Society for Emblem Studies Newsletter 59 July, 2016 2017 Conference The 2017 SES Conference The Eleventh International Conference of the Society for Emblem Studies will take place from Monday, July 3 to Friday, July 7, 2017, in Nancy (France) at the Université de Lorraine (Faculté de droit, sci- ences économiques et gestion), under the direction of Paulette Choné and her organizing committee. Please note that the deadline for submission of proposals to be included on the conference program is 1 Septem- 1 ber 2016, and that all proposals should be sent jointly to Mme Choné ([email protected]) and 2017 3–7 July, Ingrid Höpel, Chair of the Society (ihoepel@kunstge- schichte.uni-kiel.de). The conference organizers have proposed eight broad themes. What follows is extracted from the Call for Papers, which may be found at the Society web site (http://www.emblemstudies.org/files/2016/03/ CfP-07-03-16.pdf ). Contents of Newsletter 59 1. Making an emblem book Research activities of interest to members ........................ 1 This theme should focus on the various agents in The 2017 SES Conference: Call for Papers 1 the conception and production of emblem books Other calls for papers and contributions 3 (publishers, printers, patrons, academies, engrav- Recent publications 4 ers, draftsmen, copperplate printers, authors, com- Workshop reports 4 mentators, translators, proofreaders...), as well as on In memoriam: Daniel S. Russell .....................................3 the steps and procedures of its creation (edition and Research notes ................................................................11 re-edition, re-use, recurrence, plagiarism, counterfeits ; cooperation, competition...) until its sale. Rubem Amaral, on reuse of woodcuts from Alciato 11 Mason Tung, on John Hall’s versification 16 2. Reading and collecting Society information .........................................................18 Further inquiry into the history of emblem books Contact information is prompted by studies focussing on their readers President and executive committee 18 (inventories, foreclosures, ownership marks...), the Advisory Board 18 rare books market, the liber amicorum, satire and National Representatives 18 censorship, collectors, the place of emblem books in Membership information 18 collections and libraries, and connoisseurhip of em- Subscription rates 19 blems. Papers about important collectors in the 19th Virtual emblematics .........................................................19 and 20th centuries, the organization and cataloguing Website news 19 of their collections, and the scholarship and literature Newsletter information including deadlines 19 devoted to them would be particularly welcome. The SES Facebook group 19 Update from emblemata.ch 19 3. Methodology and historiography New Wikipedia project 19 This theme includes the main theoretical issues in Newsletter editorial policy 20 the ancient and recent development of emblem stud- The Internet Archive 20 ies; the need for interdisciplinary approaches; prob- Update on Emblematica Online 20 lems of periodization; working practices and methods; Below: the banner for the 2017 Conference of the Society for Em- SES NEWSLETTER 59 (07/16) blem Studies. Call for Papers the peculiar ethos of emblem studies; access to digitized light of the call for papers. documentation, and its effects on scientific language and The “adaptation” of emblematics might be concentrated 2 production. in two areas: festivals and objects. Meanwhile, any paper about the “pioneers” of emblem This section should therefore investigate the various The 2017 Conference studies, such as Mario Praz or Karl-Ludwig Selig, Karl uses of device, emblem and any symbolic combined form Josef Höltgen (and others such as Daniel Russell, Peter (including heraldry) in theater and festivals (entries, tour- M. Daly), about the history of great thesauri (Henkel & naments, masques...) ; the way they contribute to staging Schöne) and databases or websites would be welcome. and meaning ; their application on medals and tokens ; portraits ; epigraphy ; Haussprüche ; sgraffito ; painted 4. The symbolic process decorations and programs. As far as objects are concerned The sessions in this part of the program might in- special attention might be devoted to household items clude discussion of theorists and treatises concerning the (furniture, table and kitchenware, embroideries, textiles, impresa and the emblem, including emblem book Pref- costume, iron firebacks, sundials, domestic utensils) as aces, from the 16th to the 18th century. They might also well as to advertising, popular and educational imagery, include discussion of the rules of the emblem as a defined posters and labels. Unexpected, unintentional uses or mis- genre, its relation with ars memorativa, ars meditandi, appropriations of emblems might also be identified. pedagogy and lusus, the function and role of enigma, the place of prosody or translation and polyglot texts. 7. Emblems, curiosities, mirabilia Special attention might be given to the links between This theme intends to explore the relationships between emblem and allegory. emblematics and encyclopedic collections, cabinets of This theme also includes research into the relation- scientific and wondrous curiosity; taxonomy; categories of ship between the semiotics of emblematics and comics, objects belonging to archaelogy, natural history, ethnog- subtitling, or any other form of presenting inscriptions in raphy, historical and religious relics; the role of emblem art combining word and image. in thinking, expressing and dramatizing the mundus The emblematic process in contemporary art also de- symbolicus as a microcosm. serves special attention. The representation of emblems and emblem-books in paintings, especially still-lifes, or any pictorial record of 5. Emblem books, material culture, history of art emblematics, constitutes a significant part of this topic. This theme (cross-cutting with theme 2) aims to A special highlight on technical and scientific innova- increase our understanding of the emblem book as an ar- tion (engines, inventions) in emblems would be appreci- tefact, whether as an aesthetic object or more rhetorically ated. as “une machine à communiquer”. The focus may be on the shaping of text, page layout, 8. National idiosyncrasy of the emblem? typography, calligraphy; technical and artistic aspects of The theoretical and historical issues about the emblem the woodcuts or engravings; printer’s marks; manuscript as indicative of a peculiar mentalité symbolique (Daniel additions; bindings. Special attention might also be given Russell) have proved very fertile. The Conference would to the role of ornament and decorative frames in the like to verify the validity of such hypothesis firstly by in- emblematic process. viting Shakespeare and Cervantes scholars to discuss the emblematical productions of these writers and secondly 6. Adapted and diffracted emblems by focusing mainly (though not exclusively) on three Research related to applications of emblem to architec- cultural contexts and their protagonists: Italy, Central tural spaces, furniture and objects has grown significantly Europe, Lorraine and Grand Est France. in recent years; this rubric constitutes one thematic hight- In Memoriam SES NEWSLETTER 59 (07/16) Daniel S. Russell, 1938–2016 Our friend, colleague and long-time Society mem- Visualizing Politics Through the Emblem in Seven- ber Daniel S. Russell died April 10, 2016, after a long teenth-Century England Activities Research illness. Ingrid Höpel, chair of the Society, sent the Chair: Elizabeth Black following note to his widow Lila Penchansky on our Organizer: Jane Farnsworth behalf: Presenters: “It is with immense sadness that we learned that Mary Silcox: “‘That Worm will grow’: Hester Pulter’s Daniel Russell, our dear friend, mentor, colleague, and Ruptured Emblematic World” founding member of the “Society for Emblem Stud- Brycen Janzen: “Refiguring the Body Politic in I.M.’s ies”, has died after his long illness. Ever generous with Corpus sine capite visibili” his time and insights, we have all been profoundly Jane Farnsworth,: “The Fruitful Vine: Political Em- influenced by his scholarship through his writings or blematics in Thomas Jordan’s “A Speech to George in person, and many of us will deeply miss and treasure Monck, General” (1660)” his friendship. We owe him so much, and we have been 3 very lucky indeed to have known and worked with him. The Verbal-Visual Structure of Spenser›s Shepheardes We all value Dan for his establishing our discipline Calendar through the Society, the journal, and through his host- ing of and frequent participation in conferences and Chair: Carol-Ann Johnston Calls for Papers publications. He has been a pillar of the discipline and Organizer: Tamara Goeglein we all have much to thank him for. He will fondly be Presenters: remembered for his unstinting generosity to his col- Kenneth Borris: “The Integral Pictorialism of Spenser’s leagues, path-breaking research, and good will. Shepheardes Calender” Dear Lila, please accept our heartfelt condolences David Samuel Adkins: “Colin’s Careful Hour: Virgilian and sympathy. We know that you had a very hard time. Tragedy in the Januarye Woodcut” You were a big part of his work and we fondly remem- Tamara Goeglein: “Citing, Sighting, and Siting Colin ber you from our meetings over the years. We extend Clout: Ekphrastic Experimentation in Spenser’s Shep- our condolences to you, his son Nicholas who follows
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