.._ I I CONGRESSIONAL ; PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES QF THE FIUY-THIRD CONGRESS. SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SENATE. - ' SEN.ATE. ADDRESS OF THE VICE-ERESIDENT. The VICE-PRESIDENT. Senators, 'tleeply impressed with a S.A.TURlY.A.Y, Ma.rch 4, 1893. sense of its responsibilities and of its dignities, I now enter upon Hon. ADLAI E. STEVENSON, Vice-President _of the United the discharge of the duties of the high office to wJ:lich I have States, having taken the oath of office at the close of the last been called. regular session of the Fifty-second Congress, took the Qhair. I am not unmindful of the fact that among the occupants of this chair during the one hundred and four years of our consti­ PRAYER. tutional history have been statesmen eminent alike for their tal­ Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D., Chaplain to the Senate, offered the ents and for their tireless devotion to public duty. Adams, Jef­ following prayer: ferson, and Calhoun honored its incumbency during the early 0 Thou, with whom is no variableness or shadow of turning, days of the Republic, while Arthur, Hendricks, and Morton the unchangeable God, whose throne stands forever, and whose have at a later period of our history shed lust.er upon the office dominion ruleth over all; we seek a Father's blessing as we wait of President of the most august deliberatiVe assembly known to at the mercy seat. We bring to Thee our heart homage, God of men. our fathers, thanking Thee fqr our rich heritage of faith and of I assums the duties of the great trust confided to me with no freedom, hallowed bv the toils and tears, the valor and blood feeling of self-confidence, but rather with that of grave distrust and prayers, of our patriotdead. We come with an abiding faith of my ability satisfactorily to meet its requirements. I may be in God, who has led us all through our history,and pray that the pardoned for saying that it shall be my earnest endeavor to dis­ blessings we so abundantly enjoy may abide upon the family of charge the important duties which lie before me with no less of nations so honorably represented here to-day. Grant that this impa~' tiality and courtesy than of firmness and fidelity. Ear­ stream of mercy may flow throughout the world, and that all the nestly invoking the cooperation, the forbearance, the charity o! people may have the freedom wherewith Christ makes free. each of its members, I now enter upon my duties as Presiding We look unto Thee for Thy guidance and blessing as we come Officer of the Senate. to these solemnities, and pray that Thy peace may abide upon The Secretary of the Senate will read the proclamation of the Thy servants the President and his Cabinet, upon the President President of the United States convening the Senate in extraor­ of the Senate, and these Thy servants who to-day lay aside the dinary session. perplexing responsibilities of public office, honored of men and PROCLAMATION. blessed of God. - We commend to Thine especial favor Thy servant, the Presi­ The Secretary (Mr. ANSON G. McCooK) read the following dent-elect, called for the second time to these high and honor­ proclamation: able and responsible trusts. 0 God, shield him by Thy power By the President of the United States of Ame1•ica: and let Thy banner over his home, in whlch Thou hast opened Whereas public interest require th<1t the Senate should be convened at 12 a wellspring of joy, ever be love. Gird him with Thy might. o'clock on the 4th day of March next t.o receive such communications as may be made by the Executive: Guide him by Thy counsel. Control his judgment. Make him Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, do strong in purpose, and so do Thou direct his Administration hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary occasion requires the with those associated with him in official relation\! that the Senate of the United States to convene at the Capitol, in the city of Wash­ ington, on the 4th day of March next, at 12 o'clocknoon, of which all persons blessing of God may continue more and more upon our Republic, who shall at that time be entitled to act as m :~ mbers of that body are hereby which has ever been prospered of Heaven. required to take notice. Bless, we pray Thee, our Vice-President, the President of the Givan under my hand and the seal of the United States at Washington this 25th day of February, in the year of our Lord 18V3, and of the Independence Senate, and those who'to-day assume for the fir3t time these re­ of the United States of America the one hundred and seventeenth. sponsibilities. So guide by Thy divine counsel, our Father, that BENJ. HARRISON. in the future, as in the past, the unseen hand may lead us. Bless By the President: WILLIAM It'. WHARTON, all the people of this great nation in their industries, in their Acting Secretary of State. homes, in their churches, in their schools, prospering every right endeavor, delivering us fl·om lawlesaness and vice, and bringing SWEARING IN OF SENATORS. in the reign of peace and righteousness more and more, and The VICE-PRESIDENT. The names of the newly elected among the nations of the world. Senators whose credentials are on file will now be called by the Guide us in the path of duty. Purify our hearts, we pray Thee, Secretary, and they will come forward and receive the oath o! by the indwelling of Thy Spirit. 0 Lord, pardon what we have office four at a time. been. Sanctify what we are. Order what we shall be. And The Secretary r ead the names of- Thine shall be the glory and ours the eternal salvation, through Nelson W. Aldrich, of the State of Rhode Island. Jesus Christ our Lord, who hath taught us when we pray to say: William V. Allen, of the State of Nebraska. "Our Father Who art inheaven,hallowedbeThyname. Thy William B. Bate, of the State of Tenne see. kingdom come. Thy will be done upou earth. as it is in heaven. Francis M. Cockran, of the State of Missouri. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as As their names were called the respective S:ma.tors-electcame we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into forward,and the oath prescribed by law was administered to them. temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, The Secretary called the names of­ and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen." John W. Daniel, of the State of Virginia. 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. _M.AROH 4, / Cushman' K. Davis, of the State of Minnesota. Indiana-David Turpie and Daniel W. Voorhees. Charles J. Faulkner. of the State of West Virginia. Iowa--William B. Allison and James F. Wilson. James Z. George, of the State of Mississippi.' Kansas-John Martin and William A. Peffer. As their names were called the respective Senators-elect came Kentuck-y-Joseph C. S. Blackburn and William Lindsay. forward, and the oath prescribed by law was administered to them. Louisiana-Donelson Caffery and Edward D. White. The Secretary called the names of- Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. Arthur P. Gorm..an, of the State of Maryland. Ma1-ylancl--Charles H. Gibson and Arthur P. Gorman. George Gray, of the State of Delaware. Massach-usetts-George F. Hoar and Henry Cabot Lodge. Eugene Hale, of the State of Maine. Michigan-James McMillan and Francis B. Stockbridge. Joseph R. Hawley, of the State of Connecticut. Minnesota--Cushman K. Davis and William D. Washburn. As their names were called the respective Senators-elect came Mississippi-James Z. George. forward, and the oath prescribed by law was administered to them. ..Missouri-Francis l\L Cqckrell and George G. Vest. The Secretary called the names of- Montana-Thomas C. Power. Henry Cabot Lodge, of the State of Massachusetts. 1Yebra.ska-William V. Allen and Charles F . Manderson. Roger Q. Mills, of the State of Texas. Nevada-John P. Jones and William M. {:;tewart. John L. Mitchell, of the State of Wisconsin. New Hampshi1·e-William E. Chandler and Jacob H. Gallinger. Edward Murphy, jr.,.·of the State of New York. New Jeney-John R. McPherson and James Smith, jr. As their names were called the respective Senators-elect came New Yo1·k-David B. Hill and Edward Murphy, jr. forward, and the oath prescribed bylaw was administered to them. North Carolina-Matt W. Ransom and Zebulon B. Vance. The Secretary called the names of- J~torth Dakota-William N. Roach and Henry C. Hansbrough. Samuel Pasco, of the State of Florida. Ohio--Calvin S. Brice and John Sherman. · Redfield Proctor, of the State oi Vermont. 01·egon-John H. Mitchell. MatthewS. Quay, of the State of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania-James Donald Cameron. William N. Roa.ch, of the State of North Dakota. Rlwdelsland-Nelson W. Aldrich and Nathan F. Dixon. · As their names were called t be respective Senators-elect (with SouthOa1·olina-M. C. Butler and J. L. M. Irby. the exception of Mr. Quay, who was absent) came forward, and SouthDakota-James H. Kyle and R. F. Pettigrew. the oath prescribed by law was administered to them: 7ennessee-William B. Bate and Isham G. Harris. The Secretary called the names of- Texas-Richard Coke and Roger Q. Mills. - John Sherman, of the State of Ohio.
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