UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 25 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:49 AM S-0864-0004-04-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0004-04-00001 Title items-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes IX, X, XI Date Created 15/05/1967 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0864-0004: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit E*i ? g' H o & S O> -J O He] 1 | \jg 03 ^N o P H) 0- H a (Hxrtomfora NEW YORK,N.Y. IOO25 SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE OEAN September 1, 1967 .« W«T ,,3~ STn«T The Honorable U Thant Secretary General of the United Nations New York, N. Y. Dear U Thant: I want to thank you for inviting me to your very delightful luncheon on Wednesday. I appreciate it very much indeed. The conversation around the table was most interesting. I valued your own analysis of various topics and in particular Vietnam. You always have my very best wishes and warm support in your very responsible task. Cordial ly, Andrew W. Cordier Dean AWC/c Luncheon given by the Secretary-General Wednesday, 50 August 1967, 1.1$ p.m., 58th floor Mr. Yost Dr. Bunche Mr. EicheXberger :t Mr. Cousins Mr. Benjamin The Secretary-General Mr. Johnson Dr. Cordier Mr. Rolz-Bennett SG luncheon on Wednesday, 30 August 1967, 1.15 p.m., 38th floor / Mr. Worman Cousins ,/ Dr. Andrew Cordier ,/ Mr. Charles Yost ^ Mr. Bob Benjamin ^/ Mr. Clark Eichelberger y Mr. Joseph Johnson The Secretary-General Dr. Bunche Mr. Rolz-Bennett cc: George 0> o 0 Ott> CO K C+ 29 August 196T S.G. Luncheon given in honour of H.E. Monsieur F&Lix Bouphouet-Boigny President of the Ivory Coast On 29 August 1967 At 1;1«5 p.m. Mr. C. Raghavan M. G. Nairay SeHor don J. de Plnies3t°» . • x- • • ...«•"' ~- , Gavrilova H.E. Mr.G.C. Silos 3 Mr. Stavropoulos ST. J. Rolz-Bennett : Dr. Bonche H.E. M. S. Ake1 H.E. Chief Adebo H.E. Llj E. Makonnen 3 H.E. Mr. Goldberg H.E. Lord Caradon H.E. M. Usher The President She Secretary-General S.E. M. R. Seydoux S.E. M. Alliali kH.E. M. M. Diawara H.E. Mr. Liu H.E. Mr. C.O.E. Cole 2 H.E. Mr. Ignatieff M. P. de Seynes Mr. Djermakoye M. L. GueMe" H.E. Mr. Morozov Mr. S.G. Mellbin Mr. Mishra M. S.A. Korle M. G. Ouegnin Protocol and Liaison 28 August 1967 GUEST LIST FOB THE LUNCHEOK .GIVEH 33j JOTOUB OF HIS. EXGEUEHCY MOJITO ^FELIi; L HOOPHOli!T~H)IGMY HgESIIjEOT OF THE HERJHJCJJF TOE IVORS' COAST ON 29 AUGUSTJL96T Freei&eatial Barty Escelleace Itoasieur Son Excellence Moasleiw Arsfene U@h@r Assouan Minister for Forei^x Affeirs Son Excellence Monsieur Simeon Permanent Bepreseatative to the ttoited Rations Son Excellence Monsieur Csasille Alliali Minister of Justice Son Excellence Monsieur Mohammed Diawara Minister of Planning Monsieur Loroiignon Vice-Px*seident of the Ifetioaal Assembly Mssaieur le Gouv^tneur CJuy DisHsetor de Caliinet of the President of the Republic Mcnaieur Georges Cu£gnia Chief of Protoeol 2. SECURITY COUNCIL H.E. Monsieur Roger Seydoux (FRANCE)., President for August ARGENTINA Absent BRAZIL H.E. Mr. Carvalho Silos "" BULGARIA H.E. Mrs. Gavrilova •" CANADA H.E. Mr. Ignatieff CHINA H.E. Mr. Liu Chieh DENMARK Mr. S.G. MeUbin M2HQPIA H.E. Mr. Makonnen INDIA Mr. B.C. Mishra JAPAN Regretted MALI Absent NIGERIA H.E. Chief S.O. Adebo, C.M.G. U.S.S.R. H.E. Mr. Morozov UNITED KINGDOM H.E. The Rt. Hon. Lord Caradoa, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O. U.S.A. H.E. Mr. Goldberg -- CHAIRMEN OF GROUPS African R.E. Mr. Cole 'x- ^GTEVOD^OjJUuVA TW(T(RI1?iiBAfStSt\) Asian Already included above (JAPAH) Latin American H.E. Mr. Solomon (RegrettedXTRINIDAD & TOBAGO) Western European Sr. Don J. de Pinies ' (SPAIN) Eastern European Already included above (BULGARIA) SECRETARIAT Dr. Bunehe Mr. DJenaakoye ^ Mr. Stavropoulos Mr. de Sr. tblss-Benaett Mr. Korle Mr. Cbstoa-mrti Raghavan, President of U.N.C.A. Protocol &a& Liaison 28 August 1967 PROGRAMME FOR TSB VISIT OF HIS ^ BCCEIXSECY MOBBIBBR ESLIX OF THE ^PUBLIC OF _TOB 015 29 AUGUST 1967 1:10 p.m. Hia Excellency Moasieur MLix Houphoxiet-Bolgay, President of the Republic of the Ivory Coast, vlll arrivs in his motorcade to the United lotions The President will b© accoaapanied by e, group of pereomelities amongst whichi Son Excellence Msmsism- jfe^Sn® Uehsr Minister for Fos-ei^i Son Excellence Monsieur Sisa^oa Espresentati'/e to the UMted Satioas Scsa Stcelleace Monsieur Caaaille Alliali Minister of Justice Excellence Moiaeieur Minister of Plsmiing Monsieur Lorougnon Vice-President of the Hitioaml Assembly Monsieur le Gouverneur Guy Director de Cabinet of the President of th® Hepublic Georges C3iief of Protocol Tb® President and the members of His B&rfcy will bs greeted outside the building by Mr. Siuan A. Korf.®, Acting Chief of Protocol, and officially received inside the Secretariat Lobby by the Secretaxy-Geaerai. 1:15 p.sa. ll'i© Secretary-General will ©scort th« President «u:d the Hzsmbers of His Barty by spaci&l elevator to the eecsafl floor aad into t&e South Aetteg Chief of Protocol will izrfero&taee to His Sstc^lleaey th® P?esitoit the guests iavited to the ltiach.©oa, 1:50 P.BS. Lisacheon will lie served. 2:JK) p.®. Luncheon vill be cojicluded. attending the luncheon will tak® leave of His Excellency the President «m.d the Seczsatary-Geaeral la ' Soath Lounge. The S®cr@tary-Gf®ner®l will escort the President by special &wm to th® Sscreteriat rfii<s President aad the msiab®j.'s of Hi© Partjf vill depart frssa UNITED NATIONS NATIONS^UNIES INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 'MEMORANDUM INTERII s\ TO: 26th July, 1Q67 A: The Secretary-General^ REFERENCE: THROUGH: S/C DE: Mr. C.V. Naras Chef de Cabinet FROM: DE: Pierre de Meulemeester Chief of Protocol SUBJECT: OBJET: Luncheon in honour of His Excellency M". Filix Houphouet-Boigny. " President of the'Republic of Ivory Coast Please find below a suggestion for the guest list for the luncheon you are giving in honour of His Excellency M. Fe"lix Houphouet-Boigny, President of the Republic of Ivory Coast, on Tuesday 22 August 1967, in the Library Penthouse, at 1:15 p.m. I. Host The Secretary-General , 1 II. Guest of honour His Excellency Monsieur Fe"lix Houphouet-Boigny President of the Republic of Ivory Coast Q III. Presidential party His Excellency M. Arsene Assouan USHER Minister for Foreign Affairs The Minister, for Economic Affairs The Minister of Finances His Excellency Monsieur Simeon Ake Permanent Representative His Excellency Monsieur Timothe" NT Guetta Ahoua Ambassador to the United States (tentatively) Others to be designated by the Permanent Mission. 9 IV. Delegations Security Council The Permanent Representative of France, President for August The Permanent Representative, or the Charg£ d'Affaires a.i. of: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark, Ethiopia, India, Japan, Mali, Nigeria, U.S.S.R., United Kingdom and United States ! : ^^v^-A-'vC"1' . ^^T^^^^ ^W-"^: ^"7^,'^^ ^<p' 2. Chairmen of Groups during the month of August: African Group: Not yet designated Asian Group: Perm. Repre. of Japan (Included amongst Security Council members) Latin-american Group: Perm. Repre. of Trinidad & Tobago Western European.. Group: Perm. Repre. of Spain Eas'tern European Group: Perm. Repre. of Bulgaria (Already included amongst S.C. members) 18 V. Secretariat Dr. Bundle Mr. D'Arboussier Mr. De Seynes Mr. Hoffman Mr. Narasimhan Mr. Nesterenko Mr. Rolz-Bennett Mr. de Meul,emeester 8 VI. President of the U.N. Correspondence Association; Mr. Chakravarti Raghavan 1 Total: 38 •.. ~ _ ROUTING SLIP FICHE DE TRANSMISSION TOs * Mr. Lemiexix FOR ACTION POUR SUITE A DONNER FOR APPROVAL POUR APPROBATION FOR SIGNATURE POUR SIGNATURE PREPARE DRAFT PROJET A REDIGER FOR COMMENTS POUR OBSERVATIONS MAY WE CONFER? POURRIONS-NOUS EN PARLER? YOUR ATTENTION VOTRE ATTENTION AS DISCUSSED COMME CONVENU AS REQUESTED SUITE A VOTRE DEMANDE NOTE AND FILE NOTER ET CLASSER NOTE AND RETURN NOTER ET RETOURNER FOR INFORMATION POUR INFORMATION Ibr the Secretary-General's Information S^A X \$*S ^ ^v (n* Date: FROM: 21.8.67 DE: J. VAHYI 01.13(11^64) PERSONS ACCOMPANYING TffiE PREggllEHT OF HIE REPUBLIC OF IVORT COAST. H.E. M. IELIX HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY OH TEESBAY. 22HD AOSDST 1967 at 11:25 a.m. H.E. M. A.A. USHER Minister for Foreign Affairs Hr. NEIRAY Direeteur de Cabinet of the President of tne Republic H.E. M. Simeon AKE Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. M. Toimotte N'guetta ATTOUA Ambassador to the United States of America g ao rol ": ' 00)0) o HF* M H! OD Luncheon given by the Secretary-General Monday, 28 August 1967, 1*15 p.m., 38th floor Mr. ATbornoz Mr. Turner M. de Seyne s Dr. Bunche The Secretary-General Mr. Rolz-Bennett Mr. Nosek Mr. Miller SG luncheon, Monday, 28 August 1967, 1.15 p.m., 58th floor Mr. Miguel Albornoz, U.N. Resident Representative in Mexico The Secretary-General Dr. Bunche M. de Seynes Mr. Nosek Mr. Rolz-Bennett Mr. Turner Mr. Miller cc: Neil O tD O CD S & a ^ ' d as smri p0 j FILE NO. i AChGN,; / U THAST StfAtt eEHE^Al UHttEB 'NATIONS KEBVOftK ftft "RO^SISIES MM wVsHI1 UEEPtY HICHit BEiMS -"'...-...- ' • • r . sit li^^j "ihewYitot IN "TIME AT TEKB IUBCHKON w KliiG mm® HOSSIIEI r*i -a• *- "•Hf.1 - *«3 fv» U 5 CU n • (0 • .
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