LOG EO ICK G Ý Y Ú N S T T Á A T V Š M E O D NT LE E ET MAL IO A N R ÝZA ŠT Ú STATE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF DIONYZ STUR ● SGUDS is a scientific-research organization of the Ministry of the Environment SR. ● The Institute was established in 1940. ● The seat is in Bratislava regional centres are in Spišská Nová Ves, Banská Bystrica and Košice. ● In 2005 the Institute had 313 employees. ● In 2005 the Institute’s budget was 186 mil. Sk. Introduction 1 Organization scheme 2 Division of Geology 4 Workshops and conferences 15 Geofond 16 Geoanalytical laboratories 20 Electron microanalysis 22 Department of Cartography /GIS 24 Isotope Geology 25 Department of Informatics RC Spišská Nová Ves 26 Publishing activity 27 International co-operation 28 Marketing and propagation 30 CONTENT SGUDS Budget 32 Photo: L. Martinský. The State Geological institute of Dionyz Stur performs the State geological service in the field of geological research and exploration of the Slovak Republic territory. The recent abrupt changes in the economic conditions and mainly the requirements of the society in utilisation and dissemination of geological information have influenced also the Institute’s activities. Our efforts aim at most effective application of the geological research and explo- ration results in the economy, landscape potential as well as in the protec- tion and creation of the environment. In the year 2005 there occurred significant organizational changes in the scope of rationalization effectiveness of the carried out geological activities. On July 1, 2005 there was established the Division of Geology by merging former Divisions of Geological Mapping and Research, Envi- ronmental Geology and Raw Minerals. An important contribution to the performance of the State Geological institute of Dionyz Stur in 2005 there was a compilation of the digital geo- logical map of the Slovak Republic at 1:50 000 scale with attached leg- end, which offers a to-date geological background of the Slovak Republic territory; it has been made accessible in form of an interactive CD. The Digital Geologic Map serves as a basic layer at creation and de- Michal Kaličiak velopment of a complex information system in our Institute. Director The State Geological institute of Dionyz Stur has gained a long-term experience in collecting of information from various spheres of its profes- sional activities, at creation and administration of databases. However, these rather inhomogeneous information sources do not fully cope with the challenges of new tech- nologies administering and utilization. This gave a momentum to launch in 2005 the project “Geological Information System“ (GeoIS), which shall systematically integrate all relevant information sources in homogenized and technologically optimum form. In the field of geological research among the priorities of the State Geological institute of Dionyz Stur in 2005 belonged a complex and systematic geological in- vestigation of the Slovak Republic territory aimed at assessment, documenting and map depiction of the territory geological evolution and geological setting with broad application of special methods results from the fields of biostratigraphy, lithology, sedi- mentology, structural geology, isotope geology and specific analyses realized with electron microanalyzator. Regional geological research was focused on geological mapping and compila- tion of basic geological maps at 1:25 000 scale, which serve as a background for creation of regional geological maps at 1:50 000 scale. In 2005 the State Geological institute of Dionyz Stur was involved successfully in wide range of projects from the field of environmental geology. First of all this was a Partial Monitoring System of Environmental Geofactors; in addition there were solved projects of hydrogeological and engineering geological maps; research into raw minerals resources, etc.. There was successfully finished the project “Influence of Geological Factors upon the Life Quality”. In the 2005 the Division of Informatics provided its services in terms of collecting, storage, evidence, processing and making publicly available the information. Laboratory works in the scope of solved research projects were provided by ac- credited reference laboratory. Besides the above activities the SGUDS employees participated in solutions of a whole rank of other projects, the international ones included. Finally, I would like to thank all the SGUDS employees for their concerted effort in the year 2005 and the results achieved, which have contributed the Slovak geology progress. INTRODUCTION State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur • Annual Report 2005 • 1 2 • State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur • Annual Report2005 • StateGeological InstituteofDionyzStur • ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE kpylj{vy kêz }pjl¾kpylj{vy pêi wêy zêi s nlvhuhs{pjhs ljvuvtpjhs thyrl{pun lêi kp}pzpvu nlvmvuk shivyh{vyplz ¾ê{ljoupjhs hukêwyvtv{pvu vmênlvsvn kp}pzpvu kp}pzpvu w|ispjp{ t j h êi xêh j j p yêj n l hêz j rvpjl êw s êt t êt kUêR yêj t lêp mêy± w y w pên êi ihuzrêiz{ypjh êw h jwêêmw yêj u s kê l j ~ ê êx êp ên h { zwpzrêuv}ê}lz k h pêz o s k ên pêz êv êp { w l h yjêzO5êu5ê} s l zêz êz n h l hêêw z êyêt n k w jêy xêt t ên h s êt h{uz n êu lêz Foto: L. Martinský. Director doc. RNDr. Michal Kaličiak, CSc. Vice-Director RNDr. Eduard Lukáčik, CSc. Heads of Divisions Division of Geology RNDr. Ľudovít Kucharič, CSc. Geofond Division RNDr. Milan Gargulák, CSc. Geoanalytical Laboratories Division Ing. Daniela Mackových, CSc. Economical-Technical Division Ing. Anna Krippelová Marketing and Promotion Publicity Division RNDr. Ján Greguš, PhD. Heads of Regional Centres Regional Centre Košice RNDr. E. Kaličiaková Regional Centre Banská Bystrica RNDr. Ľ. Maťo, PhD. Regional Centre Spišská Nová Ves Ing. J. Stupák Employees structure In the year 2005 (December 31, 2005) the State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur had 313 employees – 163 women and 150 men. At the Head-quarters in Bratislava worked 187 employees (88 women and 99 men), at the Regional Centre Banská Bystrica 14 employees (4 women and 10 men), at the Regional Centre Košice 30 employees (16 women and 14 men) and at the Regional Centre Spišská Nová Ves 82 employees (55 women and 27 men). Constitution of Employees (December 31 2005): According to Education: Education degree Number Rate in % scientific degree DrSc., CSc., PhD. 66 21 university degree 102 33 High school 113 36 Apprenticeship 22 7 Basic 10 3 SPOLU 313 100 0 10 20 30 40 According to Division: Division Number Rate in % Secretariat 7 2 Department sub-ordinate to Vice-director 23 7 Division of Geology 134 43 Division of Informatics 45 14 Geoanalytical Laboratories Division 36 12 Economical-Technical Division 48 15 Marketing and Promotion Publicity 10 3 Dionýz Štúr Publishers 6 2 Administrative Centre RC Spišská Nová Ves 4 2 Together 313 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 According to Age: Age Number Rate in % below 30 years 26 8 31 – 40 55 18 41 – 50 113 36 51 – 60 103 33 above 60 years 16 5 Together 313 100 0 10 20 30 40 State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur • Annual Report 2005 • 3 Y G O L The Division of Geology was established O in 2005 by mergence of divisions of geo- logical research and mapping, environ- E mental geology and division of mineral resources. The Division provides mainly G basic geological research, mapping and investigation of the SR territory, basic hy- drogeological and hydrogeochemical F mapping, compilation of environmental maps and monitoring of environmental ge- O ological factors, as well as geothermal re- search and investigation. Its indispensable compound there belong also solutions of actual issues concerning mineral resourc- N es base of Slovakia, and not only from the viewpoint of their theoretical aspects, but also concerning practical prognoses, O research exploitability and estimation of I essential properties of mineral resources and their technological utilization. S The Division provides basic information I necessary for creation of an information system in geology; it publishes geologi- V cal maps, explanations to maps and other I professional geological publications. It has found its indispensable place within D DIVISION OF GEOLOGY international corroboration in geology. From the viewpoint of its organization the division is divided as follows: – Department of Crystalline and Palaeozoic, – Department of Mesozoic and Palaeogene, – Department of Neogene and Quaternary, – Department of Hydrogeology and Geothermal Energy, – Department of Engineering Geology, – Department of Environmental Geochemistry, – Department of Mineral Resources Complex Assessment, – Department of Geophysics and Non-Renewable Energy Sources, – Department of Mineral Resources Applied Technology. Head of the Division: RNDr. Ľudovít Kucharič, CSc. Photo: L. Martinský 4 • State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur • Annual Report 2005 Besides making design, concept, coordination and control of geologi- cal tasks, proposals and projects and organizational-administrative man- agement the Division of Geology performs mainly: • complex geological research throughout the whole territory of the SR and in corroboration with foreign institutions also a research of the Western Carpathians on the territories of respective countries, • regional geological mapping of the SR territory or its individual parts based upon topographic sheets at scale 1 : 10 000, 1 : 25 000, 1 : 50 000 and at other scales, • compilation of thematic and special purpose maps (uncovered maps without Quaternary cover, maps of Pre-Tertiary
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