CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by Marquette University Law School Marquette Law Review Volume 100 Article 8 Issue 4 Summer 2017 What's Wrong with Partial Intestacy? Richard F. Storrow School of Law, City University of New York Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarship.law.marquette.edu/mulr Part of the Estates and Trusts Commons, and the Property Law and Real Estate Commons Repository Citation Richard F. Storrow, What's Wrong with Partial Intestacy?, 100 Marq. L. Rev. 1387 (2017). Available at: http://scholarship.law.marquette.edu/mulr/vol100/iss4/8 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at Marquette Law Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Marquette Law Review by an authorized editor of Marquette Law Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 137 Side A 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵ʹ͵͵Ǧͷ ͷǦͶǦͻͶǦͲͷʹ͵ͻʹȋȌ ȀͳͶȀʹͲͳǣͲͶ WHAT’S WRONG WITH PARTIAL INTESTACY? Ǥȗ This article questions whether wills law’s disapproval of partial intestacy rests on defensible assumptions about testamentary intent. After examining the causes of and antidotes to partial intestacy, I make three primary points. First, the presumption against intestacy applies only to wills that contain an ambiguous bequest of the residue. Second, the law’s disapproval of partial intestacy is due in part to its failure to make an important distinction between testamentary intention and dispositive intention. Third, a theory of passive intention, heretofore barely alluded to in the law of wills, supplies the necessary validation of partially intestate estates. Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳ͵ͺͺ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳ ͵ ͻ Ͳ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳ͵ͻͳ ͳǤ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳ͵ͻͳ ʹǤ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳ͵ͻͶ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳ͵ͻ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳ͵ͻͺ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳ͵ͻͺ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶͲͷ Ǥ ǦǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶͳͲ 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 137 Side A 07/17/2017 08:32:28 Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶͳʹ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶͳͶ ͳǤ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶͳͶ ʹǤ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶͳͻ Ǥ ǣ ǤǤǤǤͳͶʹͳ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶʹʹ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶʹͶ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶʹ Ǥ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳͶ͵ͳ ȗǡ ǡǡʹǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ̷Ǥ Ǥ C M Y K 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 137 Side B 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵ʹ͵͵Ǧͷ ͷǦͶǦͻͶǦͲͷʹ͵ͻʹȋȌ ȀͳͶȀʹͲͳǣͲͶ ͳ͵ͺͺ MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW ȏͳͲͲǣͳ͵ͺ Ǥ DzȏȐ ǯ ǯǤdzͳ Ǥ Ǥ ǡDzǮȏȐ ǡǡ Ǥǯdzʹ ǡ Ǥ͵ ǡǡ ǣ Hughes v. Allenȏ͵ͳ ǤͶͺ͵Ȑ Ǣ Ǥ ǯ Ȅ Dz dzDzdzȄ ǤͶ Dz ǡdzͷ 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 137 Side B 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͳǤ ǤǤʹǦͳͲͳȋȌȋʹͲͳͲȌǡͺǤͳǤǤǤͻͺȋʹͲͳ͵ȌǢee also ǤǤ ȚͶͲͲȋͳͻͻͲȌǢǤǤǤͳʹȚͷͲͳȋʹͲͳȌǢ ǤǤȚ͵ʹǤͳͲͳȋʹͲͳͷȌǢͷͷ ǤǤ ǤͷȀͶǦͳͶǢ ǤȚʹͻǦͳǦʹǦͶǢ Ț͵͵ǤʹʹǢǤǤǡǤƬȚ͵ǦͳͲͳǢ ǤǤȚͻͳǦͳǦͳ͵ǢǤǤǤȚͶͶǤͲ͵ǢǤǤǤȚͳ͵ʹǤͳͻͷǢʹͲǤǤ ȚʹͳͲͳȋȌǢǤǤǤȚʹǦʹǦͳͲͳȋʹͲͲͻȌǤ ʹǤ ʹ Ǥ ǡ ʹ͵ͷȋ͵ǤͳͺȌǡ Ǥǡ ͳͺͻͺ͵ʹͳʹǡȗȗͷȋ ǤǤǤǤͳǡͳͺͻͺȌǤ ͵. See, e.g.ǡ ǯǡ ʹ ǤǤǤʹ ͷͶͶǡ ͷͶͷ ȋǤ Ǥ ͳͻͻͷȌǢ ǡͶͶͺǤʹʹͺǡ͵ͳȋ ǤǤǤǤͳͻͺͶȌǢee also ǡͶͻ Ǥʹ͵͵ǡ͵͵ͻȋ ǤͳͻͷͲȌȋ ǯ ȌǤ ͶǤ ǤǡThe Time Gap in Wills: Problems under Georgia’s Lapse Statutes, Ǥ ǤǤʹͺǡʹͻȋͳͻʹȌǤ ͷǤ Ǥ ǡ͵ʹǤǤ͵ͶͶͶǡͶͶͺȋǤʹͲͳͲȌǢǯ Ǥ ǡ ͳ ǤǤʹ ͳͲǡ ͳͷ ȋǤǤ ʹͲͲͷȌǢ ǡ ͵ ǤǤʹ ͻͳǡ ͻ ȋ Ǥ ͳͻͺͷȌȋ ǡ Ǥǡ ȌǤ C M Y K 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 138 Side A 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵ʹ͵͵Ǧͷ ͷǦͶǦͻͶǦͲͷʹ͵ͻʹȋȌ ȀͳͶȀʹͲͳǣͲͶ ʹͲͳȐ WHAT’S WRONG WITH PARTIAL INTESTACY? ͳ͵ͺͻ Ǥinterpret ǯ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ construe ǯ Ǥ presumed Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ ǡͺ ǯǤ ǡ ǡ presence Ǥ ǡͻDzdz ǤͳͲ ǡ ǡ ǯ 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 138 Side A 07/17/2017 08:32:28 Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ͷͻͻ ǤǤʹ ͺͶǡ ͺͷͳ ȋǤ Ǥ Ǥ ͳͻͻͻȌ ȋ Dz dzȌǤ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Judicial Discretion and the Disappearing Distinction Between Will Interpretation and Construction, ͷǤǤǤǤǤͷǡͺͲȂͺͳȋʹͲͲͷȌǤ ͺǤ ǤǡStepfamilies in the Law of Intestate Succession and Wills, ʹʹǤǤ ǤǤͻͳǡͻͳͺȋͳͻͺͻȌǤ DzǤdz ǡ Intestate Intent: Presumed Will Theory, Duty Theory, and the Flaw of Relying on Average Decedent Intent, ͶͻǤǤƬǤ ǤͷͷǡͷȋʹͲͳͷȌǤ ͻǤ ǤǯǡͳͺͶǤǤʹͻͳͳǡͻͳ͵ȋǤͳͻͶͷȌǤ ͳͲǤ ǡ ʹʹ Ǥ͵ ͺǡ ͷǡ ͺͲǡ ͺͳ ȋǤ ʹͲͳʹȌȋǯ ȌǤ C M Y K 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 138 Side B 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵ʹ͵͵Ǧͷ ͷǦͶǦͻͶǦͲͷʹ͵ͻʹȋȌ ȀͳͶȀʹͲͳǣͲͶ ͳ͵ͻͲ MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW ȏͳͲͲǣͳ͵ͺ Ǥ ǡ ǡǤ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡǤ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǯ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 138 Side B 07/17/2017 08:32:28 Ǥ ǡ Ǥǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡǡ C M Y K 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 139 Side A 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵ʹ͵͵Ǧͷ ͷǦͶǦͻͶǦͲͷʹ͵ͻʹȋȌ ȀͳͶȀʹͲͳǣͲͶ ʹͲͳȐ WHAT’S WRONG WITH PARTIAL INTESTACY? ͳ͵ͻͳ Ǥ Ǥͳͳ ǡͳʹ ǯͳ͵ ǤͳͶ Ǥͳͷ ǡǡDz̈́ͳͲͲǡͲͲͲ Ǥdzͳ ǡ ǡ Ǥͳ ǡ Ǥͳͺ ǯ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ A. Residuary Bequest Dzǯ ǡdzͳͻ Ǥ ǡ ǯǤǡ ǡ Ǥ ͳǤ 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 139 Side A 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ǡǡʹͲ ͳͳǤ ǯǡǤʹʹͶǡʹͶȋ ǤͳͻͶʹȌǤ ͳʹ.Id. ͳ͵. See, e.g.ǡ Ǥ ǡͷͺʹǤǤʹͻͶͻǡͻͷͳǡǤ͵ȋǤͳͻͻͳȌǤ ͳͶ. See, e.g.ǡ ǡͶͶǤǤʹͷͷͷǡͷͷȋǤǤʹͲͲͺȌǤ ͳͷǤ ǡ͵͵ǤǤʹͷͳǡͷͶȋǤǤǤʹͲͲͳȌǤ ͳǤ Ƭ Ǥ ǡ ǡǡ͵ͶȋͻǤʹͲͳ͵ȌǤ ͳ.Id. ͳͺ. See idǤ ͳͻǤ ǡ ͷͺ ǤǤǤʹ ǡ ȋǤ Ǥ ͳͻͻʹȌǤ See also Ǥ Ƭ ǤǡʹͲͳͶʹͻͺʹͲǡȗ͵ȋǤǤǤ ǤʹͺǡʹͲͳͶȌȋDz ǤǤǤ ǤdzȌȋȌǤ ʹͲ. See, e.g.ǡ ǤǡͳͶͻǤʹͷǡͷͺȋǤͳͻͷͻȌǢ ǡͺǤ͵ͳͳͲǡ ͳͳͲȋǤǤǤʹͲͳ͵ȌǢǤǡǤǦͳ͵Ͳ͵ͷǡʹͲͳͶʹͻͷʹͶʹǡȗͳȋǤ C M Y K 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 139 Side B 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵ʹ͵͵Ǧͷ ͷǦͶǦͻͶǦͲͷʹ͵ͻʹȋȌ ȀͳͶȀʹͲͳǣͲͶ ͳ͵ͻʹ MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW ȏͳͲͲǣͳ͵ͺ ǯǡʹͳǯ ǡʹʹǯ ǡǡ Ǥʹ͵ ǡͳͶͷ ǡ Ǧ ǤʹͶ Ǥǡ ǡDzȏȐ Ǥdzʹͷ Holcomb v. NewtonǤʹ Ǥʹ Ǥ ȋ ȌǡǤʹͺ ǣDz ǡ ǡ ǤdzʹͻǢ Ǥ ʹǡʹͲͳͶȌǢǤǡǤʹͶͳͻǦ ǡʹͲͳ͵ͷ͵ͻͻͳǡȗͳȋǤǤ Ǥ ʹǡʹͲͳ͵ȌǢǤǡ͵ͺ͵ǤǤʹ͵ͺ͵ǡ͵ͺͷȋǤͳͻͶȌȋ Ǣ ȌǢ ǡͳͺͳ ǤǤ͵͵ͶͶǡ͵ͷͷȋǤǤǤʹͲͲͷȌǤ ǡǤǡMyWill Be Done: Accommodating the Erring and the Atypical Testator, ͺͲǤǤǤ͵ͺǡͶʹͳǡǤͳͶ 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 139 Side B 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ȋʹͲͲͳȌǤ ʹͳ. See, e.g.ǡ ǡͺʹǤǤʹǡͳȋ ǤǤʹͲͲͷȌǢ Ǥ ǡʹͲͳͶ͵ͳʹǡʹͲͳͶͻ͵ͳͷǤͺȋǤǤǤǤȌǤ ʹʹǤ ǤǡIrresolute Testators, Clear and Convincing Wills Law, ͵ ǤƬǤ Ǥ͵ǡͺȋʹͲͳȌǤ ʹ͵. See, e.g.ǡ Milamǡ ͳͺͳ ǤǤ͵ ͵ͷͷ ȋ ȌǤ ǤSee, e.g.ǡ ǡ ͵͵ ǤǤǤʹ ͺͳǡ ͺͻ ȋǤ Ǥ ͳͻʹȌ ȋ ǯǯȌǤ ʹͶǤ ǡIn Their Own Hand: An Analysis of Holographic Wills and Homemade Willmaking, Ͷ͵ǤǤƬǤǤ ǤʹǡͶͻȋʹͲͲͺȌǤ ʹͷǤ ǤǡͷʹͺǤǤʹͳ͵͵ͳǡͳ͵͵ͷȋǤǤͳͻͺȌǤ ʹǤ ʹʹǤǤʹͲȋǤǤǤͳͻͷͲȌǤ ʹ.Id.ͳǤ ʹͺ.Id.ʹǤ ʹͻ.Id. C M Y K 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 140 Side A 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵ʹ͵͵Ǧͷ ͷǦͶǦͻͶǦͲͷʹ͵ͻʹȋȌ ȀͳͶȀʹͲͳǣͲͶ ʹͲͳȐ WHAT’S WRONG WITH PARTIAL INTESTACY? ͳ͵ͻ͵ Ǥ͵Ͳ Ǥ In re Estate of Oliverio Ǥ͵ͳ Ǧ Ǥ͵ʹ ǡ Ǥ͵͵ Ǧ ǯǡ DzǦ ȋͳȀ͵Ȍ dz Dz Ǥdz͵Ͷ ǯ ǡ Ǥ͵ͷ ǡ Ǥ In re Will of Shannon.͵ ǡ Ǧ Ǧ Ǥ͵ Ǧ Ǥ͵ͺǡǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ Ǥ͵ͻ Bowman v. Brown, 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 140 Side A 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵Ͳ.Id.͵Ǥ ͵ͳǤ ǡͶͳͷǤǤǤʹ͵͵ͷǡ͵͵ͺȋǤǤͳͻͻȌǤ ͵ʹ.Id.͵͵ͻǤ ͵͵.Id. ͵Ͷ.Id. ͵ͶͲǤ ͵ͷ.IdǤ͵͵ͺǡ͵ͶͳǤ ͵Ǥ ͷͺǤǤǤʹȋǤǤͳͻͻʹȌǤ ͵.IdǤǤ ͵ͺ.IdǤ ͵ͻ.Id. See alsoǤǡͳǤǤͷǡͺͶȂͺͷȋͳͻͲ͵ȌȋǦ ȌǤ C M Y K 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 140 Side B 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͵ʹ͵͵Ǧͷ ͷǦͶǦͻͶǦͲͷʹ͵ͻʹȋȌ ȀͳͶȀʹͲͳǣͲͶ ͳ͵ͻͶ MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW ȏͳͲͲǣͳ͵ͺ ǤͶͲ ǡ ǯ ǤͶͳ ǯ Ǥ ǡIn re White, ǤͶʹ ǤͶ͵ ǤͶͶ ǤͶͷ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǤͶ ǡ Ǥ ǡǯǯ ǡ ǡǤͶ ʹǤ Dz ǡ ǤdzͶͺ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡͶͻ ǡͷͲ 39332-mqt_100-4 Sheet No. 140 Side B 07/17/2017 08:32:28 ͶͲǤ ǤǡͳͶͻǤʹͷǡͷȋǤͳͻͷͻȌǤ Ͷͳ.Id. ͲǤ ͶʹǤ ǡͷǤʹʹͲǡʹͳȋǤǤͳͻȌǤ Ͷ͵.Id. ͶͶ.Id. Ͷͷ.Id. Ͷ. See, e.g.ǡ ǡͺͳǤǤͶ͵ǡͶ͵ͺȋǤǤǤͳͻͻȌǤ Ͷ. See, e.g.ǡ ǯǡͳͲʹǤʹͶͶ͵ǡͶͶȋǤǤǤͳͻͶͲȌǤ ͶͺǤ ǤƬǤǤǡͺǤͳͲͺͻǡͳͲͻ͵ȋǤͳͻͳ͵ȌǤ ͶͻǤ ǡ Ǥ ǡsee, e.g.
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