INDEX OF AWARDS AND AWARDING BODIES See How to Use the Grants Register p. ix This index contains (i) the names of organizations and agencies (with country in parentheses) which offer or administer funds, (ii) the names of co-sponsoring organizations, and (iii) awards with distinctive names. Organizations and awards named after individuals are listed under the surname (last name). Names usually appearing before the surname are listed in parentheses. Universities are listed under the town or other name. Numbers listed refer to the code numbers which appear at the head of entries in the main text. 1967 Science and Engineering Scholarships Ahmanson Postdoctoral Scholarships 71 673 Ainsworth (Herbert) Scholarship 958 1983 University Research Fellowships 797 Air Force Office of Scientific Research 917 1989 Polytechnique Commemorative Award Albee (Edward F) Foundation, Inc (US) 12 231 Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Re- search (Can) 13 Alberta Research Council (Can) 14 Abbey Scholarship 199 Alberta University (Can) 14 Abe Fellowship 834 Alcan Aluminium Limited (Can) 15 Abrams (Charles) Scholarship 63 Alexander (J R W) Studentship 222 Abt (Lucile A) Scholarship Awards 155 Algren (Nelson) Awards 279 Academy of Finland 381 All Saints Educational Trust (UK) 16 Academy of Marketing Science Foundation Allcard Grants 970 (US) 1 Allen (A D and P A) Memorial Fund (UK) Academy of Motion Picture Arts and 87 Sciences (US) 2 Allen & Hanburys (UK) 197 Academy of Science and Technology of the Allen (Francis C) Fellowships 689 Philippines 797 Allport (Gordon) Prize 840 Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Alpha Kappa Psi Doctoral Dissertation 3 Alzheimer's Association (US) 17 Acadia University (Can) 4 American Academy for Jewish Research 18 ACLS: See American Council of Learned So- American Academy in Rome (Italy) 19 cieties American Academy of Arts and Letters 20 Action Research (UK) 5 American Academy of Facial Plastic and Adenauer (Konrad) Research Award 932 Reconstructive Surgery 21 AECI Limited (SA) 6 American Academy of Family Physicians 22 Aer Lingus (Eire) 99 American Academy of Neurology 23 Africa Educational Trust 7 American Academy of Pediatrics 24 African Institute for Economic Development American Accordion Musicological Society and Planning (Senegal} 911 25 African Wildlife Foundation (Kenya) 8 American Accounting Association 26 Afro-Asian Institute in Vienna 9 American Action Fund for Blind Childret. and AFUD: See American Foundation for Urologic Adults 645 Disease American Antiquarian Society 27 Agricultural & Food Development Authority American Association for Dental Research (Ireland) 891 28 Agricultural and Food Research Council American Association for Women Radiol­ (UK) 449 ogists 29 Agricultural History Society (US) 10 American Association of Colleges of Phar­ Agricultural Research Council of Norway 11 macy 40 729 Index of Awards and Awarding Bodies American Association of Law Libraries 30 American Planning Association 63 American Association of Obstetricians and American Podiatric Medical Association 64 Gynecologists 215 American Political Science Association 65 American Association of Pharmaceutial Scien- American Research Center in Egypt 66 tists 40 American Research Institute in Turkey 67 American Cancer Society 527 American-Scandinavian Foundation (US) 68 American Chemical Society 31 American School of Classical Studies at American College of Physicians 32 Athens (Greece) 69 American Committee on the Bicentennial of American Social Health Association 70, 215 the French Revolution 392 American Society for Eighteenth-Century American Council of Learned Societies 403, Studies 27, 71 641 American Society for Engineering Education American Council on Education 33 72 American Dance Guild 34 American Society for Medical Technology American Dental Hygienists' Association In- Education and Research Fund, Inc 73 stitute for Oral Health 35 American Society of Civil Engineers 74 American Diabetes Association 36 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating American Film Institute/NEA 37 and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc 75 American Foundation for Aging Research 38 American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Re- American Foundation for AIDS Research search and Education Foundation (US) 103 (AmFAR) 39 American Society of Naval Engineers 76 American Foundation for Pharmaceutical American Sociological Association 77 Education 40 American Tinnitus Association 78 American Foundation for Urologic Disease, American Water Works Association 79 Inc 41 Ammann (0 H) Research Fellowship 74 American Foundation for Vision Awareness Anda (Geza) Foundation (Switzerland) 80 (AFVA) 42 Anda (Geza) International Piano Competi- American Friends of Cambridge University tion (Switzerland) 80 221 Anderson (Marian) Competition (US) 590 American Heart Association, Inc 43 Anderson (Sir Rowand) Silver Medal 787 American Home Economics Association Foun­ Andrews (Philip) Memorial Studentship 554 dation 44 Anglo-Austrian Music Society (UK) 81 American Institute for Economic Research Anglo--Brazilian Society (UK) 82 45 Anglo-Danish Society (UK) 83 American Institute of Baking 46 Anglo--German Foundation for the Study of American Institute of Certified Public Ac­ Industrial Society (UK) 84 countants 47 Anglo-Israel Association (UK) 85 American Institute of Contemporary German Anglo--Jewish Association (UK) 86 Studies 403 Animal Health Trust (UK) 87 American Jewish Archives 48 Anti-Cancer Foundation of the Universities of American Jewish Historical Society 211 South Australia 88 American Journal of Nursing Company 697 ANZAC Fellowships 337 American Library Association 49 Apex Foundation for Research into Intellec- American Liver Foundation 50 tual Disability Ltd (Aus) 89 American Mathematical Society 51 APLAR Region Study Grant 97 American Museum of Natural History 52 Appraisal Institute Education Trust (US) 90 American Music Center, Inc 53 Arab-British Chamber Charitable Founda- American Music Scholarship Association 54 tion (UK) 466, 557 American Musicological Society 55 Architects Registration Council of the United American Nuclear Society 56 Kingdom 91 American Numismatic Society 57 Architectural Association (UK) 477 American Oriental Society 58 Architectural History Foundation (US) 92 American Ornithologists' Union 59 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) American Otological Society 60 93 American Philosophical Association 61 Arthritis & Rheumatism Council (UK) 94 American Philosophical Society 62 Arthritis Care (UK) 95 730 Index of Awards and Awarding Bodies Arthritis Foundation (US) 96 Auckland Medical Research Foundation (NZ) Arthritis Foundation of Australia 97 125 Arthritis Society (Can} 98 Auckland University (NZ) 126 Arts Council (Eire) 99, 101 Australian Academy of the Humanities 127 Arts Council of England 100 Australian-American Educational Founda- Arts Council of Northern Ireland 101 tion (Aus} 128 Arts Foundation (UK) 102 Australian Cancer Society 129 ARUP-Leeds University Scholarship 557 Australian Early Childhood Association, Inc ASBAH (UK) 107 130 ASECS: See American Society for Eighteenth- Australian-European Awards Program (Aus) Century Studies 334 ASHP Foundation (US) 103 Australian Federation of University Women Asian Cultural Council (US) 104 508 Aslib (UK) 191 Australian Federation of University Women, ASMT: See American Society for Medical South Australia, Inc 131 Technology Australian Federation of University Women- Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Victoria 132 Music (UK) 105 Australian Government 133 Association for Library and Information Australian-Greek Awards Program (Aus) 334 Science Education (US) 106 Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Association for Spina Bifida and Hydroceph­ Strait Islander Studies 134 alus (ASBAH) (UK) 107 Australian Institute of Medical Scientists 135 Association of American Geographers 108 Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain Engineering 136 and Ireland 109 Australian Kidney Foundation 137 Association of Commonwealth Universities Australian Music Foundation in London (UK) 110 (UK) 138 Association of Consulting Engineers (UK) Australian National University 139 111 Australian Research Council 140 Association of International Education (Japan) Australian War Memorial 141 112 Austrian Academy of Sciences 142, 500 Association of MBAs (AMBA) (UK) 113 Austrian Cultural Institute 143 Association of Rhodes Scholars in Australia Austrian Federal Ministry for Science 143 114 Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Re- Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and search 144 Ireland 115 Austrian Government 144 Association of Teachers and Lecturers (UK) Auxiliary of the National Rural Letter Carriers 116 Association (US) 155 Association of Universities and Colleges of Avon Products Foundation (US) 216 Canada 117 Azrieli (David J) Fellowship 301 Asthma Foundation of Victoria (Aus} 118 Asthma Society of Canada 119 Babbage (Charles) Institute (US) 145 Athenaeum International Cultural Centre Baber (Carroll Preston) Research Grant 49 (Greece) 120 Backeberg Research Scholarship 958 Athlone-Vanier Fellowships 770 Backon (Fanny and Shlomo) Bursary 909 Atkins (Robert) Award 486 Baddams (Thenie) Bursary 131 Atkinson (Donald) Fund (UK) 839 Baeck (Leo) Institute (US) 403 Atlantic Salmon Federation (US and Can) 121 Baker and Taylor Grants 49 Atlantic Salmon Trust (UK) 121 Baker (E A) Foundation for the Prevention of Atlantic School of Theology (Can) 122 Blindness (Can} 146 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd 123 Baker (June) Trust (UK) 147 Atwood
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