La Créole: A Journal of Créole History & Genealogy Cumulative Index of Volumes 1-12 The volume number is shown in italics followed by a colon; the page numbers follow. For example, 6: 24 indicates volume 6, page 24. Women are indexed by their maiden name, if known. 10th Colored Heavy Artillery 3: Armstrong, Louis 10: 76; 12: Baquie, R. W. 5: 13 17 51, 53, 56, 57 Barbarin, Alfred 9: 38 2131 Lapeyrouse Street 3: 19-23 Asylum of the Holy Family 12: Barbarin, Benjamin 12: 32 photo 18 Barbarin, Eda 12: 31-33, 32 77th Colored Infantry 3: 17 Attakapas District 11: 6 photo Abatte, Gabriel 11: 9 Aubert, Alvin 7: 16-21 Barbarin, Elbert 9: 37, 38, 39 Abbatte, Bertha 11: 9-10 Aubert, Beatrice “Modear” 12: 5 Barbarin, Emile Jr. 12: 31 Abner, Lorraine 9: 37 Aubris, Martin (see Aubry, Barbarin, Francesca Fauria (see Abshear, Harold R. 12: 19 Martin) Fauria, Francesca) Achille’s Cash Store (Lutcher, Aubry, Alexandre 11: 7-8 Barbarin, Paul 12: 59, 60 La.) 7: 16 Aubry, Alexandre Jr 11: 8-9 Barbarin, Walter 9: 37 Adams, Anise Ferrand (see Aubry, Alexis Sr. 11: 9-10 Barbarin, Walter A. 9: 36, 38, Ferrand, Anise) Aubry, Alfred J. Sr. 11: 9 photo 40 Adams, Charles 4: 13 Aubry, Angela D. 11: 5 Barbarin, Yvonne 9: 38, 40 Adams, Florestine Mitchell (see Aubry, Catherine 11: 5 Barbre, Sarah “Mama Sarah” 9: Mitchell, Florestine) Aubry, Charles Philippe 11: 5 32, 39 Adams, Henrietta “Henny” 10: Aubry, Jean Pierre Bruno (aka Barker, Danny 12: 58 43 Jean Pedro Bruno Aubry) Barker, William 11: 49 Adams, Peter 10: 43, 47 11: 5, 6, 7 Barrett, Sweet Emma 12: 59, 60 African Methodist Episcopal Aubry, Ladoiska 11: 8 Barrow, John S. 10: 41 Church (Covington, La.) 9: Aubry, Martin 11: 6, 7, 8 Barrow, Washington 10: 41 24 Aubry, Martin Louis 11: 6 Bart, William “Willie” Aicard, Henri 3: 39 Aubry, Maximilien Martin 11: 6 Dominick 5: 18 Aicard, Justin 5: 13, 14, 21 Auguste, Marie Ursula 2: 2 Barthelemy, Emelia 11: 38, 39, Aicard, Rita 3: 39 Augustin, Clara 9: 19 52 Albert, A. E. P. 5: 5 Augustin, Delphine 9: 26, 27 Barthelemy, François (son) 11: Albert, A. P. 5: 4 (see also Delsy, a slave) 38 Albert, Don 12: 59 Augustin, Donatien 9: 21 Barthelemy, François 11: 38, 39 Allain, Augustin 3: 37 Augustin, Heloise 10: 25, 29 Barthelemy, Joseph 11: 38 Allain, Pierre 10: 31 Augustin, Madeleine 9: 19 Barthelemy, Susanne 11: 38 Allain, Valerian 7: 3 Auld, Joseph 5: 13 Barthelemy-St. Ann family 11: Allen, Red 12: 57, 60 Autocrat Club 11: 14 38-53 Allston, William (Mrs.) 5: 4 Averous, S. 5: 13 Basie, Count 12: 56 AMA (see American Missionary Babé (Elizabeth) 7: 2 Batey, Jesse 10: 40, 41, 42, 48- Association) Babey, Emile 5: 18 49, 51 American Missionary Babin, Louise Peignier 1: 8 Battalions of Free Men of Color Association (AMA) 9: 49, Bagley, William 9: 22, 23 2: 29-30; 11: 12 (see also 50, 54 Baker, Josephine 12: 58 Louisiana Native Guards, Anderson, Gus 10: 49, 50 Baloney, Charles 10: 33 Confederate) André, Joseph 10: 21 Banks, Nathaniel 12: 23 Battle of New Orleans 2: 29-30 Andrew J. Bell Junior High Baptiste, Charles 11: 27 Bautista, a slave 9: 42 School 9: 37 Baptiste, Désirée 11: 3 Bautista, Bartholome 9: 43 Andrew, John 12: 25 Baptiste, Jean 2: 1 bazaars 9: 8 Andry, Manuel 4: 7-8 Baptiste, John 10: 47 Beauregard, Santiago 9: 46 Angelain, Marie Angela 2: 2 Baquet, Achille 12: 52, 54 Bechet, Alan 9: 38 Angelety, Doris 4: 23 Baquet, Blainey 12: 62, 63, 64 Bechet, Barry 9: 37, 38, 40 Angelety, Wilfred 4: 23 Baquet, George 12: 52, 54 Bechet, Joseph 9: 38 Angelique, Louis Habine 10: 23 Baquet, Harold 12: 62-65; 62, Bechet, Sidney 12: 51, 52, 53, Antoine, F. C. 5: 17 63 photos 54, 58-59 Apex Club Orchestra 12: 55, 56 Baquet, John 12: 62 Bechet, Yvonne Barbarin (see Ardax, Marianne 1: 15 Baquet, T. V. 5: 17 Barbarin, Yvonne) Armant, Celeste 10: 47 Baquie, C. A. 5: 13 Becnel, Albert 4: 3 1 La Créole: A Journal of Créole History & Genealogy Cumulative Index of Volumes 1-12 The volume number is shown in italics followed by a colon; the page numbers follow. For example, 6: 24 indicates volume 6, page 24. Women are indexed by their maiden name, if known. Becnel, Alphonse 3: 8 Bertonneau, Arnold 2: 2, 3, 17, Blandin, Benjamin “Frenchy” 7: Becnel, Célèste 3: 6, 7, 8; 10:26 19; 5: 13; 12: 19-29 8-14 photos 8, 10,14) Becnel, Enola Marie Tregre (see Bertonneau, Arnold Jr “A.J.”12: Blandin, Benjamin Peter Sr 7: 9 Tregre, Enola Marie) 29 photo Blandin, Carol 7: 9, 10 Becnel, Florestan Jean 3: 6; 10: Bertonneau, Eulalie Monforte Blandin, Cassie 7: 9 26 (see Monforte, Eulalie) Blandin, Charles 7: 11, 12 Becnel, Milton J. 4: 4 Bertonneau, Henry 12: 29 Blandin, Elsie 7: 13 Becnel, Pierre Ayme 10: 28 Bertonneau, Jeanne Louise 12: Blandin, Harmon (Harmond) 7: Beecher Memorial 19 photo, 20 photo, 29 9, 13 (Congregational) United Bertonneau, Julia Charlotte Blandin, Norma Brown (see Church of Christ 9: 48, 49, LaCoste (see LaCoste, Julia Brown, Norma) 50, 53 Charlotte) Blanks, Herbert C. 9: 34 Bello, Donatto 10: 61 Bertonneau, Louis 2: 2; 12: 22 Blenk, James Hubert 10: 21 Belly, Etienne 9: 29 Bertonneau, Marie Estella 12: Bloch, Henri “Harry” 10: 68-69 Belly, Jean (I) 9: 29 22 Bodin, Lovinsky 3: 33 Belly, Jean (II) 9: 29 Bertonneau, Sidney 12:29 Boisdore, Adelaide 5: 14 Belly, Jean Baptiste 9: 29 Bertonneau, Yvonne 12: 20, 29 Boisdoré, Dubrisson 2: 26 Belly, Marguerite 9: 29 Bertrand, Armand 9: 34 Boisdoré, Francois 2: 1, 26; 4: Belly, Marguerite Heloise 9: 29, Bertrand, Arthur 6: 1-2 17 30 Bertrand, Augustine Pearl Relf Boisdore, Hortense 5: 14 Belly, Marie Antoinette 9: 29, (see Relf, Augustine Pearl Boisdore, Josephine 11: 8 30 “Miss Le Pearle”) Boisdore, Marietta 10: 2, 4 Belly, Marie Francoise 9: 29, 30 Bertrand, Marguerite 6: 1 Boissiere, Athanase 11: 22, 23 Belly, Marie Genevieve 9: 29, Bertrand, Marie 6: 1 Boissiere, Celina Adelaide (see 30 Bertrand, Osevio 6: 1 Williams, Celina Adelaide) Belly, Marie Rosalie, 9: 29 Bevrotte, Charles 3: 20 Boissiere, Cornelia Lambert 11: Belly, Pierre 9: 28, 29, 30, 31 Bevrotte, Henry 3: 20 24 Belly, Rosalie 12: 35 Bevrotte, Thomasine 3: 20 Boissiere, Elvera LeBrane (see Belly, Rose 9: 28-31 Bienfaisanse Benevolent Society LeBrane, Elvira) Belly, Valerie Octavine 9: 29, 4: 4 Boissiere, Francois Xavier 11: 30 Bienfance Society Hall 20, 22 Belot, A. 5: 13 (Reserve, La.) 7: 16 Boissiere, Jean Isaac 11: 20 Benefield, Ida (Mrs.) 11: 27 Bienville, Genoveva/Genevieve Boissiere, Philip 11: 25 Benefield, Robert 11: 27 10: 20 Bolden, Charles “Buddy” 12: Benjamin Franklin School 9: 37 Bigard, Barney 12: 52, 53, 55, 49, 54 Bennett, Ann Marie 9: 37, 38 56-57, 59 Bonfiglio Michael Sr. 11: 50 Bennett, Francesca Fauria (see Bigard, Barney, and his Bonfiglio, Alice or Elise (see St. Fauria, Francesca) Jazzopators 12: 57 Ann, Elise) Bennett, Gabrielle Dobard (see Bijot, Rosalie 9: 30 Bonfiglio, Debra 11: 52 Dobard, Gabrielle “Gabi”) Billings, John 10: 66 Bonfiglio, Elise Odette 11: 51 Bennett, Lloyd Walter Jr. 9: 32- Biringer, Elisa Marie 1: 16 Bonfiglio, Eugene 11: 50, 51-52 41, photo 38 Birotte, Julie 11:3 Bonfiglio, John 11: 52 Bennett, Lloyd Walter Sr. 9: 33, Birotte, Ludger 11: 3 Bonfiglio, Michael Jr. 11: 50, 51 34, 38 Blache, Bernice 9: 37 Bonfiglio, William Lawrence Benoist, Edouard 11: 8 Black Codes (see code noir) 11: 51 Benoist, Joseph, 11: 8 Blanchard, Faguet A. 11: 45, 46 Boniface, Jeanne Marie Nathalie Benoit, Edouard 11: 8 Blanchard, Jennie E. 11: 44,45, (see Bonifaye, Jeanne Marie Benson, John G. 6: 4, 7-8 46, 47, 48 Nathalie) Berall, Rose Julie 1: 16 Blanchard, Osceola 10: 77 Bonifaye, Jeanne Marie Nathalie Bernard, Joseph 11: 48 Blandin Undertaking Co. 9: 35 11: 20-21 Bernard, Wilfred Sr. 4: 3 Blandin, Adolphe 7: 12 Bonnet Carré Plantation 10: 30 Blandin, Albert 7: 9 Booth, John Wilkes 2: 3 2 La Créole: A Journal of Créole History & Genealogy Cumulative Index of Volumes 1-12 The volume number is shown in italics followed by a colon; the page numbers follow. For example, 6: 24 indicates volume 6, page 24. Women are indexed by their maiden name, if known. Bopse, Daniel 10: 21 Brown, Malinda 3: 17 Campbell, Adelina 10: 46 Bordenave, Curtis 7: 13 Brown, Martha 10: 48 Campbell, Alexander 10: 49, 50 Bordenave, Elsie Blandin (see Brown, Mary 10: 48 Campbell, Catherine 10: 46 Blandin, Elsie) Brown, Nancy Maker (see Campbell, Charlotte 10: 49, 50 Bordenave, Isidore 6: 14 Maker, Nancy) Campbell, Daniel 10: 49 Bordenave, Julie 7: 13 Brown, Nicholas 10:48 Campbell, Emeline 10: 49 Bordenave, Michael 7: 13 Brown, Norma 7: 9, 10, 11 Campbell, Eveline 10: 50 Boré, Estevan 9: 45-46 Brown, Rose 10: 44 Campbell, Frank 10: 49, 50 Boré, Juan Esteban 3: 24 Brown, William Henry 10: 48 Campbell, Franklin 10: 50 Bornundy, Don Francisco 9: 42 Brownlee, Fred 9: 55 Campbell, Marie Elizabeth Bosang, Julie 9: 14 Bruce, Blanche K. 5: 3 “Emeline” 10: 50 Bougeois, Alceste 10: 31 Brumby, G. McD. 11: 27 (illus.) Campbell, Nathan 10: 50 Bougeois, Charles 10: 31 Brunel, Marie Barbe 5: 37 Campbell, Rachael 10: 49, 50 Bouligny, Louis 12: 16 brute-négre 5: 27 Campbell, Robert 10: 50 Bourgeois, Clara 10: 31 Bry, Hannah Louise 3: 16 Campbell, Sam 10: 49 Bourgeois, Mathilde 10: 31 Buck, Larry (see Dubuclet, Campbell, Samuel 10: 50 Boutin, Mary 11: 41 Laurent) Campbell, Susan 10: 50 Boutte, George Albert 3: 39 Bunel, Felicite 12: 16 Campbell, Theresa 10: 49 Boutte, Marie Louise 11: 8 Burat, Françoise 11: 38 Campbell, Watson 10: 50 Boyer, Carrie Harleaux (see Burel, Achill 3: 31 Campbell, Watt 10: 49, 50 Harleaux, Carrie) Burel, Benedicte 3: 31 Campbell, Watt II 10: 49 Boyer, Henry 9: 2-7, 3 photo Burke, Edward A.
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