"'V' ''A " r. % Es-' J T-It ; .■.if ‘ V , v « ' A r ATBUOB DAILT OBCULATIOM WEATHER James Bchaub and far the Memh e ( aeptentoer, 1887 FereoMl 8. Weather Bnrpaa, House, treasurer at C. ter. Hartford Ths commlttae wUl part of nest week S.967 Member at the AadK Bala late toelght or Toeefiay: aot HEAD groundwork for the supplies, divide the B vfem e f OIreaiatlemi mneb ohaaga la tempeimtoia. tricts for the canvsss MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VH.LAGE CHARM captains for the be VOL. LVn„ NO. 8 AdvertMag ea Pago 10.). MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1937 (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Sewer Blast Kills Five SIX DRIVERS HELD BLACK TAKES SEAT AS ALCORN PROBES IN SUPREME COURT; BURNING OF TRUCK Rfleeu Strikers Now Facmg LEVITT CHALLENGES GOOD ELECnON Conspiracy Charges; Men VOTE INDICATED Action Postponed On Motion U. S. REFUGEES n. DUCE SLAMS Who Actually Set Fnre to to Compel New Jnstice to Rockville Vehicle SongfaL ATNOONTODAY IN PERIL FROM PEACE HOPE BY Show Cause Why He HarUord, Oct 4— (A P )— Aa the PoDs at Armory to Be Open CHINESE PLAN NOTETOFRANCO truck atrlke today reached vlrtuaUy Should Be Allowed to Sit Ita end, criminal prosecution of at Until 8 T on i^t; Big Tnrn- least 15 atrlkera was prepared. Blowing of Mole Would Sends Spanish Rebel Chief on the ifi^est TribonaL Almoilt coinciding with an order for wholesale food drivers to return ont After Early Honrs; to work Sunday came an announce- Make Landing of Resene Warm CoDgratolations On Washington, Oct. 4.— (A P ) ment from State’s Attorney Hugh An Factions — The Supreme Court deferred U . Alcorn that aix arreata bad been made on consplrsu:y charges. Boats Abont Impossible; Year’s Resolts; Expected action today on a motion by 'Tbs six are held In connection Albert Levitt designed to com- with the burning of a RockvlUe Despite early expectations of a waa Chinese (dTe to Snob Britain, France. pel Associate Juatice Hugo L. truck and Its cargo In Windsor smaU vots In Manchester’s annual Locks Sept. 24. Black to show cause why he town election today, the number of The state’s attorney’s office said should be permitted to ait on the six men taken Into custody had votes cast during the first half of Shanghai, Qct. 4.— (A P )— The London, Oct. 4.— (A P >—A mes- the high tribunal. ImpUcated tbemselvea and others— the 12 hours o f polling indicated a safety of American refugees at the sage from Premier Mussolini ex- Whether the court wffl wboee arrest Is expected—In tbe In- larger vote than usual. Five workmen were klUed nnd at least a score of others Injured In Detroit when a bulkhead collapsed un- port of Chefoo, In Shantung prov- pressing "most fervent wishes" for* ddenL grant or deny the motion prob- A t two o’clock thla afternoon, der pressure In an Interceptor sewer still under construction- Above, one of the seriously Injured workmen ince 400 miles north of Shanghai, an Insurgent victory was considered Further, said Mr. Alcorn, evidence after the polls bad been open alx Is lifted out of the hoist to tbe workings. ably will be announced next was Imperiled today by a Chinese today to have dashed the strong Indicated that strike violence was hours, nearly 1,600 persons had cast directed from headquarters of Local Monday. their ballot, compared to 1,150 who threat to destroy the breakwater Anglo-French move to force with- 871, ’Truck Drivers’ Union, on Park protecting the harbor. ChincM drawal of ItaUan volunteers from Action could be taken at any Street had done so at the same time last military authorities this morning the Spanish clvU war. The Inform- time, however. Those arrested year when a record number of votes, warned the United States destroyer ed Italian preas indicated D Dues The six men arrested Sunday, 4,688 was recorded. Proceedings were brief. Ley* SEE DUKE AS PART TIME PARH LEADERS squadron No. 5 to evacuate the har- would turn down the French and bringing the totsd to 15, are listed I During the first three hours, from itt merely arose and said 1m bor within 48 hours as they might British Invitation to a three-power as: John Ambrose, 24, 19 Florence 8 to 11 a. m., 646 votes had been conference on ending aid to both had submitted the motion adc- cast. A t 2:15 p. m. the number bad find it necc8.<iary to blow up the Street, Manchester; Alfred Menard, Spanish factions despite a hint that ing permission to file a petition 87, 27 Hawthorn Street Hartford; been Increased to 1,603. WAIT RESULTS mole wharf, making the harbor un- RESIDENT OF AMERICA hla refusal would bring a retaliatory AU Are Working safe for shipping. challenging the Black appoint- Edwin A. OorneUusson, 28. 48 Lex- ipenlng of the French border to sup- ington Street Wethersfield; Ekl- Both the RepubUcan and Demo- Admiral Harry Yarnell, com- iliea of war for the Madrid-Valencia ment. He did not read the munt 8. Abel, Jr., 39, 14 AUen cratic town committee organiza- ASTOWSYOTE mander of the United States Asiatic ^vernmenL motion. fleeL expressed the fear that de- Street WUson Station; Edgar J. tions were working smoothly to Windsors’ Proposed Visit London observers saw UtUe evi- "You may submit the pa- Foley, 42, 48 Cedar Street Hart- bring out the registered members ED HOWE IS DEAD; struction of the breakwater within dence In MuasoUnl’a note o f con- ford; and Eklward J. Eckel, 25, of the time limit would seriously hand- pers,” Chief Justice Hughefi of their party. gratulations to Insurgent Generalis- 148 FaneuO Street Wilson Station. Those voting were checked al- Revives Report They WiH Off Year Elections Taken As icap evacuation of American clvll- simo Franclaco Franco of that told him. ’The truck jurned waa owned by most Immediately on tbe lists in the WAS NOTED WRITER lana as it would make landing res- change at heart which the British cue boats almost Impossible. Levitt acted a few minutes L. Nelson A Son of RockvlUe. It waa party headquarters while other and French have tried to persuade Boy a Home Near Balti- Political Straws to Indi- 80 Amerteana Thera. after Black had taken hla seat eanylng a k>ad ot bicycles from workers aollcited votes by telephone Uiemaelvea they bad seen In tils Westfield. Maas., to New York and or went for them Ui cars. Approximately 80 American dvtl- attitude since their determined atand on the high bench. PhUadelphla. Tbs truck and Its lana are now at Chefoo, which haa at the Nyon conference brought Although it couldn’t be exacUy The justice, whose appointment cargo were valued at $8,600 by the more Or in Virginia. ‘Yhe Sage of Potato cate Growth of Power by been used aa a summer harbor by Italy Into the Mediterranean anti' proved by the list of legal voters, by President Roosevelt aroused a trocklog company. the American fi(Mt since 1907. Some piracy Mtrol. storm of controveny over whetoar attendenta at the polls reported that 40 of these are mlastonarles and tbe Blopeob No Bloat Refneal he had bean, or waa stUl, connectofi Seat to Roehviae during the voting In the early altar- Passes Away in His 84th Either of Major Groups. New York, OcL 4— (A PI—Re- others are bualneas men and naval There was itlU hope, however, with toe Ku Klux Klaa, aatsred toe According to the rtate’e attorney, Ambrose, Menard and Oornellsson ports ths exiled former British Y. M. C A~ officials. th a t the reply would not be a blunt rooaa- with the other membeca at (Uoattoaea oo Page icigbt) were dl^tched to RockvlUe to Monarch, the Duke of Windsor and YeanINesm IBs Sleep. Tbe squadron was thought by refusal to join France and Britain tha court just after tha noon hour. ■ (By ASSOCIATED PRESS) Aumirni xarncu not to be in an^ orounaaround a conxermceconference cametable at wnicnwhicb watch the Nelson trucks and those his American bride, might become Admiral Yarnell not to be In an He did not taka over again tlia of Henry Weis, another RockvUle The electorate in 146 of the danger aa it is already anchored tiia re jv e re only three chairs, but oath administered new membeta part-time residents o f the United state's 169 towns and in three rities truck operator. -------- would ba a suggestionsuggestlon that the ques-()uea- of toe high tribunal. He waa awom Atchison, Kas., OcL 3.— (A P )— voted today for local officials In the The men admitted, according to PRESIDENT STARTS 8tates were revived today aa they (UMUaoed on Pagv Eight) tlon of withdrawal o f volunteers as in privately ahortly after his eoo- Edgar Watson (Ed) Howe, "The "off year" elections. well oa tbe whole Sponlab problem to U r. Alcorn’s office, stopping one of planned an American visit flrmatlon by toe Senate in AugnsL Sage of Potato Hill.” haa achieved In some towns referenda were held be referred once again to the Lon- the Weis trucks and escorting it While the terse announcement of There had been some axpectstlaa. and Its two drivars to the Labor bis "absolute triumph.'* on the sale o f Intoxicating liquor. don 37-oatlon non-intervention com- ON TRIP HOMEWARD their projected trip here gave no mittee. however, that la keeping with usual Temple on Park Street. Here It After a long lifetime of observing Forty per cent of the Common- hint of their plana beyond a study wealth’s half-million voters were DEWEY’S WITNESS Both London and Paris were was held for tara days.
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