FEBRUARY SHAMAR’S WAR THE STAR KING OH, TO BE'A-BtuBEL by by by KRIS NEVILLE JACK VANCE PHILIP K. DICK A New Complete Novelette 1964 GRANDMOTHER A New EARTH Complete by J. Novelette T. MdNTQSH DON’T CLIP THE COUPON- — if you want to keep your copy of Galaxy intact for permanent possession!* Why mutilate a good thing? But, by the same token... if you're devotee enough to want to keep your copies in mint condition, you ought to subscribe. You really ought to. For one thing, you get your copies earlier. For another, you’re sure you'll get them! Sometimes newsstands run out — the mail never does. (And you can just put your name and address on a plain sheet of paper and mail it to us, at the address below. We’ll know what you mean... provided you enclose your check!) In the past few years Galaxy has published the finest stories by the finest writers in the field - Bester, Heinlein, Pohl, Asimov, Sturgeon, Leiber and nearly everyone else. In the next few years it will go right on, with stories that are just as good ... or better. Don’t miss any issue of Galaxy. You can make sure you won’t. Just subcribe today. *(lf, on the other hand, your habit is to read them once and go on to something new - please - feel free to use the coupon! It’s for your convenience, not ours.) U GALAXY Publishing Corp., 421 Hudson Street, New York 14, N. Y. (50c additional per 6 issues Enter my subscription for the New Giant 196-page Galaxy foreign postage) (U. S. Edition only) for: Issues $2.50 Issues Issues |] 6 @ 12 @ $4.50 24 @ $8.50 51 Name City... If il Address Zone. .State.. • * r POPIXA! - • $0 . ± "''iiTirn Galaxy r MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964 • Vol. 22, No. 3 FREDERIK POHL Editor CONTENTS WILLY LEY Science Editor NOVELETTES ^SOL COHEN Publisher ' IS GRANDMOTHER EARTH . 7 DAVID\PERTON * by J. T. McIntosh - & A t Production Manager j, SHAMAR'S WAR . ^ JOHN ASSANTE by Kris Neville Art - Director SHORT STORIES V * DAVE GELLER, ASSOC i£c Advertising O ' OH, TO BE A BLOBELI • 4 • 89 «Cv . by Philip K. Dick GALAXY MAGAZINE is published A BAD DAY FOR VERMIN 35 bi^iwhthly by Galaxy Publishing by Keith Laumer .^Corporation. Main offices: 421 New York 108''' Hudson Street 14, THE AWAKENING \ N. Y. 50c per copy. Subscrip- by Jack Sharkey tion: (6 copies) $2.50 per year in the United States, Canada, Mexico, South and Central - SERIAL Conclusion America and U. S. Possessions. Elsewhere $3.50. Second-class THE STAR KING 114 postage paid at New York, N. Y. by Jack Vance Copyright, New York 1963, by Galaxy Publishing Corporation, Robert M. Guinn, President. All SCIENCE FEATURE rights, including translations reserved. All material submitted FOR YOUR INFORMATION 76 must be accompanied by selt- by Willy Ley addressed stamped envelopes. The publisher assumes no re- DEPARTMENTS sponsibility for unsolicited ma- terial. All stories printed in EDITORIAL 4 this magazine are fiction, and any similarity betwee'n charac- by Frederik Pohl ters and actual persons is coincidental. FORECAST 194 Printed in the U. S. A. By The Guinn Co., Inc. N Y. Cover by EMSH from GRANDMOTHER EARTH Title Reg. U. S. Pat. Off THE PAPER TIGER 'IXThen the New York City sub- Headless Horseman” and the * ’ way system purchased a subway officials term “the Auto- modified and rather rudimentary mated Train” it seems pretty computer and installed it in the clear that there’s a way still to cab of one of its subway trains, go. The automated train was, the operating union took an ex- to begin with, given the simplest tremely dim view of it. They sus- job in the system — it shuttles pected that if this experiment back and forth from Times worked it would be only a step to Square to Grand Central, never automating all transportation and switching, never stopping except thus to throwing the city’s whole at the ends of the line. It is a force of motormen and conduc- job that an idiot could do pretty tors out of work. well, and in fact the Headless In this suspicion they were un- Horseman does it in about the doubtedly right. It’s true that it style of an idiot . and a neu- seems likely it would be a rather rotic and heavy-handed idiot, at long step, not to be taken in a that. It bumps irresolutely to its hurry. After a year’s experience terminal and, as soon as it real- with what Mike Quill calls “the izes it is there, flies into a panic 4 GALAXY . nd$ were Rosicrftctans WHAT SECRET POWER DID THEY POSSESS? Why were these men great? Benjamin Franklh How does anyone — man or woman — achieve greatness? Is it not by mastery of the powers within ourselves ? Know the mysterious world within you ! Attune yourself to the wisdom of the ages! Grasp the inner power of your mind ! Learn the secrets of a full and peaceful life! Benjamin Franklin, statesman and inventor. Isaac Newton, discoverer of the Law of Gravita- Isaac Newton tion . Francis Bacon, philosopher and scientist . like many other learned and great men and women . were Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucians (NOT a religious organization) have been in existence for centuries. Today, headquarters of the Rosicrucians send over seven million pieces of mail annually to all parts of the world. WTe ROSICRUCIANS San Jose (AMORC) California, FrancMBacon U.S.A. Scribe L.E.W. THIS BOOK FRI The ROSICRUCIANS SEND THIS COUPON (AMORC) Wrneforyour FREE San Jose, California, U.S.A. Please send the copy of “The Mas- me free book. The Mastery of Life, which explains hpw I may learn to use my faculties tery of Life" — and powers of mind. TODAY. No ob- Name , ; ligation. A non- profit organiza- Address- tion. Address : City Srribtf L.E.W. State— 5 — and jams on the brakes . while more than two hundred years. It the standby human motorman began with the steam textile mills scowls into a dark future with his in England; it grew with the in- hands in his pockets. troduction of the cotton gin in Why is the standby motorman the South. It came to a head a there? To take over in case of third of a century ago in what emergency, says the union. To was then called “rationalization” provide a means of testing and — or sometimes, “the assembly studying the equipment, says the line” — and indeed it did lead to company. But in fact he is there serious stress, playing a part in for only one reason — because the cause and prolongation of if the subway system hadn’t the Great Depression. agreed to employ him there the Automation is only a part of a employees would have gone out larger process — the continuing on strike, feeling, with much growth of techniques to increase logic, that the time to deal with the productivity of the individual a threat is before it gets too big worker. Granted that this has to handle. over the last couple of centuries abolished tens of millions of jobs. uestion is, how big is the Can you imagine anyone apply- Q threat going to get? And ing for any of those jobs today? more important — when is it go- There are simply some jobs ing to happen? that are too boring, too arduous, It is our opinion — admitted- too pointless for a human being ly backed by nothing much in the to do. These are the jobs that way of a guarantee, because we automation is out to get, just as don’t expect to be around long its predecessors have got the jobs enough to be called on it — that of picking the seeds out of cot- the worst fears of the opponents ton bolls and running a loom with of automation will never be real- a foot-treadle. ized because (a) the great dis- If it hadn’t been for previous astrous upsurge in unemploy- similar developments, a lot of us ment simply won’t happen and would have been doing those (b) anyway, most of it has hap- jobs today. Those jobs are gone pened already! For the tendency so those of us who would have to develop ways for two men to had them are, in a sense unem- do what used to be ten men’s ployed. work is not something that was And frankly — we’re doing invented with automation. It has pretty well out of it, aren’t we? been going on for something —FREDERIK POHL 6 GALAXY GRANDMOTHER EARTH by j. t. mcintosh ILLUSTRATED BY FINLAY Old Earth was dying, and neither courage nor strength could save it . but perhaps vanity could! I was in itself intriguing. There were scarcely any strangers any /'"'vne after another the girls in more. There were so few people bikinis and stripsuits on the left that everybody knew nearly beach at Cannes raised their everybody else. heads and preened themselves as The Americas, Asia, Australia the tall, bronzed stranger strode and Africa were all empty, save past along the waterline. They for a few determined hermits. could have saved themselves the The Pyramids, Sydney Bridge, trouble. He didn’t even glance the Grand Canyon and Red at them. Square no longer drew throngs That he should be a stranger of gaping, camera-clicking tour- 7 ists — although they were all anything worth doing, he’s dead. still there, only Sydney Bridge A woman lasts longer because to and Red Square showing signs of the end a certain desire for ad- neglect.
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