1 I A IRELEASED FOR p _______L!:::....!I..:....L ___+-_-1 I OLUME l.,-=r-~ALL 1986 The I alog 01 MK4096 (or eq uiv) .... "!> "'= ",Il! RAM 14 -'lI S A'!/-A5 II A lB rsonal pulers I------<~ I N OTES: (continued from sheet 1 /3) L---------~;>CAI4 N 7. UNIT. AS SUPPLIED. IN­ ~ I CLUDES A 6502 MICRO­ '-------<CAIZ P PROCESSOR, AND SOLDER 14 JUMPERS AT BOTH POINTS L-------<;>~AII/5 MARKED " 6502", AND HAS ~R OMITTED ALL COMPON­ L-________<~. 15 ENTS SHOWN WITHIN THE L---------------~ .A8/Z S DOTTED BOX. IF A 6800 IS SUBSTITUTED FOR THE c L---------------~;>~A7/1 16 6502 IT IS NECESSARY TO L-_______~~ T INSTALL ALL COMPON­ ENTS SHOWN. AND TO ~ I BREAK BOTH SOLDER L---------<3:: ~ BRIDGES NOTED "6502". 8. UNIT IS SUPPLIED WITH: ~ v Y Jumpe red to CSF '--------------<AI 19 Z Jumpe red to eso L------------<~A_ W W Jumpercd to CSI and X Jumper-ed to esg. 614 '-------------$<VMA C II~ cs R, S. and T, ARE USER '-------------------------~~BA 6 SELECTABLE CHIP 613 DO 14 R Z SELECTS. (4K BLOCKS) ~C S 01 Z :r : ~ Z 3 ~ 2 9. KYBD & DSP ARE INTER­ 612 I------------~-t--s_<--<.O:A I~ RUPT OUTPUTS FROM PIA. ~~I.L- -~ R POINTS LABELED "IRQtI, SEE '.-- ~ Z 3 "NMI" ARE INTERRUPT 6 11 NOTE ~~I-L-- -~ 8 S·.•• _ INPUTS FROM MICRO­ PROCESSOR. FOR NOR­ T .....----<.......-T L MAL OPERATION NO CL h~--------_<>0~ M JUMPERS ARE REQU IRED. IS) r--------------------<~~ ~ 10. KEYBOARD SOCKET. (B4) . PIN 15, (BIT 8). SHOULD I--- r---------~;>RDY BE JUMPERED TO Vee .1.. ....... HH-{ - 5V I w x r---------------<;>RF I (+ 5V). FOR NORMAL B NOTE 8 L- r---------------<~+5V 2Z OPERATION WITH 1,--- SUPPLIED SOFTWARE. ,L-- ,-===:-:-:=,.---~S" IZV y NOT E 12 9 .-U_N_R_E_G_U_L_A_T_E_D__ <_IZV ~ 11. PROMS ARE 256 x <. AND MA Y BE ONE OF THE L ~ B r-----------~:>.CGND Z0 II FOLLOWING TYPES: C141.D- .-----.....;>C IRQ 4 S IGNETICS 825129. .-----c.;>NMI 3 HARRIS Hl024. C151.0 I.() IICZI INTEL/MMI 3601 . 3 ttt-----<::SaND X .y C16 1.0 1.0 1\ CZZ .. I ..----<~R/W K 12. VOLTAGES (+12. -(2) ON NOTE CI7 1. 0 EDGE CONl'lECTOR ARE B UNREGULATED. FILTERED CIBW D. C . • AND SHOULD NOT I, 1\ @ ~ ~ BE USED WITHOUT ADDED 'I' REGULATION. ~~: 13. IF DMA REQUIRED. BREAK ~~~~~ 7 JUMPER SHOWN. USE 745257 AT POSITIONS B5. B6. B7. 6 AND B8. (AS SUPPLIED) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D6 E GND r .....!!!.- DR" ...." BY DATI INTERPRET TltlS DRAWING PER USASI YI" 5 R. WAYNE 4 -2-76 a APPLE COMPUTER COMPANY UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED CHU"KED DIMENSIONS ARE If'ri INCHES A TOLERANCES ON Dt-..5 ll.:-' I-SG IJIo EI: R 'RAmONS ' . " .. , ' • .1 .. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ANGLES . ... 0 ,,-\ • • OJ .-S"-'W"-"'O"'Z"'N=IA"-'K-'---'3"----'IO"'--7'-'6~-n-TLE ny design c " tec hnic al reproduce this doc ument, or any 1_____ --I~ -----t:SU~R:fA~C:E ~... N' .SI.' .V_ ,.,., .· .· .·.,·tS~r~R:;~O~"~B~S~NC.;;:.'~":;;.;;:R;;_,.;3~-:.!I~O'.:--'-7§~ APPLE .... 1 shown thf r ,'l on, nor part the reo£. nor to make use of t MATER IAL DO(lit,W" T l"O"lT RO I ~ reproduc e ~ . IS draw­ any lnformahon herem c ontalned PROCESSOR SECTION ~ rt thereof, exc ept for is granted, except by written a­ .otJ>PROV t-U - REF- 00100 t by vendo) s of Apple greement w ith, or license by~ the ." under writ' e n license Apple Computer Company . A "l, omputer. right to ,,'PLICATION 4 3 2 Board of Directors Corporate Donors Contributing Members Dr. John William Poduska. Sr. Sustainer PC Magazine Patron-$500 or more Chairman American Telephone & Telegraph" Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Anonymous, Ray Duncan, Tom Eggers, Stellar Computer. Inc. Bank of America" Pell, Rudman, Inc. Alan E. Frisbie, Tom and Rosemarie The Boston Globe" Pencept, Inc. Hall. Robert Kahn, Martin Kirkpatrick, Dr. Gwen Bell. ComputerLand" Polese-Clancy, Inc. Andrew Lavien. Nicholas and Nancy Founding President Control Data Corporation" Price Waterhouse Pettinella, Paul R. Pierce, Ann Roe-Hafer, The Computer Museum Data General Corporation" Project Software & Development, Inc. Jonathan Rotenberg. Oliver and Kitty Shawmut Corporation Erich Bloch Digital Equipment Corporation" Selfridge, Bob Whelan, Leo R. Yochim Hewlett-Packard Standard Oil Corporation National Science Foundation International Business Machines, Inc." SYMEDCO Sponsor-$2S0 David Donaldson NEC Corporation" Teradyne Ropes and Gray Wang Laboratories, Inc." Warner & Stackpole Isaac Auerbach, G. C. Beldon, Jr., XRE Corporation Philip D. Brooke. Richard J. Clayton, John J. Evans Benefactor-$1O.000 " Contrjbuted to the Capital Campajgn Richard Corben. Howard E. Cox, James Manufacturers Hanover Trust B. Deaderick, Delta Management, Philip MIPS, Inc." H. Dorn, Dan L. Eisner, Bob O. Evans, Dr. Sydney Fernbach American Express Foundation Branko Gerovac, John and Arlene Computer Consultant Apollo Computer. Inc." Gilmore, Dr. Roberto Guatelli. Robert Gardner Hendrie International Data Group" Core Members Hoffman, M. Ernest Huber, Lawrence J. The MITRE Corporation" Kilgallen, Marian Kowalski. Raymond Arthur Humphreys Raytheon Company Harlan E. and Lois Anderson Kurzweil, Michael Levitt, Carl ICL Sanders Associates Charles and Constance Bachman Machover, Julius Marcus, Joe W .. The Travelers Companies C. Gordon Bell Matthews, Tron McConnell, R. W. Mitchell Kapor Erich and Renee Bloch Lotus Development Corporation Xerox Corporation Meister, Richard G . Mills, Joseph Howard E. and Jody Brewer Nestor, Joseph M. Newcomer, James N. August Klein Patron-$3.000 Henry Burkhardt 1lI O'Boyle, Jr., Anthony Oettinger, James MASSCOMP Roger and Mary Cady V. Patton, James A. Pitts, Linda J. Addison-Wesley Howard Cannon Dr. Koji Kobayashi Bitstream Phillips, J. Eric Pollack, Linda & David R. Steve Chehej'l Rodgers, Thomas S. Roy II, William M. NEC Corporation Boris Color Labs, Inc." Robert C. and Eleanor W. Chinn Burroughs Corporation Steul, Charles A. Stott, John V. Terrey, Dr. Robert Lucky Pat Clark Michael and Beverly Tomasic, G. Computer Society of the IEEE Robert G. Claussen AT&T Bell Laboratories Coopers & Lybrand Michael Uhler, Allan L. Wallack, William Congleton Andrew Wilson. James L. McKenney Data Translation Alex d'Arbeloff Harvard Business School DECUS" Arnaud de Vitry Dentsu (New York), Inc. Donor-$lOO Dr. Carver Mead David Donaldson Draper Laboratories" Douglas Drane Kenneth R. Adcock, Lawrence Adrian, California Institute of Technology Goston Snow & Ely Bartlett" Robert Everett Timothy Anderson, Rolland Arndt, Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe General Computer Company Kenneth G. Fisher Richard G. Bahr, Mario Barbacci, Ph.D., 3Com Corporation Gourmet Caterers. Inc. Jay W. Forrester Steve F. Barneby, John C. Bartsow, Honeywell Information Systems William Foster James Bell, Alfred M. Bertocchi. Lois J. Dr. Arthur P. Molella Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Gardner Hendrie Bizak, Dr. John R. Blankenship, Richard The National Museum of Lotus Development Corporation Winston R. Hindle. Jr. C. Bloom, Bontronics, Daniel S. Bricklin, American History. Major Computer, Inc. Peter Hirshberg Fred and Nancy Brooks, D. F. Brown, Smithsonian Institution MASSCOMP Theodore G. and Ruth T. Johnson Gordon S. Brown, John and Ann Brown, McGraw-Hill, Inc. Russell Noftsker John Allen Jones Roger M. Buoy. James Burnett, W. The MITRE Corporation Mitchell Kapor Carlson, Maria L. Carr, Charles and Symbolics NEC Systems Laboratory. Inc. Allan Kent Virginia Casale, George Chamberlain, Nicholas Pettinella Nolan, Norton & Company, Inc." Jack S. Kilby George Champine, James F. Cody, Intermetrics. Inc. Phoenix Software Associates Ltd. August Klein Michael Cronin, Daniel Crowley, Prime Computer Corporation Andrew C. Knowles III Curriculum Associates, David N. Cutler, Jonathan Rotenberg The Prudential Insurance Company David J. A. Koogler Nick De Wolf, Peter De Wolf, Harvey The Boston Computer Society Regis McKenna, Inc." Edward and Debbie Kramer Deitel. Lucien and Catherine Dimino, Jean E. Sammet Ropes & Gray John W. and Edna W. Lacey Ditargiani Family, Theodora Drapos, International Business Machines Software Results Corporation" Ralph and Linda Linsalata Joseph J. Eachus, Fred Ebeling, Dr. Stratus Computer, Inc." John Norris Maguire Richard J. Eckhouse and Dr. Ruth Edward A. Schwartz Sun Microsystems Richard D. Mallery Maulucci, William Elliott, Lucian Digital Equipment Corporation Symbolics. Inc. Thomas and Marian Marill Endicott, Geoffrey Feldman and Sharon 3Com Corporation" Daniel D. McCracken Lipp, Larry Forte, Clark Frazier, Edward Irwin J. Sitkin Iuls/rl group Aetna James L. McKenney A. Feustal. J. Thomas Franlclin, Kevin Thomas and Elizabeth McWilliams and Judith Galvin, David Goodman, Dr. W.J. Spencer Contrjbutor-$l,ooo Carver Mead William Graustein, Stephen Gross, Xerox Corporation Access Technology Robert M. Metcalfe Jerrier A. Haddad, Michael P. Halter, J. Dr. An Wang Adage, Inc. Allen Michels Scott Hamilton. Franlc E. Heart, Daniel Wang Laboratories. Inc. Analog Devices, Inc. Robert M. Morrill and Nancy Heff. Margaret Herrick, American Management Systems" David and Pat Nelson Thomas L. Hohmann, Nancy S. Horie, Arthur Andersen, Inc. Russell Noftsker Charles A. Jortberg, Richard M. Karoff, Arthur D. Little, Inc. Robert Noyce Bryan S. Kocher, Josh and Mabel Kopp, Autographix Kenneth Olsen Neal Koss, Alan and Judith Kotok. Trustees Automatix John L. Payne Stanley Kugell, Robert Laman, Curt Bank of Boston Edward G. Perkins Larock, Tsvi Lavi, Grace Leahy, Craig Charles Bachman. C. Gordon Bell. Russell Planitzer Lee, John R. Levine, John V. Levy, Reed Harvey D. Cragon. Robert Everett. Bank of New England Baybanks John William Poduska Little, George Logemann, Carl D. C. Lester Hogan. Theodore G. Johnson. Robert M. Price Lowenstein, John Lowry. Lube, Inc .. Andrew Knowles 1lI. John Lacey. Bolt Beranek & Newman Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Company Fontaine K. Richardson Arthur Luehrmann, Andrew H. Mason, Patrick McGovern. George Michael. Benjamin Robelen Robert O. Mason, Robert Mayer, Jr .. William Millard. Robert Noyce. BusinessLond Citicorp (USA), Inc. Douglas Ross Richard McCluskey, F. Warren Kenneth Olsen. Brian Randell. Jean E. Sammet McFarlan, Jim McIntosh, William and Kitty Selfridge. Michael Spock. Cullinane Foundation Dane, Falb, Stone & Co. Paul and Katherine Severino Vesta McLean, Todd Medlock, Charles Erwin Tomash.
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