Volume 70 WEATHER Number 122 Tis nobler in the minds of men to' suffer the slings and Tuesday. arrows of outrageous April 1.1975 fortune . Duke University The Chronicle Durham, North Carolina Edens phased out. Forest relocated By David Arneke business and finance, that the The relocation of the Duke Forest University "will sell the land the took a giant step forward last night as Forest is on, but still keep the trees by the Residential Life Committee (RLC) relocation them to a new location." and the Educational Facilities Com­ RLC chairman Olaf Stackleburg ap­ mittee (EFC), in a rare joint meeting, peared pleased with the meetings re­ voted unanimously to tear down the sults. "We like the trees, ya," he com­ dorms in Edens quadrangle and con­ mented. "We couldn't let this won­ vert the land into a new subdivision of derful resource of the University go the forest. for the sake of a few small, cramped Since the announcement over spr­ little room, you know." ing break that the Duke Forest would George Williams, chairman of the indeed be sold, speculation has EFC, commented, "it is a move, I swirled around the cryptic statement think, that is precisely harmonious of Charles Huestis, vice-president for with the sense priorities the student body demonstrated their support for Art|s,,s con tion 0( ,he ,„,,„,„ j. 0sborne Q Air „,.„,, Room „, ,he nuorlnonact coirora IA/OOL'C ._ r Cahow will over the past several weeks." soon to be forgotten $8 million new James P. Bonk Memorial University The support he referred to includes Center. (Artist's rendering by Holly Brubach) the February MSA rally on the main stay honcho quad and the recent RLC poll of 10 liv­ ing groups on the desirability of living in Edens quad. The survey, conducted in admissions by RLC member Roger "Whip" Lash of J.B.'s dream fulfilled: By David Arneke BOG house, was taken in House P, Acting admissions director Clark Stonehenge, Maxwell House, Cahow has been named permanent Buchanan, CC, ATO, Phi Delta Theta, Ivies accept Duke admissions director, according to re­ Southgate, Wilson and Epworth. The liable sources. one-question survey read: "Would By Steve Garland formed observers have suggested that The official announcement has not you rather have your dorm torn down Duke's 49-year effort to become Duke probably had to trade its Law been made yet, but the leak drew to relocate the forest, or Edens quad?" more than just a university for grits School to Princeton along with major quick responses from a variety of stu­ The results were: and the nouveau-riche may soon academic programs to be named later dents. "Cahow? No couldn't be," Tear down Edens—1,197. come true. According to a highly Details on why Duke has finally scoffed Kevin Moore, the student Tear down my dorm—3. placed source in the Duke administra­ been accepted to the Ivy League have member of the search committee. "He What is Edens quad?—77. tion, the major announcement of this not been released but sources indicate wasn't even one of the five finalists we "This is truly an occassion where year's 50th Anniversary celebration that the Duke conversion to the Ivy submitted." informed student opinion has made a will be that Duke has been accepted as tables in determination of financial Moore was correct, according to re­ significant and meaningful contribu­ a member of the Ivy League. aid may have been the main factor in liable sources, but administration tion to the decision making process at When contacted yesterday in the Ivy League's favorable response to sources would not comment on the Duke," noted Lash. He cited the California where he is conducting a Duke's application. matter yesterday. representative nature of the survey, fundraising campaign (University, of One highly placed Harvard ad­ "Cahow? Never heard of him" n which included every type of living course) Duke President Terry Sanford ministrator is reported to have said . marked Provost Frederic Cleaveland. group, the high percentage of returns refused comment on the issue but (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 5) (99.6 per cent) and the unanimous chukled cryptically, "We're phasing vote of the committees, as indicative ivy in this year." in of the interest of students. Terms of the acceptance have not been disclosed but Duke is said to Chancellor John O. Blackburn re­ have given up a lot for the prestige of marked that he was very pleased with becoming an Ivy League School. In­ (Continued on page 8) Captures assailant Bonk gets bonked By Dan Neuharth FLI-PIE. announced yesterday it is open April Fools came a day early for James for business—at rates cheaper than those Bonk. of its competitor. Bonk had just adjorned his third period Bonk was the second professor to be Chemistry lecture when a masked, pie- chosen a target for a flying pie: a week ago slinging "hit-man" came flashing through psychology professor Irvin Alexander was Gross Chem Auditorium, smattering hit squarely in the face as he gave a large Bonk's right side, from head to toe. with group lecture in Zener Auditorium. lemon creme. Alexander did not give chase, but he did But Bonk quickly recovered and jumped show up at the next class session well pro­ on the heels of his surprised assailant. tected, wearing a fencer's mask. chasing him out of the huilding and into PIE-DIE was formed two weeks ago by the woods surrounding it. cornering him students who read articles of similar in knee-deep water. groups nationwide. It is patterned after a The episode was the doing of PIE-DIE mafia-family, with hit-men. lieutenants, Ltd., a handful of students who will "hit" and a godfather. with a pie anyone on campus, including In yesterday's episode, the chemistry University President Terry Sanford. But class of about 200—some of whom had Bonk: wiping it off. (Photo by Jay with PIE-DIE only in its second week of paid for the contract on the popular pro- Bonk: 'Asinine.' (Photo by Jay An­ derson) Anderson) operation, another pie-throwing family. (Continued on page 8) Page Two The Chronicle Tuesday. April 1.1975 SPECTRUM* and UNC-CH will be available in Ihe SPECTRUM POLICY: rar's Office and the Duke Environ- tions for players of different ability (in­ Events, meetings, and other announcements may be J Center during registration. April cluding beginners!]. Information: Sieve Whit em an 684-5848. placed in SPECTRUM, provided that the following rules YOUNG SOCIALIST ALLIANCE— Meetrng Wednesday in 101 Union. FOOD DAY are adhered to: All items which are to be run in SPEC­ Everyone interesled is invited. p.m. a! Watts St. Baptist Church. Come W R ITERS.'Read e rs/Li s te ro ers—Anyone CUMBERS: Thurs. will be the absolute TRUM must be typed and limited to 30 words, and they and help with the oiganization Q| Food must net be typed in all capital letters. There are The Free University course. Historical Day. April 19. call Alice. 4S9-13B3 evenings. other iunk. Bring your uniform, on a Survey of Detective Fiction, will meet on ;s Unlimited! typewriters availiable in room 304 Flowers. Items should Wed. at 7:30 p.m. in 105 Union Topic is Durham NOW program meeting: be typed on 8* by 11 inch paper, ia paragraph form, and -Women in History'1, with Joan Scon of ZOOLOGY MAJORS: Please rei items which are to appear in different sections of SPEC­ All welcome. Ihe History Department. UNC-Chapel departmental evaluations by this Hill. Wed. 7:30 p.m.. at lhe Episcopal Stu- Collection boxes are in Bio-Sci, I TRUM must be submitted on separate pieces of paper. dent Center. Alexander Ave. Everyone and East Campus Libraries. DRAMA COURSES: This summer and They should be delivered to our offices by 3 p.m. on the fall,' the drama program will offer full credit courses in Beginning and Ad­ day before they are to be run. hems for events wilt run on vanced Acting. Directing, Stagecraft and GENERAL P'SCES needs new c, the day before, and the day of the event, and general an­ will speak Wed. night in the Student Educational Theater. For further informa­ year. If you want to be nouncements will run for two days only. Failure to com­ Union at UNC at a. Her topic is "What tion, contact iohn Clum. 502 Allen. CO-REC TENNIS PLAY DAY to be held peer counseling and 01 Every Heterosexual Should Know About a ] ply with the above wilt result in the item not being run. Gay Liberation." Sponsored bv Carolina on Saturday. April 12. 1975. Open to all PP v now for traininj and no event which charges admission will be allowed. Cay Association. students. Entries open: March 31. Mon- plication pick-up am NEWMAN COMMUNITY: The TODAY Hospital Visitation Group will meet al 8 Wed. a.m. in the Newman Center. Elec­ ZOOLOGY MAIORS: Please return INTERVIEW for student positions on your departmental evaluations by Friday. UFCAS Faculty Advisory. Curriculum MAJOR ATTRACTIONS Gal in 01 tions for next year's officers will lie held next Sunday, April 6th. Make nomina- Collections boxes are in Bio-Sci. Perkins and Courses. Committees; University Altentioo ALL HILLEL STUDENTS: and Easl Campus Libraries. Athletics Council; Educational Facilities e need a cook for this Friday nitc's (sic) Committee: and STAB Chairperson posi- nner. otherwise no dinner. If you want Coordinator of Res] New man Center. ANTHRO MA|ORS: PAT CTCONNER Many lonely elderly people in Durham tion.
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