~ ~28 2 5 ~ ~12.8 1111 . ~1I1].5 1.0 ~ = 1.0 32 ~ 13.2 ~ 1 2.2 - 2.2 Iiol I a:.: 3 L- 1II1II::1> &0; I~- - I:. ~ ~ ~ ...~ ~ .0 '"L. • L. ~ 1.1 a.."","" 1.1 &...Lo. .... -- I _. I ­ 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 111111.25 111111.4_ 111111.6 MICROCOPY RESOLU110N 1EST CHAR1 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION 1ES1 CHART NAlIvNA, eURt<,' or STANlJ.>IRDS·19D·A NAIIONAt BUR[AU or SJANDARDS·1963·A S1:Y STEMATICS OF ST.A.TOR OF NOR1'H AND CENTR.A.L .<t\MERICA (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) Tp('hnkal Bulll'tin :\0. l;);r;­ Ag-ricultural Research St'rviee l'::\lTED ~TATES ImPART:\1E:\T OF A(:IU(TL'ITRE in cooperation with :\OI"II1l'rn Ari7.01Hl l'nin'rsity ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the folh)\ving- persons for the generollS loan of spec­ imens for this study: W. F. Barr, University of Idaho; E. C. Bet'kef and D. E. Bright, Canadian National Col1ection of In­ sects, Ottawa; H. R. Burke, Texas A & M University; G. W. Byers, University of Kansas; J. B. Chapin, Louisiana State Pniversit:y; J. A. Chemsak, {'niversity of Califomia, Berkeley; P. J. Clausell, University of Minnesobt; H. Dybas, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; S. li'rommer. Unh'ersity of Califor­ nia, Riverside; W. J. Hanson. Utah State l!niversity; F. F. Has­ bn>uek, Arizona State University; 1. H. Herman, Amel'ican Museum of Natural History; C. 1. Hogue, Los "\:geles County MwOPum; P. D. Hurd, Jr., Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.; M. T. James, Washington State University; R. J. Lavigne, '"Cniversity of Wyoming; J. F. Lawrence. Museum of Compara­ tive Zoology, Har\'ard University; H. B. Leech, California Acad­ (;'my of Sciences; G. H. Nelson, Kansas City College of Osteopa­ thy and SW'geI'Y; L. L. Pechurnan, Cornell University; B. C. Ratcliffe, L'nh'erslty of Nebraska; P. O. Ritcher, Oregon State Cnin:'rsity; E. P. Rouse, University of Al'kansas; M. W. Sander­ son, Hlinois State Natural History Survey; R. R. Snelling, Los Angeles County Museum; R. T. Thompson, British Museum (Nat­ ural History); P. H. Timberlake, Unin?t'sity of California, River­ side; C. A. Triplehorn, Ohio State University; J. D. Unzicker, 11- Ii t10is State NatUl'atHistory Survey; G. E. Wallace, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh; R. 1. Wen~el, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; F. G. Werner, University of Arizona; and D. A. Young, North Carolina State University. .For identifying the many plants collected during this study, we thank R. H. Hevly and J. lVI. Rominger, Northern Arizona University; R. Liesner, "Y. H. Lewis, and R. P. Wunderlin, Mis­ souri Botanical Garden; and D. S. Verity, University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. For assisting in collecting plants, seeds, and processing seed cultures, we are most grateful to M. Johnson, K . .Johnson, and C. 1. Johnson, Flagstaff, Ariz.; and R. Medina, Northern Arizona University. Rodolpho HE'rnandez Corzo, Director General, Direccion Gen­ eral de la Fauna Silvestre, Mexico, D.F" and Benjamin Ortega CantE'l'o, Director General, Sanidad Vegetal Departamento Apli­ cadon Cuarentenaria, Mexico, D.F., were especially cooperative in procuring permits for collecting in iYIe::dco. Their help is g'rntefully aeknowlecigecL CONTENTS Pai!:t.l (~t\ll us Stlltor Bri d\vell ........ w ___________ ... ___ .. __ .. ______ .. _ ... ___ .. _ .. _ .... _ .. _ .... ____ ,.~ ....____ ... ________00<__ 2 Phytogelwtic ~rOllp!'. of Stnto r _______________________________________•__.-._.._._____ ._____ <I (~h nr!l(' t<, 1'8 __________________________________________________• ______ •••_______________________ >I Host II tn nts ._.___._..••.•.___._.__..._.•__. __ ••_...._.___••_.__..___•__•___._••________•••__ 5 Hos t ptn 11 ts und dis t ri b uti0 II • ____ •__• _______• ___•_______•__• __._.__ •••_._____._______ (j Rdulionships of ~l'OllllS ......________••___________._.__•__.._.......___- ..._____ 6 Key to species of Statol" ______._.______ ._._._____•_____________•____._._.__ ._._____••_ •• __._ 9 D(,s(' ri (l t ions ur spec ies ..__._•••• _._._..__••_••_._••_._•• _._______._.______•________._________ 12 d. IWgrotllS (Sharpl, new combination_.__•______________•_____._. _____••._________ 12 S. lWlll i .)'oh IlS0 n __ ....__ ._. _________...__...__•___ ..______..____..________•______________._ 16 S. /)llttilllt'ri Kingsol\'l'r ____ •__________••_____ ...________________________________________ 17 S, cllIllllPioni (Sha rp1 _____ •____________________________________________• ____________ .____ 20 S. chihuahlla, new speeil's __•______________________________________..•_____ 23 S. coconino, nl'w species ________________________._________________________________ 25 S. elissimilis, nt'W S peeies _______________•__ ...___ ..___________________________._________ 26 S. g£'IWI"lllis, IWW species _________..____...____ •• __ ...._________.____________________ 28 S. Iimba tllS (I-lorn) _________•______________ •____..__________________...._______________ 32 S. l/)('XiClll1l1S Botti nl('r ___ •___ ._...______.__________________________________________ 39 S. mOl/llchlls (Sharp), tWW combination _________-___________________________ 42 S. pruinilllls (Horn) ___•_________ •________ •__. ____ •. ____•____________________._______ 44 S. P.I'gidi111 is (SchlieffeJ"1 ___•___________________•__________•____________.______________ 52 S, sOI'elidlls (Bor'n) ....___ ._.____________••____________________..._..______.______________ 54 S. subaelwus (~:khl\l'fr(,l') ___•__•______•_________•__...________..._.._________________ 60 :. trisiglllltus (Shm·pl. new combination •____________•________ .________________ 63 S. \'Ilc/wllilll' Hottiml'r __________________________._____________________________________ 65 S. \·ittlltitllOJ"IlX (Pk), new combination _________________________________________ 68 L itel'a t IIrp cited ..........._. ___ .._._. ______________•___.____________________________________ 71 AplH'lldix ___ ._..._________._...._......_________________._______________________________ 75 Tttbh' L--Stlltor spel'i.:>!; lmd their host plants _________________________ 75 Tabll' 2.--Plnnts atlad:ed by Stlltor sp(!t'ies ___________________._________ 77 Tahle :t-SYllonymicnl list of Stator species of North and Central A Ill<' ric11 _..._.....__________• _______________________________• ___• ____• ___• 80 Tahk ,L-Ph~.logt'netic groups of Stator species of the New World_ 81 Washington, 11,C. Issued (ktniWI' i 1l7ll SYS'rEMATICS OF STATOR OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) By t'LARr::-in: I), .JOlI:-lSO:-i. IIss()l'ilite proft.'ss(w, Dl'PIlI'tlll('lIt of Bi()/ogicli/ Sci­ t'lIn's, NVl"clH'l"lI ...\I,jz:ell'll! (!nin'l'sity. lind .IOH;';:-'1. KI:-IGS()L\'~;I(. /,PSt'III'ell l'lIto­ IlIU/oglSt. ~,nlt"lIl11tl(' r;ntu/ll%g,l' Lllbol'lltOl'.I', XOl"tiWllst,'/'11 Regio/l, AJ.rl'il'll/­ tlll'lI/ Rt'IH'Ill'!'h SP1Ti,'p The ~enus StHtOI' was described by Bridwell (If)4(i)1 along with 11 other ~t'l1t'ra of Bruchidae, For these genera he listed only type-sp('ei('s; tlwl'efore the placement of the many described spPei('S, whkh wprE' in Bl'uchus, into Bridwell's new genera has been left to subsequent workers, such as Bottimer (1f)61, 1968b), Johnson (lY(iS, 19U5b), and Johnson and Kingsolver (1973), Johnson t1%8) was the first to revise one of Bridwell's genera when he treated the U.S speeies of St<1tor. Since then Kingsol­ ver (If/70b, 1972<1, 197%) and Bottimer (1973) have described new species and transferred described species to Stator, In addi­ tion to taxonomic studies, information on the ecology and be­ havior of species of StHtOl' has been published by Janzen (1967, 19{j9), Johnson (H}(i8Cl), Bottimer (1973), and Genter and Johnson (1 Pi4). Species of Stator are most abundant in the New World Trop­ ks, but the ~eographical range of the genus extends from the United States to Argentina, Several species are found in Hawaii and thl' West Indies, Until more specimens of Stator from South America become available, revisionary studies of those species must be delayed, Sti:ltor is not known outside the New World and Hawaii. Our studies show that Stator has well-defined generic limits, but until other New World genera are studied, the analysis of th", relationships of Stator to other bruchid genera must wait. W~' regard StCltOl' as a natural group related to Sennius Brid­ well, Bl'uchidius Schilsky, and Acanthoscelides Schilsky as well as most of the genenl. described by Bridwell (1946). 'Tht' yt'llr ill itn1ir aftN' Itll author's nan1\' inciit'atl's thl' rcfl'l'CllCl' in Literll­ lur\' ('IlI·d. p. 71. 1 2 TECHNICAL Bl!LLE'l'IN 1537, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE In this bulletin we describe Stator and its North and Central American species, compile groups of closely related species of Stator including the known species from other parts of the Western Hemisphere (table 4 ftnt.), compile lists of host plants from published data, and add new host data. Our classification is based on morphological and ecological data. Genus STATOR Bridwell StlltOl' Bridwell, 1946: 55; Bmdley. 1947: 39; Blackwelder and Bladnvelder, 1948: .15; Johnson, 1963: SliO; Decelle, t966: 112; Teran, 1967: 308, 316; Johnson, 1968b: 1270; Bottimer, 1965b: 1027, 1039,1041; Kingsolver. 1972b: 219; John­ son and Kingsolver, U)73: 1, 5. Type-Species.-Bruchus pruinillus Horn, by original designa­ tion. Small to medium bruchids in the Acanthoscelidini with the following mOI'phological characteristics: Head with frons carinate or with finely punctate line extend­ ing from frontoclypeal suture to vertex; antennae alike in both sexes, distal segments slightly eccentric, not serrate, usually reaching to humerus; posterior margin of eye usually protrud­ ing laterally, well separated from vertex; width of eye usually slightly wider than width of frons; distance from base of anten­ nae to apex of labrum ab~ut one-half as long as distance from upper limits of eyes to apex of labrum. 'Vestiture varying from all white hairs uniformly distributed to white, yel1ow, golden-brown hairs intermixed, or in distinct patterns.
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