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The new genusbelongs in Lamiaceaesubfamily Prostantheroideae(often previously referredto by its synonym Chloanthoideae)and appearsto be somewhatintermediate in morphology betweenthe two tribes Chloantheaeand Westringieae.However the molecular data (Olmstead€r dl 1999) clearly place the genusin tribe Choantheae. Taxonomy Brachysola Rye, aom, et stat, noy. Chloanthessect. Brachysolenia F. Muell. (Mueller 1876: 14-15). - Pityrodia sect.Brachysolenia (F. Muell.) E. Pritz. (Diels & Pritzel 1904:515).Type: Chloanthes halganiaceaF.Mrcll.l=Brachysolq halganiacea (F. Muell.) Ryel. Shrubs wtth non-glandular stellate hairs on the stems and leaves,and with a mixture of non- glandularstellate hairs and simple glandularhairs on vegetativepafis of the inflorescence and on the outside of the flowers; stellatehairs with the branchesspreading and usually longer than the patent stalk; glandularhairs patent, the stalk comprisedofa numberof largecells, the terminal gland forming a capitateapex. young stemstercte, densely hairy. Learresopposite or in near-whorls,sessile, densely hairy on undersurface,Inflorescence aterminal panicleof 1-7-flowered cymes. Caly;r5Jobed, with a similar indumentumto that ofthe pedicelsoutside and distally inside(on the upperpart of the lobes), glabrousinside the tube and baseof the lobes,persistent in fruit but scarcelyenlarged; lobes more or lesstriangular, aboutas long asorlongerthan the tube,acute. CorollaS-lobecl,broaderthan long when fully opened,largely bluish purple with the basemore deeply coloured sunounding a yellow viscid cente; tube shorterthan the lobes, with a narrow tubular baseand a broad spreadingupper portion, glabrousinside; lobes spreading,the lowest (abaxial)one largest,the other two pairs of lobes about equal,variable in shape,commonly broadly ovateto broadly obovate,obtuse. Stamens4, somewhat didynamous,the lowerpair usually with a slightly longer filament than the upperpair, insefiedalmost at the base of the corolla within the nanow basal portion of the tube, glabrous, yellowt filament somewhatthickened above the middle but otherwise filiform; anther of two broad parallel lobes, dorsifixed nearthe base,lacking appendages,each lobe longitudinally dehiscent. Ovary 4-celled,with I ovule in eachcell, glabrous,with scatteredsessile glands on the summit, dark puryle. So,lsterminal, arising at sumrnit of ovary but its insertion point becoming exceededby the 4 fruitlets surrounding it atmatudty,long-exserted,filiform,2-lobed at apex,glabrous, purplish; lobes closely adherent at first, separatingat maturity, eachwith a terminal stigma. Fruit a schizocxp, distinctly 4lobed, separating into four l-seededfruitlets (medcarps),enclosed in the calyx; mericarpsindehiscent, hard, the outer surfacereticulate-pattemed and brown tuming to black, with a paler hard compartmenton the inside enclosingsoft tissue;seeds somgwhat flattened and strongly incurved aroundthe inner compartment, soft, white. Sizeand distribution A genusof two species,restricted to the south-westofWestem Australia. It occurs in the central-eastempart ofthe SouthWest Botanical Proyinceand in the westem part of the South- westem Interzone,its northemmostknown extent not fi south of the EremeanBotanical Province, Figure I shows the distributionsof both species. Etymology. From the Greek words Drachy.r- short and solen * pipe or channel, referring to the short tubular basalportion of the floral tube. To make it lesscumbersome, this namehas been shortened by removal of two syllablesfrom Brachysoleniato Brachysola, 'sarcedsadfl eq1;o uolldlr3sapaql 8ul^{olloJe8?d lxeu eql uo euol?Jsedd? ol suedd?q '(€01, lErDalou ? ur ue^r8 sr lr s? pelooFe,ro ,(gpzers1 uoDtes ,{eu eql Jo uondutsap Jeuq eql rnq :1661)uuurdeq3fqpel?rlpqs?'lo^u!'wouetous\'lpnlN'lmuEost%zDrq'tressaquoolq)'satoN ' L oacoluo3lt1l olos|lltorg pr]p- a baf aor olosKllcorglo uotnqrllE( I ernBIJ I \ )J tl \ i6 I fr I )a' a a \r a Ll l \ t" r-,\ t\\' \ll \ ll -c; t /,*' 4 I s\ ) 7- _l I 7' ) \t"**1'" J.p o6f---:!|1""""5.""' A. vnvs-LsnvNUr_LStl j \A l i-- ;-- snueSu€l[BIsnV ruoNel\ ^1aue 'Dlos{1ttoq."1g 'eid Nrytsr'aVol. 11,No.2 (20m) SrnceBrachysola has previously been placed in Chloqnthes and.Pityrodia, a list of the main morphological differences between Brachysola and the Pityrodia group is given in Table I to emphasizehow inappropriatethat placementwas. In view of the great morphological variability in the Pityrodia group, the number of clear-cutdifferencas in the table is surprisingly large and leaves no doubt as to the distinctivenessof Brachysola. Table 1. Morphological differences between Brachysola and ihe PiSrodia group (including Chloanthe s rnd H emiohora\. Character Brachysola Pityrodia group branched hairs stellate dendritic corolla shape widely spreading more tubular indumentum inside absent present stamen inse ion very nearbase towards centre of tube anthers attachment nearbase almost central basal appendage absent presenl oYary glabrous hairy fruit number of fruitlets 4 2 (or fruit indehiscent) style insertion in central depression at summit fruitlet core with a compartment simple AlthoughBrachysola is placedin tribe Chloantheae,it is somewhatintermediate in its morphology between this tribe and tdbe Westringieae. It matchestribe Westringieaein its fruit, with the style insertedin a depressionbetween 4 fruitlets, whereasmembers of tribe Chloantheaehave a fruit that is either indehiscentor separatinginto 2 fruitlets, which areunited at first fully or almost to the surnmit, with the style arising at the summit. Several genera incl]udingHemigenia R. Br. have fruitlets specializedfor myrmecocorousdispersal. They have a hard compartmentattached to the inside-base of each fruitlet containing readily accessiblefleshy tissue attractive to ants, this elaiosomelike stucture being separatedby a hard wall from the soft white seed,which is hidden and protectedinside the fruitlet. In thesegenera of tribe Westringieaethe elaiosome-likestructure is derived from the receptacle,one of severalorgans that have been known to develop this function in Australian plant groups(Berg 1975).Brachysolaappears to havethe remnants ofa similaradaptationbutwith the fleshy tislue reducedand fully encasedso that it is no longer accessibleto ants. Its compafiment is located centrallyon theinner surfaceofthefruitlets, notnearthebaseasinHemigenia,socould have asomewhat different origin. In its inflorescenceBrachysola is closer to generaof tribe Chloantheae,which commonly have cymesin a variety ofarrangements,than to tribe Westringieaewith its mostly racemoseinflorescences. CyanostegiaTurcz.of the former tribe hasthe sametype ofinflorescenceas Bracftysola but looser,and alsoshows the closestapproach to Braclrysolain
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