TheIndianEXPRESS GUJARAT 3 www.indianexpress.com TUESDAY l JULY 29 l 2014 Clas es &rea6 $ut $utside Boys’ death at ""T&)% *la+s o** Asaram ashram: Anandi Patel to launch co,rse on -Ar.s in B u5 -$lice stati$n $#er Socie./ and C,l.,re0 Order on CBI AHMEDABAD: )round *++ ap- @c$''entsA $n 3 atsa-- plicants vied for admissions in probe demand maha-aarti on Sabarmati the first two-year Master of Arts GOPAL KATESHIYA, ar$und : -'+ In t e ensuin, in Society and Culture ,MASC) BHUJ, JULY 28 #i$lence,t ree -ers$ns were likely on Aug 5 programme flagged off by the it &* -$lice &ullets, w en AHMEDABAD: A l$cal c$urt EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE rans, t e %a&ar'ati was Indian .nstitute of /echnolog%, A=electrical a--rentice !r$' t e* $-ened !ire t$ c$ntr$l t e t at eard t e -etiti$n see6in, AHMEDABAD, JULY 28 CM WISHES 6n$wn as %a&ra'ati+ 8t er Gandhinagar, in 'Society and Bhu5 t$$k $&5ection to co'" '$& =ine -$lice'en were a CBI -r$&e in t e 2??8 deat MUSLIMS ON !acts a&$ut t e ri#er a#e Culture’, $hich took off on 'ents 'ade &* a &usiness'an als$ seri$usl* in5ured in t e #i" case $! tw$ c$usins sta*in, at HIEF Minister EID-UL-FITR als$ &een c$llected t$ &e in" Monday. The programme be- !r$' Mand#i talu6a $! >utc $lence, -$lice said+ Asara' Ba-uAs as ra' ere, Anandi Patel will corporated in the aarti,” said gan with an inaugural lecture s-ar6in, #i$lence in B u5 $n Aut $rities clai'ed t e is li6el* t$ -r$n$unce t e $r" C launc t e !irst"e#er On the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, Ja,annat )e'-le trustee by /ridip Suhrud, 0irector of %unda*+ tw$ c$''unities ad s$rted der $n Au,ust /+ C ie! Metr$" maha-aarti $n %a&ar'ati the CM extended “Eid Ma indra J a+ Sabarmati )shram, on the 'De- )au!il ) e&a, a 20"*ear" $ut t e 'atter $n M$nda*+ -$litan Ma,istrate M 7 9$ el (i#er $n )uesda*+ Inciden" mubarak” greetings to all Mus- ) e -r$-$sal $! t e fence of Innocence’, in which he $ld electrician w $ recentl* 2Leaders !r$' &$t c$''u" on Monday concluded the tall*, it will c$incide wit lim families across the state. %a&ar'ati maha-aarti was spoke about the need for the c$'-leted is a--rentices i- nities said t e tensi$n as su&" earin, and reser#ed is $rder Eid"ul"Fitr t at is &ein, $&" Sending the message through 'ade $n t e lines $! t e moral universe to be au- wit a state -$wer distri&uti$n sided as t $se w $ indul,ed !$r Au,ust /+ ser#ed &* Musli's acr$ss t e a ress release, on the e!e of 9an,a aarti in 7aranasi and tonomous of the olitical realm c$'a-n*, recei#ed screen in #i$lence were 'iscreants The parents of the chil- c$untr* $n )uesda*+ Eid, the CM said, “"u#arat is on Haridwar last '$nt durin, through examples of Ra- s $ts $! c$''ents 'ade &* w $ did n$t e#en eed t e a-" dren, w $ were !$und dead $n ) e maha-aarti is &ein, its march to$ards de!elo - a 'eetin, $! t e .3:t bindaranath /agore, B 1 B a#es 9ad #i, a 3?"*ear" -eal &* t eir c$''unit* lead" the banks of the Sabarmati $r,anised &* t e Ja,annat ment $ith the hel of e!er%- Ja,annat (at Yatra Ambedkar and Mahatma $ld law ,raduate !r$' Mand#i ers+ It was 5ust a 'atter raised near t e M$tera as ra' ere in )e'-le )rust $n %a&ar'ati bod%&s coo eration under the -re-arati$ns &* t e A 'ed" Gandhi. The MASC which has w $ is ass$ciated wit salt -r$" a,ainst a c$''ent $n a s$cial Jul* 2??8, ad !iled a -lea &e" ri#er!r$nt near %$'nat go!ernment&s olic% of 'Sauna a&ad Peace C$''ittee, residency requirements for stu- ducti$n, $n is 3 atsA-- netw$r6in, site and t e lead" !$re a 'a,isterial c$urt in Janu" B udar+ Saath, Sauna (ikas&. )ll festi- w ic is c aired &* 'a*$r dents has been started under 'essen,er+ ) e&a t$$6 $&5ec" ers a,reed -$lice were ta6in, ar* t is *ear see6in, trans!er $! ) e area, w ic is d$'i" !als are occasions to Mina;i Patel+ the aegis of the Humanities and ti$n t$ t e c$''ents 'ade &* acti$n a,ainst ,uilt*+ ) e* a-" t e in#esti,ati$n t$ t e Central nated &* t e 'in$rit* c$'" strengthen social get-togeth- At t e 'eetin,, c$''it" Social Sciences,4)SS) group at 9ad #i a&$ut is c$''unit* -ealed t e -u&lic t$ 'aintain Bureau of Investigation. 'unit*, is t e sa'e -lace ers and bonhomie, she added. tee 'e'&ers su,,ested ../-"5, with an initial student and !ait and !iled a c$'-laint -eace,4 resident additi$nal C$usins Di-es 7a, ela B.?C !r$' w ere Jal Yatra, a !ew ENS that a Sabarmati aarti s $uld intake of 63 which it plans to wit B"Di#isi$n -$lice stati$n c$llect$r DB % a said a!ter and Abhishek 7aghela B..C da*s -ri$r t$ t e Ja,annat &e $r,ani<ed at least raise to 8+ by next year. “9e re- in B u5 $n %aturda* e#enin,+ c airin, a 'eetin, $! l$cal ad ,$ne 'issin, !r$' Asara' (at Yatra, is -er!$r'ed ANANDI PATEL Ma ara5+ $nce a '$nt at t e ri#er" ceived around *++ applications ) e -$lice acted swi!tl* -eace c$''ittee $n M$nda*+ Ba-uAs ,uru6ul, a residential e#er* *ear+ ) e ei, t"'inute aarti !r$nt area+ C$''ittee 'e'" from a licants across .ndia. and arrested 9ad #i $n %un" ) e 'eetin, was at" school situated in Motera ) e ./."la'- maha- t is da* $nwards+ as &een written &* B a," &ers su,,ested t at t e 9e short-listed 850 and post a da* and &r$u, t i' t$ B Di" tended &* leaders $! &$t As ra' $! t e cit*, $n Jul* 3, aarti, sc eduled at 0+1/ -', 23e are #er* a--* t at wad kathakar !r$' A 'ed" aarti s $uld &e carried round of $ritten test on campus #isi$n -$lice stati$n in %ar-at c$''unities, Minister $! 2??8 under '*steri$us circu'" as &een ann$unced t$ &e t e !irst"e#er %a&ar'ati a&ad Mu6es B att+ $ut $n a s-eci!ic da* $! and an inter!ie$, $e selected =a6a, an area d$'inated &* %tate !$r C$tta,e Industries, stances+ 8n Jul* /, 2??8, 'uti" eld $n t e sec$nd !ull '$$n maha-aarti will &e,in 2) e ist$r* $! t e e#er* '$nt as -er t e 67. This is the first MA rogram t e c$''unit* t$ w ic t e )arac and C eda, l$cal MP lated bodies of the two boys day of the month of % ravan. in t e $l* '$nt $! %a&ar'ati was re!erred &e" Hindu calendar, !$r w ic launched by the 4ASS group at c$'-lainant &el$n,s+ A and MLA+ were !$und in t e ri#er&ed near ) is will &e !$ll$wed e#er* % ra#an,4 said Ja,annat !$re writin, t e aarti+ F$r in" t e sec$nd !ull '$$n da* ../-"5,” said assistant professor cr$wd ,at ered t ere de" ) e additi$nal c$llect$r t e as ra'+ A!ter t e tw$ &$*s '$nt at t e ri#er!r$nt !r$' )e'-le Ma ant Dili-das stance, in $ur 7edas and Pu" was su,,ested+ Srinivas Redd%, ENS 'andin, 9ad #i &e anded said t at all t e in5ured, in" were !$und dead, a wides-read $#er t$ t e' leadin, t$ cludin, t e t ree it &* -$lice public agitation had taken clas es wit -$lice+ P$lice re" &ullets and t e nine -$lice" -lace a,ainst Asara' wit al" !used t$ ,rant t e de'and 'en it &* st$nes were $ut $! le,ati$ns t at t eir deat s were sa*in, it was ille,al+ Leaders dan,er+ lin6ed t$ &lac6 'a,ic -ractised $! t e c$''unit* !r$' t e Meanw ile, -$lice were in t e as ra'+ Di-es As !at er t$wn ur,ed t e cr$wd t$ dis" t$ -r$duce 9ad #i in a c$urt Pra!ul 7a, ela ad !iled an a-" -erse sa*in, t at t eir de" later in t e e#enin, under -licati$n &e!$re C ie! Metr$" 'and was ille,al &ut t e '$& ea#* securit* c$#er e#en as -$litan Ma,istrate % 7 Pare6 ,$t &i,,er and started -eltin, uneas* cal' -re#ailed in t e in Fe&ruar* t is *ear see6in, a st$nes at t e stati$n &uildin, t$wn+ CBI -r$&e+ PTI MSU Baroda circumspect as campus gears up for students union polls EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE 7AD8DA(A, JULY 28 I) I% n$ l$n,er $nl* t e =a" ti$nal %tudents Uni$n $! In" dia B=%UIC $r t e A6 il B ar" ti*a 7id*art i Paris ad BAB7PC #*in, !$r t e -$st $! t e student uni$n at t e M% Uni#ersit*+ 3it t e electi$ns slated t$ &e eld &* t e end $! Au" ,ust t is *ear, t e nu'&er $! student $ut!its at t e ca'-us as swelled t$ $#er a d$<en n$w, and t e uni#ersit* is tr*" in, t$ ensure t at students d$ n$t res$rt t$ #i$lence driven &y ca'-us -olitics or deface walls &* stic6in, -$sters t$ see6 #$tersA attenti$n+ ) e AB7P ad t e str$n,est -resence in t e ca'" -us, until 2?.3, w en =%UI wrested t$- seats $! uni#ersit* ,eneral secretar* and #ice -resident, wit t e 7id*art i 7i6as %an, , a s-linter ,r$u- $! t e AB7P ta6in, awa* a lar,e c un6 $! its #$te s are+ ) is *ear, '$re students a#e $r,anised t e'sel#es in t$ ,r$u-s t$ c$ntest !$r t e -$st $! #ice -resident, ,eneral sec" retar*, and re-resentati#es $! #ari$us !aculties, s$'e $! t e' &ein, t e (e#$luti$n %tudents Uni$n, ($*al Clu&, >ris na 9r$u-, Yas 9r$u-, Y$un, India 9r$u-, %tri6ers 9r$u-, %cience %tudents 9r$u-, and AI9%+ In 2?.3, .3 students c$n" tested !$r t e -$st $! 7"P, .1 !$r 9%, and ei, t !$r t e -$st $! c$''erce !acult* re-re" sentati#e+ Ha--* Clu&, w ic ad n$t c$ntested !$r t e -$st $! uni#ersit* 9% in !i#e *ears $! its !$r'ati$n, will c$ntest !$r t e -$st t is *ear+ 23e a#e &een ta6in, u- t e issue $! &etter !acilities !$r students, and are re-resent" in, students $n t e issues $! -$$r -er!$r'ance $! t e 3i"!i, -r$&le's in $stel &uildin,s, and rise in !ees+4 student leader and c$''erce !acult* 9%, Hites Batra said+ (e" centl*, t e uni#ersit* called a 'eetin, $! t e re-resentati#es $! t e students uni$n+ 23e a#e as6ed t e' t$ c$n#ince #$ters in t eir $wn wa* &ut n$t !$rce an* student t$ #$te as it creates tensi$n and #i$lence in t e ca'-us,4 said >% A,arwal, a !acult*.
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