American Mineralogist, Volume 78, pages1314-1319, 1993 NEW MINERAL NAMES* JonN L. Jlnrnon Department of Earth Sciences,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada Dlvro A. VaNxo Department of Geology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georyia 30303, U.S.A. Bearthite* Cancrisilite* C. Chopin, F. Brunet, W. Gebert, O. Medenbach,E. Till- A.P. Khomyakov, E.I. Semenov, E.A. Pobedimskaya, manns(1993) Bearthite, CarAl[POo]r(OH), a new min- T.N. Nadezhina, R.K. Rastsvetaeva(1991) Cancrisilite eral from high-pressureterranes of the western Alps. Nar[AlrSirOro]COr.3HrO:A new mineral of the can- Schweiz.Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 73, l-9. crinite group. Zapiski Vses. Mineral. Obshch., 120(6), 80-84 (in Russian). Electron microprobe analysesof the holotype sample from the Monte Rosa massif, Z,ermatt Valley, Switzer- The reportedchemical composition is NarO 21.30,KrO land, gave CaO 33.04, SrO 3.53, MgO 0.12, FeO 0.03, 0.10,CaO 0.68, MnO 0.1l, FerO.0.33,AlrO3 24.42,5iO, AlrO3 15.91,CerO, 0.04, LarO30.03, SiO, 0.30, PrO, 43.11,CO2 4.82, SO3 0.36, HrO 5.01,sum 100.24wto/o, 44.32, SO30.01, F 0.48, Cl 0.02, sum (lessO = F, Cl) correspondingto (Nau.rIQorCao ,rFeo ooMgo or)"r ro(Alo,*o- 97.62wto/o, corresponding to (Ca3,oSro ,r)r, nu(Al, ,r- Si, 2o)",2ooo2o ,o(COr), r0(SOo)0 0o'2.79HrO, ideally NarAlr- Mgoor)"r 00(P3 eTsio 03)>o ooFo ,u, closeto the ideal formula SirOr4CO3.3HrO.Dissolves readily with effervescenceat CarAl[POo]r(OH), with OH confirmed by structural re- room temperature in l0o/oHCl, HNO3, and HrSOo. Sin- finement. Other analysesindicate appreciableCa + Al + gle-crystalX-ray study showed the mineral to be hexag- REE + Mg substitution. Occurs as yellowish aggregates, onal, space group P6rmc, unit cell a : 12.575(3), c : up to millimeter size, of partly euhedral, flat prismatic 5.105(2) A. ttre powder pattern resemblesthat of can- crystals and as smaller anhedral grains corroded by laz- crinite, though the symmetry is higher (cancrinite has ulite in concordant quartz segregationsin gneissand schist. space group P6r). The strongest lines (27 given) are Also presentas a rock-forming accessoryin pyrope-phen- 6.30(70,I l0), 4.6l(50, l0l), 3.65(90,300),3.22(100,2 I l), gite quartzite and in coesite-bearingmetapelite in the Dora and 2.722(50,400).Occurs as anhedrallilac-colored grains Maira massif, westernAlps, Italy. Yellowish color, white l-3 mm across,varying from water-clear to turbid, vit- streak,possibly one poor prismatic cleavage,uneven frac- reousluster, conchoidal fracture, colorlessin thin section, ture, 11 : <5, solublein HCl, D"ur,: 3.25 g/cm3wfih Z white streak,brittle, H : 5, D-"u.: 2.40(2),D.",.: 2.39 : 2. Colorless and transparent in thin section, biaxial g/cm3 with Z : l. Optically uniaxial negative, <,r: : positive,a : 1.662(l),P : 1.671(l), t : 1.696(l), 2V^."" 1.509(2),e 1.490(2).Luminesces yellow in UV light, : 65.0(3)', Xllb, distinct dispersion r < v. Single-crystal similar to feldsparscontaining S'z-or SOI . The IR spec- X-ray structure study (R : 0.058) gave monoclinic sym- trum has minima at 425, 455, 493, 573, 620,686, 858, metry, spacegtoup P2,/m, a : 7.231(3),b : 5.734(2),c 980,1120, 1453,1560,1620, and 3580cm '. The min- :8.263(4) A, B : I12.57(8f. Strongestlines of the X-ray eral occurs in hyperalkalic pegmatites of the Lovozero powder pattem (ll4-mm Gandolfi camera, CuKa ra- alkalic massif, which also contain potassium feldspar, diation, calculated intensities) are 4.58(22,011), nepheline,arfvedsonite, aegirine, and 27 other listed mi- 3.05(l 00,21t), 2.867(6 r,020), 2.75 4(27,103), 2.63 4- nor minerals. The name refers to the anomalously high (2 l,l 20), 2.5 68(39,1| 2), and 2.4 44(l 9,2 | I ). Synthesized Si/Al ratio for a cancrinite-group mineral. Type material as flat prismatic crystalsup to 150 pm. is at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscow, and The new name is for P. Bearth (1902-1989)in recog- at the Vernadskii Geological Museum, Moscow. D.A.Y. nition of his pioneering petrographic work on the high- pressureterranes of the western Alps. Textural relation- ships suggestthat bearthite formed during the early high- Guarinoite*, theresemagnanite* pressurestages of Alpine metamorphism. Type material H. Sarp (1993) Guarinoite (Zn,Co,Ni)6(SOo)(OH,CI),.' is in the Mineralogisch-PetrographischesInstitut, Uni- 5HrO and theresemagnanite(Co,Zn,Ni)u(SOoXOH,CI),0. versity of Basel, Switzerland, and at the Mus6e de Mi- 8HrO, two new minerals from the Cap Garonne mine, n6ralogie, Ecole des Mines de Paris, and the Museum Var, France.Archives des Sciences,46(l),37-44 (in d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. J.L.J. French, English abs.). Guarinoite * Before publication, minerals marked with an asterisk were approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Electron microprobe and CHN analyses gave ZnO Names, International Mineralogical Association. 33.31,CoO 22.17,NiO 6.74,CUO 0.05, SO. 11.85,Cl 0003-004x/93/l l l 2- l 3l 4$02.00 13l4 JAMBOR AND VANKO: NEW MINERAL NAMES l3l5 0.77, H2O 24.4, O = Cl 0.17, sum 99.12 wt0/0,corre- Si5er)",2O2o(OH),.r3(CO3)o 36' 235H'O, ideallyNa'[Alu- spondingto (ZnrnnCo^uNio uu)r, ,, (SOo),08C10 16(OH)e 30. SLO,4(OH)r.2HrO.TheIR spectrumshows peaks at 1375 5.23H 20, ideally(Zn,Co,Ni)u (SO.XOH, Cl),0 . 5H, O. and 1460 cm-1 due to carbonate.The mineral dissolves Occurs as briglt to deep pink aggregatesor rounded ag- easily at room temperature in HCl, HNO3, and HrSOo, gegates to 0.3 mm of thin hexagonalcrystals up to 0.04 with slight effervescence.Single-crystal X-ray study gave : x 0.2 mm, tabular {00 I }. Transparent,vitreous to pearly trigonal symmetry, spacegroup P3, a: 12.740(3),c luster, light pink streak, irregular fracture, perfect {001} 5.182(2) A. Strongestlines (27 given) of the powder pat- cleavage,soft, nonfluorescent,soluble in HCl, D-*" : 2.80, tern are 6.43(25,110),4.70(60,101), 3.68(70,300), D."t : 2.77(l) E/cm'wfih Z: 3. Optically uniaxial neg- 3.26(100,2 | l), 2.75 6(50,400), and 2.433(30,40 l). Occurs ative, c.r: 1.584(2),e : 1.544(2),strongly pleochroic with in massive aggregates10-15 mm across;blue color, vit- O : pink, E : light pink. Single-crystalX-ray study in- reous luster, steplike fracture, H : 6, brittle, white streak, dicated hexagonalsymmetry, spacegroup P6r, P6r/m, or perfect {100} cleavage,D-"^ : 2.32(2),D" r": 2.26 gm/ Pq22, a: 8.344(4),c : 21.59(\ A. Strongestlines of cm3 with Z : l, nonfluorescent.Transparent and color- the powder pattern (l l4-mm Gandolfi, CuKa radiation) less in thin section, optically uniaxial positive, <.r: are 10.8(100,002),3.300(90,1 14), 2.725(60,120,116), r.494(2),e : 1.501(2). 2.563(50,123), 2. 3 5 I (40,302,207), and I .5 7 5(30,4 I I ). The mineral occurs in veins 1-5 cm wide in ultra-al- The new name is for Andr6 Guarino, mineral collector. kalic pegmatitesof the Lovozero massif, Kola Peninsula, Type material is in the Mineralogy Department of the associated with natrolite, steenstrupine, vuonnemite, Natural History Museum, Geneva, Switzerland. epistolite, mountainite, ilmajokite, and nastrophite. As with the synthetic analogue, the mineral is thought to Theresemagnanite form from alkalic fluids that are impoverished in Ca and Electron microprobe and CHN analyses gave CoO CO,. The name is for the chemical composition. Type 32.95,ZnO 20.42,NiO 3.18,CuO 0.16, SO310.54, Cl material is at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Mos- 5.65, HrO 28.40,O = Cl 1.28,sum 100.02wt0/0, corre- cow, and the Vernadskii Museum, Moscow. D.A.V. spondingto (Cor.orZnr.nrNio.roCuoor)"58, (SOo),.00(OH)8 2e- Cl, r5. 8.3HrO, ideally (Co, Zn,Ni)u(SO"XOH,CD r0 . 8HrO. Occurs as pink to light pink, thin platy crystals, tabular Manaksite* {001}, making up radiating spherulesto 0.2 mm. Crystals G.N. Nechelyustov are transparent, pearly luster, light pink streak, perfect A.P. Khomyakov, T.A. Kurova, (1992) Manaksite NaKMnSioOr': A new mineral. Zapi- cleavage,irregular fracture, soft, nonfluorescent, {001} ski Vses.Mineral. Obshch.,l2l(l), ll2-ll4 (in Rus- : g/cm3with solublein HCl, D-*" 2.52(2),D.^b:2.48(l) sian). Z: 3. Optically uniaxial negative,co : 1.568(2),e : 1.542(2), strongly pleochroic with O : pink, E : light Analysis by electron microprobe (averageof three) gave pink to colorless. A Laue pattern indicated hexagonal NarO 8.9,KrO 10.8,SrO 0.2, CaO 0.2, MgO 0.3, MnO symmetry,a : 8.363(8),c:26.18(17) A asderived from l7.2,FeO 0.8, SiO, 62.0, sum 100.4wt0/0, corresponding a Gandolfi pattern (ll4 mm, CuKa radiation) with to (Na, ,,I(ornCa" o,)", o, Sro or(Mno roFeo o.)-.rrMg o3si3eeor', strongest lines of l3.l(100,002), 3.523(30,114), ideally NaKMnSioO,o. This representsthe Mn analogue 2.9 8 5 (3 0, I 08), 2.68| (40,122), and 2.527 (9 0,1 24). of fenaksite.Colorless to creamy or rosy, translucent and Theresemagnaniteis named for Th6rdse Magnan, for transparentin thin section, perfect {001} and {010} : her contributions to knowledge about the Cu-Pb Cap cleavages,steplike and hackly fracture, brittle, H 5, :2.73(2), Garrone mine, Var, France.Type material is in the Min- nonfluorescent,D*"^ D,"u: 2.71 g/cm3with Z eralogyDepartment of the Natural History Museum, Ge- : 2.
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