CONSERVATION ADVISORY GROUP Tuesday 8th January 2013 at 7 PM Contact: Heloise Brown Venue: Room 1 Conservation Officer Civic Centre, Silver Street Direct dial: 020 8379 4019 Enfield, EN1 3XA Extension: 4019 Email: [email protected] Council website: www.enfield.gov.uk MEMBERS Councillors: Cole, Ibrahim , Lavender, Pearce and Robinson Co-opted: Mr D. Stacey - Bush Hill Park Conservation Area Study Group Mr T Dey - Federation of Enfield Residents and Allied Associations Mr P. Fisk - Forty Hill and Bulls Cross Study Group Ms H Walton - Edmonton Study Group Dr C. Jephcott – The Enfield Society Mrs C. Carter - Enfield Town Conservation Area Study Group Mrs A Bishop-Laggatt - Federation of Enfield Residents and Allied Associations Mrs I Stone - Southgate District Civic Trust Mr D Alexander - Trent Park Conservation Committee Mr A Newman – Clay Hill Study Group Dr D Gandhi – Southgate Green Study Group Mr P Hutchinson – Grange Park Conservation Area Study Group Mr T Hanrahan – Meadway Conservation Area Study Group Mr G Dalling – Edmonton Hundred Historical Society Mr C Younger – Lakes Estate Conservation Study Group Director of Environment AGENDA – PART 1 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (if any) 2. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to identify any personal or prejudicial interests relevant to any items on the agenda. Please see attached guidance. ATTACHMENT A 3. MINUTES To confirm the Minutes of the meeting that took place on 28th November 2012. ATTACHMENT B 4. LOCAL PLAN AND HERITAGE AND DESIGN PROJECTS UPDATE Christine White will update members on the CAA / CAMP Review programme. 5. PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND LISTED BUILDING APPLICATIONS FOR DISCUSSION ATTACHMENT C 6. CHAIRMAN’S FEEDBACK FROM PLANNING COMMITTEE To receive for information feedback from the CAG Chairman from Planning Committee of 18th December 2012. 7. CONSERVATION OFFICER’S FEEDBACK ABOUT LAST MONTH’S CASES 8. CONSERVATION AREAS, LISTED BUILDING APPLICATIONS AND APPEALS–DETERMINED ATTACHMENT D 9. OPEN SESSION To enable members of the Conservation Advisory Group to bring up urgent matters not covered elsewhere on the agenda 10. CALENDAR OF MEETINGS To receive for information, the calendar of meetings for the Municipal Year 2012 ATTACHMENT E 11. EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS TO CONSIDER PASSING A RESOLUTION UNDER SECTION 100A(4) OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 EXCLUDING THE PRESS AND PUBLIC FROM THE MEETING FOR THE ITEMS OF BUSINESS MOVED TO PART 2 OF THE AGENDA ON THE GROUNDS THAT THEY INVOLVE THE LIKELY DISCLOSURE OF EXEMPT INFORMATION AS WILL BE DEFINED IN THOSE PARAGRAPHS OF PART 1 OF THE SCHEDULE 12A TO THE ACT, AT THE MEETING. (There are currently no items in Part 2 of the Agenda unless any items are transferred from Part 1). DECLARING INTERESTS FLOWCHART - QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF A What matters are being discussed at the meeting? You can participate Do any relate to my interests whether NO in the meeting and already registered or not? vote YES Is a particular matter close to me? Does it affect: me or my partner; NO my relatives or their partners; my friends or close associates; either me, my family or close associates: job and business; employers, firms you or they are a partner of and companies you or they are a Director of NO or them to any position; corporate bodies in which you or they have a shareholding of more than Personal interest Personal interest £25,000 (nominal value); my entries in the register of interests more than it would affect the majority of people in the ward affected by the decision, or in the authority’s area or constituency? Declare your personal interest in the matter. You can YES remain in meeting, speak and vote unless the interest is also prejudicial; or You may have a If your interest arises solely from your membership of, personal interest or position of control or management on any other public body or body to which you were nominated by the authority e.g. Governing Body, ALMO, you only need declare your personal interest if and when you speak on the matter, again providing it is not prejudicial. Does the matter affect your financial interests or You may have a YES relate to a licensing, planning or other regulatory prejudicial interest matter; and Would a member of the public (knowing the relevant facts) reasonably think that your personal interest was so significant that it would prejudice your YES judgement of public interest? Prejudicial interest interest Prejudicial Do the public have speaking rights at the meeting? YES NO You should declare the interest but can remain You should declare the interest and in the meeting to speak. Once you have withdraw from the meeting by leaving finished speaking (or the meeting decides you the room. You cannot speak or vote have finished - if earlier) you must withdraw from on the matter and must not seek to the meeting by leaving the room. improperly influence the decision. Note: If in any doubt about a potential interest, members are asked to seek advice from Democratic Services in advance of the meeting. B Minutes of the Conservation Advisory Group Meeting 28th November 2012 MEMBERS Councillors: Cole, Ibrahim, Lavender, Pearce and Robinson Co-opted: Mr D. Stacey - Bush Hill Park Conservation Area Study Group Mr T. Dey - Federation of Enfield Residents and Allied Associations Mr P. Fisk - Forty Hill and Bulls Cross Study Group Ms H. Walton - Edmonton Study Group Dr J. McQueen– The Enfield Society Mrs C. Carter - Enfield Town Conservation Area Study Group Mrs A. Bishop-Laggatt - Federation of Enfield Residents and Allied Associations Mrs I. Stone - Southgate District Civic Trust Mr D. Alexander - Trent Park Conservation Committee Mr A. Newman – Clay Hill Study Group Dr D. Gandhi – Southgate Green Study Group Mr C. Johnson – Grange Park Conservation Area Study Group Mr T. Hanrahan – Meadway Conservation Area Study Group Mr G. Dalling – Edmonton Hundred Historical Society Mr C. Younger – Lakes Estate Conservation Study Group Officers: Heloise Brown (Conservation Officer), Aled Richards (Head of Development Management), Paul Walker (Assistant Director Policy and Regeneration), Christine White (Heritage Officer) Italics denote absence AGENDA – PART 1 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillors Cole, Ibrahim and Lavender, Paul Hutchinson, Helen Walton, Donald Alexander, Anne Bishop-Laggatt, Tom Hanrahan, 2. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Paul Walker, for his leading role in the Council’s Middlesex University application (P12-02677PLA and P12-02678HER). 3. MINUTES Chris Jepcott commented that CAG’s remit does embrace large applications outwith of conservation areas (ref: P12-02266PLA). Dr Denise Ghandi noted that her point about the official DFE recommendation for the amount of indoor space was going to be less than the recommended minimum by 10% at the Walker had not been minuted. This site already falls short of the recommendations by 15% and the question of whether this should be allowed (and if it applied to Worcester) was raised. 5. LOCAL PLAN AND HERITAGE AND DESIGN PROJECTS UPDATE The Heritage Team were asked for a brief update on programmed activities every three months, starting from March 2013. 5. LETTER TO GRAHAM DALLING, EDMONTON HUNDRED HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Chairman gave an update that Graham Dalling had been pleased to receive CAG’s letter. 6. EDMONTON GREEN STATION LIFTS Kevin Edgington from D5 Architects and Edward Woodhouse from Mott MacDonald presented to CAG and explained that Network Rail and Enfield Council have agreed to jointly fund the new lift shafts at Edmonton Green Railway Station (there are only steps to the platforms currently). After reviewing the options for the cladding treatment to the shafts it was agreed that: There should be no banding to reflect adjacent properties. The shafts should match. The plinth course in stock bricks, dark above fading into dark green glazed brick at upper level (random insertion of dark bricks among the green glazed bricks). The brickwork should generally be without indented features, though some sort of string course at the top is acceptable. The ‘billboards’ at ground floor on platform 2’s lift shaft should be blind windows in the shape of lancet arches, to echo the previous building on the site. 8. PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND LISTED BUILDING APPLICATIONS FOR DISCUSSION P12-02566PLA and P12-02660HER FORTY HALL PARK AND ESTATE, FORTY HILL, ENFIELD, EN2 9EU This scheme has previously been presented to CAG at the pre-app stage. Andrew Newman had a number of concerns relating to the practical aspects of the proposals. These do not appear to have been fully addressed in the application: Foundation details. Weight of the gates. The structural support of the piers. Whether the matching bricks can be sourced. A method statement relating to dismantling the gateway and brickworks. Matching the mortar mix. Members support the principle of the proposal. P12-02677PLA and P12-02678HER Former Middlesex University Campus, No's 188-230 (even) (excluding No.228), Ponders End High Street and Ponders End Library The proposal is a Council-driven scheme. It addresses window retention (where possible) and the historic internal layout of the Broadbent Building. Members support the proposal. P12-02113PLA, Bramford Court, High Street, London, N14 6DH Despite the set back of the additional floor, members considered the extension would be very visible. Further the elevational treatment is entirely different from the existing building. Members object to the scheme as it introduces an alien feature on the building and is detrimental to the setting of the nearby listed buildings. P12-02665PLA 16 Conway Road, London, N14 7BA Members noted that street facing rooflights are not a feature in the immediate area and cited as a problem and pressure in the conservation area appraisal. Further the rear dormer windows are too large and poorly detailed. Members object to the scheme. P12-02521PLA, 8-10, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3ED Members noted the historical importance of the building.
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