MINISTERUL APĂRĂRII AL REPUBLICII MOLDOVA ACADEMIA MILITARĂ A FORŢELOR ARMATE „ALEXANDRU CEL BUN” STUDII DE SECURITATE ŞI APĂRARE Nr. 1 (21) / 2019 Ministerul Apărării al Republicii Moldova Academia Militară a Forţelor Armate „Alexandru cel Bun” Revista Militar= Studii de securitate şi apărare Nr. 1 (21) / 2019 Chişinău, 2019 Revista Militar= Studii de securitate şi apărare. Publicaţie ştiinţifică. Nr. 1 (21) /2019 Fondator: Academia Militară a Forţelor Armate „Alexandru cel Bun” Redactor-şef: colonel (r) Constantin Manolache, doctor habilitat în ştiinţe politice, conferenţiar universitar Secretar responsabil: locotenent-colonel (r) Igor Sofronescu, doctor în ştiinţe tehnice, conferenţiar universitar Colegiul de redacţie: maior Marin Butuc, doctor în filologie Svetlana Cebotari, doctor în ştiinţe politice colonel Vitalie Ciobanu, doctor în istorie colonel (r) Valeriu Cuşnir, doctor habilitat în drept, profesor universitar Chen Hui, doctor habilitat în literatură (Republica Populară China) Mikola Jelezneak, doctor în filologie, conferenţiar universitar (Ucraina) Victor Juc, doctor habilitat în politologie, profesor cercetător colonel (r) Constantin Moştoflei, doctor în ştiinţe militare (România) Alexandru Roșca, academician Gheorghe Rusnac, academician Antonio Sandu, doctor habilitat în filosofie, profesor universitar (România) colonel (r) Mircea Tănase, doctor în științe militare (România) Pantelimon Varzari, doctor habilitat în politologie, profesor cercetător Ion Xenofontov, doctor în istorie Liu Zaiqui, doctor habilitat în istorie (Republica Populară China) Autorii poartă întreaga responsabilitate pentru conţinutul ştiinţific al textelor. Adresa redacţiei: str. Haltei 23, mun. Chişinău, Republica Moldova, MD -2023 Tel.: (+373 22) 54-51-60 ISSN 1857- 405X ©Academia Militară a Forţelor Armate „Alexandru cel Bun”, Centrul de Studii Strategice de Apărare şi Securitate, 2019. SUMAR SUMMARY SECURITATE ȘI GEOPOLITICĂ SECURITY AND GEOPOLITICS 6 Veaceslav PERJU PRECISION GUIDED MISSILES: ANALYSIS RACHETE DE PRECIZIE ÎNALTĂ: ANALIZA Sergiu CHETRARU, Svetlana CEBOTARI 22 SECURITATEA SPAŢIULUI AERIAN ÎN CONTEXTUL NOILOR AMENINŢĂRI AEROSPAŢIALE THE AIR SPACE SECURYTY IN THE CONTEXT OF NEW AEROSPACE THREATS Ion SÎRBU 30 NOILE TEHNOLOGII, SECURITATEA ȘI PERSPECTIVA ANTROPOECOLOGICĂ NEW TECHNOLOGIES, SECURITY AND ANTROPOECOLOGIC PERSPECTIVE Ion VÂRŢANU 44 EVOLUŢIA TRANSMISIILOR PRECESIONALE EVOLUTION OF THE PRECESSION TRANSMISSIONS Ion VÂRŢANU 49 INGINERIA MOLDAVĂ ŞI TEHNOLOGIILE SPAŢIALE MOLDOVAN ENGINEERING AND SPACIAL TECHNOLOGIES Ion SÎRBU 54 MANIPULAREA – UN FENOMEN SOCIAL MANIPULATION – A SOCIAL PHENOMENON ȘTIINȚA MILITARĂ ȘI INTERDISCIPLINARITATEA MILITARY SCIENCE AND INTERDISCIPLINARY Veaceslav BÂRDAN 65 EVOLUȚIA BUGETELOR MILITARE ALE STATELOR UNIUNII EUROPENE DIN ULTIMII ANI MILITARY BUDGETS EVOLUTION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION’S STATES IN THE LAST YEARS Andrei COVRIG 72 PERSOANELE DISPĂRUTE ÎN CONFLICTELE ARMATE: UNELE ASPECTE PRACTICO-LEGALE PERSONS DISAPPEARED IN THE ARMED CONFLICTS: SOME PRACTIC-LEGAL ASPECTS ISTORIE HISTORY Artur LEȘCU 80 ORGANELE DE DREPT ÎN ȚARA MOLDOVEI ÎN SEC. AL XVIII-LEA – ÎNCEPUTUL SEC. AL XIX-LEA. INTRODUCEREA DREPTULUI RUSESC ÎN BASARABIA LAW ENTITIES IN MOLDOVA IN THE XVIIIth – EARLY XIXth CENTURY. INTRODUCTION OF RUSSIAN LAW IN BESSARABIA Anatolie LEȘCU 88 MIȘCAREA MIGRAȚIONISTĂ DIN BASARABIA CA FORMĂ DE PROTEST FAȚĂ DE ABUZURILE ADMINISTRAȚIEI RUSE ÎN A DOUA JUMĂTATE A SEC. AL XIX-LEA MIGRATION MOVEMENT FROM BESSARABIA AS A PROTEST AGAINST THE ABUSES OF THE RUSSIAN ADMINISTRATION IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE XIXth CENTURY István BANDI 91 MOMENTUL ISTORIC 1989 ÎN RELAȚIILE ROMÂNO-MAGHIARE ÎN CONTEXTUL SCHIMBĂRILOR DIN CADRUL PACTULUI DE LA VARȘOVIA THE 1989 HISTORICAL MOMENT IN THE ROMANIAN-HUNGARIAN RELATIONSHIP IN THE LIGHT OF THE CHANGES IN THE WARSAW TREATY LECȚII DE ISTORIE HISTORY LESSONS Ion Valer XENOFONTOV 104 ROMÂNIA ÎN „EPOCA NICOLAE CEAUȘESCU” (1965–1989) ROMANIA DURING THE „NICOLAE CEAUSESCU EPOQUE” (1965–1989) FOTO ENCICLOPEDIA PHOTO ENCYCLOPEDIA ION VÂRŢANU 134 FILE DIN DESTINUL ROMÂNULUI BASARABEAN EFIM VÎRŢAN FILES FROM THE DESTINY OF EFIM VÎRŢAN, BASARABEAN ROMANIAN APARIŢII EDITORIALE. NOTE DE LECTURĂ NEW BOOKS. NOTES FOR READING CRISTIAN BOLOTNICOV 139 „TUDOR CASAPU – ETERNUL CAMPION” ”TUDOR CASAPU – ETERNAL CHAMPION” REVISTA Militară. STUDII DE Securitate și Apărare PRECISION GUIDED MISSILES: ANALYSIS Veaceslav PERJU1 The general data are presented related to the certain types of the precision guided missiles (PGMs) produced in China, India, Israel, Russia, Turkey and USA. The analysis of PGMs was made concerning the guidance technologies, range of activity, destination, platform launch, speed and precision of target hitting. Keywords: precision, guidance, missile, range, destination, platform, launch, target, hitting. INTODUCTION In section 4 are presented the data re- Precision guided missiles (PGMs) rep- garding the destination of the PGMs. The resents one of the key modern military PGMs were classified in the following technology in many countries due to ability groups: anti-air, anti-ground targets, anti- to destroy the targets with great accuracy, ships, anti-submarines and anti-tanks. It to avoid a collateral damage, to minimize was determined the percentage of the civilian and military casualties. PGMs of different groups. The PGMs can solve tactical, operation- In section 5 there were determined the al-tactical, operational and strategic objec- main kinds of the PGMs launching plat- tives. Forces with high precision weapons forms: air launched – from aircrafts and and delivery systems for them become the helicopters; ship-launched; submarine- main factor of deterring large-scale con- launched and land - launched. It was deter- flicts and local wars. mined the percentage of the different kinds In section 1 of the article are presented of the used launching platforms. the general data of some types of the PGMs In section 6 was determined of the tar- produced in China, India, Israel, Russia, gets accessing time based on the speed of Turkey and USA. the PGMs and their range of activity. In section 2 there were determined the In section 7 is described the PGM’ pre- guidance technologies (GT) used in PGMs - cision of the target hitting (PTH). As metric TV, Radio, Wire, Radar, Laser, Satellite, of PTH was used Circular Error Probability Inertial, Digital Scene Matching Area Cor- (CEP). It was determined the diapason of relation (DSMAC) and Thermal/Infrared the CEP for PGMs of different operational technologies. It was established the fre- range and guidance technologies. GEOPOLITICĂ quency of using the GT in PGMs and of the ȘI 1. THE GENERAL DATA OF THE number of GT used in one PGM. PRECISION GUIDED MISSILES In section 3 are described the categories of the PGMs depending of their range of For analysis there are selected 36 types activity: of short, medium and long range. of the precision guided missiles, produced It was determined the percentage of the in China, India, Israel, Russia, Turkey and \ SECURITATE PGMs of different categories. USA (Table 1). The general data of the 6 1 Veaceslav PERJU, doctor habilitate, Armed Forces Military Academy, Republic of Moldova. REVISTA Militară. NR. 1 (21) / 2019 described PGMs are presented in the Table nologies, range of activity, weight-diam- A1 (Annex 1). eter-length parameters, destination, plat- The analysis shows that the PGMs are form launch, speed and precision of the characterized by different guidance tech- target hitting. Table 1. PGMs by countries and types Nr. Country Types/references 1. China CHETA HY-1/HY-2/HY-4/C-611 Silkworm [11,35,36]; CHETA KD-63 [11, 37]; CHETA YJ-8/YJ-81/C-801, YJ-82/C-802 and YJ-83/C-803 [10, 11, 38]; HN-1/2/3 [13, 39]; 2. India 3K-55/3M-55/Kh-61 Yakhont/PJ-10 Brahmos A/S [9, 11, 40] 3. India and Novator 3M-54 Club/Kalibr[11, 41] China 4. Israel LAHAT [17, 19, 42, 43] 5. Russia Kh-31P/A/MP/MA [11, 15, 44]; Kornet-EM [12, 45]; Palma/Sosna [12, 46, 47]; Raduga3M-80, 3M-82 and Kh-41 Moskit[11, 48, 49]; Raduga Kh-22M Burya[11, 50, 51]; Raduga Kh-55/55M/SM Kent [11, 16, 52]; Raduga Kh-59/59M/D Ovod[11, 53]; Ugroza[19, 54]; 9K111 Fagot [26, 27]; 9K114 Shturm[28, 29]; 9K115 Metis M1 [30-32]; 9K720 Iskander[33, 34]; 9M113M Konkurs[14, 55] 6. Turkey Cirit [19, 56] 7. USA AGM-65B/H/J/KMaverick[5, 19, 20]; AGM-65D/F/G Maverick [57]; AGM-84Harpoon [11, 58, 59]; AGM-86C CALCM [20, 60, 61]; AGM-88 HARM [7, 19, 62]; AGM-114 Hellfire[2, 19, 63]; AGM-123 Skipper II [3, 19, 64]; AGM-142 series [4, 11, 65]; AGM-158 JASSM [3, 20, 66, 67]; APKWS [1, 8, 19, 68, 69]; BGM-71 TOW [22, 23]; BGM-109 Tomahawk [20, 70, 71]; FGM-148 Javelin [24, 25]; MGM-140 ATACMS [18, 72]; SLAM/SLAM-ER [6, 20, 21, 73] 2. THE GUIDANCE TECHNOLOGIES used the Radar and Inertial technologies – USED IN PGMs every of them in 12 PGMs (17,4%). Follows the Thermal/Infrared technol- GEOPOLITICĂ In the Table 2 are described the guid- ogies – in 10 PGMs (14,5%), Laser and Sat- ȘI ance technologies used in PGMs, such as TV, Radio, Wire, Radar, Laser, Satellite, ellite technologies – in 9 PGMs (13,1%) of Inertial, Digital Scene Matching Area Cor- each, TV technologies – in 7 PGMs (10%), relation (DSMAC) and Thermal/Infrared DSMAC technologies – in 5 PGMs (7,3%), technologies. Wire technologies – in 4 PGMs (5,8%) and The analysis of the data shows, that in Radio technologies – in 1 PGM (1,4%). the guidance systems most frequently are \ SECURITATE 7 REVISTA Militară. STUDII DE Securitate și Apărare Table 2. PGMs guidance technologies Guidance PGMs PGM’ nr in Table A1 PGM’ kind technology Nr % 1. Radar 3,5,6,13,15, 12 17,4 AGM-84, AGM-88 HARM, AGM- 114 Hellfire, CHETA HY-1/HY-2/ 19,23,25,26, HY-4/C-611 Silkworm, CHETA YJ-8/ YJ-81/C-801, YJ-82/C-802 and YJ- 27,28,31 83/C-803, Kh-31P/A/MP/MA, Nova- tor 3M-54 Club/Kalibr, Raduga 3M- 80, 3M-82 and Kh-41 Moskit, Raduga Kh-22M Burya, Raduga Kh-55/55M/ SM Kent, Raduga Kh-59/59M/D Ovod, 3K-55/3M-55/Kh-61 Yakhont/ PJ-10 Brahmos A/S 2.
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