Farewell to the Irish Ambassador Not Just Ned a True History of the Irish in Australia

Farewell to the Irish Ambassador Not Just Ned a True History of the Irish in Australia

THE AUSTRALIAN IRISH HERITAGE NETWORK No 17, September 2011 PRINT POST APPROVED PP 336663/00047 Farewell to the Irish Ambassador Not Just Ned A true history of the Irish in Australia Tinteán No 17, September 2011 Contents Tinteán is a publication of the Regulars Australian Irish Heritage Network 2 News: Clergy child abuse, The Lusitania, Belfast riots, Naked Bike Ride in Cork PO Box 13095, Law Courts, 3 Editorial: Welcome to Issue 17 of Tinteán, The AIHN editorial committee Melbourne, 8010 4 What's on 5 Letters: Appreciation from Not Just Ned Tel 03 9670 8865 8 Miscellany: The Last Rebel, Joseph Murphy Email [email protected] 10 Bolg an tSoláthair / Odds & Ends: Val Noone Web tintean.org.au 16 Irish language: Éilish Hurst, Eamonn McCormac Published four times per annum 34 Poetry: Tony Curtis, John Dengate, Maurice McNamara ABN 13643653067 44 Obituaries: Josephine Hart, Garret FitzGerald, Eddie Hayes, ISSN 1835-1093 Features 7 The Lake School of Celtic Music Song and Dance, Felix Meagher Editor: Liz McKenzie 15 Winter of the 19th Shamrock, Patrick McNamara Deputy Editor: Felicity Allen 16 I Went Home, Saul Roche Poetry Editor: Meg McNena 18 The Carmelite Order in Australia by Joseph Vincent Butler O. Carm., Ruth Long Business Manager: Rob Butler 20 The Irish as champions of reform at Eureka, Phillip Moore Advertising: Rob Butler 22 Great Irregularities on the Duke of Cornwall, Anne McMahon 23 Farewell reflections on Irish Australia, Máirtín Ó Fainín Production: Andrew Macdermid 24 James Hogan, the first historian of Irish Australia, Patrick Morgan Printing: Arena Printing 28 Designing Learning for Remote Indigenous Communities, Rodger Carroll 2-14 Kerr St Fitzroy Vic 30 The falling star of Charles Stewart Parnell 1846–1891, Mervyn Ennis 32 The influence of Irish culture and heritage in Australia, Richard O’Brien Other workers on this issue: 36 The Celtic Curse, Dr Ronald McCoy, Dr Felicity Allen Peter Kiernan, Catherine Arthur, Frances Devlin-Glass, Bob Glass, Reviews Meg McNena, Kate Clifford, Patrick 37 The Consolation of Philosophy, Paul O’Grady, reviewed by Max Charlesworth 38 18th Australasian Irish Studies Conference, reviewed by Patrick McNamara McNamara, Don McKenzie, Elizabeth 38 An Australian tapestry in Dublin, Peter J Walsh Benfell, Debra Vaughan, Rob Butler. 39 An Irishman and a Jew go into a Pub, Brenda Addie, reviewed by Juliette Hughes Views expressed in the articles, letters and 40 The Making of Irish Traditional Music, Helen O’Shea, advertisements are those of the contributors reviewed by Elizabeth McKenzie and not necessarily those of the Australian 41 Who killed Rosemary Nelson?, Neil Root and Ian Hitchings, Irish Heritage Network or of the editor. reviewed by Felicity Allen 42 The True Story of the Infamous Burke and Hare, Owen Dudley Edwards, Cover reviewed by Felicity Allen Thrift shop in Newcastle West, Co 43 Great Endeavour: Ireland’s Antarctic Explorers, Michael Smith, Limerick, Ireland. Photo by Peter Kiernan reviewed by John Hagan The Australian Irish Heritage Network Objectives is to explore and celebrate the playing out of the Irish heritage The Australian Irish Heritage Network aims to build the social, in Australia – past, present and future. cultural, sporting, historical and literary consciousness of Irish Activities Australians and to explore and celebrate the development of As well as the magazine, AIHN plans to conduct social and Irish heritage and culture in Australia. educational events; disseminate news and information via Principal Activity the internet; offer recognition for service to literary and his- As its first priority, AIHN produces the literary magazine torical endeavours; issue cultural and political comment; and Tinteán (meaning hearth in Gaelic and pronounced ‘Tintawne’ research and record our heritage. – the fada on the á giving the syllable the dominant stress Membership and the ‘augh’ sound, as in ‘taught’). The focus of the maga- Anyone identifying with Irish heritage is welcome to join. zine is to build and explore the Australian Irish identity. The AIHN Committee magazine welcomes material which explores the big themes President: Frances Devlin-Glass of exile, diaspora and settlement. It also encourages the tell- Vice-President: Peter Kiernan ing of the micro-stories that express narratives of individuals Secretary: Bob Glass and families. There will be a continual study of the political Treasurer: Patrick McNamara and economic evolution of Ireland, and of the contribution Committee Members: Felicity Allen, Catherine Arthur, Liz which Irish-Australians have made to Australia. The intention McKenzie, Debra Vaughan Tinteán September 2011 News Clergy child abuse continues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µZDNHXS ZKLFKWKH9DWLFDQ¶VDPEDVVDGRUWR,UHODQG DFFRUGLQJ WR %HPLV OLHV LQ WU\LQJ WR FDOO¶ZKHQKHVSRNHRIKLVVDGQHVVDWVHH GHVFULEHGDVµDVWXG\GRFXPHQW¶LQDFRQ¿ DQVZHU WKH FRQWURYHUVLDO TXHVWLRQ RI LQJWKHSURYLQFHWDNLQJµRQHVWHSIRUZDUG GHQWLDOOHWWHUVHQWWR,ULVKELVKRSVLQ ZKHWKHU RU QRW /XVLWDQLD ZDV FDUU\LQJ DQG WZR VWHSV EDFN¶ 0U %DJJRWW DOVR 7KLVOHWWHUZDUQHGWKDWWKH,ULVKFKLOGSUR PXQLWLRQVDVZHOODVSDVVHQJHUV$IWHUWKH FRQ¿UPHG SROLFH DUH LQYHVWLJDWLQJ SRVW WHFWLRQSROLFLHVYLRODWHGFDQRQODZ WRUSHGR KLW WKH VKLS WKH 8ERDW FDSWDLQ FHDVH¿UHDFWLYLW\E\WKH89)ZKLFKKDV -RKQ0DJHHIRUPHU%LVKRSRI&OR\QH FODLPHGKHKHDUGDVHFRQGH[SORVLRQ,W EHHQEODPHGIRUVSDUNLQJWKHWZRQLJKWV UHVLJQHG0DUFK:KLOHKHRIIHUHGµD KDVORQJEHHQGLVSXWHGZKHWKHU/XVLWDQLD RIWURXEOH VLQFHUHDSRORJ\¶KHGLGQRWDFFHSWGLUHFW ZDVFDUU\LQJODUJHDPRXQWVRIPXQLWLRQV 0U%DJJRWWVDLGWKDWLWZDVLPSRUWDQW UHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKHFRYHUXS+HVWDWHG WKHUHE\PDNLQJLWDYLDEOHWDUJHW WRUHFRJQLVHWKDWLQVRPHDUHDVWKHSHDFH WKDW KH KDG VXSSRUWHG WKH FKLOG SURWHF 7KH ZUHFN OLHV LQ VKDOORZ ZDWHU ZLWK ZDV VWLOO IUDJLOH DQG WKDW DOO FRQFHUQHG WLRQSURFHGXUHVEXWQRZUHDOLVHGWKDWKH YLVLELOLW\ RI DERXW P EXW LWV SUHFLVH VKRXOGUHGRXEOHHIIRUWVWRPDNH1RUWKHUQ µVKRXOGKDYHWDNHQDPXFK¿UPHUUROH SRVLWLRQ LV XQFHUWDLQ QRZ WKDW D FHQWXU\ ,UHODQGDSHDFHIXOSODFH3HWHU5RELQVRQ LQHQVXULQJWKHLULPSOHPHQWDWLRQ¶+HLV KDVHODSVHGDQGLWVFRQGLWLRQZLOOPDNHWKH DQG 0DUWLQ 0F*XLQHVV KDYH ERWK EHOLHYHGWREHDEURDGEXWWKHUHDUHFDOOV GLYHWULFN\:K\LV%HPLVVRLQWHUHVWHG" DWWHQGHG SXEOLF PHHWLQJV ZLWK UHVLGHQWV IRUKLPWRUHWXUQWR,UHODQG +H H[SODLQHG µ6LQFH WKH EHJLQQLQJ LQRUGHUWRKHDUWKHLUFRQFHUQVZLWK0U ,W KDV EHHQ UHSRUWHG WKDW JDUGDt KDG RI P\ LQYROYHPHQW RYHU \HDUV DJR 0F*XLQHVV YRZLQJ WR µOHDG WKH FKDUJH HDUOLHU UHFRPPHQGHG WKDW 0DJHH EH , KDYH ZDQWHG WR ¿QG RXW ZKDW FDXVHG DJDLQVWWKHIRUFHVRIGHVWUXFWLRQ¶ SURVHFXWHG IRU IDLOLQJ WR GLVFORVH LQIRU WKH VHFRQG H[SORVLRQ7KH VKLS LV O\LQJ 6RXUFHEEFFRXNQHZV%HOIDVW PDWLRQ DERXW DQ DUUHVWDEOH RIIHQFH EXW RQLWVVWDUERDUGVLGHVRWKHUHLVQRHDV\ 7HOHJUDSK WKH'LUHFWRURI3XEOLF3URVHFXWLRQVVDLG ZD\RIGRLQJLWDQGH[DPLQLQJWKHDUHD WKDW QR FKDUJHV VKRXOG EH EURXJKW $V WKHWRUSHGRZHQWLQ7KDWDUHDLVWRWDOO\ Naked Bike Ride in Cork D UHVXOW RI WKH ¿QGLQJV RI WKH &OR\QH FRQFHDOHG :H KDYH QR ZD\ RI GLJJLQJ 7KH\ EDQQHG :RUOG 1DNHG %LNH 5LGH LQ &RPPLVVLRQ WKHUH DUH QRZ VXJJHVWLRQV GRZQ 6R ZKDW ZH KRSH WR GR LV JR 'XEOLQ EXW WKH &RUN HYHQW ZHQW DKHDG WKDWSULHVWVEHUHTXLUHGWRUHSRUWFDVHVRI WKURXJKWKHSRUWVLGHDQG¿QGHYLGHQFHRI 1LQHW\WKUHH QDNHG KHURHV SHGDOOHG FKLOGDEXVHHYHQLIWKH\RQO\KHDUDERXW ZKDWFDXVHGWKHH[SORVLRQWKHUH¶ WKURXJKWKHFLW\VWUHHWVRQ6DWXUGD\QLJKW WKHPLQFRQIHVVLRQ 6RXUFHLULVKWLPHVFRP-XO\ 5HVSOHQGHQWLQERG\SDLQWWKHF\FOLVWVVHW 6RXUFH7KH$JHWKHMRXUQDO RII DW SP IRU VDIHW\ UHDVRQV 7KH URXWH LH&DWKROLF1HZV$JHQF\ Belfast riots ZDVUHVWULFWHGDIWHUFRQFHUQVWKDWWKHVSHF 7KHHDUO\GD\VRI-XO\KDYHEURXJKWIXU WDFOH PLJKW XSVHW PHPEHUV RI WKH SXEOLF What happened on the WKHUULRWVWRWKHVWUHHWVRI%HOIDVWLQWKH 1RWKLQJRIWKHVRUWDVSRNHVPDQVDLG Lusitania? 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