SPECIES: Scientific [common] Botrychium simplex (Least grapefern) Forest: Salmon–Challis National Forest Forest Reviewer: Jessica M Dhaemers; Brittni Brown; John Proctor Date of Review: 08/25/2017; 2 March 2018; 25 March 2018 Forest concurrence (or YES recommendation if new) for inclusion of species on list of potential SCC: (Enter Yes or No) FOREST REVIEW RESULTS: 1. The Forest concurs or recommends the species for inclusion on the list of potential SCC: Yes_X_ No___ 2. Rationale for not concurring is based on (check all that apply): Species is not native to the plan area _______ Species is not known to occur in the plan area _______ Species persistence in the plan area is not of substantial concern _______ FOREST REVIEW INFORMATION: 1. Is the Species Native to the Plan Area? Yes_X__ No___ If no, provide explanation and stop assessment. 2. Is the Species Known to Occur within the Planning Area? Yes_X__ No___ If no, stop assessment. Table 1. All Known Occurrences, Years, and Frequency within the Planning Area Year Number of Location of Observations Source of Information Observed Individuals (USFS District, Town, River, Road Intersection, HUC, etc.) 2011 ~25 plants Salmon-Cobalt Ranger District EO 1 Irwin, J. J. 2014. “A Floristic Salmon River Mountains; Inventory of East-Central Idaho, confluence of Napias and Phelan U.S.A.” Master’s thesis, Creeks; Lemhi County University of Wyoming, Laramie. Mesic soil within woody riparian vegetation, no slope, rhyodacite geology; 6,082 feet elevation 2014 No data Middle Fork Ranger District EO 2 0.2 miles west of the intersection Consortium of Pacific Northwest of Bull Trout Lake Road and Herbaria. Ponderosa Pine Scenic Route. Occurrence ID 190941 a. Are all Species Occurrences Only Accidental or Transient? Yes___ No_X__ If yes, document source for determination and stop assessment. b. For species with known occurrences on the Forest since 1990, based on the number of observations and/or year of last observation, can the species be presumed to be established or becoming established in the plan area? Yes__X_ No___ If no, provide explanation and stop assessment c. For species with known occurrences on the Forest predating 1990, does the weight of evidence suggest the species still occurs in the plan area? Yes___ No___ Provide explanation for determination; If determination is no, stop assessment N/A. Occurrences have been recorded since 1990. d. Map 1, Least grapefern range in Idaho and surrounding states (NRCS 2017) NRCS (United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service). 2017. Botrychium simplex (Least grapefern). Internet website: https://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=CAST. Accessed on August 24, 2017. Botrychium simplex Family: Ophioglossaceae Genus: Botrychium Species: Botrychium simplex E. Hitchcock Varieties: simplex, compositum e. MapCo 2m, Distributionmon Nam eof: var.L esimplexast Mo inon Northwort America (ISC 2017) Ploidy: Diploid map = var. simplex f.B . Mapsimp 3le, xDistribution var. comp ofosi Btu. simplexm var. compositum in North America (ISC 2017) Technical description: Trophophore stalk 0- 3 cm, 0-1.5 times length of trophophore rachis; blade dull to bright green to whitish green, linear to ovate oblong to oblong to fully triangular with pinnae arranged ternately, simple to 2(-3) pinnate, to 7 x 0.2 cm, fleshy to thin, papery or herbaceous. Pinnae or well-developed lobes to 7 pairs, spreading to ascending, approximate to widely separated, distance between 1st and 2nd pinnae frequently greater than between 2nd and 3rd pairs, basal pinna pair commonly much larger and more complex than adjacent pair, cuneate to fan-shaped, strongly asymmetric, undivided to divided to tip, basiscopic margins ± perpendicular to rachis, acroscopic margins strongly B. simplex var. simplex ascending, basal pinnae often divided into 2 unequal parts, margins usually entire or shallowly sinuate, apex rounded, undivided and boat-shaped to strongly divided and plane, venation pinnate or like ribs of fan, with midrib. Sporopho res mainly 1-pinnate, 1-8 times length of trophophores, 2n = 9 0. (Wagner and Wagner 1993). st Small plant with lower pinnae undivided Unusually large plant with 1 and 2nd pinna pair divided. B. simplex var. simplex g.In tMaphe fa 4,r wDistributionest of B. simplex var. simplex in the far west (ISC 2017) ISC (Ada Hayden Herbarium). 2017. Botrychium simplex. Internet website: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~herbarium/botrychium/B -simplex.pdf. Accessed on September 1, 2017. Large plant with pinnately divided Smaller plant with enlarged but not lower pinnae. divided lower pinnae. Sporophore wilted. h. Map 5, Least grapefern occurrences on the Salmon-Challis National Forest (IDFG. 2017a. Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System, Species Diversity Database, Idaho Natural Heritage Data. Accessed on February 27, 2017.) 3. Is There Substantial Concern for the Species’ Capability to persist Over the Long-term in the Plan Area Based on Best Available Scientific Information? Table 2. Status summary based on existing conservation assessments Entity Status/Rank (include definition if Other) Global Rank G5 — Secure (Common; widespread and abundant)1 State Rank S2 — Vulnerable (At moderate risk of extinction due to a restricted range, relatively few populations [often 80 or fewer], recent and widespread declines, or other factors)1 USDA Forest Region 1: Clearwater, Idaho Panhandle, and Nez Perce National Forests2 Service Region 4: Sawtooth National Forest3 USDI FWS Not listed as a candidate species4 Other Idaho Native Plant Society: 2016 – on list, not yet ranked5; 2011 – State Priority 2 (Taxa likely to be classified as Priority 1 within the foreseeable future in Idaho, if factors contributing to their population decline or habitat degradation or loss continue.)6 BLM: Not listed2 1. Idaho Natural Heritage Program. 2016. IDNHP Tracked Plant Species 2016. Accessed January 12, 2018 2. USFS Region 1. 2011. 2011 Sensitive Species List Idaho and Montana. Website: http://fsweb.r1.fs.fed.us/wildlife/wwfrp/TESnew.htm. Accessed January 10, 2017. 3. USFS Region 4. 2016. Proposed, Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive Species List. On file. Accessed January 11, 2017. 4. USFWS. 2017. Candidate species believed to or known to occur in Idaho. Website: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp0/reports/species-listed-by-state-report?state=ID&status=candidate. Accessed January 12, 2018. 5. Idaho Native Plant Society. 2016. INPS Rare Plant List May 2016. https://idahonativeplants.org/rare-plants-list/ Accessed January 10, 2018. 6. Idaho Native Plant Society. 2011. Results of the twenty-fifth Idaho Rare Plant Conference – The Idaho Native Plant Society rare plant list. Website: https://idahonativeplants.org/rpc/pdf/2011_Results_IRPC_v2.2.pdf. Accessed on January 11, 2018. 7. BLM. 2016. Bureau of Land Management Idaho Special Status Plants List Aug 2016. On file. Accessed 15 January, 2018. Table 3. Status summary based on best available scientific information. Species (Scientific and Common Name): Botrychium simplex (least grapefern) Criteria Rank Rationale Literature Citations 1 A1 Occurrences have been documented on the Salmon-Cobalt and Middle IDFG. 2017. Idaho Fish and Wildlife Distribution on Fork Ranger Districts. Although a floristic inventory of the SCNF took Information System, Species Diversity Salmon-Challis place (Irwin 2014), targeted systematic surveys have not been Database, Idaho Natural Heritage National Forest conducted. Potential habitat (see Criterion 6) is moderately abundant Data. Accessed on February 27, 2017. and widely distributed across the Forest. Irwin, J. J. 2014. “A Floristic Inventory of East-Central Idaho, U.S.A.” Master’s Due to difficulties locating populations (see Criterion 4), distribution of B. thesis, University of Wyoming, simplex on the SCNF is likely not well-known, but only two occurrences Laramie. on the Forest suggests that the species is probably scarce and isolated (Rank A1). Confidence is medium due to the difficulties in assessing distributions described above. Confidence in Rank: High, Medium, or Low 2 C Botrychium simplex is widespread and occurs at high elevations from IDFG. 2017. Idaho Fish and Wildlife Distribution in California east to North Carolina and north to Alaska and Newfoundland. Information System, Species Diversity surrounding It typically has a low abundance in many states and/or provinces in its Database, Idaho Natural Heritage geographic area range (ISC 2017; NatureServe 2017). In Idaho, the species occurs in Data. Accessed on February 27, 2017. Boundary, Clearwater, and Custer Counties (IDFG 2017). Because the ISC (Ada Hayden Herbarium). 2017. species is found in several nearby counties as well as other western Botrychium simplex. Internet website: states and Canadian provinces, it is likely widely distributed outside the http://www.public.iastate.edu/~herba Forest (Rank C). rium/botrychium/B-simplex.pdf. Accessed on August 24, 2017. Species (Scientific and Common Name): Botrychium simplex (least grapefern) Criteria Rank Rationale Literature Citations Confidence in Rank: High, Medium, or Low NatureServe. 2017. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 7.1. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Internet website: http://explorer.natureserve.org. Accessed on August 24, 2017. 3 B Species of Botrychium can typically self-fertilize, and thus dispersal Anderson, D.G. 2006. Botrychium Dispersal capability is limited by the distance of spore dispersal and the probability simplex E. Hitchcock
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