2898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 5 REPORTS OF COMMI'ITEES ON PUBLIC MEMORIALS 400. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS American Bar Association petitioning con­ Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memori­ sideration of their resolution with reference to Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of als were presented and referred as fol­ House bill 1025; to the Committee on the committees were delivered to the Clerk lows: Civll Service. for printing and reference to the proper By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legisla­ calendar, as follows: ture of the State of North Dakota, memorial­ izing the President and the Congress of the Mr. CLARK: Committee on Rules. House United States to continue and provide for HOUSE OF. REPRESENTATIVES Resolution 198. Resolution for the consider- the continuation of the program of incentive . ation of House Joint Resolution 14 authoriz­ payments to farmers who increase their pro­ MoNDAY, APRIL 5, 1943 ing the execution of certain obligations under duction in 1943; to the Committee on Appro­ the treaties of 1903 and 1936 with Panama, priations. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. and other commitments; without amend­ Also, memorial of the Legislature of the The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera ment (Rept. No. 340). Referred to the House State of Washington, memorializing the Pres­ Montgomery, D. D., offered the following Calendar. ident and the Congress of the United States prayer: Mr. DIES: Committee on Rules. House to take action relative to the purchase, main­ Resolution 199. Resolution for the consider­ tenance, and operation of bridges across the Glory be to Thy name, 0 Lord Most ation of H. R. 2207, a bill to amend the Columbia River between Washington and Ore­ High. We pray for deliverance from the Nationality Act of 1940; without amendment gon by the United States; to the Committee clanging discords of men and for a high (Rept. No. 341). Referred to the House Cal­ on Ways and Means. grasp of the compelling realities which endar. make a people grand and enduring. In PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS this day which maintains self and ma­ PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS terialism, enable us to put conscience Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public and character as our primary quests. bills and resolutions were introduced With these virtues· intellect and talent bills and resolutions were introduced and and severally referred as follows: severally referred as follows: pass into hcnor and a splendid fruition. By Mr. ANGELL: Reaffirm our unswerving convictions By Mr. HANCOCK: H. R. 2384. A bill for the relief of Frank A. to the everlasting verity that there is H. R. 2376. A bill to amend· the Internal McMenamin; to the Committee on Claims. Revenue Code with respect to the allowances By Mr. BUFFET!': no name under Heaven by which we can and abatement of income taxes assessed H. R . 2385. A bill for the relief of Nadine be saved, but by the name of Jesus only. against members of the armed forces; to the Gorman; to the Committee on Claims. In the passionate struggle for religious Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. COLE of New York: and political freedom, we pray for a re­ By Mrs. NORTON: H. R. 2386. A bill for the relief of Mary vival of godliness which proves itself in H. R. 2377. A bill providing for the option Hurley; to the Committee on Claims. the Golden Rule. Teach us that whither to repurchase by the seller of any lands or By Mr. FITZPATRICK: flow the spiritual streams, they revitalize buildings, or both, or any right or interest· H. R. 2387. A bill for the relief of John and remind us to build. on the impregna­ therein, so~d to the United States of America, Salfi; to the Committee on Claims. together with any improvements made there­ ble Rock of Ages. Keep our hearts pure By Mr. KEFAUVER: and humble, accepting with tranquillity on, when not needed for public use; to the H. R. 2388. A bill for the relief of T. E. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Epperson & Co., Inc.; to the Committee on the yoke of sacrifice without murmur or By Mr. PRIEST: Claims. complaint. Crown us with that spirit H. R. 2378. A bill to amend the Interstate By Mr. LARCADE: which ever avows and champions the Commerce Act with a view to the establish­ H. R. 2389. A bill for the relief of Desire J. determination that all pagan rebels shall ment and maintenance of a uniform classi­ Bouillion; to the Committee on Military Af­ be thrust from their thrones. Thus we fication of freight and a uniform scale of fairs. shall share in the glorious privilege of class rates, to be applicable in the case of By Mr. WENE: the crusaders of truth that freedom shall transportation of property by common car­ H. R. 2390. A bill for the relief of Joseph riers by railroad, and for other purposes; to survive and that the scepter of humanity Scarpella and Dorothy Scarpella; to the Com­ shall be righteousness and peace to all the Committee on Interstate and Foreign mittee on Claims. Commerce. the world. In the name of our Exemplar By Mr. RANKIN: and Saviour. Amen. H. R. 2379. A bill providing for the promo­ PETITIONS, ETC. tion of certain substitute rural carriers; to The Journal of the proceedings of Fri­ the Committee on the Post Office and Post Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions day, April2, 1943, was read and approved. Roads. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE By Mr. ROWE: and referred as follows: H. R. 2380. A bill to require registration of 396 By Mr. THOMASON: Petition of the A message from the Senate, by Mr. persons engaged in influencing legislat ion or board of trustees of the independent school Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced Government contracts and activities; to the district of the city of El Paso, Tex., urging that the Senate had passed without Committee on the Judiciary. the enactment of Senate bill 637, providing amendment bills and a concurrent reso­ By Mr. SHAFER: Federal aid for public schools; to the Com­ lution of the House of the following H. R . 2381. A bill to provide that in deter­ mittee on Education. titles: 397. By Mr. HOLMES of Washington: Reso­ mining need of individuals claiming old-age H. R. 218. An act for the relief of H. F. assistance $240 per year of the income and lution of the building and construction Mathis; resources of such individuals may be disre­ trades section of the Washington State H. R. 227. An act for the relief of the Tours garded; to tbe Committee on Ways and Federation of Labor adopted at convention Apartment Hotel; held in Yakima, Wash., March 13 and 14, Means. H. R. 402. An act for the relief of Frank T. 1943, requesting that the authority of local Been; By Mr. TAYLOR: housing · authorities be extended in order H. R. 2382. A bill to provide for the estab­ H. R. 598. An act for the relief of ThQlma that the housing program may be expedited; Cannon McGroary; lishment of a national cemetery in the Sara­ to the Committee on Banking and Currency. toga National Historical Park; to the Com­ H. R. 605. An act for the relief of Shumate 398. Also, resolution of building and con­ Investment Co.; mittee on the Public Lands. struction trades section of the Washington By Mr. CHAPMAN: H. R. 1128. An act for the relief of Bernice State Federation of Labor adopted at con­ James; H. R. 2383. A bill to amend the act known vention held in Yakima, Wash., March 13 and H. R.l131. An act for the relief of the as the Insecticide Act of 1910 (36 Stat. 14, 1943, requesting that Seattle be removed estate of Ola Fowler; 331), approved April 26, 1910; to the Com­ from list of critical labor supply centers H. R. 1276. An act for the relief of Raymond mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. and place on the critical industry list; to the W. Baldwin, Mattie Baldwin, and Clement By Mr. DOUGHTON: Committee on Military Affairs. B. Baldwin; H. J . Res. 111. Joint resolution to extend 399. By Mr. ROLPH: House Resolution No. H. R. 1279. An act for the relief of Lee the authority of the President under section 148 of the State of California, relating to Watts; 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended; to horse racing in California; to the Committee H. R.1459. An act for the relief of Alber­ ' the Committee on Ways and Means. on Agriculture. - tine Nast; 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD~HOUSE 2899 H. R.1639. An act for the relief of Frank S. 734. An act to provide for the transfer tional amount not to exceed $250 to defray and Paulina Rublein and Mrs. Ethel Bowers; of Granville County to tht middle judicial funeral expenses of the said Lyle G. Peck. H. R .' 1691. An act to authorize the Secre­ district of North Carolina; tary of the Navy to pay the costs of trans­ S. 743. An act for the relief of Mr. and Mrs. The SPEAKER. The question is on portation of certam civilian employees, and Walter H. Kindon; agreeing to the resolution. for other purposes; S. 784. An act to amend that part of the The resolution was agreed to, and a H. R. 1724. An act to provide for the re­ act of June 24, 1910 (36 Stat.
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