BUSSHIN OCTOBER 2011 BUDDHIST CHURCH OF OAKLAND BUSSHIN september 2011 Volume 54 Number 9 What Should You Call Me? Reflections on Language BY REVEREND HARRY GYOKYO BRIDGE anguage is a fundamental as a “fellow traveler/fellow prac- remember why I am a minister Lpart of human existence. ticer” (ondobo/ondogyo). This – not to be revered by others, not We often take it for granted, but reminds us that in Jodo Shinshu to be known as a teacher, but to language is always with us, color- we are all equal in the eyes of help engage in the spread of the ing our perceptions of the world Amida Buddha. Buddha Dharma. and ourselves. Buddhism says But is “sensei” any better? This In gassho, a lot about this, whether in the is a traditional term of respect in Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge doctrine of the Two Truths, the Japanese society, used not only for Yogachara doctrine of “Mind- ministers but also for doctors and Only,” or even Shinran’s under- teachers. In Chinese, it actually IN THIS ISSUE standing of Nembutsu alone as just means “mister.” So there is “true and real.” nothing intrinsically “ministerial” These are very difficult ex- about it. It is actually an expres- Minister’s Message 1 amples, and I won’t take them sion of respect, so in a way it is up here. Instead, I would like to similar to “reverend.” Sometimes, Temple Tidbits 2 look at an interesting set of terms we might like it better simply be- that carry a lot of linguistic bag- cause it is in Japanese. Youth Exchange Trip to Japan 2 gage: “reverend” and “sensei.” In I personally am comfortable In Memoriam 2 the BCA we use both, but both with both terms. I understand are potentially problematic. Usu- that we have been using these Golf Tournament 2 ally, “reverend” is used simply as words for a long time, and people a title – it’s what you call the min- are comfortable with them. But it Roof Renovations Campaign 3 ister. But if we think about what is also good sometimes to think it really means – that this person about what words really mean, Words From the Prez 3 should be revered or respected, or and ask questions about whether Momiji Kai News 4 even that this person is reverent or not they accurately express or respectful – we might question what we are trying to say. Maybe Dharma School News 5 its use. Although traditionally there is a better term that minis- the minister in BCA temples was ters could be referred to as. One Newsroom OBWA 5 viewed in this way, does it really idea I had was “Dharma Messen- fit Shinran’s vision? He didn’t see ger” – this is a loose translation A Cordial Welcome to All 6 himself as better than others, stat- of the Japanese term “kaikyoshi.” Shotsuki Memorial Service 7 ing in the Tannisho for example Whether or not it sounds good is that “I do not have even a single another question! For myself, re- Calendar disciple.” Instead, he saw himself flecting on these terms helps me BUSSHIN OCTOBER 2011 TEMPLE TID-BITS In Memoriam BCO Directories with the games and prizes. Don’t The Buddhist Church of Attention BCO members: be a scared-y cat! Oakland extends its deepest please pick up your BCO 2011 condolences to the family of DIRECTORIES in the church Spare Change office before Monday, October Did you know that Buddhism is the following members: all about CHANGE? Contribute 10th. Directories will be mailed Masako Sakaki your spare change to support the to members on that Monday. Be August 1, 2011 sure to check your name, ad- Center for Buddhist Education, dress and telephone numbers for a project of the BCO Dharma Harvey Masao Kido accuracy. Call the office (510) School. Look for the big bottle in August 14, 2011 832-5988 to report changes or the church office. Thank you for Chet Kantor corrections. The church gives your dana. (Husband of Christine Kan- many thanks to Maya Lawrence Youth Exchange Trip tor (Katayama)) and Linda Minamoto for prepar- July, 2011 ing this year’s directory. to Japan BY PAUL NOGUCHI May the family members find Welcome and Farewell t the end of July, BCA comfort and solace in the Nem- Please welcome Glen Yama- Aheld the Young Buddhist butsu, Namu amida butsu. moto as a new member of our International Cultural Study church! We bid a fond farewell to Exchange (YBICSE). Ten BCA members Chiyo & Ben Nakaya members got the opportunity to Golf Tournament who have moved to live in Or- travel to Japan for ten days, and ’d like to invite you to our egon with their family. experience what it’s like to attend Iannual BCO Golf Tourna- Wedding Congratulations morning service, obon odori, stay ment on Oct. 3, Monday at the Congratulations to Maya & with a host family and be a part Sequoyah Country Club. If you Gary Lawrence upon the mar- of a YBA conference overseas at don’t golf, but would still like to riage of their daughter Kate to Hongwanji-ha in Kyoto! participate, please volunteer to Anton Martinez. The happy We were able get a behind the help or donate to the tourney. Of couple resides in Sacramento stage tour of Hongwanji-ha, see the proceeds, 25% will go toward with their dog Eddie. Mt. Hiei, and even meet fellow the Japan tsunami and earthquake Buddhists from Canada and through the BCA. Halloween Party South America. You can volunteer by being Boo! Sunday, October 30th is We had a lot of fun with our hole-in-one witnesses, help with BCO’s annual Halloween Party. host families as well being able to the raffle, or the registration desk. Please join our monsters, prin- go to a Karaoke lounge, bowling, You can also join us for dinner. So cesses, animals and mysterious and even an obutsudon factory. contact the church office or me big characters for a fun afternoon I really enjoyed myself and if you are interested in playing, of games, treats, and a visit to the someday hope to return to donating or volunteering. Haunted House if you dare! We Japan. This was a great trip and Keiju Terada need volunteers to serve lunch I recommend it to other inter- Tournament Committee and help Valerie and Tak Otsuka ested students! Cell: 832-754-9072 2 BUSSHIN OCTOBER 2011 Roof Renovation Campaign Status BY STEVE TERUSAKI we can reduce the remaining Shimoda, June $116,023 of our campaign goal. Shinmoto, Shelley, Scott, Kendall We want to acknowledge and & Kyle thank the donors to the Obon Takayama, Ellen Memorial Lantern Tag program Tanisawa, Ted & Susan and our new Campaign donors Terusaki, Steve & Kathy for the month of August who are Tsujimoto, Daisy listed below. A special thank you Uota, I. to all. Yamaguchi, Kisao Obon Memorial Lantern Tag Yamamoto, Nancy Donors: Yokomizo, Cliff, Donna, Joyce & Endo, Michael Deni Fujimoto, Gloria Yokomizo, Tom Fukuman, Thomas, N. Yokoyama, George H. Furuta, Setsuko Yoshida, Fusae Gray, Lori New Campaign Donors: Hashimoto Karen Ryugo, James Hayashida, JoAnne hank you to the many in- Hiromoto, Mary Words From the Prez Tdividuals who contributed Hiromoto, Mary & Shibata, BY JON TAKAGAKI to the 2011 Obon Memorial Lan- Alice s the summer comes to a tern Tag program. This year the Hirota M/M Akira Aclose, I find myself reflect- program generated $2,150 in do- Hisaoka, Tadao & Patti ing on the recent past, as well as nations to the Roof Campaign. A Isono, Tomi what may be is store in the com- special thank you goes to Bukkyo Kano, Judy ing months. It felt like an appro- Dendo Kyokai America (BDK) Kido, Rosalie priate time to share some of these and Brian Nagata in particular Koda, Tama reflections with you. for the generous donation of red Koizumi, Jane, Alan, Karen, Time Flies When You’re Hav- and white lanterns that graced Gabrielle & Caeli ing Fun! the odori area. In addition to the Kuritsubo, Ruby It truly seems only yesterday Obon Memorial tag program, the Lawrence, Gary & Maya that I participated in the Board Campaign received an additional Naito, Shig & Namie officer installation service. Linda $300 in donations and payments Negoro, George & Dora reminded me the service was in on pledges. The total monies Neishi Alice February! I just wanted to say received for the Campaign now Neishi, Hideso & Dan that I am sincerely enjoying my total $283,977. We are at 71% Nomura, Ron & June role as BCO President. I’m still of our goal of $400,000. To the Otsuka, Makoto, Mary & Family learning the ropes” and continue many that have made their dona- Sakaki, Judy to ask for forgiveness when I tion, a heartfelt thank you; for Sakaue, Ron don’t address an item in a timely those who haven’t yet made a Sasaki, Digger & Agnes manner or just plain make a donation, please consider doing Shibata, Alice & Family Continued on next page so in last quarter of 2011 so that Shimamoto, Mark & Tomita 3 BUSSHIN OCTOBER 2011 Words from the Prez Continued from previous page mistake. I wish to thank the Wednesday of the month. These temple, cultural, and community Board and temple members for evening sessions, intended for events. So, on one hand, there is your patience and support. adults, begin at 7:00 pm. Follow- a degree of “relief” that we don’t It’s been gratifying for me to ing a short service and medita- have to plan, prepare, coordinate, meet temple members and fami- tion, Reverend Bridge intro- and execute for another year.
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