finisher provides a workable way to process carambola. The Acknowledgements pasteurization temperature in citrus evaporator might be too high for processing a variety of delicate tropical fruits. The authors wish to express their gratitude to FMC A modification of heat pasteurization section in citrus Corp. for the donation of juice; Romicon, Inc. for the loan evaporator might be needed. In order to further reduce of a membrane system; and Freeborn Foods Co. for a gift transporation and storage costs, a contracted commercial for fruit juice processing research at Lake Alfred. processing service such as the spray-drying service can also be considered to produce the convenient and shelf stable Literature Cited spray-dried products from juice concentrates. Attaway et al. 1972. Some new analytical indicators of processed orange juice quality. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 85:192-202. Processing of Tropical Fruit Barros, S. M. 1990. Effect of temperature and centrifuging on the charac teristics of orange juice. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 103:272-274. No citrus processing plant in Florida is currently pro Bates, R. P. and R. D. Carter. 1984. The suitability of citrus TASTE cessing tropical fruit grown in south Florida. For a citrus evaporators for Muscadine grape juice concentrate production. Proc. processing plant to handle tropical fruit juice processing, Fla. State Hort. Soc. 97:84-89. Carter, R. D. 1985. Reconstituted Florida orange juice. Fla. Dept. of Citrus, a line of small capacity equipment needs to be assembled, Scientific Research Dept., Lake Alfred, FL. and some specialized handling equipment needs to be de veloped. At the current levels of tropical fruit production Chen, C. S., R. D. Carter, W. M. Miller, and T. A. Wheaton. 1981. Energy volume in south Florida, there is little economic incentive performance of a HTST citrus evaporator under digital computer to encourage citrus processors to become active in the pro control. Trans. Amer. Soc. Agric. Engr. 24(6): 1678-1682. Ferguson, R. R. 1990. Personal communication. FMC Corp. Citrus cessing of tropical fruit. However, in the past several years, Machinery Div., Lakeland, FL. blended juice products from orange juice and tropical fruit Florida Agricultural Statistical Service. 1991. Citrus Summary. Orlando juices, such as strawberry-banana-orange and pineapple- FL. passion-banana have been developed by some fruit juice Jagtiani, J., H. T. Chan, Jr., and W. S. Sakai. 1988. Tropical Fruit Process ing. Academic Press, Inc., New York. processors. Meanwhile, the volume of tropical fruit produc Nagy, S., S. Barros, R. D. Carter, and C. S. Chen. 1990. Production and tion is increasing. The recent passage of the Tropical Fruit characterization of carambola essence. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. Policy Act (Chapter 90-277) by the Florida Legislature will 103:277-279. undoubtedly accelerate further growth of the tropical fruit Olesen, R. K. 1990. Rising demand for tropical fruit juices and pulp. industry in Florida. Fruit juice processing experience and International Trade Forum. 26(4): 12-17. The Tropical Fruit Advisory Council. 1990. The South Florida Tropical resources exist in the Florida citrus industry. There is a Fruit Plan. Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Tal bright future for the integration of tropical fruit processing lahassee, FL. into citrus processing facilities. Proc, Fla. State Hort. Soc. 104:54-56. 1991. VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION OF SPANISH LIME AND JABOTICABA1 Kirk D. Larson2, Bruce Schaffer, and S. Pablo Lara no rooting was observed for jaboticaba or for herbaceous cut Fruit Crops Dept. tings of Spanish lime. In a second series of experiments, shoots Tropical Research and Education Center of both species were either girdled (cinctured) about one month IFAS, University of Florida prior to marcottage or girdled at the time of marcottage. For Homestead, FL 33031 both treatments, basal ends of marcots were treated with 0, 1.6%, or 4.5% IBA in lanolin at the time marcots were made. Additional index words, air layer, cutting, indole-3-butyric After 3 months, regardless of treatment, no rooting was ob acid, marcot, Melicoccus bijugatus, Myrciaria cauliflora. served for jaboticaba marcots. Rooting was observed in 60% to 88% of the Spanish lime marcots; there was no effect of Abstract. Propagation of Spanish lime (Melicoccus bijugatus IBA or time of girdling. However, for propagation of Spanish Jacq.) and jaboticaba (Myciaria cauliflora (Mart.) Berg) was lime, marcottage of vigorously growing upright shoots was attempted from herbaceous and hardwood cuttings, and by more successful then marcottage of less vigorous lateral shoots. marcottage. Shoots were either girdled one month prior to making cuttings, or left ungirdled. Basal ends of cuttings were The Spanish lime (Melicoccus bijugatus Jacq.) is a large treated with 0, 1.6%, or 4.5% indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), evergreen tree native to the Caribbean basin that produces placed in perlite rooting media under mist (15 sec of mist a fruit valued in many areas of the American tropics every 10 min), and either exposed to bottom heating or not (Popenoe, 1920; Sturrock, 1959). The jaboticaba (Myrciaria heated. Regardless of girdling, IBA or heat treatment, only a cauliflora (Mart.) Berg) is a small evergreen tree native to small percentage of hardwood cuttings of Spanish lime rooted; Brazil, where its fruit is highly valued and has many uses (Argles, 1976; Popenoe, 1920; Sturrock, 1959). Both Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. N-00483. species are well adapted to South Florida, where they have The authors thank Lynette Eccles and Mary Jackson for technical assist ance with certain aspects of this study. been cultivated in home gardens for many years (Argles, Present address: University of California South Coast Research and 1976; Popenoe, 1920; Reasoner, 1887). Despite an in Extension Center, 7601 Irvine Blvd., Irvine, CA 92718. creased demand for exotic fruits in the United States in 54 Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 104: 1991. recent years, commercial exploitation of these two species buried in sand directly beneath the flats. Diurnal rooting has been slow to develop. One of the major impediments media temperatures fluctuated between about 18° and 26.5° to their commercial production is a lack of easy and reliable C (65° and 80° F), and 21.5° and 30° C (71° and 86° F), for methods of vegetative propagation. the unheated and heated flats, respectively. Thus, for both The Spanish lime is functionally dioecious, requiring species, there was a 2 x 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of both male and female trees to produce fruit (Campbell, treatments (two temperature treatments, two ages (or sizes) 1976). Propagation from seed produces many more male of plant material, and three hormone treatments). For both trees than is required for pollination, and sex determination species, there were 20 cuttings for each size of plant material in the nursery is difficult. Furthermore, fruit quality and for each hormone/temperature treatment; however, due productivity are variable in female seedling trees. Cur to space limitations in the mist bed, there were only 10 rently, the recommended methods for vegetative propaga cuttings per treatment for the hardwood Spanish lime cut tion of Spanish lime in Florida are approach-grafting, or tings. Root development was evaluated monthly for three marcottage (air layering) of large limbs (Campbell, 1976), months. neither are feasible for propagation on a commercial scale. To determine if girdling (cincturing) the shoots several The jaboticaba is polyembryonic, and thus generally weeks prior to making cuttings would stimulate rooting, true-to-type from seed (Argles, 1976; Ogden and Campbell, hardwood shoots of both species were either girdled or left 1982), but seedling trees have a long juvenile period. Al ungirdled in August, 1989, about one month prior to mak though there are reports of vegetative propagation of the ing cuttings. Selected shoots were in the lower, but well-il jaboticaba (Argles, 1976; Ogden and Campbell, 1982; luminated, parts of the tree, and were about 1.0 cm and Fouque, 1972; Popenoe, 1926; Samson, 1986; Sturrock, 2.5 cm in diameter for jaboticaba and Spanish lime, respec 1959), vegetative propagation is considered difficult in tively. Similarly, for jaboticaba and Spanish lime, girdling Florida, and trees are grown almost exclusively from seed wounds were about 1.0 cm and 2.5 cm wide, respectively. (Ogden and Campbell, 1982). After one month, shoots from both treatments were har To the authors' knowledge, there have been few reports vested, placed in water and transported to a lathhouse. of systematic studies of vegetative propagation of either Pre-girdled shoots were harvested by cutting immediately Spanish lime or jaboticaba. This article describes several below the girdling wound. Cuttings were subjected to methods that we tested in attempts to develop rapid and periodic misting, either bottom heating or no heating, and reliable methods of vegetative propagation for these two one of three hormone treatments, as described previously. species. There were 10 cuttings for each girdling/hormone/heat treatment combination for each species. Root development Materials and Methods was evaluated monthly for all cuttings. All experiments were conducted using plant material Propagation from marcottage. To determine the potential from the fruit tree collection of the University of Florida/ for vegetative propagation by means of marcottage (air I FAS Tropical Research and Education Center, Home layering), marcots of both species were made in November, stead. For Spanish lime, plant material was obtained only 1989. Shoots were selected from lower, but well-illumi from female trees. nated, parts of trees and were about 1.0 cm in diameter Propagation from cuttings. Herbaceous cuttings of Spanish for jaboticaba and 2.5 - 3.0 cm in diameter for Spanish lime, and hardwood cuttings of both species, were obtained lime. In making marcots, two encircling cuts about 2.5 cm in May, 1988. For Spanish lime, herbaceous and hardwood apart were made on each shoot.
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