TI-4E WNEELER TIMES (USPS 681-960) VOLUME 67, NUMBER 17 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2000 Single Copy 40c "Wheeler, town of friendship and pride." CHAT WITH OWE EDITOR By Louis C. Stas Ft. EMott Golf Teams Win District CONGRATULATIONS, Wheeler Ft. Elliott Studends Do Boys' Golf and Ft. Elliott Boys' . and Girls' Golf Teams. The teams took top honors in their respective Well At Dist. U.I.L. Meet District Tournaments. Ft. Elliott was well represented at the District U.I.L. High School Aca- Ft. Elliott will also be well demic Meet at Clarendon College on represented at the Regional U. I.L. March 27. First, second and third Scholastic meet. Their placings is place winners will represent the school reported elsewhere. at the regional competition in most —cwe— events.. Don't forget to vote Tuesday, Those placing in the district meet And, don't forget your 'darn' card. were: —cwe— Calculator Team: Ft. Elliott placed I get to report rain again. 1.19 second. Team members are Carissa inches .was waiting to be measured Dukes, Ashley Estes and Amber when we got home over the Estes. Individually the placings were `weekend. This was reported to Carissa Dukes, second, and Ashley have fallen Saturday. Estes, 6th. —cwe— Mathematics: Ashley Estes, fourth. I am told it was just a miserable day The Mathematics team will be alter- Saturday—cold and wet. nate; team members are Ashley —cwe— Estes, Jocelyn Meek and Carissa COUGAR GOLF TEAM: The Ft. Elliott Cougars Golf Team took first place The total for March was 4.01 LADY COUGAR GOLFERS: Ft. Elliott's Lady Cougar Golfers took first place Dukes. honors at the District Golf meet. The team will represent the school at the inches. honors at the district meet on Monday. They will represent the district at the Number Sense: Ashley Estes, sec- Regional Meet. Team members are (I. to r.) Seth Meadows, Wesley Hathaway, —cwe— regional meet. Team members are (I. to r.) Julie Zybach, Ashley Estes, Jackie ond. The number sense team placed Curt Smith, Kade Zybach and T. J. Trimble. David Britt called Tuesday. In Dukes, Jocelyn Meek and Stephanie Baker. second and will be alternates to re- the track story last week, we listed gional; team members are Ashley Ben Britt as one of the Wheeler Estes, Carolyn Aycock and Wesley team members. It should have read Hathaway. Jacob. Sorry Jacob. Ready Writing: Larry Lee Horn, —cwe— sixth. I noticed the parking stripes on Mustang Golf Team Wins District Science (Overall): Ashley Estes, Texas Street Tuesday evening as I third Science (Top Scorers: Ashley was leaving work and was not sure The Wheeler Boy's Golf Team took Wheeler team were Raymond Gen- Estes, Biology Alternate and Physics whenthey appeared, or who put them first place honors in the District Golf try, 84-164; Lynn Holland, 82-168; there. Tournament Monday. The team Dee Alston, 89 and Dirk Chapman, Alternate. —cwe— scored 330-652 with the second place 87-174. Spelling & Vocabulary (Individu- The question was answered team being Shamrock A with 343- At the end of the district competi- ally): Stephanie Baker, third; Monty Wednesday morning when I saw our Hand, fifth. 665. tion, Wheeler's girls were in fourth city employees out doing the striping. Individually the placings put place with 854. The first place team, Poetry Interpretation, Larry Lee Keep up the good work, Frank, Wheeler's Nic Ware in second place Booker, had a score of 769. Horn, first; Melissa Kephart, sixth. Wesley, and Jason! Prose Interpretation: Carissa with 77-146. A member of the Mem- Individual scores for the girls were: Dukes, first; Stephanie Baker, sec- —ewe— phis team, Bubba Bailey was first Kenzie Chick, 210; Bekah Morrison, One other thing, the future of ond. individually with 72-145. 212; Shannon Lewellen, 212; J. J. Headline Writing: Tamera Hartline, Wheeler's highway barn is again in Scores for the remainder of the Johnson, 229, and Tina McWhorter, *question. Citizens are being asked to 244. first. write their Senator and Congress- man to let them know we are opposed Jay T. Wallis, 68, Rites to the closing of the facility. More information can be found in the ad on page 3. Are April 5 In Mobeeite —ewe— Jay T. Wallis, 68, died Friday, March We took our usual trip to Okla- 31, 2000 at Chama, New Mexico. homa, with nothing special to report. Services were at 2:00 P.M. Tues- —cwe— day, April 5, 2000 in the First Baptist The card game Monday evening Church of Mobeetie with Rev.Thacker went well for my team. We won the Haynes, pastor of the First United first two games. Dwight, Bob and BOUND FOR REGIONAL: The Wheeler Boys' Golf team took first place honors Methodist Church-in McLean, offici- Barbara had the highest score at the at the district tournament and will be advancing to regional on April 26-27. ating. Burial was in the Mobeetie Cem- end of thethird game. Jane, and Mike Pictured , (I to r.) Dee Alston, Rayfltond Gentry, Lynn Holland, Dirk Chapman etery by Wright Funeral Home of (Continued Page 8) and Nic Ware. Wheeler. Mr. Wallis was born January 27, 1932 to J.T. and Bertie Wallis. He `Special Olympics Meet Moved Indoors was a rancher and cowboy all of his Neither rain nor sleet nor early hours sang the Star Spangle Banner and life. He worked for the Britt Ranch in can keep a Special Olympics track Wheeler County Judge, Jerry Hefley, Wheeler, the Webb Ranch north of meet from taking place and this was gave the welcome. Justin Lee of McLean, and the Theis Ranch near proven to be true Sat. morning April Shamrock gave the special Olympic Chama, New Mexico. He was a vet- 1st in Wheeler. Faced with cancella- Oath and after the torch run by tan- eran of the Korean War where he tion after several inches of rain on dem teams of Law Enforcement and served in the Army as a Corporal. He loved woodworking, leather and metal Friday and steady drizzle Sat morn- an athleticfrom each team, the games DISTRICT U.I.L. WINNERS: These young people will represent Ft. Elliott at the art, and making belt buckles from elk ing, the host Islanders and the many, began. Sheriff Jimmy Adams pre- regional U.I.L. scholastic competition. Their competition and placing are listed horns. He is preceded in death by his many volunteers turned almost a sure sented medals to the athletics at the in the story. Pictured are (I. to r.) Tamera Hartline, Stephanie Baker, Ashley wife, Evelyn Wallis; his parents; and disappointment into a great event. end of each event and an enthusiast Estes and Larry Lee Horn. Carissa Dukes is not pictured. Approximately 60 athletics and their crowd of families, athletics and vol- sister, Margie Banks. coaches, sponsors and families were unteers got behind each participant Survivors include son and daugh- it diverted from the Wheeler track field to cheer them on the victory. A lun- ter-in-law, Larry and Brenda Wallis of to the Old Wheeler Gym Sat. morning cheon of hamburgers and chips and McLean, 2 daughters, Jaylene 9-1-1 Rural Addressing Project Underway to participate in the first Special Olym- Fairless of Amarillo and Donna Wallis all the trimmings was cooked and The Panhandle Regional 9-1-1 Office and the Regional 9-1-1 Net- pic event in Wheeler county. Every- of Amarillo; 2 brothers and sisters-in- served by the Wheeler Fire Depart- Network is currently working on the workof the Panhandle Regional Plan- one pitched in and modified the track law, Wayne and Jean Wallis of Ama- ment for the nearly 200 that attended. Rural Addressing Project for Wheeler ning Commission. These agencies meet into an indoor event in a matter rillo and Autry and Jackie of Mes- Many people worked very hard and County. The project involves assign- share the common goal of providing of an hour. Events such as the soft- businesses in both Shamrock and VOCAL SOLOIST: Katie Shipp quite, TX; 3 sisters, Marvella of Port the best 9-1-1 services for the citi- ball throw, became a basketball throw. earned her second trip to San Marcos Charles, Louisiana, Vondell of Mes- ing city type addresses consisting of Wheeler donated items to pull this house numbers and street names to zens of Wheeler County. Running events were remeasured event off an individual thank you would to compete in the Texas Vocal Solo & quite, TX and June of Lubbock; 8 The purpose of the Rural Address- and realigned to fit inside and the Ensamble Competition. On Feb. 26 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchil- homes and businesses in rural ar- be impossible in this article, however, eas. Citizens living within an incorpo- ing Project is to provide emergency concession stands were quickly swept of this year Katie earned a place in dren. a special acknowledgement goes to rated area are not affected by this service personnel such as fire de- and made ready for a steady stream the state competition on May 29, 2000. the North Wheeler County Ambulance project. partments, ambulance services, and of customers. The aditional parade Katie is the daughter of Andy and Service and crew, the Wheeler Sher- W. Bee Burgess Buried The Project is a combined effort of law enforcement with a more efficient of athletics was followed by the flag iffs Department, the Shamrock Po- Elizabeth Shipp. the Wheeler County Commissioners way of locating 9-1-1 callers. By as- ceremony presented by the Wheeler lice Department and the XI UPSILON At Mobeetie On Wed.
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