Checklist of the Monogenea (Platyhelminthes) parasitic in Mexican aquatic vertebrates Berenit MENDOZA-GARFIAS Luis GARCÍA-PRIETO* Gerardo PÉREZ-PONCE DE LEÓN Laboratorio de Helmintología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 70-153 CP 04510, México D.F. (México) [email protected] [email protected] (*corresponding author) [email protected] Published on 29 December 2017 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:34C1547A-9A79-489B-9F12-446B604AA57F Mendoza-Garfi as B., García-Prieto L. & Pérez-Ponce De León G. 2017. — Checklist of the Monogenea (Platyhel- minthes) parasitic in Mexican aquatic vertebrates. Zoosystema 39 (4): 501-598. https://doi.org/10.5252/z2017n4a5 ABSTRACT 313 nominal species of monogenean parasites of aquatic vertebrates occurring in Mexico are included in this checklist; in addition, records of 54 undetermined taxa are also listed. All the monogeneans registered are associated with 363 vertebrate host taxa, and distributed in 498 localities pertaining to 29 of the 32 states of the Mexican Republic. Th e checklist contains updated information on their hosts, habitat, and distributional records. We revise the species list according to current schemes of KEY WORDS classifi cation for the group. Th e checklist also included the published records in the last 11 years, Platyhelminthes, Mexico, since the latest list was made in 2006. We also included taxon mentioned in thesis and informal distribution, literature. As a result of our review, numerous records presented in the list published in 2006 were Actinopterygii, modifi ed since inaccuracies and incomplete data were identifi ed. Even though the inventory of the Elasmobranchii, Anura, monogenean fauna occurring in Mexican vertebrates is far from complete, the data contained in our Testudines. checklist depict the actual knowledge about this group of fl atworms in Mexico. RÉSUMÉ Liste annotée des Monogenea (Platyhelminthes) parasites des vertébrés aquatiques mexicains. Une liste annotée des 313 espèces nominales de parasites monogènes de vertébrés aquatiques du Mexique est présentée ; 54 taxons indéterminés sont également répertoriés. Tous les monogènes cités sont associés à 363 taxons de vertébrés hôtes, et sont originaires de 498 localités représentant 29 des 32 états de la République mexicaine ; des informations révisées sur les hôtes, l’habitat et les distribu- tions sont proposées. La liste des espèces a été revisée en fonction des patrons actuels de classifi cation du groupe. La liste annotée comprend également les signalisations publiées au cours des 11 dernières MOTS CLÉ années, puisque la dernière liste datait de 2006. Nous avons également inclus les taxons mentionnés Platyhelminthes, Mexique, dans les thèses et la littérature grise. Suite à notre revue, de nombreuses signalisations ont été modi- distribution, fi ées, car des inexactitudes et des données incomplètes ont été identifi ées dans la liste publiée en Actinopterygii, 2006. Même si l’inventaire de la faune monogénique des vertébrés mexicains est loin d’être complet, Elasmobranchii, Anura, les données contenues dans notre liste annotée représentent les connaissances réelles sur ce groupe Testudines. de vers plats au Mexique. ZOOSYSTEMA • 2017 • 39 (4) © Publications scientifi ques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.zoosystema.com 501 Mendoza-Garfi as B. et al. INTRODUCTION records in Kohn et al. (2006) since these authors only re- ferred the states where species were distributed), hosts (species Th e Platyhelminthes are the most species-rich group of name), and references (between parentheses, in chronological helminth parasites of wildlife vertebrates in Mexico (Pérez- sequence); when one record obtained from a parasite collection Ponce de León et al. 2011). According to García-Prieto et al. database has not been published, the acronym of this collec- (2014), within these parasitic fl atworms, Monogenea is the tion after the record is included. Type locality, type host, and second more species-rich class in Mexico, after the Trema- original reference of a type species are highlighted in bold. toda. Th e fi rst species of monogeneans described in Mexico In addition, the checklist also includes monogenean species were Axine yamagutii (Meserve, 1938), Mexicotyle mexicana identifi ed only to genus level or even in some cases, to fam- (Meserve, 1938), Neobenedenia adenea (Meserve, 1938), ily level (undetermined species). Th e nomenclatural changes Neobenedenia isabellae (Meserve, 1938), and Neopolystoma referred in some records are based on particular references domitilae (Caballero, 1938) (see Caballero 1938; Meserve indicated in the Remarks section. 1938). Monogeneans represent one of the groups of helminth Species recorded after the publication of the checklist by parasites that have been studied continuously in Mexico for Kohn et al. (2006) are indicated with an asterisk (*); how- over 80 years, although the knowledge about the diversity of ever, species recorded before the publication of the check list the groups still remains fragmentary. Several attempts have by Kohn et al. (2006) but not included by these authors are been made in the past to quantify the species richness of marked with (§); taxa included in our study but not registered these worms as parasites of Mexican aquatic vertebrates (see by Kohn et al. (2006) because they were presented in thesis, Lamothe-Argumedo & Jaimes-Cruz 1982; Flores-Crespo & are indicated with (ǂ). Flores-Crespo 2003; Kohn et al. 2006). A decade ago, Kohn Records not considered in the list of these authors (included et al. (2006) listed a total of “210 species from Mexico” (ac- in thesis and some in formal literature) but included in our tually, 196 taxa). However, a detailed review of that checklist work are indicated in each record with (**). in relation to Mexican records and its comparison with the When more information is necessary to clarify some record, information contained in the database of the Colección Na- we include a section of Notes. For each record, the acronym cional de Helmintos (CNHE), revealed some discrepancies and accession number of the collection(s) where the specimens (e.g., omission of information, duplication of species records, are deposited is also presented. lack of nomenclature updating, mistaken records, etc.). Due to the aforementioned discrepancies, and the fact that the ABBREVIATIONS last decade witnessed an important increase in the number of Th e deposition of type specimens is indicated with the let- studies on monogeneans, in this paper we present the most ters H (for holotype) and P (for paratype) as superscript up-to-date checklist of the monogenean parasites of aquatic after accession numbers. Acronyms used in the checklist vertebrates of Mexico with the aims of: 1) partially revisit the are as follows: checklist published by Kohn et al. (2006), adding, modifying, CHCM Colección Helmintológica del CINVESTAV, and updating the information presented by these authors for Mérida, Yucatán; Mexican species; and 2) CHE-UAEH Colección de Helmintos, Universidad Autónoma depict the actual knowledge about del Estado de Hidalgo, Centro de Investigaciones this group of fl atworms in Mexico. Biológicas, Pachuca, Hidalgo; CMNPA Canadian Museum of Nature, Parasite Collection, Ontario; MATERIAL AND METHODS CNHE Colección Nacional de Helmintos, Instituto de Biología, UNAM, Mexico; COPA-UAEM Colección Parasitológica de la Universidad Autónoma Th e present list of monogenean species of Mexican aquatic del Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca, Morelos; vertebrates is mainly based on previously published records, CPMHN-UABCS Colección Parasitológica del Museo de Historia as well as some records that were not published, but referred Natural de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja in the databases of the following parasite collections: Th e California Sur, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico; ECOPA Colección Parasitológica de El Colegio de la Fron- British Museum (Natural History) Collection at the Natural tera Sur, Chetumal, Quintana Roo; History Museum, London (NHMUK); Colección Nacional HWML Harold W; Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, de Helmintos, Mexico City (CNHE); Harold W. Manter University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska; Laboratory of Parasitology, Nebraska (HWML), and Smith- IPCAS Helminthological Collection of the Institute of sonian’s National Museum of Natural History, Washington Parasitology, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, České Budějovice; D.C. (USNM). In most cases, the checklist follows the clas- LGHBPI Laboratory of General Helminthology, Institute sifi cation and systematic arrangement of Boeger & Kritsky of Biology and Pedology, Far East Science Centre, (1993); some records follow World Register of Marine Species Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Vladivostok; (WoRMS 2016). MHNG Th e Muséum d’Histoire naturelle, Geneva; Th e families and species of monogeneans are presented in MNHN Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; NHMUK Natural History Museum, London; alphabetical order, followed by the Class of the host, site of QM Queensland Museum, South Brisbane; infection, geographic distribution, including State(s) and USNM Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural His- locality(ies) of collection (not mentioned for the Mexican tory, Washington, D.C. 502 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2017 • 39 (4) Monogeneans from Mexico 112° W 104° 96° 88° 34° N UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MEXICO 26° Gulf of Mexico North Pacific Ocean 18° 500 km 0° FIG. 1. — Map of Mexico showing the sampled sites for
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