Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-13224-4 - History and Neorealism Edited by Ernest R. May, Richard Rosecrance and Zara Steiner Index More information Index 9/11, 246, 248, 249, 250, 252 Agadir, 116 agency theory, 50, 71–74 absolute evil, 298 agenda absolute monarch, 41 ideological and, 203 absolute monarchies, 38 aggrandizement, 343, 363 absolutism, 84, 96 aggression, 19, 238 Abyssinia, 159, 168 aggressors, 10 academic elite agreement “Westernizing” and, 296 Anglo-American trade, 146 accords Anglo-German naval, 134 Mediterranean, 109, see also agreements: agreements Mediterranean Mediterranean, 108 Acheson, Dean, 237 naval limitation, 191 action agricultural production, 273 offensive, 199 aid actors American, 35 non-state, 52 air armada, 235 rational, 155 air cover unitary, 76, 130 Soviet 217 acts air forces, 132 irrational, 47 British and French, 138 Adenauer, Konrad, 310, 311, 312, 321 Air Raid Precaution (ARP), 138 administration air raids of Bush, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, German, 172 257, 265, see also Bush, George W. aircraft, 179, 239 of Clinton, 256, 257 military 230 of Obama, 256, 261, 265, 266 airlift of Truman, 310 Berlin 236 of Roosevelt, 146 airspace admirals Chinese 217 “treaty faction,” 190 Akhromeyev, Marshal (USSR), 304 Adriatic, 104 Al Qaeda, 246, 249, 251–55, 263 Serbia’s access to, 118 Albania, 116, 117, 120 advancement Albright, Madeleine, 265 intensive means of, 26 Alexander I, 299 advantages Alexander the Great, 201 long-term, 28 Ali, Mehemet, 23, see also Egypt adversary, 202 Alighieri, Dante, 339 intervention in, 249 alliance, 89 military action in, 251 German, 108, 119–121 Soviet occupation of, 300 Polish, 148 Africa, 19, 22 secret, 108 366 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-13224-4 - History and Neorealism Edited by Ernest R. May, Richard Rosecrance and Zara Steiner Index More information Index 367 alliances, 89, 90, 104, 130, 132, 342, 347, Argentina, 43, 231 354, 360 armaments Anglo-Austrian, 90 accumulation of, 327 Anglo-Dutch, 90 naval and military, 232 Anglo-Japanese, 188 armed forces, 202 Austro-French, 90 arms Austro-Russian, 90 air cover and, 217 Bush and, 303 Soviet cut in, 280 Franco-Spanish, 90 arms race, 272, 279 Alsace-Lorraine, 25, 107 arms shipments ambiguity, 262 Soviet and, 227 ambition, 263 arms spending, 271 America, 18, 47, 166, 189, 361, see also army, 186, 187, 189 see also Britain, United States Germany, 191, 193, 194, 196, 198, incompetence of, 225 235, 353 American Fleet, 345 German 130, 178 American Pacific Fleet, 195 state of French, 146 American Philippines, 197 strength of German, 139 American politics, 1 Aron, Raymond, 247 American Revolutionary War, 99 arrangements Americans, 141, 146, 337 collective security, 101 participation of, 134 power, 110 analyses Arrow, Kenneth, 328 materialist 269 Art of War, 204, see also Clausewitz, Carl hypothetical and counterfactual, 58 von anarchy, 52, 80, 81, 85, 129, 348 artichoke theory, 9, see also Hitler, Adolf international, 78 artificial intelligence, 14 structural, 100, 102 artillery, 230 Andrássy, Julius, 108, see also Austria- Ash, Timothy Garton, 264 Hungary Asia, 3, 14, 22, 285 Andropov, Yuri, 273, 277, 280, 336, assassinations see also USSR 1932–36, 191 death of, 282 asset freeze Angell, Norman, 156 American, 196, see also Japanese assets: Anglo-French military talks American freeze of lack of, 178 assistance Anglo-German Payments American, 153 Agreement, 181 Association for the Monetary Union of Angola, 34, 300 Europe, 317 anomalies, 46, 52, 53, 75 assumptions generation of, 50 neorealist, 70 “ocean of,” 52 unitary actor, 68 Anschluss, 179, see also Austria-Germany Athenians, 29, 230, 234, 238 Anti-Comintern Pact, 168 Athens, 2, 228 anti-communism, 236 democratic, 43 Apis, 114, 121, see also Serbia atomic bomb, 238, 239, 345, 362 appeasement, 45, 106, 128, 132, 157, 161, atomic energy see also United Kingdom peaceful uses of, 312 proponent of, 156 atomic warheads, 213 appreciation attacks February strategic, 140 9/11 terrorist, 249 Araki Nobuyoshi, 324 intercontinental Arbatov, Alexei, 282 terrorist, 246 Archduke, see also Franz Ferdinand Attlee, Clement, 236 death of, 127 attrition Aretin, K. O. von, 96 war of, 144 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-13224-4 - History and Neorealism Edited by Ernest R. May, Richard Rosecrance and Zara Steiner Index More information 368 Index audacity, 227 Balkans, 104, 105, 108, 113, 116, 118 audience costs, 45, 46 Russia’s role in, 110 Ausgleich agreement, 106, see also Baltic states, 26, 183 Austria-Hungary bandwagoning, 104, 123, 128 Austerlitz, 226 vs. balance, 31 Austria, 9, 16, 24, 25, 33, 38, 39, 93, 97, Bangladesh, 285 105, 106, 108, 123, 126, 127, 162, banks 167, 180, 347, 359 regulation of, 363 declares war on Serbia, 126 bargaining EC membership and, 319 distributional, 65 Austria-Hungary, 103, 104, 109, 111, 113, Barnhart, Michael, 345 121, 347, 355 Battle of Britain, 175, 183 as great power, 122 battle cruisers, 139 Austrian gold battleships, 186 seizure of, 134 Beck, Ludwig, 176 Austrian legitimacy, 18 resignation of, 176 Austrian War Beck, Colonel, 17 of 1740–48 35 Beck, Friedrich, 112 Austro-Prussian War, 24 behavior autarky aggressive, 105 strategy of, 164 Hitler’s, 149 authority, 309 international, 352 delegation of, 73 of Iran, 262 information-sharing, 57 of Japan, 325 Axelrod, Robert, 55, 60 non-strategic, 329 Axis, 184, see also Germany, Italy offensive, 131 “axis of evil,” 255 behavior change, 259, 262 Beijing, 26, 192 Bacon, Francis, 241 Belgium, 23, 88, 101, 126, 148, Bad Godesberg, 170 194, 311 Baghdad, 244 German invasion of, 126 Baker, James, 303 Belgrade, 121, 124 balance, 36, 129 benefits international 358 material, 270 land, 139 Berchtesgaden, 157, 170 military, 134, 346 Berchtold, Leopold, 116 naval, 139, 140 Berlin, 2, 4, 115, 118, 120, 123, 347 balance of interests, 294 warning to, 169 balance of power, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 23, 29, Berlin embassy, 177 33, 92, 93, 129, 130, 131, 137, 145, Berlin Wall, 319, 349 155, 166, 177, 179, 182, 201, 227, fall of, 317 234, 294, 298, 304, 307, 323, 339, Bessarabia, 183 342, 346, 360, 362 Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von, 126, in 1938 vs. 113, 346 159 Asian, 256 big business, 307 diplomacy and, 306 bin Laden, Osama, 246, 250 triumph of, 347 bipolarity vs. quest for order, 93 US–Soviet, 67 balance of trade, 182 Bismarck, Otto von, 336, 354 balancing, 52, 104, 106, 108, 123, 128, Bismarckian Concert, 25 137, 145, 146, 254 black boxes, 130 external, 155 Black Hand, 121 internal, 155 Blackwill, Robert, 243 vs. bandwagoning, 102 Blair, Tony, 252, 333 Balkan League, 116 “blank check,” 124 Balkan Wars, 103, 116 Germany and, 347 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-13224-4 - History and Neorealism Edited by Ernest R. May, Richard Rosecrance and Zara Steiner Index More information Index 369 blitzkrieg tactics, 183 British, the, 150, 151, 177, 238 blockade, 144 Brüning, Heinrich, 161 Berlin 236 Brussels Pact, 311 economic, 140 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 243 Blomberg, Field-Marshal Werner von, 176 Bucharest, 119 blow buck passing, 104, 128, 132 German knock-out 178 vs. balancing, 115 knock-out, 132, 133, 138, 145 buck-passing, 106, 130, 137, 145, 146, Board of Trade, 142 147 Boer War, 264 Budapest, 107 Bogomolov, Oleg, 282 Budrass, Lutz, 142 Bohemia, 111, 113, 123 Bukovina, 183 Bolingbroke, Viscount, 329 Bulgaria, 114, 116, 121, 165, 301 Bolshevik Revolution, 188 “Bulldog Britain,” 346 Bolsheviks, 288, 350, 352 bulldog spirit, 17 Bolshevism, 163 Bundesbank, 317, 318, 320 bomb bureaucracy terrorist, 242 of Soviet Union, 274 bombers, 175 Burián, Istvan, 120 bombing Bush Doctrine, 250 German, 132 Bush White House, 261, 262, border see also administration: of Bush Czech, 170 Bush, George H. W., 353 Manchurian, 193 Bush, George W., 240, 244, 248, 253, 332, Bosnia, 111, 121 333 annexation of, 120 Butterfield, Herbert, 79 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 103, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114, 117, 120, 123 cabinet, 132, 136, 151–52, 169 Bosnian crisis Cadogan, Alexander, 148, 150, 153, 177 1908–09, 103 Calabria, 88 Botero, Giovanni, 329 calculation Bovin, Alexander, 282 long-range, 93 Brauchitsch, Walther von, 176 material and, 292 Brezhnev, Leonid, 305 Cambodia, 300 Britain, 4, 17, 24, 31, 43, 47, 83, 88, 91, Vietnamese withdrawal from, 300 93, 94, 95, 97, 105, 108, 109, 113, Cambrai, Congress, 91 115, 126, 131, 132, 134, 137, 140, campaign 144, 151, 153, 156, 160, 162, 166, Allied offensive, 137 168, 174, 189, 194, 232, 311, 314, Anglo-Dutch, 94 319, 324, 344, 346, 358 rearmament, 134 aircraft production 179 retaliation, 138 appeasement and, 182 strategic bombing, 138 attacks on, 134 Canada, 165, 233 budget rebate of, 316 capabilities, 45, 153, 268 and great power, 153 dangerous and new, 256 and peace, 353 military, 244 and Poland, 150 capacities population density of, 165 France’s defensive, 139 British Army, 178 Japan’s naval, 196 British Empire, 141, 163, 166 capital, 12, 13, 36 and difficulties, 167 capitalism, 288 British Expeditionary Forces, Caribbean, 42 expansion of, 138 Carr, E.H., 55, 66, 156, 157, 161, 182, British Indian Army, 206 233, 337 British leaders cartels stereotyped image of, 154 destroying of, 310 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-13224-4 - History and Neorealism Edited by Ernest R. May, Richard Rosecrance and Zara Steiner Index More information 370 Index Carter,
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