a sort of foot gear not meantfor stairclimbing and 1884,in which Prince MinYongikwasseriously wounded. Allen used in a countrywhere the houses are of one story, withoutstairs, was called to treat the prince, who eventually recovered. Foote and where the shoes are left outside the door on entering a house.to was jealous of Allen because of the latter's growing popularity But eventually Allen escorted the delegation safely to Wash­ and influence at the Korean court. ington, D.C., and presented themto PresidentGroverCleveland. Allen's involvement at the court also proved a trial for his missionary colleagues. Most of the Korean royal family, espe­ In 1888 I escorted a Korean minister, and his suite of twelve, to cially Prince MinYongik, were conservative and pro-Chinese. In Washington, and established them there, the first Korean legation contrast, most missionaries, including Horace Underwood, fa­ to be established out of Asia. It was in January that this unique vored the progressive, pro-Japanese Koreans. Allen criticized party burst upon our capital, clad in delicately tinted silk gowns, Underwood as "rather conceited and rash." and wearing their hats in the house. And such hats! They were Allenhad further difficulties withUnderwood and the other made of glossyblackhorsehair, silkand bamboo, with the crowns, missionaries. He had his doubts concerning evangelistic prac­ shaped like truncated cones, rising from rims six inches across." tices, and he was always cautious aboutbeginning overt mission work. Underwood, in contrast, was zealous to promote his Though his task was sometimes difficult, sometimes humorous, mission "cautiously but without apology," and to "preach and Horace Allen performed it patientlyand faithfully for the benefit take the consequences."7 Criticisms of Allen's reticence also came of Korea. He could truthfully report to his friend Prince Min Yongik that everyone in Washington received the Korean lega­ tion very favorably. After the Korean diplomats were settled and the legation Allen's involvement at the firmly established, Allen began trying to raise American busi­ Korean court proved a trial ness interest in Korea. He extolled the Korean people and their culture in the American press, hoping to attract American finan­ to his missionary ciers and businesses by explaining Korea's economic potential compatriates. and promise of prosperity. Allen wrote of his efforts: "I tried to raise a loan through James H. Wilson of Grant Co.... He is the financial authority in New York apparently, on Eastern matters. from the Methodist missionaries and even from a medical col­ The result was unsuccessful. Later on several gentlemen visited league, Dr. John Heron. Allen became disillusioned and dis­ me in Washington asking a franchise for gas lighting in Seoul."12 gusted, writing, "Mission work is a farce .... Heron has every otherweekwhollyto himselfandall but2-3 hoursof otherweeks. Cultivating American Business Leaders Yet he does not study. Underwood has as much leisure. So have the Methodists. I think it is a pretty soft thing." In the summer of 1888, Allen succeeded in forming a syndicate Out of Allen's unhappiness came a growing desire to get that included some of America's leading capitalists of the day, awayfrom Seoulandfromhis countrymenthere. In 1887anideal among them Morton Bliss and Dodge Phelps and Company. opportunity arose. The Korean king decided to open a legation Allen also excited the interest of American mine expert W. T. in the United States and asked Allen to be its foreign secretary Pierce, who wanted to establish a gold mill in Korea. Allen and to serve as guide to the Korean members of the envoy. rejoiced and wrote in a letter to Prince Min, "I now have some Allen's first step toward becoming a diplomat was escorting encouraging news for you. The mining expert Mr. Pierce has these representatives to Washington. found gold enough in Korea to warrant the erection of a mill and While he was glad to leave Seoul, this new job was not easy.
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