John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 1-13-1961 The aC rroll News- Vol. 43, No. 7 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 43, No. 7" (1961). The Carroll News. 241. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/241 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Shearing, famed jazz pianist, appears with quintet tonight By JOJI:\ O'CON:\ELL 12, received no more than the Family needs, however, were para­ Another grent in the field normal amount of musical training mount in his mind and he felt ob­ Representing John Carroll University gh·en elementary student.;. There ligated to turn down several uni­ of jazz comes lo John Carroll University Heights 18, Ohio his singular talents were noticed by ..-er~ity scholar$hips in favor of tonight at 8 ::~0 p.m. George instructors who urged him to con­ contributing to the ~a~er Shear - tinue on to college after graduation. (Turn to Page 8, Col. 2) Vol. XLIII, No. 7 Fridoy, Jonuory 13, 1961 Shearing and his Quintet will perform in lhe Carroll Gym President selects two before one of the !arRest gath­ erings ever assembled for a performance of the University for top University jobs Series. The 2,600 available Hy JOU~ IWGERS ~eats have been sold out. The ~ey lo lhe future of .John Carroll lies in its ability 1 Last. year's presentation of Ah­ to prove tts worth to society. This about sums up the work- tnad Jumnl was ~;o enthusiastically ing !lhilos?phy of the Universily'l' recentl~-appoint~d vice- ~·~c~i''?d tha~ n Clood.of requests fo:· pres1dent m charge of development who w11l move tnlo his 1 mole Jazz gteats ha-..e con:e toRe,. new quarter· \\'eclne ·cl· v Fel Hermnn S. H~ght>s, S.J., dtrector of . :-; .. • :; •t •. • >. 1 · cultural ncltvtlH!S. Wt!hnm D. l·tssmgcr, dtredor p 1101.· · t.o t · ht' f C bl' 1 • r ~ 1 · bt:r of the editorial staff of the omg l> per ormance, o pu t_c r~: attons or .. t. JOUts . Shearmg will speak at. a convoca- Umver:nty for the pa-<t seven St. Lows Globe-Democrat and a r h ld f th d b d . year~ will a!lc:ume overall cha-e former regional representative of tthon Ge oht·. eftstu ent to 1Y2 1'"s of Carroll's-, · ·development opera-• .,. D u dl ey- A nd erson- y utzy, a .-.ew' ' I c ·nn • t ts a ernoon a · t.ions, including public relations York public relations finn. He re- P·~· . and alumni activities. The \'e!'Y ceived his A.B. degree from Wash- Shenr.mg wa;- born tc;>tally bhnU, Rev. Hugh E. Dunn, S.J., Presi- ington (.;nh-ersity in St. Louis and unttl entermg. the Lmden Lodge dt:nt of the Unh·crsitr has an- and ser..-ed in the Air Force in School for the Bhnd at the age of nounced. World War II. He is married and )fr. Herbert H. Kennedy, who has four. children. has ~en·ed as vice-president in .~ccordmg to Mr. ":tssmger, Car­ Leadership retreat charge of development since 1952 rolls greatest need lS endowment \\ill become vice president of th~ ~unds to provide for its academic offer s class leaders University as assistnnt to the mterests. President. He will net us special Enrollment doubles th 'I t• • •t' repre:>entative oC Fr. Dunn to American college enrollment has e gna Jan Splrl Cleveland ci\'ic and business lead- d~ubled in the l~st ~0 years and John Carroll upperclass- ers and will also participat~ in will d·ouble agat~ m the ne:"t men will begin a program of special development projects. decade. All Catholic colleges wtll I . , d .. A PENSIVE MOOD, one of the blind jau artist's tools of trade, Fr. Dunn considers the recent have to continue rapid expansion. reheats Ull~g the semester perhaps best describes Ge orge Shearing at work. appointments a major step in meet- Catholic colleges in general have break. A spec1al student lead­ ing the increasing demand!< on traditionally been endowed by re- ership retreat, sponso1·ed by ----------------- Carroll's facilitie!l by population ligious fnculty who both staffed the Sodality, will be held at expansion, technological change, ndministratio~s and. taut:ht for no the Sacred H e a r t Retreat Cherry Festival draws band; and society's increnshtg need for salary. But w1tb expandin~ enroll- H y O university-t-rained leaders. ment the lay professor has come ouse, oungsiown, ., from Mr. Fissingcr is n former mem- (Turn to Page 3, Col. 3) Tuesday, .Tan. 24, to Sunday, Glee Club releases schedule .Jan. 29. By H E~ UY DAUDY "The purpose of the retreat is The John Carroll Band, under the direction of )Ir. J ack to assist in the formation of Cath­ T. Hearns, will appear in the opening parade of the 1961 Iolic leaders oi John Carroll by National Cherry Blossom Festival. The parade, considered promoting the presentation of the to be the largest in the nation, will be held in \Vashington, spiritual exercises to the student D.C. leader,'' slated Don Schmitt, soda!- April 4 through 9 have been de­ bined concert with t.h.e Carroll Band, ist in charge of arrangements. sig-nated as the dates for this year's St. Xa\ier's College, a girl's college Approximately 100 to 150 of festival. The dates are predetermin­ !rom Chicago will share the spot­ the school leaders were invited to ed by biologists who calculate the light. attend the Live-day closed retreat. time the cherry blossoms will brenk r------------­ Of these, 40 are expected to at­ into full bloom. tend. There is a charge of $15 in o,•er 70 bands throughout the Showboat is theme connection with the retreat. The country will participate in the rest of the $30 fee is being paid festi,·al's parade. The bands are in­ by the Sodality. vited by the Cherry Blossom Festi­ set for Mardi Gras Rev. James V. Connors, S.J., a val committee and arc all composed ''Down on the Levee" will native of the Pacific Coast, bas of 50 or more pieces. "It is an hon­ been chosen to give the retreat. or in itself to be selected," slated be the theme of the 14th An­ He is presently in tertianship at. Mr. Hearns. nual Mardi G1·as Ball which the St. Stllnislaus Retreat House Glee Club will be jointly sponsored by in Parma. The complete retreat The Glee Club has also released the Spanish Club and t he will be centered around the theme its schedule of coming appearmwes Mr. Fissinger Mr. Kennedy I (Turn to Page 8. Col. 1) French Club on Saturday, for the spring semester. Included in Feb. 11, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ~====~~~---~----~~--~--------------~--------~I it are a total of seven performances. in the Gym. Sunday, Feb. 12, will find the Glee Earlier grades Union r epresentatives 0 1( Club engaged with Ursuline College I The Gym will be transformed for a concert in the Lakewood Civic into a gala 1890 era showboat for Student-. :Jn,• """ <lhle to re­ Auditorium. Their next nppearanct>, the evening, with dancing on the cdH~ their grade:, almost im­ initiation of hook exchanges ~cheduled for .Feb .. 25-26, will . see l "deck" to the music of Billy Lang ml'diatcl) after e~am . :Sl'C <;tory on page five. Final approval 'vas given by the Student Union last them periornung m a combmed and his band. The Marty Conn Tuesday for a book exchange to be operated by the Union concert at JCU with the Carroll Trio will play during band inter­ Band and a guest Glee Club !rom mi!'5ion, thus providing continuous Carroll ski<'rs h<~ a d at the beginning of the spring semester. In hi::; report. Jim ~t. ltary's of the Springs College n usic throughout the evening. Truxes, chairman of the committee working within the Re­ n Columbus, 0. Paul Hinko general chairman of for the AjJpalachins view Committee to study the feasiiJility of the program, Join Trinity College the dance c;mmittee, emphasized To wckome the nt>w ,.,~Je:;LN'. explained the system under which the book exchange would On Sunday, :\lar. 12, the chor:~l- that this would be the last on­ the Evening Oollegc i,. spon,."rlng be operated. ers travel to Toledo to do a guel!t campus dance before Lent begins. n g:~la \\-eckend of tlanring and ski- Since the program will be run percent of the orit,rinal selling price appearance with the :\fary Manse Bids go on sule ~Ionday, Feb. 6. ing nt ::)even Spring Lodge ne.u· on an experimental basis, only a of the book to compensate for the College Choir. The next items on Tables will be assigned to those Champion, Penn.. from Frid:ty, Feb. Ilimited list of 10 titles will be expenses involved. The resale price their ngenda is a trip to Greons- who buy their tickets early. 3 to :)und ,y, Pt.•h. ti. handled. They will be selected on or lhe books will include this plus I burg, Perm. There they will perform Jim Truxes, decorations chair- The skiing enthusiasts plan tn the basis of past sales in the another !iS per cent.
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