) to l'ark, Me. 2E Mrs. William Leong and y of Boston, are now their newly built horse !en rd. NIDCVEL CWISSAAN ONDITIONED Andover's ( bun Newspaper Since 1887 CADEMY 71 NUMBER 42 VOLUME ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JULY 24, 1958 PRICE 10 CENTS ZBER SHOP . Andover (Near AY.P) Andover Street Will Be Improved By BPW !‘ SI Resurfacing of Andover st. and sheen river and Shawsheen square tr. 'It:1%1111i consideration of improved street was reviewed by the board and : tit lighting were matters which came tabled until a full hoard is present. before the board of public works When these lights have been set .AR BY Monday evening. Present at the lip, there will be a complete session were Chairman Alexander white way along Main st. from 4 EXPERTS g A. Henderson, Francis F'. Riley Phillips Academy through Shaw- and Mason F. Arnold. Members sheen square. Albert A. Cole and David Thom- report on Elm st. lighting $1500 to $1750). son were missing, the former improvement was also tabled until tCH ORCANIZATION being on a military duty tour while the full board is present. ity and style... the latter has been ill. Approved for better lighting ()MUCH CAR GUIDE The board received a request were Arthur rd., Marilyn dr., Mary ice class and has from Raytheon for additional Lou In., Suncrest rd., Judson rd., street lighting on York at. due to Forbes In., Stevens cir., Hag- CARS ILLUSTRATED increased traffic through the gett's Pond rd., Bailey rd., Pleas- ,houlder room .. opening of the new enlarged ant st., Boutwell rd., High Plain Cadillac...ride parking area. The hoard voted to rd., Gleason st. and Locke st. ;ood." trim tree foliage around the York Also held for a full board meet- ANIX ILLUSTRATED st. lights and see if this will ing were Abbot st. and Alden rd. brighten the area before taking in regard to additional lighting. froni$1695 steps for additional installations. The members approved an ex- whIttwallt—ootIonal emirs Recommendations were received penditure of $4,600.74 for the re- r from the Merrimack-Essex Electric surfacing of Andover st., from the company for improved lighting on Shawsheen river to Woburn st. several streets. The board has agreed to meet These reports were in answer with officials of the Merrimack- to a request by the board for a Essex Electric company ;ext. survey of lighting on certain Monday evening at which time the streets. company's plans for the improve- The installation of mercury ment of the electric system in the vapor lights between the Shaw- town will he explained in detail. OPEN HOUSE — The new home of the dial system on Elm st. to serve Andover. Here Paul Julian, equipment installer, John Lee, equipment production supervisor, Mrs. Ethel Sullivan, chief operator, Philip Finnegan, dial traffic manager, and William Chicoine, manager, chat be- Youngster hurt As Family fore the master test center equipment at the local headquarters. ( Leone) MILT OF FIVE! Car Rolls Against House Telephone Dialing Starts Aug. 17 5 lib. For Residents Of Andover Area 'res. In a little more than three • TEL. 1084 weeks, Andover telephone users will be directly dialing their num- Station bers. The new system goes into Playground Children TIL 9 P.M. effect on Sunday, Aug. 17 from the company's new building on Elm st. ILABLE The present Andover switch- Enjoy Annual Picnic board was placed in service on October 24, 1914 replacing a Some 500 Andover children fro- magneto board, which had re- licked 'Tuesday at the annual Australians quired the subscriber to use the playground picnic at Canobie Lake old crank-type telephones. The Park. The day was ideal as far as newer board consisted of four both the weather and the enjoy- Inspect Town positions for handling local calls ment of the children went. and of one position for the com- Seven buses and a large number pletion of the few toll calls which of private cars transported the Water System things- went through the office in those children from the five playgrounds, On Tuesday morning, the days. The board served 383 cus- Central, Ballardvale, Indian Ridge, tomers lines and 597 phones in Superintendent of the Water De- Shawsheen and West Center. All partment, Donald C. Bassett, homes and businesses. This was buses reassembled at the Central DOVER! a substantial increase over the entertained two prominent guests School area for final instructions from the Commission of Public 47 lines and 156 telephones of before the happy children headed 10 years prior which is the earliest Works, Victoria, Australia, Mr. for the park at 10:30 a.m. IL 11. Richmond and Mr. E. M. of a finger and the record available today of the The group arrived at Canobie exchanges size. Walker who are on a tour of the the woy to paint, Lake Park at 11 a.m. and the country and in Massachusetts, Mr. n windows, fresher, In addition to handling the sub- children had their picnic lunches W. 13. Davis of the State Public and even to spray cribers local traffic, the operating with milk furnished by the Recrea- Ilealth Department accompanied tion committee. The mad rush to (Continued on Page II) them. the amusement area was then on. Victoria has a population of :STROP: When the funds of most of the youngsters had been exhausted, a (Continued on Page 11) Hornets Nests program of Bingo with candy bars ray SME • as prizes proved very popular. MY FOOT HURTS — Young Richard Piercy of Bakers In. tried Mosquitoes Softball also took the attention of PARKING FEE rolling his fathers' car in the family drive-way Monday evening, Rose Bush Insects a number of the children. These HAS GONE UP $ You can't take chances : before he could stop the moving vehicle the auto brushed Weeds activities were carried out at the small, white printed signs against the wall of his house catching his foot between hinges s ith the health and wel- picnic shed and adjacent playfield. Pesky Roaches began appearing in Andover's of the car door. The fire department ambulance as well as two Races for all ages followed at fare of your household. • parking meters this week with police cruisers responded to the call. When asked if he wanted 2:30 p.m. with candy bars as the warning "Use Only Always buy DRUGS in a prizes after which ice cream was Nickles." The price of to go to the hospital in the ambulance, Richard replied "No! I served to all picnickers. want to go ;o bed." ( The extent of injuries were lacerations to drug store. And bring parking went up as workmen At 3 p.m. the buses reloaded for from the meter company con- the left foot) In the photo are Deputy Chief John Cole, Richard, your Doctor's prescrip- (Continued on Page 1:1,:ht) verted the boxes to nickle being comforted by his mother, Mrs. George Piercy, while came as ows tions to this pharmacy. • meters. The action neighbors look on. (Leone) the result of a vote by the :001 Fires VACUUM CLEANERS Prompt, precise coin- • board of selectmen recently. le Air $29.95 Ladies' Auxiliary held its annual pounding is our spe- Although pennies can no )1 All Makes reception to its officers at the longer be used, officials feel Reception By is cialty. • Allston V.F.W. headquarters, that the cost of parking to the Saturday July 19. Colors! COLE PAINT public will average about the State V.F.W. Mrs. Elizabeth Cefelo of Dor- Is MAIN .;I'111.1.1' ILL. 1156 same as before. chester, department president and • her officers which include, Mrs. Auxiliary Bertha Folley, department senior to 1.89 CALL 1943 vice president, a member of the The Department of Massachu- local V.l'.W. Auxiliary 2128, were setts Vr•terans of Forisi,, Wars entertained at this reception. Mrs. Volley also attended it District President's Conference REAL ESTATE in the morning which was followed OUR ONLY 13USINL SS by a luncheon served by'the Dor- "FAR HORIZONS" JOHN HEWITT chester V. F. W. Auxiliary. The Council of Administration of the 160E,, f-urniture Dept. of Mass. V.F.W Auxiliary SE L ()MA 10 RITA HEWITT convened in the afternoon. DALTON Associate lic.rlt,r Among those attending from 8 ELM ST. ANDOVER Andover for the evening . affair TELS. PHARMACY $1111313r — were: Mrs. George Symonds, senior MAIN AT PAPP< `1. 124 Cross St., Lawrence Property Management vice president of the Andover TEL. MO 5-5023 TLL. 10/ THE TOWNSMAN TELS. 973-1834 ( Continued on Page Five) - 1727 , )pen Evenings THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, JULY 24, 1958 session at the West Church was fttecoscrociocesoosocxx Vacation brought to a close on last 1. rida!, , -)0.0 I when a picnic and outing was Bible Study held at the Cherry Hill Farm. Over 50 children took advantage of the The two weeks' daily Vacation 1• two weeks' session. On last Bible school which has been in Thursday night at 7 a display of ANDOVER the handiwork done by the children owmpic.fi ANDOVE was shown the parents and friends and a program was also put on by TOWNSMAN PLAYH • USE.I" the children. Refreshments were Established 1887 NOW THRU TUESDAY served following the program. The following teachers gave of their Eve,/ THE BRIDGE ON time and talents to the project: Mrs. James Holt, Mrs. Vahev 70 Main Street, Arlo.. THE RIVER KWAI culezian, Mrs. James Bravacos, Entered as Second ;lass The A• : Miss Jane Deslloches, Sandra -.ver Post - Alec Price tot "t,wart, Mrs. William Stewart, 35.0:.- Year Sessue Hayakawa Irving E.
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