Western Washington University Western CEDAR Geology Faculty Publications Geology 1987 Late Paleozoic Sea Levels and Depositional Sequences Charles A. Ross Western Washington University, [email protected] June R. P. Ross Western Washington University Follow this and additional works at: https://cedar.wwu.edu/geology_facpubs Part of the Geology Commons, and the Paleontology Commons Recommended Citation Ross, Charles A. and Ross, June R. P., "Late Paleozoic Sea Levels and Depositional Sequences" (1987). Geology Faculty Publications. 61. https://cedar.wwu.edu/geology_facpubs/61 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Geology at Western CEDAR. It has been accepted for inclusion in Geology Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Western CEDAR. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research, Special Publication 24, 1987. LATE PALEOZOIC SEA LEVELS AND DEPOSITIONAL SEQUENCES CHARLES A. ROSSI AND JUNE R. P. ROSS2 1 Chevron U.S.A., Inc.,P. O. BOX 1635, Houston, TX 77251 2 Department of Biology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225 ABSTRACT studies on these changes in sea level and their paleogeographic distribution (Ross, 1979; Ross Cyclic sea level charts for the Lower and Ross, 1979, 1981a, 1981b, 1985a, 1985b) are Carboniferous (Mississippian), Middle and Upper elaborated on in this paper with charts in a Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian), and Permian show similar format to that used for Mesozoic and considerable variability in the duration and Cenozoic sea-level cyclic fluctuations by Haq, magnitude of third-order depositional sequences, Hardenbol, and Vail (1987 and this volume). and also in the position of general sea level as represented by second-order sea level. The third-order cycles of sea-level changes Transgressive and highstand system tracts are are global in extent, and not relative, local numerous on the cratonic shelves of the late sea-level changes (Vail and Mitchum, 1977). They Paleozoic continents. Shelf margin wedges are may be grouped together into larger, second-order less well represented except at times of general cycles by major events that partially determined lower sea levels. Most low stand wedges and all broader patterns of late Paleozoic deposition. low stand fan systems are structurally deformed These are comparable to major events that and make up many of the accretionary wedges and determine Mesozoic and Cenozoic depOSitional displaced terranes that lie structurally emplaced patterns. against the former Paleozoic margins of the cratons. In the late Paleozoic the events associated with second-order cycle patterns appear related More than seventy named third-order to tectonic events and changes in paleogeography, depositional sequences (mesothems) seem well such as the various steps in joining together of defined in Carboniferous and Permian rocks. They Euramerica and Gondwana late in Early may be grouped into six named second-order Carboniferous. Similar types of events for the supercycles which in turn are parts of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, for example, would be the Kaskaskia and Absaroka megacycles (or Sloss steps in the opening of the North and South sequences). Atlantic oceans and the Gulf of Mexico or the various steps of the Himalayan orogeny and the Most third-order sequences, wherever closing of the Tethys. Second-order cycles are possible, are named for the marine limestone subdivisions of first-order cycles (or Sloss formation(s) or member(s) that represents the sequences, Sloss, 1963, 1964) which are, at least highstand facies of that particular sequence. It in part, the culmination of a series of trends is also the name bearer of the associated sea seen in second order-cycles, such as the final level rise and fall. The second-order sequences step in JOl.Q].ng Gondwana and Euramerica into are named for areas where the general Lesser Pangaea. In addition to naming and relationships between the second-order sequences describing these late Paleozoic second-order are well shown as in the Upper Mississippi River cycles, we also name and describe the third-order Valley, in southeastern Arizona and southwestern cycles that they contain. New Mexico, and in western Texas. Although glaciation appears to be the cause COMPARISON WITH MESOZOIC/CENOZOIC CYCLES of the relatively snort term sea-level changes associated with tnese sequences, other longer In late Paleozoic strata, it is possible to term causes also are suspected in order to identify interregional unconformities and to explain some of the phenomena. These longer term correlate these from one region to another with causes may relate to timing and rates of plate biostratigraphic evidence. Mitchum and others motions, orogenic events, and mid-oceanic ridge (1977) defined a depositional sequence as "a construction. stratigraphic unit composed of a relatively conformable succession of genetically related strata and bounded at its top and base by INTRODUCTION unconformities or their correlative conform­ ities". Witn the type of detailed physical and During the later part of the Paleozoic Era, biostratigraphic criteria available for late major sea-level fluctuations having about 1 to 3 Paleozoic strata, unconformities have been million years duration (third-order cycles) are consistently usable and traceable, however, the inferred from study of depositional environments identification of correlative conformities in and stratigraphic relations in the rock record in deeper basins has been difficult (or impossible) many parts of the world. The authors' initial to establish and correlate. Therefore, the late 137 138 ROSS AND ROSS Paleozoic cycies discussed in this paper are best sequence-stratigraphy (Fig. 1) are well known in known and most easily studied on the more stable Paleozoic successions, particularly in shallow shelves of cratons. intracratonic basins and their margins. Both types of sequence boundaries are well repre­ With certain differences, sequence­ sented. The first type shows extensive erosion stratigraphy concepts and terminology (Fig. 1) and valley and canyon cutting on the shelves used by Haq and others (1987 and this volume) are during very low sea-level stands below the applied to late Paleozoic cyclic sequences. The cratonic shelf margin (type 1 boundaries or type most obvious difference is the lack of continuity 1 unconformities of the Exxon group) . The second between shelf sediment systems and ocean floor type of sequence boundary is shown by weathering, fan systems. Also, most cratonic margins of non-deposition, minor solution (in carbonates), Paleozoic age do not occupy their former Paleo­ and hard ground development during times when zoic geographic positions (Ross and Ross, 1981b, sea-level stands dropped fo positions at or just 1983). All the Paleozoic cratons and ocean floor above the shelf margin edge (type 2 boundaries or fans have been carried by spreading sea-floor type 2 unconformities of the Exxon group). plates to their present geographic positions. In that process, most Paleozoic margins of the cratons were structurally deformed to various TRANSGRESSIVE AND HIGHSTAND SYSTEM TRACTS degrees and have younger margins made up of complexly folded and faulted accreted terranes The stable parts of Paleozoic cratonic composed of microcratons and fans and margin shelves include a great variety of thin, wide­ deposits (Monger and Ross, 1971). In some cases, spread rock units . Most are fluvial to shallow their reconstruction is not possible because the subtidal deposits of mixed carbonate and clastic sedimentary deposits have been destroyed in sediments that are part of transgressive and subduction zones. Further, because of their highstand systems tracts. Because the topogra­ complex internal structure, accreted terranes are phy of these shelves had extremely low relief not suitable for use in detailed seismic analysis (nearly flat), a small increase or decrease in aimed at reconstructing depositional patterns. sea level resulted in great lateral displacement Such reconstruction is possible for the of the shoreline and the lithofacies and bio­ relatively undeformed Cretaceous and Cenozoic facies. Thus, the actual area available for depositional systems in many parts of the world. retaining additional sediments because of a small Eventually it may be possible to identify strata rise in sea level was very large. These wide in these accreted terranes as being the same age shallow shelf areas also led to warm, very as relatively undeformed strata on the craton shallow, and geographically extensive areas which and, in that way, bring together different parts encouraged carbonate-producing faunal communities of individual sequences. However, it is not to subdivide the environment into many, clearly possible at this time to identify undeformed late defined and bounded, specialized communities. Paleozoic lowstand system wedges and oceanic fans These communities shifted back and forth across on seismic profiles. and laterally along the shelves giving rise to widespread traceable limestones that are only Another difference lies in the depositional slightly diachronous at different places. setting. Most of the rock record on which the Cenozoic sea-level curves and the sequence­ Because of the depositional features of late stratigraphy concepts have been developed are in Paleozoic shelves, during sea-level highstands, clastic-rich depositional settings on passive the small amount of clastic sediment that was cratonic margins,
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