Dedicated to the ideal* Address And interests of yotmg UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americans of Ukrainian SECTION descent ШШ 81-83 Grand Street informative, instructive. Supplement of Jersey City S, N. Л. Ukrainian Daily Svoboda УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ щол&шик UKRAINIAN DAILY Published by the TeL HEnderson 4-0287 Ukrainian National Ukrainian National Ass'n Association. The Ukrainian Weekly Section TeL HEnderson 4-1016 РПС LXLT. - 4. 145 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1955 SECTION TWO No. 145 VOL. LXbl 1,000 RED ARMY VETS, INCLUDING Soviets to Produce 200 Films, Only New Style Convention Discussed Wins Scholarship to UNA Cultural UKRAINIANS, TRAIN Gl's One Ukrainian At UYL-NA Parley Courses at "Soyuzivka" Some thousand odd veterans Alexander Ruskewich, 2027 my father's country. Attending "There are two qualities of The Literary Gazette, pub­ Other films are Latvian and Final plans for a new de­ commission will be attended by of the Soviet Array, including 74th street, Brooklyn, N. Y., church on Sundays. I listen to aliens in the U.S. Army. Both lished in Moscow, Russia, re­ Estonian. parture in Ukrainian Youth's less people than a session of all a number of Ukrainians, who won the Michel Plznak, Esq. some of our beautiful liturgical can do a good GJ. job. Some Only one film of the two hun­ League of North America con­ delegates and guests, the dis­ . ports that the USSR film scholarship to the Ukrainian music. I have heard our people to escape the individual and came frankly for the materia) dred will be Ukrainian. It will vention were laid at a League cussions will be much more studios will produce and re­ Cultural Courses to be conduct­ sing our .folk songs—some sad national slavedom and torment advantages—food, pay and an about Ivan Franko, the great Executive Board meeting held informal, and each participant lease 200 films, all approved ed during the month of Au­ and some gay. Occasionally, I inflicted upon them by their easier life; others gave up fam­ Ukrainian poet, writer, scholar in Pittsburgh July 9-Ю. will have a better chance of Red masters, are today teach­ gust (beginning this Wednes­ have read poems written by ily, profession, everything that by the Soviet Ministry of Cul­ and patriot. It is intended to In accordance with a decision having his views heard. day) at the "Soyuzivka," and, Shevchenko and Franko, trans­ ing American soldiers about drives a man, for the one great ture. be a biography of him, but, as reached at the 1954 Chicago During registration those at­ with it, the vacation there ac­ lated into English, in The Uk­ Red arms and tactics, accord­ gamble of freedom." He stub­ to be expected, it will be a convention, this year's meet to tending the convention will be Of the 65 which will be re­ companying the courses rainian Weekly. ing to Gen. John E. Dahlquist, bed his cigaret firmly. "I know false picture of him. In this be held in Pittsburgh, Labor asked to state which commiss­ leased this year, 16 have al­ throughout the entire month. commanding the Continental of the Bachelor of Science fronr Soviet Russian film, Franko, Day Weekend, Hotel Willhim ion they would like to work "All this has awakened my ready been produced. The scholarship includes a Army Command, as reported the University of Prague—hi who struggled and. suffered in Penn, will be run according to with. There will be freedom tc interest in Ukrainian culture. .nonth's vacation. by William A. Ulman, in last is selling sardines in a PX. Ht Of the 200 productions, 61 the cause of Ukrainian national the commission system. This attend the work of more thar For the past two years I've month's (June, 1955) issue of is waiting, but he is waiting ire Russian, the scenarios of freedom, will be depicted as a system viualizes that a number one commission or to switch The subject of • the essay learned some of the Ukrainian' "Nation's Business," described to be used." which are based on the works great lover of Russian culture. of commissions will be set up from one to another If so de­ was: "Why I would like to at­ dances and have performed at as a magazine for businessmen. of such Russian writers as Franko was a great lover not to discuss specific areas of sired. tend the Ukrainian Cultural various functions before the Sergeant "Moskva" Ukrainian and American pub­ This group of foreign nation­ Sholokhiv, Fedln, Hladky, Ka- of Russian but of Ukrainian League interest. Participants Regarding the proposed com­ Courses at the SoyUzivka." Of lic as a member of the Ukrain­ als have been allowed to en­ Andrei Moskva, another mar taiev, Horbaty, Granik, Chu- culture, and to it he added in the convention can choose to mission system, Michael Solo­ the number received by Mr. ian Dancers of New York. I list in the U.S. Army because in this group of specialisti' kovsky, Lagin, and Nikolaiev. much. • work in the commission dealing mon, UYL-NA President said: Piznak, who is vice president am also a member of the Ukr they can provide valuable spe­ training American Gl's, is Uk­ with that aspect of League 'The opinion and knowledg< of the UNA, and who offered rainian National Association. cialist talents... "I think this rainian born, in the Kiev Ob- activities in which they are of each UYL-NA member ix .he scholarship in memory of the late Dr. Luke Myshuha, for­ program—the Lodge Act—is last in 1928. He bears hu Ukrainians Welcome American most interested. Recommenda­ important to the Leaggue. Wt "I'm a student at the CCNY mer editor-in-chief of Svoboda, extremely, valuable to our Ar­ false name (meaning Moscow) tions arrived at-by commissions believe that by dividing thi (College of the City of New the essay sent to him by Mr. [ my ... It is gratifying to note with grim spite—there is lit Farmers will be presented at a plenary work among commissions wt York.—Ed.) and .have there­ tie more hateful to him than Ruskewich was the prize-win­ tftat these stateless citizens, session of all delegates on the will make it possible for more fore worked every summer to a Muscovite, a Russian. Wher. The group of American farms and tractor factories', ner. " , most of them from countries final day of the convention to people to share more of theii cover my expenses. Due to an he was born in 1928, one of farmers on a tour throughout they decided to give the Uk­ from behind the Iron Curtain, be voted on and, if passed, to opinions and experiences with accident this summer I am un­ three children, his father hac the Soviet Union, were warmly rainians an idea of American Text of Prize Winning Essay have volunteered to serve five become UYL-NA law. the UYL-NA and their fellow- ч able to work and would like to his own prosperous farm. "Ai welcomed by the Ukrainian folk songs, and this they did years in our Army to qualify Four commissions have been members. If everyone attend­ "Dear Mr. Piznak: fulfill my desire to learn more a peasant he now works twice kolhoepniki — state collective with gusto. The Ukrainian* for U.S. citizenship..." declared set up by the Board. These ing this year's convention (b> "I've heard of the Kozaks about our rich Ukrainian her­ as hard for a fourth as much." farmers—with Ukrainian folk responded with a medley of Gen. Dahlquist. are: Sports Commission, to be the way it's to be Pittsburgh and their bold deeds and have itage., I would be very grate­ Andrei sat across from his in­ songs and dances, according Ukrainian folk songs, and chaired by Al Pronchick; Po­ Labor Day Weekend, Hotel always wondered what else ful to you if you could help The names by which Mr. Ul­ terviewer in the uniform of a to Moscow's daily Pravda. with Ukrainian folk dances, licy and Procedures Commiss­ William Penn) picks a com­ there is behind the history of me attain this goal." man refers to them are false. sergeant in the Russian Ar­ The Americans started it. which the Americans enjoyed ion, Bill Polewchak, Chairman; mission, attends its sessions Their true names are known mored Corps which he had While inspecting the collective* very much. Cultural Commission, Joanne and doesn't hesitate to express only to a handful in the United worn that morning for some Draginda, and Financial Com­ an opinion or make a sugges­ States. But even this does not movie shots, for our Army Awarded "Soyuzivka" Ukrainian protect them from receiving mission, Joe Gurski. tion, then the convention will movie shots. The uniform was Lederle Ukrainian Researcher be a big success from the or­ Cultural Courses Scholarship threatening letters from the neat and well made. The commission system MVD, secret police, agents. But Plays Her Bagpipes in Parking makes it possibble for delegates ganizational point of view. We Seargeant Moskva was in when a man whose new identity and guests to concentrate their are confident that that Is what Pretty 18-уеаг old Helen Sa- the Soviet Army from 1949 to shows him to be from Lviv, re­ Lots work on fields m which they jit is going to be". muialf, of 7(0$ ' W, Lycoming 1952 in an antiaircraft bat­ are most Interested. Since each LSt,, was,, awarded the free ceives threats concerning rela­ Miss LillianLipchuk, of Uk talion stationed near the Aus­ The article goes a ИШо into.
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