Environmental Monitoring Report Project Number: 47101-003 March 2019 Period: January 2018 – June 2018 IND: Assam Power Sector Investment Program - Tranche 2 Submitted by Assam Power Distribution Company Limited, Guwahati This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Assam Power Sector Investment Program Tranche – 2 (Loan No.: 3327-IND) Bi-Annual Environmental Safeguard Monitoring Report (January-June 2018) February 2019 Prepared by the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited for the Asian Development Bank This environmental safeguard monitoring report is a document of the borrower and made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Public Communications Policy 2011 and the Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff. Assam Power Sector Investment Program, Tranche - 2 Loan No. IND-3327 Abbreviation ADB Asian Development Bank AEGCL Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Ltd. AP Affected People APSEIP Assam Power Sector Enhancement Investment Program ASEB Assam State Electricity Board D.C. District Collector EA Executing Agency EMP Environmental Management Plan ESMU Environmental and Social Management Unit GoA Government of Assam GoI Government of India GRC Grievance Redress Committee GWSP Guwahati Water Supply Project IA Implementing Agency IEE Initial Environmental Examination Ltd. Limited LAA Land Acquisition Act LAO Land Acquisition Officer MFF Multi-Tranche Financing Facility PAP Project Affected Persons PMU Project Management Unit RoW Right of Way RF Resettlement Framework RP Resettlement Plan RPD Resettlement Planning Document S/S Sub Station SEIA Summary Environmental Impact Assessment SIEE Summary Initial Environmental Examination SRPD Short Resettlement Planning Document T&D Transmission and Distribution T/L Transmission Line T & T Transmission and Transformation 5061168 | A P D C L | Bi annual Report (Environmental Safeguard Monitoring) | Report No.03 ii Assam Power Sector Investment Program, Tranche - 2 Loan No. IND-3327 Contents A. PROJECT INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 2 A-1: General .......................................................................................... 2 B. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS ...................................................................................... 10 B.1 Procurement Status ....................................................................... 10 B.2 Sub-Project Implementation Status ..................................................... 10 C. DESIGN AND ENGINEERING STATUS ...................................................................... 13 D. COMPLIANCE STATUS .............................................................................................. 14 D.1 Compliance with National and State Statutory Environmental Requirement ..... 14 D.2 Compliance with ADBs Environmental Safeguards (SPS, 2009) .................. 16 D.3 Compliance with Covenant ............................................................... 18 D.4 Compliance with Environment Impact Management Plan .............................. 21 D 5 Compliance with Environmental Monitoring Plan ........................................ 35 ANY OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT NOT COVERED IN INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION ........................................................................................ 41 E. INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISM .................................................................................... 42 F. GRIEVANCE REDRESS AND THEIR RESOULTION .................................................. 42 Annexure Annexure 1A Output 1 Expansion and upgradation of the distribution system Annexure 1B Output 2 Strengthening institutional capacity of APDCL Annexure 2A Field visits observations Annexure 2B Project progress photographs Annexure 3 Details of PIU (Electrical Circle-wise) Annexure 4 GRC reminder Annexure 5 ESMU new Assistant Manager Annexure 6 GRC formation under Tezpur Electrical Circle 5061168 | A P D C L | Bi annual Report (Environmental Safeguard Monitoring) | Report No.03 1 Assam Power Sector Investment Program, Tranche - 2 Loan No. IND-3327 A. PROJECT INFORMATION A-1: General i. Name of Project Assam Power Sector Investment Program ii. Loan Number 3327-IND Director, Project Management Unit (PMU) Name of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited iii. Monitoring/Reporting Agency (APDCL), 4th Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Guwahati, and address 781001, Assam Monitoring Period iv. January-June 2018 (Season/month) v. Report No. 03 vi. Report for the period January-June 2018 vii. Date of reporting 01 December 2018 viii. Type of Contract Multi-Tranche Financing Facility (MFF) A-2 Project progress highlights During the reporting period, considerable progress was made in the execution of project components. All the outputs: main and sub-components as outlined in the project’s Bid documents are included in the final estimation based on the route surveys etc. There are a few changes in the planned outputs, chiefly arising from revision in the scope (quantity) of select sub-outputs. These changes are attributed to detailed technical assessment conducted during the route/final surveys. The route surveys are a corollary of IEE, and forms the basis of the implementation. Among all the outputs, amendments are mostly in the line lengths under various categories. The Section 6, item 1.3 of the Bid document Vol. 1 outlines that quantities of supply of plant and services may vary to the extent of +/- 15% in terms of contact price. In this context, the effected changes with impact on the costs, are well within the acceptable limits thus mentioned. The details of outputs generated after the route and final surveys are as follows (Annexure 1A & 1B, Table A1). The progress achieved during the reporting period reflects the changes in the outputs (Table B2). Output 1 Expansion and up-gradation of the distribution system Sub-output 1: Construction of one new 33 kV/11kV substation, install the associated terminal equipment, and associated 33 kV lines (4 km) and 11 kV (6 km): alternative site identification is still in progress as the planned site at Kharguli is no longer tenable. Delays are expected owing to paucity of suitable land. It is anticipated that the site will be finalized before the year end. Sub-output 2: Construction of 130.22 km of new 33 kV line: following the route survey (RS) there is an increase in line length by 1.73 km with respect to the previous length 128.94 km, 5061168 | A P D C L | Bi annual Report (Environmental Safeguard Monitoring) | Report No.03 2 Assam Power Sector Investment Program, Tranche - 2 Loan No. IND-3327 the revised length being 130.22 km, within acceptable limit. This change has been effected at three (3) locations across three Electrical Circles (GEC I, Barpeta and Sibsagar). Material supply and pole erection in progress. Sub-output 3: Construction of 7 no. 33 kV railway line (1.15 km) and 2 no. river crossing (0.70 km): after the route survey, there is no change in the total crossings. Permission from Railways Department is waited. Sub-output 4: Construction of 12 new 33 kV bays at existing 33kV/11kV substations: no change in the number of bays. Material supply in progress and construction underway in Barpeta Circle. Sub-output 5: Construction of 7 km of 11 kV lines for the segregation of the rural and agricultural feeders: after RS, no change in line length. Material supply in progress and construction to commence after monsoons. Sub-output 6: Re-conductoring/ refurbishment of 1024.31 km of 33 kV lines (there is increase in line length by 68.31 km after the RS as compared to previous length of 956 km). Material supply in progress and construction to commence after monsoons; except for pole erection and stringing (7.35 km) completed in Rangiya EC. The Tangla feeder from Chirakhundi (Rangiya) GSS has been renamed to Rangiya GSS to Goreswar. Under GEC I and Barpeta EC, 6 km (Kahilipara GSS to Ulubari S/S) and 0.5 km (Simlaguri to Howly feeder Barpeta S/S), respectively removed from scope because of overlap with another scheme. Sub-output 7: Rehabilitation and renovation of six (6) new 33 kV bays at existing 33 kV/11kV substations: no change in the scope. Survey completed and approval is pending. Sub-output 8: Re-conductoring/ refurbishment of 1080.71 km of 11 kV lines (there is increase in line length by 80.71 km after RS as compared to previous length of 1000 km) in five Electrical Circles GEC I & II, Bongaigaon, Rangiya, Golaghat). Change is within the acceptable limit. Material supply and pole erection in progress. Sub-output 9: Re-conductoring/ refurbishment 1635.52 km of LT lines (there is increase in line length by 80.52 km after RS as compared to previous length 1555km in four Electrical Circles (GEC I & II, Bongaigaon, Rangiya) after the route survey but under the limit. Material supply, pole erection and stringing in progress. Sub-output 10: Replacement of 204 existing oil-filled distribution transformers with dry-type transformers:
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