Arun District Council Civic Centre Maltravers Road Littlehampton West Sussex BN17 5LF Tel: (01903) 737611 Fax: (01903) 730442 DX: 57406 Littlehampton Members are reminded to bring Minicom: 01903 732765 their Agendas from the Cabinet e-mail: [email protected] Meeting held on 23 July 2018 with them to the meeting 28 August 2018 COUNCIL MEETING To all Members of the Council You are summoned to attend a meeting of the ARUN DISTRICT COUNCIL to be held on Wednesday, 12 September 2018 at 6.00 pm in the Council Chamber at the Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, to transact the business set out below. Nigel Lynn Chief Executive AGENDA 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are invited to make any declarations of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda, and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the item or as soon as the interest becomes apparent. Members and Officers should make their declaration by stating: a) the item they have the interest in b) whether it is a pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interest c) the nature of the interest d) if it is a pecuniary or prejudicial interest, whether they will be exercising their right to speak under Question Time 1 3. Public Question Time To receive questions from the public (for a period of up to 15 minutes) 4. Questions from Members with Pecuniary/Prejudicial Interests To receive questions from Members with pecuniary/prejudicial interests (for a period of up to 15 minutes) 5. Petition from the Bognor Regis Civic Society – Provision of a Permanent Ice Rink A Petition was submitted to the Council Meeting on 2 May 2018 by the Bognor Regis Civic Society. As the Petition contains over 1,500 signatures it requires a debate by Full Council. The attached report provides the background information for the Council to consider in holding this debate. 6. Minutes To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 18 July 2018, which are attached. 7. Chairman’s Announcements To receive such announcements as the Chairman may desire to lay before the Council. 8. Urgent Matters To deal with business not otherwise specified in the Council summons which, in the opinion of the Chairman of the Council (in consultation with the Chief Executive), is business of such urgency as to require immediate attention by the Council. REPORTS FROM CABINET, OVERVIEW SELECT, REGULATORY AND STANDARDS COMMITTEES, AND FROM WORKING PARTIES AND WORKING GROUPS 9. Overview Select Committee – 10 July 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Dingemans, will present the Minutes from the meeting of the Overview Select Committee held on 10 July 2018. There are recommendations at: o Minute 68 [Overview Select Committee – Review of Scrutiny Procedure Rules] – to view the Officer’s report and the revised Procedure Rules – please click on these links - Report and Appendix 2 10. Development Control Committee – 11 July 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Bower, will present the Minutes from the meeting of the Development Control Committee held on 11 July 2018. There are no recommendations. 11. Housing & Customer Services Working Group – 19 July 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Hughes, will present the Minutes from the meeting of the Housing & Customer Services Working Group held on 19 July 2018. There are no recommendations. 12. Cabinet – 23 July 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Brown, will present the Minutes from the Cabinet meeting held on 23 July 2018. There are no recommendations. 13. Audit & Governance Committee – 26 July 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Chapman, will present the Minutes from the meeting of the Audit & Governance Committee held on 26 July 2018. There are a series of recommendations at: o Minute 127 (Treasury Management Annual Report – 2017/18) – to view the Officer’s report and Appendices, please click on this link – Report and Appendices o Minute 129 (Chairman’s Annual Report to Council – 2017/18) – to view the Officer’s report and the Chairman’s Annual Report – please click on this link - Report and Appendix 14. Environment & Leisure Working Group – 31 July 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Hitchins, will present the Minutes from the meeting of the Environment & Leisure Working Group held on 31 July 2018. There are no recommendations. 15. Electoral Review Sub-Committee – 1 August 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Dendle, will present the Minutes from the meeting of the Electoral Review Sub-Committee held on 1 August 2018. There are recommendations at: o Minute 14 (Community Governance Review – Barnham and Eastergate) – to view the Officer’s report – please click on this link - Report and Appendix and Appendix 3 16. Development Control Committee – 8 August 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Bower, will present the Minutes from the meeting of the Development Control Committee held on 8 August 2018. There are no recommendations. 17. Constitution Working Party – 14 August 2018 The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Bower, will present the Minutes from the meeting of the Constitution Working Party held on 14 August 2018. There are recommendations at: o Minute 9 [Constitutional Amendments to Part 6, Individual Cabinet Member Decision Notice Procedure Rules] – to view the Officer’s report and Appendices – please click on this link - Report and Appendix o Minute 10 [Constitutional Amendments to Part 6, Access to Information Procedure Rules] - to view the Officer’s report and Appendices – please click on this link - Report and Appendix o Minute 11 [Constitutional Amendments to Part 6 , Corporate Complaints Procedure Rules] - to view the Officer’s report and Appendices – please click on this link - Report and Appendix 18. Motions To consider any Motions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14. 19. Questions from Members To consider general questions from Members in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13.3. OFFICER REPORTS 20. Committee Memberships Any changes to Committee Memberships that need noting by the Council will be reported at the meeting. 21. Representation on Outside Bodies The Council is asked to approve any changes to its representation on Outside Bodies. Members are reminded that if they have detailed questions, would they please inform the relevant Cabinet Member/Chairman and/or Director in advance of the meeting in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules Copies of the reports on the recommendations from the Cabinet Meetings have been previously circulated to Members and Members are asked to bring their copies with them to the meeting. Further copies are available from the Committee Manager Copies of the reports on the recommendations from the other Committees are provided via an e-link, where appropriate 4 Filming, Photography and Recording at Council Meetings – The District Council supports the principles of openness and transparency in its decision making and permits filming, recording and the taking of photographs at its meetings that are open to the public. This meeting may therefore be recorded, filmed or broadcast by video or audio, by third parties. Arrangements for these activities should operate in accordance with guidelines agreed by the Council and as available via the following link – Filming Policy 5 6 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5 ARUN DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT TO AND DECISION OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING ON 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 SUBJECT: Petition from Bognor Regis Civic Society – Provision of a Permanent Ice Rink REPORT AUTHOR: Karl Roberts, Director of Place DATE: August 2018 EXTN: 01903 737760 PORTFOLIO AREA: Leader of the Council and Economy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A petition was submitted to the Council meeting on 2 May 2018 by the Bognor Regis Civic Society. As the petition contains over 1,500 signatures, it requires a debate by Full Council. This report provides background information with a recommendation for the Council to consider in holding this debate. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Council is asked to consider whether to: 1. take the action the petition requests; or 2. not to take the action requested for reasons put forward in the debate; or 3. commission further investigation into the request; or 4. support the following statement:- “The Council welcomes the support given to the seasonal temporary Ice Rink and will continue to work positively with commercial operators to the successful delivery of similar events in the future. Regarding a permanent facility the Council will provide non-financial support to any commercial operator who has a sound business case to deliver such a facility on the outskirts of the town.” 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Council’s Constitution confirms at Part 8 (Codes and Protocols), Section 8 how the Petition Scheme operates. The petition submitted by the Bognor Regis Civic Society includes 2,479 signatures from people living or working within the Arun District. As the petition contains more than 1,500 signatures, it requires a debate by Full Council. The petition was deferred to this meeting of Full Council, rather than the previous meeting on 18 July 2018 to enable the officer team to compile this report to inform Members at this debate. 7 1.2 The petition asks the Council: “In view of the tremendous success of the Christmas temporary Ice Rink, we, the undersigned, petition Arun District Council to incorporate a permanent, quality Ice Rink, possibly multi-use, into the Bognor Regis Regeneration plans currently under consideration.” 2.0 PROCEDURE FOR THE DEBATE 2.1 As confirmed in the Petitions Scheme, the procedure for the debate is: i. the Bognor Regis Civic Society representative will be allowed 5 minutes (maximum) to present their petition; ii. Councillor Mrs Brown, as the relevant Cabinet Member, will have 5 minutes (maximum) to respond; and iii. there will be a debate for up to 30 minutes, with each Councillor allowed to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes (the Chairman of the Council can use his discretion to extend the length of the debate).
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