SHARP News Volume 16 | Number 1 Article 1 Winter 2007 Volume 16, Number 1 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/sharp_news Recommended Citation (2006) "Volume 16, Number 1," SHARP News: Vol. 16: No. 1. Available at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/sharp_news/vol16/iss1/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. It has been accepted for inclusion in SHARP News by an authorized editor of ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. For more information, please contact [email protected]. et al.: Volume 16, Number 1 A SHARPNEWS - Volume 16, Number 1 Winter 2007 SHARP CONSTITUTION7 SHARP MINNESOTA2007 t Cffcctive 1 January 2007, the Johns Proposed Revisions to the 1993 Open the Book Hopkins University Press will be handling our memberships and subscription SHARP Constitution Open the Mind fulfillment. The Executive Committee chose 11-15 July 2007 JH1JP after careful and lengthy research; the Submitted for SHARP merxlbership Unirjersity of Mnnesota, Mnneapolis, USA Press has an excellent record of serving approval in 2007 other organizations, similar to ours, in simi- It's still not to late to book your place at lar ways. We have become too large for ad- On pages 3-5 of this issue of SHARP the fifteenth annual SHARP conference. The ministrative services to be handled by a vol- Nem, you will find a copy of the proposed conference theme highlights how books unteer. Barbara Brannon has been that he- revisions to the 1993 SHARP Constitution. develop and extend minds and cultures, and roic and faithful volunteer for many years; In addition, we havc provided a ballot to also how they are opened to new media and now the hfembership Secretar): will be freed vote 'yes' in favour of the revisions or 'no' new purposes. A pre-conference of practi- to concentrate on ways of increasing our against thc revisions, plus an envelope to cal workshops and a plenary session de- supporters and providing further services send in your ballot paper by 31 March 2007. voted to book arts and artists' books will for our members. Onc ballot per financial member, please. be held at the Minnesota Center for Book For most of you, this change in our op- This draft of revisions to the original Arts, near the University of Minnesota cam- erations will proceed seamlessly. During the SHARP constitution was drawn up by a com- pus, on Tuesday 10 July 2007. The confer- transition period we will ensure that paper mittee convened in 2005 by the SHARP ence will be held on the Tw~nCities campus and electronic commur~icationsare for- President, Robert Patten, and chaired by the of the University of Minnesota, in warded to the appropriatc pcrson within Vice-President, Leslie Howsam; it was unani- hfinneapolis. Minneapolis-St. Paul Interna- SHARP or atJHUP. For those of you with mously approved by the Executive Council tional Airport is well served by nonstop questions there might be slight delays, espe- in July 2006 and has been available for pe- flights from London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, cially in early lanuary, so please bear with us rusal by the membership. and other major cities. The airport is close for a whilc. At any time you can reach me Briefly, the new constitution is more to the Mall of America, one of the largest via email (<[email protected]>). democratic than its predecessor, more flex- shopping malls in the world. After 1 January, the JHIJP contact infor- ible and streamlined, and it provides for ... / 2 mation will be better communication with the membership. The Johns Hopkins University Press For more details about the process, and/ CONTENTS Journals Publishing Division or to download a Word file that shows the P.O. Box 19966 revisions against a copy of the original con- FROMTHE PRESIDENT 1 Baltimore MD 21211-0966, USA stitution, please go to the following SHARP SHARP CONSTITUTION 1 website: SHARP MINNEAPOLIS 1 Phone, toll free: 1-800-548-1 784 < http://www.sharpweb.org/ ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 Phone, outside the US: + 1-410-516-6987 const~tution.html> SHARP CONSTITUTION 3 FAX: 410-516-3866 Please take several momcnts to read CONFERENCEREVIEWS 5 E-mail: <[email protected]> through the proposed constitutional revi- EXHIBITIONREVIEWS 8 sions, mark your ballot, and send it to the BOOKREVIEWS 13 Please send your renewals to the address addresb ~ndicated.Wc look fonvard to hear- printed on the form or use the online mem- ing from you, the SHARP membership! CALLSFOR PAPERS 16 bership renewal form: www.sharpweb.org. FORTHCOMINGEVENTS 17 With best wishes for the new year adn this Leslie Howsam FELLOWSHIPS 17 new era in SHARPS history, V'ice-Presdent OBITUARY 18 BHRN STUDYDA~ 19 ~obPattcn I BIBLIOGRAPHY 20 President, 2005-2001 I THESHARP END 20 Published by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst, 2006 1 2 m WINTER2007 SHARP News, Vol. 16, No. 1 [2006], Art. 1 SHARP NEWSVOL. 16, NO. 1 --- - - ... / 1 EDITOR (designed by Jean Nouvel), additions to both at: http://www.helsinki.fi/historia/ Sydney Shtp, Wai-te-ata Press the Walker Art Center (by Herzog & de hibolire/index.html. HIBOLIRE is a mul- Victoria University of Wellington Meuron) and Minneapolis Institute of ,4rts tinational and multidisciplinar network of PO Box 60[! Wellington, New Wchael Graves), the Minneapolis Central scholars in the fields of book history, his- Fax: +64-4-463-5446 Library (Cesar Pelli), as well as the Frederick tory of libraries and history of reading. The [email protected] R. Weisman Art Museum (Frank Gehry). activities of HIBOLIRE are supported by The remarkable Elmer L. Andersen Library Nordforsk, an independent institution op- EDITORIALASSISTANT - 16.1 houses one and a half mdlion books and re- erating under the Nordic Council of Minis- Abby LPtteri, P~ublicatinnAssistant lated archival materials in giant vaults carved ters for Education and Research. The net- Wai-te-ata Press into the banks of the Mississippi River liter- work also works in close cooperation with ally below the campus of the University of the international research school NORSLIS. REVIEWEDITORS Minnesota. The Andersen Library is part of The aim of the network is to enhance co- F* F* Lvy, Book Reuiews - Europe the University of Minnesota Libraries, a sys- operation benveen individual members and Universi~of Washington, WA, USA tem that owns more than 6.2 million books. their organizations, disseminate informa- [email protected] The University of Minnesota is one of the tion, and organize seminars, summer schools largest university campuses in the United and conferences. We seek to create oppor- Gail Sbiz*el;Book Reviews - Amenkas States. Minneapolis, where the conference tunities for an exchange of scholars between University of Miami, FL, USA will take place, is adjacent to St. Paul, the academic institutions, support doctoral stu- [email protected] state capital, where the library of the Min- dents and ultimately, start research and other nesota Historical Society houses extcnsive projects, such as popularization of the re- Sinlone Ilfurray, Book Reviews - Asia/ Pacific print and manuscript records. Both cities search results, and establish an international Monash University, Melbourne, AUS boast fine theaters, concert halls, and restau- scholarly journal. For more information [email protected] rants, as well as outstanding parks, many of about HIBOLIRE, see the webpage or con- which surround lakes. More than 10,000 tact the chairwoman of the HIBOLIRE Lira Pun, Exhibition Rel~iews other lakes lie within a several hours' drive, steering committee: Prof. Tiiu Reimo, De- Southern Methodist University includng vast Lake Superior and the Bound- partmcnt of Information Studies, Tallinn Dallas, TX USA ary Waters Canoe Area \Vilderness, which Pedagogical University, Narva Road 25, [email protected] stretches along the Canadian border. Chi- Tallinn, Estonia. [email protected] cago, with its many cultural attractions, is BIBLIOGRAPHER only 90 minutes away by plane. July is the __ -60 - Robert N. Matuozzi warmest month of the year in the Thin Cit- Washington State University Libraries ies; daily hgh temperatures average 84F (28 Pullman, WA 991 64-5610 USA C). See you then. See you there! The Cambridge University Press journal [email protected] ,Vfodertz Intellectual Histov, launched in 2004, is preparing for publication a forum on the SUBSCRIPTIONS history of the book (the state of the field, The johns Hopkins University Press and possible new directions) which origi- Ivrif- Journals Publishing Division I Libellan'unz, Journaljr the history f the nated as a conference at the University of PO Box 19966 ten word, books andmemoty znstitfitionsis a newly- Edinburgh. It will feature contributions by Baltimore, MD 21211-0966 USA established journal to be published by the Peter Burke, Roger Chartier, Robert [email protected] University of Zadar, Croatia. The first issue Darnton, and David Hall, and promises to will deal with two key areas of book history: be of considerable interest to members of So book history and its methodological issues SHARP. As the journal enters its fourth (%%at isthe book history today? Could it be year, the editors are eager to find and pub- SHARP News (ISSN 1073-1725) is the an independent scientific discipline? %%at is lish outstanding work in the fields of inter- quarterly newslerter of the Society for the the state of research in different countries? est to SHARPists such as: scholarship on au- History of Authorship, Reading and Pub- etc.); the use of sources in book history (such thorship as a cultural and institutional prac- lishing. Inc. Set in Adobe Garamond with as bibliographies, printers' catalogues and tice; on the various hnds of print media and Wingdings. advertisements, book dedications and fore- other forms of communication through words, missionary reports, etc.).
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