The original documents are located in Box 20, folder “11/29/75-12/8/75 - Indonesia (2)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. O<i !O { Y\V'Y\(.11 ch""r y Vi rt -p--) r; rr Cf """ ..-<1:'. f61 s (:, ?nrrf:J ~~?t cl ~ 01?-<J ~~ .5~-> ) ~ y~ I~ -!"j4 °t <rYi_ ti ~~~& ~1/11 ~ ~ff f.r(J V'YJ-9 ~4 ~r'r"1r\1. 1""1\i-.Q- "'01l<J Of .J/q ~vri-r,.1...n cvrud ....uv Si:& NO.L8NIHS'v'M-- 3SnOH 3.LI HM 3H.L • Digitized from Box 20 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 1 - -..r~ '-'/\ ~ ~fj- f '2 NO.L8N I HS'v'M 3SnOH 3.Ll HM 3H.L • '-6'V 'rf} 1f2cl~ ~ ~ "Vlt1> ~I h .._,,~I a-<l'Nv'V -...(,,J h ~ VV1 ~t-i ~ ..p~ ~ - ~~"}~ o?.:L ~ a..t- ~o·' n ~.J.. ~d ~('1Q ..:1 'CA -f ~ ':/ -P «r ~ ;1 n-: OZ- '13 ~1{.h~ ..5fi 'h I 1 I NO.l::>N I HS'VM 3SnOH 3.LIHM 3H.l ----- - • • 7D SC/Sdr\.' 71'f1 "' s12.i I-la r+a:-h· Kunaeh. 1'1 rs t>I~ Dec. 6, 1975 For immediate release THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary to Mrs. Ford Mrs. Ford and Susan Ford will visit Mini Indonesia with Mrs. Suharto this morning and participate in a tree planting ceremony. Mrs. Ford, Susan and Mrs. Suharto will be met in the We st Java Pavilion by Gov. (Lt. Gen.) and M rs. Ali Sadikin of Jakarta and Gov. (Maj. Gen.) and Mrs. Aang Kunaefi of West Java. Mrs. Ford and Susan will be presented with a Wayang, a puppet often made of leather representing one of the characters in the Indonesian story of Ramayana, a traditional story of the Gods and Goddesses of early religions. Mrs. Ford will plant a Banyan tree between the park's pavilions and lagoon, as visiting wives of heads of state have done since the park was completed. Following the tree planting, Mrs. Ford and Susan will tour the park in an open mini-bus. Before departing for the airport, Mrs. Suharto plans to present Mrs. Ford with a book describing Indonesia Indha (the park) and a set of coins commemorating the park. Mini Indonesia is a large park covering approximately 100 hectacres of land adjacent to the Halim International Airport. It features typical traditional houses of Indonesia representing its 26 provinces. Mrs. Suharto is credited with creating the concept of the park and has been the main driving force in developing it. Mini Indonesia contains a museum, recreation areas, an aviary and zoological park. It also contains orchid gardens, a special interest of Mrs. Suharto's . The ptrk was conceived as a means of allowing Indonesian and foreign visitors to learn about the variety of traditional cultures of Indonesia and to encourage the preservation of the traditions. # # # # UNCLASSIFIJ:f) · p 02 0 7 1 0Z DEC 7 5 · ACTION: FM AMEMBASSY JAKARTA TO USLO PEKING PR !ORI TY 13.0 . .... BT \.· .. INFO: UNCLAS JAKARTA 14723 AMB DC FDR PATTI · MATSON - FIRST LADY PARTY .POL - ECN E .o • 1 1652: NI A ADM · TAGS: OVI P <FORD, GERALD) . _ . : CON • 1 SUBJ: PRESIDENTIAL VISIT: FIRST LADY PROGRAM C&R . ' 1. TAMAN MINIATUR INDONESIA INDHA · IS A LARGE PARK COVERH1G GSO APPROXIMATELY 100 HECT ARES 6F LAND ADJ ACE ~11' TO THE HALIM B&F INI'ERNATIONAL AIRPORT. IT FEATURES TYPICAL HIDONESIAN TRADITIONAL SY HOUSES REPRESENTING THE 26 PROVINCES OF INDONESIA. THE WIFE OF CHRON-1 FR ES-IDE NT SUHARTO , MAD AME TI EN SUHARTO , IS CRED !TED VJ ITH CREATING . THE ORIGINAL CONCEPT OF . THE PARK, AND HAS BEEN THE MAIN DRIVING· · FDRCE IN DEVELOPING· IT. - - - -- -- ----- .. -- --- ·- ----- - - 2. ·IN THE FOREGROUND OF "TAMAN MINI ... IS A TALL MONUMENT .. TUGU .\ o0 API - PANCASILA" <MONUMENT OF THE FLAME OF PM1CASILA), WHICH RE- I FLECTS THE SPIRIT OF PA~'CASILA. THE MEA~'I NG OF PANCASILA rs - THE FIVE PRINCIPLE OF THE NATIO~lAL PHILOSOPHY, I.E. GODLINESS, \ - HUMANITARIANISM, NATIONALISM, SOCIAL JUSTICE, AND DEMOCRACY." THE TERM PANCASILA IS REFERRED TO FREQUENTLY IN. OFFICIAL illNVERSATIONS, AND ONE SHOULD BE FAMILIAR WITH ITS SIGNIFICANCE. AT MINI INDONESIA, THE MAIN BUILDING, CALLED 'JOGLO.', IS A TR AD IT I 0 NAL STYLE CENTRAL JAVANESE HO USE, 11.'HERE MOST OF THE-- - ... FROTOCOL AND CULTURAL . ACTIVITIES TAKE PLACE. 3. THE TAMA N MI NI . I NDO NE SIA CO NT AI NS A MUSEUM, R ECREAT ION PREAS·, AND AVIARY AND ZOOLOGICAL PAR¥. IT ALSO CONTAINS ORCHID GARDENS, IN WHICH MME. TIEN SUHARTO TA!'ES GREAT PERSONAL ' INTEREST, BEI~ ONE OF THE PRIME MOVERS BEHI~m THE INDONESIAN ORCHID INDUSTRY. ANOTHER . NOTEWORTHY ASPECT o·F MI NI I MDONESIA IS THAT ADMISSION FEES PRE VERY LOW, . PUTT! NG IT WITHIN REACH OF ALL BUT THE VER't...: FDOREST JAKARTANS. IN ADDITION, ALL PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL SfUDEMTS IN JAKARTA ARE SCHEDULED TO VISIT IT IN THE COURSE OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. MRS. SUHARTO CONCEIVED THE ~ARi AS A MEANS OF ti.LOWING INDONESIAN CASWELL AS FOREIGN VISITORS) TO LEARt>l ABOUT THE VARIETY AND RICHNESS OF THE TRADITIONAL CULTURES OF INDONESIA, AND ALSO OF ENCOURAGING THE PRESERVATION OF THESE TRAD IT IOJlS. N.B.: MRS. FORD MIGHT WISH TO ASK MRS. SUHARTO ABOUT THE DEVELOP­ MENT OF THE PARK AND HER OTHER EFFORTS <INCLUDING A Sf'tlALL - MUSE UM ON THE PALACE GROUNDS) TO PRESERVE AND ENCOURAGE TJiE ItlDO NES IAN REGIONAL CULT UR ES. LAVIN BT #4723 UNCLASSIFIED . I December 5, 1975 POOL 29 GUEST HOUSE TO PEKING CAPIT AL AIRPORT AND AIR FORCE ONE TO JAKARTA Outside Villa 18, Secretary Kissinger said Ford and Suharto would engage in "a review of our relationship and the futur~ of Southeast Asia, in which Indonesia is a key countryo" Asked about 11 the situation in Timor 9 he said, "it's a very unsett.led situation 0 Ford 1 e ft the guest ho us e- a I: 8 : 36----a-;rn-o-·rrn-----a·--s-w-if-t- and uneventful motorcade to the airporto The departure ceremony was 8 virtual replay of the arrival 9 except that it was bit~er cold and Ford was red-cheeked and hatless as 1he reviewed the military honor guard and then shook the hand of each chinese official, third-country diplomat and me~ 3r of the american communityo As Ford prepared to go 1up the ramp 9 and as he and Teng shook hands, the Vice Premier said farewell in Chinese and Nancy Tang translated it as "ban ~~-~-F- ~_£1:1pi ng Tang's hand, said, " Give Cha i rm an Mao my best o " Yojtctg e ~)J -"'-, Air Force one wheels up -- after a long takeoff run -­ .. at 9:33 aomo Flight pattern was over Okinawa, the Philippines and Borneoo Nessen came back soon after takeoff to say "there will be communiques in both Indonesia and the Philippineso" Asked why 9 he replied: "They're important visitso " He said American aid would be discussed with Suharto but would not be mentioned specifically in the communiqueo An American official aboard the plane (note: NOT Kissinger; name a v ailable on request) said on background that Mao clearly had a detailed grasp of issues at the Ford meetingo The official also said Mao appeared ruddy and heartier than the official had expectedo "He looked 1like he had just come be:1ck from Miamio 11 The official said that the relationship with Peking arose in the official's judgment from the Chinese perception that Nixon -- with a long public record of opposition to the Soviets -- had "fire in his belly" when it came to Moscowo Asked if Ford had the 9 same fire in his belly 9 the official replied, "H e didn t have the s ame foreign affairs experienceo" The off iciai also said that "the Chinese would love us to give up detente and attack the Russians frontally 9 to take the heat off them; that's what they wanto" Nots of incidental interest. As AF1 left Peking the pool noticed that one of the photographs displayed in the rear cabin was of Ford and Brezhnev warmly clasping hands at Helsinki last Augusto more -2~ Susan Ford, in fins fettle, wandered back to snack on a breakfast crullero She said she was in good health, that she had only been .tiredo Asked if she had bought a Christmas present yet for her father~ she said, 11 Not yeto He's hard to buy faro" Why? "He's got everything he needs~" A pooler suggested he liked clotheso "Yes, but he doesn't know how to rr.atch them," Susan saido Then she screwed up her face in a grimace and said: ·~striped ties and plaid suits!" She ------ said her most enjoyable experiences had-b-s-e-n---v-i&-i--t-s--t-0-tha____G_r-eat Wall and to the hospital where she saw acupuncture performed~ How did Susan like Mao? "Loved him," she saido Did Mao really have a glint 1 in his eye when he shook her hand? "Yes.ooHe was niceo You know 0 I don't think he expected (pause)oo 1omeo" A senior American official came back for a long and 9 in the pool's estimation, remarkably expansive conversation.
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