Dons Upset St. Mary's Lehmann Lashes Out In Interview Meet KRONTs Emerald Yeh See Page 10 See Page 8 See Page 13 1 ) San Francisco Volume 85, Number 12 FOGHORWednesdayN, Febuary 1,198 9 Tuition Hike: Nine Percent By John B. Shanley At the final senate meeting of the fall semester, Fr. Lo Schiavo, president, Dr. Carmen Jordan-Cox, vice president for student development, and Bill Nutting, vice president for business and finance, presented a summary of the plan­ ning and budgeting proposals for the upcoming school year. Among the proposals was an increase in tuition. Nutting reviewed the four forces 15,000crediiho-irs in off-campus affecting tuition; i.e., enrollment programs with graduate and un­ dependency, enrollment decline, dergraduate enrollment remaining increase in costs, and marketing of essentially the same. fees. Also, due to the WASC Thc fiat rate tuition will increase committee's recommendations to 9 percent from $4,175 to $4,551. hire more full-time faculty, the The per unit price will also rise 9 cost of off-campus programs in­ USF is maintaining a 17:1 student-to-teacher ratio and plans to keep that level despite a percent from $305 to $332. creased significantly. $6-7 million shortfall due to a steep decline in off-campus credit hours. Fr. Lo Schiavo commented that Carmen Jordan-Cox has said inevitable raiser in tuition and fees that off-campus programs subsi­ face students. dize undergraduate programs. "The bottom line is we need Student Opposition more money," said Lo Schiavo. The announcement of thc fee Executive Retreat Opens Doors "The School of Education is half increase was met with opposition Five Faculty aucnded the retreat as an under­ of what it was five years ago and from members of ASUSF. professor of nursing; Heinz graduate representative, and Kathy the international student popula­ "Why should students put Representatives Weihrich, professor of business; Hunter, a law student, was the tion has declined. These are thc money into irresponsible hands?" Thomas Gruhn, profcssorof chem- graduate representative. two main factors affecting enroll­ asked Karie Parker, ASUSF presi­ Join Executives isty; Rosita Galang, associate "It was an excellent retreat," ment" dent. "Undergraduates shouldn't professor of education; and said Parker. "It was great to have Tuition Dependency be held responsible for carrying From January 23 to 25, all USF Marvin Brown from the College the faculty involved. I don't be­ "This school is extremely de­ off campus programs. Tuition is executive officers, vice presidents of Professional Studies. lieve it was a token invitation. It pendent on tuition," said Nutting. going up 9 percent while inflation and deans traveled to the Napa "It was a kind of therapy," said sets the stage for thc future." "Eighty-five percentof our budget has only gone up 6 percent" Valley Lodge in Yontville, Cali­ Uldis Kruze, professor of history. Fay Bower, dean of nursing, said comes from tuition and fees. Stan­ "We compared our costs with fornia, for the annual executive "This will certainly help bridge the emphasis ofthe discussion was ford is only 45 percent dependent that of other Jesuit universities," retreat the gap between the faculty and on strategic planning. and Cal is even less than that." said Nutting. "We have the same For the first time, however, each the administration. It was excel­ "We are all intent on meeting "There was a period of declin­ goals and roughly the same rates. of the five colleges was repre­ lent, things were aired in the open. the WASC standards," says ing enrollment" added Nutting. We are by no means the most sented by a faculty member. I am very optimistic for the fu­ Bower. "We all have a pretty good "Fortunately it seems to be flat­ expensive Jesuit university. Right The faculty representatives in­ ture." idea of what has to be done. This tening out." now we are maintaining a 17 to 1 cluded Sr. Mary Egan, assistant Karie Parker, ASUSFpresident, was a very collegial event Every- Business and Finance antici­ student to teacher ratio. Wc do not (Continued on Page 16) pates a decline of approximately want to have to raise that ratio." Swett Named Associate Director Of Koret Center The search will re-open in By Brendan Hickey a masters in Public Administra­ March, and Swett in seeking the Foghorn Staff Writer tion. job full-time, will be one of many Swett still works half-time as candidates. "I'm not a shoo-in for An addition was made to the AS Business Manager. Thc Sen­ this job. It's all up in the air." Koret Health and Recreation ate approved Programming Coor­ Center on January 1 with the hir­ dinator Katie Hanson to fill the "I haven't decided what I really ing of AS Business Manager gap as half-time Business Man­ want to do," said Swett, \ </ ho added Denise Swett as half-time Acting ager at the Senate meeting on that despite her experience in Associate Director of Recreational January 25. recreation, she enjoys working Sports. "It's a big job, trying to get it with ASUSF. Swett works under Chuck open." Swett said. "It is one ofthe Swett is optimistic about thc White, Director of Recreational biggest pools in the city." new facility. "It's going to be Katie Hanson (right), will assume half of Denise Swett's Sports, and handles the basic op­ fabulous. The number one pur­ duties as ASUSF Business Manager. erations of the Center. Swett Swett will be aided by an antici­ pose will be serving the students served two years as San Rafael's pated 150 part-time student em­ big and so complex that you really Koret in December and "fell in of this campus. Its taken three Recreation Supervisor and four ployees. need a specialist to run it," said love with it", S wettof fered to work years and been a lot of headaches years as Monterey's Community Swett was a member of the origi - Swett. part-time until May. She will then for a lot of people but now it's Center Director. She has a degree nal search committee named to The search was initially unsuc­ have to apply for the job or return going lo happen. I am pleased to in Recreation Administration and find a director for Koret. "It's so cessful, though. After she visited to AS as Business Manager. be a part of the group." NrNEW S USF Black Awareness Month CAMPUS BRIEFS Month. Domestic Affairs (FIDA) is co- NEEDED: SINGERS, DANCERS, MUSICIANS, PER­ Lynn Ritzman Managing Editor "The response on campus has sponsoring the African National FORMERS, ETC. Great America's talent search comes to San been extremely supportive," says Congress United Nations Envoy Francisco on Friday, February 3. Call (408) 988-1800 for more Greene. "Everybody has kicked on Feb. 8. details. "I, too, sing America in for this. Not one department Club Latino is co-sponsoring a I am the darker brother..." has said no. Everybody's donat­ dance on Feb. 10. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - La Casa de las Madres needs vol­ -Langston Hughes ing their time and money." P.F.M. is co-sponsoring a Soul unteers to help battered women help themselves. Training is The Co-Curricular Council, Food Dinner on February 7. provided. Call 777-1808. February is Black Awareness ASUSF's funding body, has gen­ Gleeson Library will be display­ Month. erously funded the majority of ing various works by Afro-Ameri­ LA Y DOWN THE LAW - The Alameda County SherifTs De­ "The goal is to promote Black events. can writers. partment needs deputies. A Civil Service examination will be awareness on campus," says Bob Associated Students Activities "This is one of the best college offered on May 1; deadline for registration is March 1. Appli­ Greene, vice president of the and Programs (ASAP) is sponsor­ sponsored Black Awareness cants must be at least 21. Call (415) 670-5055 for more details. Society of Black Students. ing the Tony Award winning Month schedule of events. I think "It's not like I want to throw this Melba Moore in a concert titled, it will be very successful," said SENIOR GIFT - THE '89 SENIOR GIFT CAMPAIGN IS at people and say, "This is Black.' "Great Inspirations — A One Greene. UNDER WAY. Look for Senior Gift activities toward the pur­ I want to say,'This is American'." Woman Show," in St. Ignatius The schedule of events is avail­ chase of an electronic signboard starting Monday, February 13. This is the first time that SBS Church on Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. able at the ASUSF Office or at UC has sponsored Black Awareness The Forum for International and Center. SURE WE ALL WANT TO FINISH SCHOOL! But are you a little short on cash? The USF Financial Aid Office has spoken! Applications for Financial aid for the 1989/90 aca­ demic year will be accepted in the Financial Aid Office. If UN Envoy To Speak On Apartheid you're looking at the University Tuition Grant, Perkins Loan or As part of a series of events cally set up to keep the whites cials are now looking to the Bush College Work-Study programs, you must submit the Student during Febuary for Black Aware­ (Afrikaaners) in power. administration to pressure the Aid Application for California (SAAC) to the processor no later ness Month, the Society of Black Apartheid classifies the popula­ South African government to bring than March 2. If you're already borrowing bucks from the Students (SBS), ASUSF and tion into four main groups; about an end to apartheid.
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