THIS IS THE US MASTER PILOT SCABLIST THE UNIONIST’S EDITION A SCAB is A Person Who is Doing What You’d be Doing if You Weren’t on Strike. A SCAB takes your job, a Job he could not get under normal circumstances. He can only advance himself by taking advantage of labor disputes and walking over the backs of workers trying to maintain decent wages and working conditions. He helps management to destroy his and your profession, often ending up under conditions he/she wouldn't even have scabbed for. No matter. A SCAB doesn't think long term, nor does he think of anything other then himself. His smile shows fangs that drip with your blood, for he willingly destroys families, lives, careers, opportunities and professions at the drop of a hat. He takes from a striker what he knows he could never earn by his own merit: a decent Job. He steals that which others earned at the bargaining table through blood, sweat and tears, and throws it away in an instant - ruining lives, jobs and careers. ONCE A SCAB, ALWAYS A SCAB - NEVER FORGET! Below are brief notes about legal strikes by organized pilots. 1. Century Airlines 1932: Pilots struck to resist wage reduction by E.L Cord, the patron saint of Frank Lorenzo. 2. TWA 1946: Pilots struck over pay on faster 4 engine aircraft, limited by the provisions of Decision 83. 3. National Airlines 1948: Strike over aircraft safety and repeated violations of the labor contract. 4. Western Airlines 1958: Qualifications of the Flight Engineer. 5. Southern Airways 1960: Strike over wage rates at regional carrier vs. larger airline. 6. Rio Airways 1976: Pilots represented by the Union of Professional Airmen, an ALPA affiliate, struck over issues of seniority, pay, safety and system board neutrality after failing to negotiate first contract. 7. Wien Air Alaska 1977: Crew complement on B-727. 8. Continental Airlines 1983: Struck to resist Frank Lorenzo’s use of Bankruptcy Law to abrogate labor contracts. 9. Pan American 1985: Pilots MEC elected to honor TWU picket line. These people did not honor that strike. 10. United Airlines 1985: Forced by mgmt to strike over B-Scale pay rates and the company attempt to break UAL ALPA. 11. Eastern Airlines 1989: Pilots honored IAM picket lines against Frank Lorenzo’ s asset-stripping of EAL to favor Continental. 12. AFAP 1989: Australian Federation of Air Pilots at 4 domestic airlines quit to protect retirement after disputing government wage control program. Some Americans, among others, happily filled in. 13 Comair 2001: Pilots struck over poor pay and work rules. They fought to end the second class treatment of all Small Jet pilots. Other Notes: The "Ident" column gives employee number, Soc. Sec. #, date of birth (dob), ATP number, date of hire (doh), or other means of identification. "Seniority Suit" means those Scabs at UAL who sued the union and the company to prevent the 570 from regaining their proper seniority position. "Fleet Qualified" (FQ, Flt Qual, etc.) are those hired off the street under a special pay plan and with promises of super-seniority to replace union pilots at United. ALPA – Some scabs are ALPA members because the ’85 Back-to-Work agreement forced the union not to “discriminate” against the back-stabbers who tried to steal their jobs and seniority. Some Scabs never resigned from the union and continue to pay dues. Some scabs did some penance and were forgiven by ALPA (but NOT forgotten) and re-admitted. Some simply fell through the cracks and got into the union after a merger, name change, etc (PAA). A date for an EAL Scab is his date of hire, no date means he’s old Eastern. "???" by an EAL Scab means that the name appeared on several Scab lists during the strike but was absent from the final list. Other remarks show past Employers or other claims to infamy. MOST Scabs at CAL have a LETTER at the END of their employee number (but not all have this). The Continental “Preferential Hire” List is on the last page. Most employee numbers are listed (ie 0220B). **For any corrections/additions/updates PLEASE email [email protected]!** HERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE NUMBER OF SCABS FROM EACH AIRLINE: Air North Summary AirNorth Both Scabs Listed Australian Summary AFAP 89 85 America West & Braniff Scabs Century Summary Century 1 Scab Identified Thus Far Continental Summary CAL 83 2,019 Scabs listed Eastern Summary EAL 89 2,255 Scabs Listed National Summary NAL 48 101 Scabs listed out of 167 total Northwest Summary NWA 78 34 Scabs listed Pan American Summary PAA 85 139 Scabs listed Prinair Summary Prinair 2 Scabs listed Rio Airways Summary RIO 76 43 Scabs listed Southern Summary SOU 60 205 Scabs listed TWA Summary TWA 46 2 Scabs listed United Summary UAL 85 935 Scabs listed Western Summary WAL 58 3 Scabs listed Wien Air Alaska Summmary WAA 77 82 Scabs listed Comair Summary CMR 01 3 Scabs listed TOTAL LISTED SCABS 5,911 (Century & NAL incomplete) Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them Aristotle The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing Edmund Burke People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them Eric Hoffer We should forgive our enemies, but only after they have been hanged first Heinrich Heine What a man is speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what he says Emerson It is better to die while standing on your feet than to be living on your knees Emilio Zapata 1 JUMPSEAT PROTECTION LIST MAR 01 (chg 5) http://www.Scablist.com SCAB AIRLINE SCAB INFORMATION Abbott, Gregory V EAL 89 72887, 8/99 Aber, Leland Arland EAL 89 71307, 5/89 Abrahamson, Peter M CAL 83 453-53-4711 Accardo, Paul A EAL 89 7/89, 70909 Achille, Joseph M EAL 89 00167 Adair, Frank Houston SOU 60 dob 10/6/32, 420-38-0667, 01701 Adams, Alfred M EAL 89 36349 Adams, C W EAL 89 00272 Adams, Daniel L UAL 85 53430, dob 11/1957, Fleet Qual $50K, 539, Seniority Suit Adams, E H PAA 85 Berlin Scab Adams, James B EAL 89 00335, 1/88, Scab Capt Adams, John V EAL 89 37716, 7/89 Adams, Keith J EAL 89 80347 Adams, Norman B CAL 83 dob 9/9/49 Adams, R G EAL 89 00442 Addison, J G UAL 85 30182, DEAD Adkins, Clyde E, II CAL 83 dob 5/13/47 Adkisson, Gary D CAL 83 dob 2/18/48, 559-76-4182, doh 4/23/84 Adragna, Thomas M CAL 83 dob 12/31/48, 096-38-2728 Agostino, Robert W EAL 89 51548, 8/89 Aguero, Carlos A CAL 83 dob 5/27/50 Aguiar, Jonathan J EAL 89 20962, 4/89 Aguilar, Robert O CAL 83 dob 2/11/48, 450-80-2431 Ahern, James E CAL 83 dob 1950, 328-42-8820 Akam, Glenn L EAL 89 6/89, 87391 Akbaryar, Bashir EAL 89 17259, 7/89 Akers, William F CAL 83 dob 8/12/54 Akkarach, Pradit EAL 89 4/89, Resigned Alava, Victor P EAL 89 99594, 6/89, UAC Contract, Resigned Albers, Dwight C CAL 83 dob 2/17/62 Albertson, Terry F UAL 85 41040, 570 Group, Pioneer Airlines, Crossed 1st day Albright, Franklin C CAL 83 8/29/49, Now AA: doh 7/16/86, Emp#041375, DFW777, in APA Albright, Robert J EAL 89 88109, 5/89 Albury, C D EAL 89 00750, Retired 10/80, Enola Gay Co-Pilot Alden, Dave RIO 76 Alder, Clifford L CAL 83 dob 7/28/56 Alderson, T G NAL 48 Aldrich, Nancy W UAL 85 65921, 570 Group, FOTI, Retired, Crossed 1st day Aldrich, William H, III EAL 89 43928, 7/89 Alessi, Darreil F CAL 83 dob 1/27/42, 341-32-6964 Alewine, W M EAL 89 00831 Alexander, D B PAA 85 xfer to UAL 2/86, 58314 Alexander, Dana L CAL 83 dob 11/1/49, 565-80-2040 Alexander, Harold G EAL 89 99588, 6/89 Alexander, Michael W EAL 89 17260, 7/89 Alexander, P M EAL 89 01282 Alexander, Thomas E EAL 89 4/89, Terminated Alexander, Wyatt H EAL 89 00867 Alford, James W EAL 89 95120, Resigned Alford, Tom J CAL 83 dob 2/18/45, doh 7/22/85 Alford, Wayne L EAL 89 99619, 6/89 Alkema, John RIO 76 Allan, George Alexander EAL 89 20189, 4/89, Resigned Allen, C D EAL 89 00987 Allen, Dennis EAL 89 79711, 7/89 Allen, Frank L SOU 60 Allen, Frank W CAL 83 dob 12/21/52, 459-98-0459, doh 6/17/85 Allen, Gerald M EAL 89 17218, 7/89 Allen, Richard P EAL 89 01040, 7/56, FEIA Allen, Robert J EAL 89 43463, 7/89 Allen, Scott D EAL 89 80349, 5/89 Allen, Stephen EAL 89 79562, 7/89 Allen, Stephen H CAL 83 dob 9/17/48, 515-52-6590 Allen, Wayne E UAL 85 19723, dob 12/21/40 Alley, Amos D, Jr SOU 60 Allison, Daniel H EAL 89 83387, 5/89 Allison, Leo G UAL 85 19917, dob 10/27/44, Fleet Qual $75k, BNF FAL Horizon Allnatt, Thomas C CAL 83 dob 1/9/56, doh 4/1/85 Almeyda, Edwardo J EAL 89 86730, 6/89 Alpe, Louis A CAL 83 dob 1/3/45 Alsbury, Donald E EAL 89 73069, 7/89 Alsup, Claude F EAL 89 01373 Alvarez, J EAL 89 1484 Alves, L W UAL 85 89704, Capital, ALPA, “Wally”, Retired Amador, Roberto T EAL 89 99633, 6/89 Amann, Lawrence S CAL 83 dob 8/2/42 Amend, Frank R, Jr EAL 89 20781, 4/89 America, William L EAL 89 4/89, UAC contract, arrest by Narcs at TWA Amerkan, Joel EAL 89 01554 Amerman, Ted G CAL 83 dob 6/28/38, 456-56-3828 2 JUMPSEAT PROTECTION LIST MAR 01 (chg 5) http://www.Scablist.com Amini, Mehdi EAL 89 41981, 7/89 Ammons, Henry B EAL 89 01551 Andersen, Borre D UAL 85 19805, dob 4/20/51 Andersen, David A CAL 83 dob 4/3/54, 481-72-3176 Andersen, Jim C UAL 85 89762, Capital, Retired Anderson, Bradley J EAL 89 20968, 5/89 Anderson, C E UAL 85 63879, TCA, Retired, “Chuck” Anderson, Chester P EAL 89 44041, 7/89 Anderson, D A CAL 83 doh 9/16/85, ALPA # 662437 Anderson, David W CAL 83 dob 12/29/43, 458-68-9099 Anderson, Dwight D EAL 89 1942 Anderson, G L UAL 85 05550, dob 4/6/41 Anderson, Gary C CAL 83 dob 4/6/46 Anderson, Howard E CAL 83 dob 1/3/51 Anderson, J R PAA 85 Domestic System Scab, Now at Delta, ATL767, “Jim” Anderson, J R UAL 85 42006, not same guy as PAA Scab, ALPA, Retired, “Jim” Anderson, Jon J EAL 89 6442 Anderson,
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