program guide . Much August. 1974 vol.2 no. 7 8:00 AARON COPLAND - Symphony for Organ and Orchestra. Perfomed by Organist E. Thursday 1 Power Biggs and ,the New York Philharmonic . Monday 5 conducted by Leon'ard Berns tei n. 8:30 ROGER BLUCK MEETS THE MINCING DEATH: 6 30 EARLIE MUSICKE - Randy r~cCarty 6:30 EARLIE MUSICKE - Randy McCarty 10 00 EARTH MUSIC - Clare Conrad LIVE RADIO THEATRE "Here, gentlemen, in 10:00 EARTH MUSIC - Jeff Follette 11 55 PROGRAM NOTES my hand, I hold what possibly is the 11:55 PROGRAM NOTES 12 00 "THE SIA IS NOT DEAD" Thi s program world's largest selection of miniaturized 12:00 WOMAN POWER - Chris Bose documents the expression of support for pornography taken from the body of the 1:00 THE WOMAN'S SURVIVAL KIT - The Lesbian the Syntionese Liberation Army follaHin!! Duchess of Portwithie the very day my Feminist Radio Collective will present the battle with police in Los Angeles, cat came into heat. I ask you to analyze a critical examination of therapy for on May 17, . 1974. It contains interviews this material under the electron microscope. lesbians. Includes an actual therapy at Compton, the scene of the battle, You will note its superficial resemblance presentati on of a versi on' therapy. With actualities from· General Field Marshall to the tobacco masaic virus." So begins interviews and commentary MUSic, and KRAB's 0\'1n live lunacy, produced and a play Edward the DYKE. Cinque's funeral, and excerpts from SIA written by Ted Smith. 4:00 SPONTANEOUS GENERATION tapes. Rroduced by Laurie Simms and 8:50 SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME - Dr. Abraham Camomile. 5:00 VINTAGE ROCK - Gregg Whitcomb 1:00 SPONTANEO RADEO - Clare Conrad Bergman, pediatrician, in a speech given 6:00 JEAN SHEPHERD 3:00 RICHARD NIXON VS. UNITED STATES, October, 1973. 6:55 PROGRAM NOTES UNITED STATES VS. RICHARD NIXON 9: 30 FRANZ KAFKA - FELI CE BAUER Before Kafka 7:00 TO BE ANNOUNCED Praising the Lord and passing the . had published any of his books, in fact 7:30 "WHAT'S GOING DOWN" Flo Ware hosts methedri ne, the folks at KP FK got 1n to before he had written any but one, he a half an hour focusing on topical was engaged to Felice Bauer. This engagement issues of concern to the Seattle communities . Nixonian masks and acted out court(ly) was unususa1 and after five years, it dramas of the legendary James, St. C1~ir Usually discussing the particular issues was broken off. The BBC talks with Elias with guests actively involved in them, and heroic statements of Leon J~worsk~ . Canetti, author of a book about the Flo gets at the heart of controversial facing the razor's edg~ of tax 1~vest1gat1on, and removal for suffer1ng the s11ngs engagement and its influence on Kafka's issues. Individual topics will be announced. and arrows of an- outrageous whi tehouse, work. The program begins wi th a reading 8:00 OLD TIME MUSIC - Bob and Carol Haller and takin!! arms al:jainst a sea of Supreme of Kafka's "The Burrow." g:OO CHINESE RADIO - Produced in Cantonese Court Justices, part one of part two 10:00 AN HOUR HITH BUCK "THE NITENGALE" PIANO by Eugene Lai and the Chinese Media Committee. of the arguments held before the Supreme PLAYER AT THE RED DOG SALON, JUNEO ALASKA. 10:00 HEADING FOR BETTER TIMES - Howard Hays Court done dramatically by KPFK ••.••• These selections are out takes of Sweet, smooth, syncopated society sounds recording sessions in Oct, Nov - 1973. for your listening and dancing pleasure. 4:00 IN SEARCH OF T. E. LAHRENCE ~ilm makers Inc1 udes: ·Rufas Rastus Johnson Brown 11:00 SPRING CLEANING - Bill Weaver Sam Spiegel, Robert Bolt, Dav1d Lean A1wt Nobodys Business, St. James InfirmarY, and Peter O'Toole talk about the ways Recorded by Allen Yonge. Buck "The they worked to produce the film, Lawrence Nitenga1e" educated to the 5th grade in of Arabia, and the two year study ~ach S. Carolina used to steal canned hams made of the life, personality, mot1ves, to receive piano lessons with Eubie Tuesday 6 and history of this remarkable ~n. Blake. 4: 30 CLAM CITY GUIDE BOOK - ~n dy Ga rrl son 11 : 00 BUr4B LING HI TH BA ~ TI C 6:30 EARLIE MUSICKE - Randy McCarty 6:00 :'MATTHEH LOCKE - Colin T11ney plays 10:00 EARTH MUSIC the harpsichord and organ works of 11:55 PROGRAM NOTES this 17th century composer. The Women will Vote this Fall. 12:00 CHIPEMBERE: THE LIBERATION OF AFRICA 6:55 PROGRAM NOTES Henry Masauko Chipembere, former Cabinet 7:00 T8 BE ANNOUNCF.D As they always do member of the government of Malawi, talks 7: 30 S VIET LI FE - vii 11 i am r·1ande 1 when given an oppor­ about the freedom movements in Africa, 8:00 CLASSIC JAZZ - Mike Duffy. Music ~y. tunity, that (or in viti ng Sidney Dichet, Eddie Condon, The D1x1e1and cleanliness, beauty, and thei r history, and celebrates the efforts durability, to say noth­ to abolish colonialism, U.S. imperialism, Jazz Blowers, I-Iashboard Sam, ot~ers. ing of the. Jabor saved and Soviet social imperialism. From 9:00 ChUTZPA! - Haim Rosemarin and D1Ck P1atk1n in keeping them pure hi s keynote address at the African 10:00 SPECTRUM - Carlos Hagen and sweet, the Standard . Porcelain-Lined Baths Liberation Day Rally at U. of W., the 11 :00 ROSvlELL are away ahead of all program is introduced by music performed others. They are all by Abraham Dumi sani ~lareare. alike inside. and as 1:30 A SHARED PODIUM: ROBERT GITTINGS AND beautiful outside as Friday FRor~ 2 you wish, and are guar­ WI LLIM STAFFORD READ THE! R POETRY. anteed. A joint poetry reading at the University 6:30 EARLIE MUSICKE - Randy McCarty of Wash. 10 July 74 as Robert Gittings, 10:00 EARTH MUSIC - Jim Paradis C''''ogu. f~. STANDARD MFG. CO., Box '.5. B. Pittsburgh, Pa. British poet and scholar. and William ..............- .v .... ..,....· , I'VI~~ Stafford, Poet in Residence at Lewis 12:00 SPECTRUM Oclober 1892 and Clark College blend their different Carlos Hanen styles of poetry into a melded, definite teG ~Mn{)\HU~ ~\)a'i'lc~'S from tin! ~ublicat;o~ Saturday 3 Truth. "Terpsichore." Performed by the Colleg1um 2:30 CARLOS CHAVEZ: LOS CUATRO SOLES (THE Terpsi chore. FOUR SUNS) - Ballet after a Nahua tradition, 1:30 THIRTEEN CLOCKS: PART ONE OF THE THURBER performed by the London Symphony Orchestra, FANTASY - A 1yri ca 1, comi ca 1 fantasy by 8:00 r40RNING MUSIC - Jeff Follette directed by the composer, and the Ambrosian James Thurber, in four parts. Thi sis 1:00 EARTH MUSIC - Paul Kaine Sin!!ers. IGOR STRAVINSKY: JEU , DE CARTES the story of the mean duke who is always 4:00 KING BISCUIT TIME - Steve Patterson and (A CARD GAME) - Ballet in three deals. cold and wears velvet gloves with jewels Jack Cook. Stravinsky conducts the Cleveland all the time and thinks up devious ways 6:00 FIU~S - Dick Jameson and Kathleen Orchestra. CHARLES IVES - Pieces for of being devious. And the story of. the Murphy Chamber Orchestra, including Over the rag-tag minstrel who is really a pr1nce 6:15 WORLD OF BOOKS Pavements, The Rainbo~I, ?r.d Tone Roads in disl:juise, tryinl:j to win the hand 6:30 ONLY ONE .EARTH, part seventeen No.1. Performed by the Boston Chamber of Sara1inda, daughter of the duke. Dai Dong, an alternative I:jroup similar Ensemble, Harold Farberman, Cond~ctor. Produced by KPFA, with Mike Tigar and to the Environment Forum which occupied 3:30 LEGAL TENDtJ~ : TEN.I\NT-LANDLI1RD QUESTIOiIS David Elster. some earlier programs, is the subject A discussion with representatives from 2:00 THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN JAZZ DRUMMING. for "An A1 ternati ve View of the Envi ronment. LefJa 1 Servi ces about "What r:an you do In this first of three programs, Bob 7:00 ARABIC MUSIC - Dawod S~lei 1em if ... " The new Hashington Land10rd­ r~EN Gwynne explains the ba:ic conc~pt: of 8:00 THO OLD .. - The short story by Leo Tenant Code stili leaves a lot to b~ jazz drumming from Afr1can beg1nn1ngs Tolstoy,. adapted as a radio drama by desi red. th rough the a ge of swi ng. the BBC. ~·:OO DON CHERRY -RELATI'VITY SUITE AND OTHER 3:00 SEATTLE FOLKLORE SOCIETY CONCERT 8:30 SCIENCE-FICTION THEATRE HORKS. Features Cherry's composition The first concert in a series of past X MINUS ONE presents PERIGEES WONDERFUL Relativity Suite, recorded by the Jazz Seattle Folklore Society concerts features DOLLS. How seemingly innocent the little Composer's Orchestra in February of 1973. Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain dolls seemed, that could walk and talk, •.• This is followf:!d by works of Ornette Boys. In the late forties, Ralph and until the girl who was playing with one Co1erran, featuring Don Cherry on pocket Carter Stanley gained prominence as a discovered their ghastly secret. trumpet. leading bluegrass group. Upon Carter's g:OO THE PEANUT SPECIAL - Mike Toennessen 5:00 ATF: ARMED CRHlINALS TRAVELING IN OUR death in 1966. Ralph formed the Clinch 12:00 PATCHWORK Rockin' through the silky NATION - The Seattle-based branch of Mountain Boys. He continues to record night with Patchman. the Department of iJ1e Treasury's Alcohol, and tour,. just as he and his brother Tobacco, and Fi reanns Bureau has init; ateci had done, prior to Carter's death. Seattle's Sunday 4 a program that has developed nationwide.
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